Chapter 3

Fly by Night

"I can't believe this." Himchan fell back in his seat. "This is bull!" He let out a yell, disturbing everyone in the room.

"Oppa, calm down." Saejin scolded. She was sitting next to him, as always. Even though Himchan wasn't the smartest guy out there, he was smart enough to be in the advanced class with Saejin and Youngjae. The rest were in the class below. Plus, Saejin tutored Himchan to at least pass at the most.

Youngjae sat in front of Himchan. "Yah, it's only a quiz." He pushed up his glasses.

Himchan spazzed and punched the air in front of him. "But I didn't understand a single thing yesterday, gosh Dangit!"

"I'm sure you won't get a zero." Saejin told him.

"Ack!" He breathed in. "Youngjae teach me."


"C'mon. Hurry." He leaned in his desk, snatching Youngjae's notes. Youngjae tried to get them back, but he ended up helping Himchan.

The chair behind her made a sound. Saejin turned and saw Kai staring right at her. "Hey. I'm in this class too, remember?" She sighed and nodded, turning back to Himchan and Youngjae.

"Saejin!" A sweet voice called, running over to her. Saejin noticed that voice as Im Yoona. The only girl who ever talked to her at school. She was always busting with energy. 

"Hey," Saejin replied, yawning. She could have fallen asleep at that moment. Actually, when she got home, she was going to. She was gonna be up the whole night anyway. They'd only get four hours of sleep. Not that they expected anything more.

Yoona pouted "Up all night again? You're something.. No wonder you're the smartest in the class," she looked over at Himchan. "And your family." She said sarcastically.

Himchan stopped what he was doing, which was reaching over and trying to mess Youngjae's hair up when he returned the look.

"It's not as easy as you think." Saejin rested her head on her desk.

Yoona scoffed. "Really. I'd like to try to stay up with you for just one night. Maybe you could help me on midterms and tests."

"Sorry, bad situation at home. You could if I actually got my dad's permission. But I don't know about that. It's not even that interesting."

Yoona gaped. "Hey, you have two brothers, a sister, and a dad who's a police officer. You pretty much got it good."

Saejin's sister, Sooyoung was in college right now. She left last year.

Saejin looked up at her, her head still on the desk. "Grass is always greener on the other side."

"Yeah, yeah." Yoona waved her hands. "Stop preaching." She leaned down to whisper, sitting down in the chair in front of Saejin. "I'm telling ya, Chanyeol needs to lay off it. He's pissing me off." She stuck her tongue out to someone across the room.

"What did he do now?"

"What do you think? He's Chanyeol. Geez, that boy is pure sugar." She shook her head.

"I heard my name, ladies and gents.." Chanyeol walked over and gazed down. "And Yoona."

Yoona straightened up. "Mworago?"

"Just saying the truth as it is." Chanyeol shrugged palms up. Chanyeol. He was a troublemaker, and his habit of eating everything in front of him didn't make anything better. He got detention at least four times a year because of all the pranks he pulled. He was one of the tallest in the class.

"Oh yeah, you giant?" She spat.

Chanyeol scowled. "Yoona.."

But he didn't get very far, because class had started.

Aaand, just like that, school was over. Saejin grabbed her bag and all her stuff and walked out of the building. It wasn't a bad day, but it was very stressful. Especially all the things that were going on tonight. She groaned and made her way to the car when she saw Himchan with some girl.

"How's tonight?" She asked with a smile on her face.

Himchan smiled apologetically, and Saejin already knew where he was going. There was no way he would be able to.

"Oh man. Sorry, I can't tonight. Family things.." He looked down. Yeah, totally family things. Plus Yongguk, Daehyun, Yongjae, and Jongup. Those brats.

Saejin sighed and hung around behind another car to wait. When she saw the girl walk away, she walked up to Himchan. "Poor girl." She had to admit, Himchan was a catch. "I thought you had practice?"

He nodded. "I do. I just have to get my bag." He looked around. "Or should I drive you home first? I have an hour since JV has practice before us."

She shrugged and got in the passenger seat. "You know I don't like driving."

He inhaled. "Neither does anyone else."

"Yah." She glared. "Just take me home. I need to sleep." She rested her head on the headrest behind her.

"Yes, ma'am." Himchan joked and dropped her off, where she finished her homework and fell asleep on her bed, ready to be woken up at any moment.

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exo-snsd #1
ubdate soon^^