Chapter 4

Fly by Night

"Saejin.. Wakie wakie!" She could barely make out the words on the surface. She peered open her eyes and could make out an image just like this morning.

Of Himchan holding a pillow in his hands.

Saejin jumped up in an instant. "I'm up! Calm down!"

He nodded. "Good." He put the pillow down slowly, but took his chances and swung at Saejin, hitting her in the stomach, then dropping it and running off, but peeked in her room. "Plus, dad's on his way home." He left. He had already changed for the night. Black tee,with a forest green sleeveless jacket, black pants and boots, with gloves on his hands.

"Arasso." Saejin called back. She went over to her closet, pressed a button in the back, and opened a secret door. Inside was everything she could ever need for her job. She put on her black tank top and over that her forest green jacket whose sleeves went to her elbows. Her pants were black and so were her boots. She put her hair up into a ponytail on her way downstairs.

Everyone downstairs basically had on the same things, just different lengths and colors.

"Oh, hey Zelo. When did you get back?" Saejin asked her younger brother who was sitting at the table.

"A minute ago. Literally." He let his head fall on the hard wood, not even caring. "Noona.. I'm so tired!" He whined.

Himchan handed him a bottle. " it up."

Zelo took it and blinked. "Hyung, what's this?"

"It keeps you awake." He answered, taking a drink from his water bottle. He threw it across the room, where it hit Daehyun in the stomach.

"Hyung, what the hell?!"

Himchan didn't say anything, just shrugged.

"So, when's dad getting home?" Saejin asked.

"Right now." Their dad, Kim Woojae,  a tall buff man with scars over his body walked through the door. He was a veteran, so he was prone to war, and ready for anything. "How's the family goin'?" He looked over at Yongguk and the others. "Oh, you're here too?"

Yongguk feigned sadness. "That's such a rude thing to say, Mr. Kim. I mean, we're all trained and all."

"We've done this before. With you. Many times." Daehyun said with a straight face.

Their dad widened his eyes for a split second, then sighed. "Alright. I guess. But what about your own teams?"

Yongguk scratched his head. "Well, Youngjae is at a family gathering."

"And Jongup suddenly couldn't make it for some reason. He's probably sleeping in, that rude.." Daehyun trailed off.

"So, we're taking two cars I guess?" Mr. Kim told them. He pointed towards Saejin, Yongguk and Himchan. "You and that kid and his friend."

"Yah! Know the name of your own kid, dad!" Himchan called.

He went on as of he heard nothing. "And Junhong and that other one comes with me."

"Daehyun. We've been over this countess times, it's Daehyun!" He said, defeated.

"Okay then," Mr. Kim went on, pulling out a map. "I'll be on the hill, waiting to snipe if I need to. Yongguk and Daehyun, wait outside behind the bushes, Junhong coming in from above. Himchan and Saejin, you will distract the rest while Yongguk, Daeyoung and Junhong go in and ambush them." He finished.

Daehyun held his head and started muttering. "Daehyun, it's Daehyun."

"Got it?"

"Ne!" They all said in unison.

"Good. Remember all your artillery." He put the map away.

Saejin ran back up to her closet and pulled out her belt. In it was her function watch, pepper spray, taser, and two knives on each side. She went downstairs to the gun room, took one, and ran to the car, where Himchan already had the engine running.

"Where are we going anyway?" She asked from the backseat.

"Downtown, so fun!" Himchan pretended to be totally excited, holding his fist close to his chest. They got there in under ten minutes, thanks to Himchan going over the speed limit. 

"Okay." Yongguk held his hand out and placed a small device in their hands. "Your earpieces.."

Saejin put hers in. "Alright. Zelo, can you hear me?"

A second later he replied. "Yep. Loud and clear."

They all set up in the places they were assigned earlier. Mr. Kim loaded his gun, and laid down on the hill, trigger set. "Now, the trade'll start in less than five minutes. It'll be a miracle if Saejin and Himchan hold them off, but don't count on it."

"So.. We wait?" Daehyun asked, looking over at Yongguk.

"I hate waiting!" Zelo cried from atop the huge warehouse building.

"Dangit, Junhong, be on your guard!" His dad scolded. Zelo shut his mouth with a frown. "Okay, I see 'em coming."

Saejin and Himchan looked at each other, nodded, and hid behind the trees. "Go for it when I tell you." Their dad instructed. He watched a black BMW pull up and drop off three guys in suits. In another car, four more men in suits came out. The kids let the guards get set up in position to guard the warehouse and the leaders. 

"Hello, J. Long time no see." One guy said. His head was shaved and he had a beard, with sunglasses over his eyes. Really? At night? "Shall we go in?" He offered to let the guys from the other car pass in front. They left inside the building, leaving the guards outside.

"Saejin, Himchan, show time." Their dad grinned.

On cue, they both came out of hiding with mischievous smiles plastered on their faces. "Whatsup, boys?" Himchan got out his pepper spray and started shaking the can.

The guards quickly got out their guns and held them up.

Saejin laughed. "Cute." We flipped one of her knives in her hand. She looked at it for a while, flipping it in midair, before throwing it and slashing one of the guard's jackets. Blood started pouring out at a fast rate. "Guys, they have blood."

"Vampires." Daehyun mused.

Zelo grinned and let his night vision goggles fall over his face.

"Who's in there? Hernandez?" Himchan guessed. Hernandez was wanted by the force for many crimes, including robbing, illegal holdings, and murdering humans and nigh creatures.

"Not telling you kids."

Another one clicked his gun. "You don't stand a chance."

Saejin hit a guy in the stomach, flipped his hand, and when he staggered, she bent down and tripped him. She fought some more guys, and saved Himchan's a time or two.

"I'm not gonna say thanks." Himchan looked at Saejin.

She felt a twinge. "I.. I saved you!" She knocked another guy out.

"I could've taken him out!" Himchan kicked someone into the tree. They both got in a stance and realized that they had taken them all out. He laughed. "Dad, who said it could've been a miracle? Huh?"

"Not now." Their dad said.

In no time, Daehyun, Yongguk and Mr. Kim all had guys in glowing green cuffs. Mr. Kim was there and talking about the R-force coming. Himchan nudged Yongguk. "They'll be here in less then ten. Lets get going." They all nodded and got into one car and drove off.

"If you ask me, that was way too easy." Yongguk thought out loud, biting his lip.

"Come on, they're probably new at it. They didn't look a day over twenty." Daehyun looked over his shoulder.

"They're supposed to look like that, idiot." Himchan smacked the back of his head. He was right. For once. Vampires were supposed to look young, especially at night, no matter how old they were.

Saejin pushed onto one side. "They did feel pretty inexperienced. They barely put up a fight."

"They're supposed to have extra abilities, right?" Daehyun asked.

Saejin nodded, not looking at him. "Speed and strength. Sometimes even seduction. But they didn't feel strong at all."

Himchan shrugged. "Probably newbies. I guess you're all coming back to my house?"

Yongguk yawned while Daehyun nodded, dozing off himself. They would spend the night for four hours. Tonight was an exception. Usually they would only stay for two. I mean, it was 3 in the morning already.

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exo-snsd #1
ubdate soon^^