Chapter 1

Fly by Night

In a dark alley somewhere in South Korea, a woman was running for her life.

They had already taken her husband and daughter, what more could they want? She had asked herself countless times if it was best to just hand herself over and let go of her misery. Her whole life had been ripped apart in one hour.

She pulled out her phone and dialed the police. "Yes? Help me! Please! There's a vampire chasing me! He killed my family! Please help!" She sobbed, feeling her face go numb.

"Ma'am, calm down. It'll be okay. Tell us your location."

"There's- no time!" She said between cries. "Help me! Please!" She begged, hiding behind a dumpster. She had to get out, but how?

"We can't help you if you don't tell us where you are." He responded. "Tell us what your attackers look like."

"Vampires!" She let out a breath. "They're freaking vampires!"

"Ma'am, calm down and tell us what's going on."

She took in a huge breath and blew back out. "They're real! He killed my family." she sobbed.

But it was over. She was already cornered. She fell and cried. "Why me?! Why me and my family?! Why us?" the last thing that came out of was a scream.

"Saejin! Get your lazy up!" Kim Saejin slowly opened her eyes. She groaned and fell back asleep when a pillow hit her right on the back.

"The hell?" She looked up. Her older brother by not even a year, Himchan, held a pillow in his hand.

"Dad wants you downstairs. For breakfast." He walked out with the pillw.

Saejin got up and got on her uniform. She was a junior at Seoul High School, along with her older brother, Himchan. They were in the same grade, but he was one of the oldest kids and Saejin had just made the cut.

She looked in the mirror and put her hair in a ponytail like usual, and let down her bangs.

"Saejin!" Himchan came back in. His uniform was the same except he had cacky pants. "Yongguk is gonna kill me if I don't get to school!"

Saejin ran downstairs on Himchan's trail. "What time is it?"

"Time to go!" He handed her the backpack with her stuff in it.

"If I don't get enough of this every day.. Sue me.." He let out a huff, opening the garage door and getting the black convertible out and running on the driveway.

Saejin grabbed an apple from the tray and took out a bite. "You say that every morning and we're always on time. I think we're good for today." Not even opening the car door, she hopped in, since the top was down.

Once they were on the road, Himchan put on his suglasses. "I have practice today." He told her. "I'll just catch a ride home with Daehyun or something."


"How about you, huh? Do I need to pick you up from anywhere?"

She kept staring ahead. "Home. What else would I do?" She wasn't very social. Even though she was energetic at home, she tried to keep a cool profile at school. She honestly couldn't remember the last time she smiled when she wasn't with her brothers. They were her best friends. Weird, huh?

"I'll take that as a no." Himchan guessed, keeping his mouth in an 'o' shape.

They could practically see the school ahead when they heard a screech. "Oppa." Saejin said, her hand on the door.

He nodded. "Let's check it out."

The two walked down the alley cautiously. There was a man in his thirties getting mugged by four guys. They all looked their was when they finally stopped, arms crossed.

"Oh, more victims?" One of them said.

"Yongsu. stay on that guy." Another said. "Want trouble? Oh, you even have a girl with you. How sweet." he smiled, showing his yellow teeth.

"I should have left my blazer in the car." Saejin punished herself.

"Stop or we'll call the cops." Himchan said, sounding in authority.

The thugs laughed. "Oh, how scary. Listen buddy, I'm hungry. Now you're gonna pay for my lunch." He came at them.

Himchan stood in the way, grabbed his hand and flipped the guy. "It's not even lunchtime yet!" He whined.

Saejin stared. "That's what you're worried about"

"I just wanna get to school!" He punched another guy.

Saejin rolled her eyes and tapped the mugger. "Wanna leave him alone?"

"You're even better, sweetheart." He put all his attention on her and grabbed her wrist, letting the person who was getting beaten up go.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." Himchan called.

Saejin gave a smirk, then went into action. She punchd him in the guy and kicked him to the side. "Can we go now? I'm getting bored."

All th guys were on the ground, and groaning and grabbing their stomachs or sides or whatnot.

"That should do it." Himchan patted himself on the back. Literally. "Now I want food! Lunch can't come fast enough."

Saejin went over and smacked the back of his head. "Stop complaining, you loser."

"Yah! I am not a loser!" He called and ran childishly to the car, Saejin right behind him.

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exo-snsd #1
ubdate soon^^