The Trip {Part 6 - Closer to the truth}

Fix you

 (Jonghyun POV)

Day three of the holiday. As the days went on I could feel myself getting more and more nervous. I only had three more days and then it would be Saturday. The day that I would pour out my heart and soul and make Kibum mine.

Yesterday, when we went back to the room, Kibum was all freaked out because of the horror stories we were all telling, he was the only one that didn’t tell one. But never the less, once I had him in my arms he managed to relax and sleep well.

I had to admit I felt a little guilty for scaring him but at least it meant I could hold him throughout the entire night. And besides, I treated him in the shower with a nice glimpse at my y body. Ha! I don’t even know why I did it, it was just a spur of the moment thing. But no, really I did need to shower and the water was about to be turned off. Luckily when we woke up this morning it was back on again.

Right now we were sitting on the beach. Kibum and Taemin were building a sandcastle… if you could even call it that, it was more along the lines of a sand palace. Whilst Minho, Joon and Onew were in the water, splashing each other, Minho was winning until the other two joined forces and dived at him. Haha! I, on the other hand, was sitting on the beach, drawing patterns in the damp sand with my finger. I looked down to see that I had unconsciously scrawled the words ‘I love you, Kibummie’ in front of me. I smiled to myself, thinking about all the love I held for this boy, and how soon I would be able to show it to him, and prove to him that I would forever be by his side and protect him.


(Key POV)

*ring ring*

I sighed before walking over to my bag, Taemin looked at me oddly, but I just gestured for him to continue with our masterpiece~

“Yoboseyo?” I answered my phone quietly.

“Ah, Kim Kibum. I bet you thought that I’d forgotten about you, hmm?” came that oh too familiar snarl on the other end of the line.

“What do you want now?” I said, in an exasperated voice.

“You know very well what I want Kibum-ah. And yet there you are, sitting on the beach with him writing that he loves you in the sand” the voice growled.

“Look, I’m sick of telling you to leave me and Jonghyun alone. I don’t even know you and you’re already pissing me off!” I shot back.

“I can see you right now, you know. And I know a lot of ways in which to make you disappear before our Jjongie even turns around” he threatened in a sickeningly sweet voice.

I looked around to see if I could spot anyone suspicious but nobody caught my eye, there was nobody that hid their face or that was in black clothing.

“It’s no use looking for me. I’m well hidden Key. *sigh* When are you going to accept the fact that you can’t beat me”

“What do you want from me? I’ve told you time and time again that I won’t leave him!” I said, my voice showing that I was close to crying.

“Oh right, because you love him?” he spat, his voice laced with sarcasm “And he loves you right? Right. But let me tell you something my dear Key, he won’t love you forever. soon he’ll get bored of you. Like he did with me.  Have I told you that I was his first guy? Ha! Did you think you were special, did you think that you would be the first guy he would ? Oh no, not at all. He’s been around a bit you know. But he told me that night, that I was the best he’d ever had. Who would have guessed a few drinks would have turned him into such a ?” he laughed.

Tears were falling down my cheeks now, falling from my chin and onto the soft white sand. “Take that back!”


“He isn’t a ! And he probably just felt sorry for you anyway! He would have never been able to love someone like you!” I said, struggling to keep my voice down.

“Love? Oh don’t be stupid. We felt nothing like that for each other. I was his best friend Key, and he was mine, he still is and I need to remind him that he is mine and mine only! The thing is that I was there for him when he learned he was biual. I was his…. Experimental phase, shall we say. But that doesn’t mean that now he’s finished with me, you can have him. I will take him back!”

“He doesn’t even want you!”

“He just doesn’t know me anymore” he corrected me “didn’t you know? After the accident, his doctors found that due to his head injury he suffered from a slight case of memory loss, they said it could come back over time, so I just need to help him remember that he is MINE”

“How do you even know that?!”

“I’ve been watching over him all this time. It’s not hard to get a hold of things if you know the right people” he laughed “I’ve enjoyed our chat today Key. But I don’t want to have to warn you again, otherwise it could get ugly. Enjoy his company whilst it lasts~ because soon, he won’t even want to look at you”

And with that he hung up…

I didn’t know what to do. I just sat there, feeling so unsure.  

Before I could compose myself, I felt two thick arms wrap themselves around me. I turned my head to see Jonghyun, his face etched with worry.

“Kibum-ah… what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” he asked in a soft voice, but the concern was still laced in his words.

What should I do? Should I tell him the truth? Should I warn him about the person who keeps telling me to stay away from the one thing that completes my life? Ottoke?

“I…” what? What could I say? My voice just wouldn’t come out….

“What happened? Who was that on the phone?” he asked, sounding slightly panicked. I looked up to see that we weren’t alone. Our little group was now sitting around me, each of them looking worried and confused. It was clear they all wanted to know what was wrong with me, but what could I say? This guy, whoever he was, was really starting to scare me. He had told me many times that he was the one that made Jonghyun into that sad, lonely person he was, the one that made him cry and regret everything he’d ever done in his life, and now he was threatening to make it happen again if I didn’t stay away from him. What did he do that was so bad, so bad that it would make my Jjong that miserable?

“It’s okay, Bummie, everything will be fine. Who upset you? Tell me and I will make them regret it!” Jonghyun said. Holding me tighter.

“He… He keeps telling me to stay away from you” I whispered, “I don’t know who he is, but he keeps saying that you’re his and that nobody can take you from him. And that he will get you b-back. He… he said that if I don’t s-stay away from you… then he will make your life hell again, he will make you miserable and have nobody…” I was sobbing now, I couldn’t hold it back anymore…

I noticed that as I spoke, Minho lifted his head, looking rather angry as if he knew something… but he couldn’t know, could he?

Without further warning he got up and grabbed his phone before running off down the beach. We all sat there, staring after him, not knowing what to do, until finally Taemin snapped out of his trance and ran after him.

This was all my fault…


(Taemin POV)

It took me a good five minutes, but I finally caught up with Minho. He looked so angry, so scared, so… so child-like all at the same time. What was going on? I didn’t understand. As soon as Key had finished his sentence, I felt Minho turn cold, the colour drained from his face. He knew something, but what?

“Minho!” I called, making him turn and look at me. He had tears in his eyes and was short of breath, it only then occurred to me how far we’d ran. We were now at the very end of the beach, it was bleak looking and in the shadows. The only people around were quite a way down the beach, and so it was just the two of us that stood there.

“This can’t be happening…” Minho said, bring me out of my thoughts.

“What? What is it? What’s going on Minho?” I asked, what had got him this rattled.

“I..” his sentence was cut short as his phone began to ring. “Yoboseyo?” he answered in a shaky voice. Although the anger was clear as he spoke.

Who was calling him that would make him so mad?

“You’re not going to get away with it this time! Don’t think I don’t know who you are! I know you were the one that caused it, that and everything else. I know his Appa too much to know that he would… ANI! You don’t get it! You’re NOT going to win this time. I will make sure of it!” he yelled down the phone. Tears were pouring down his cheeks now, his body began to shake because of all the anger he was letting out.

“Taemin~” I heard my voice being called from behind a close by rock cliff… that’s odd.

Never the less I went to see who it was, maybe it was Kai. I had promised that I would hang out with him whilst we were here after all, Kai was my other best friend in case you were wondering, he was on the beach this morning too with his group so it would make sense…

“Hello?” I called quietly as I neared the darker area.

“Taemin-ah, could you do me a favour?” the voice purred. Okay, it most certainly wasn’t Kai…

“What is it?” I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me

“Can you tell your frog of a boyfriend to stop raising his voice at me please…”

“W-what? Wait.. you’re the one he’s on the phone too?” I said, confused.

“Deh.. One second Taemin-ah.” He paused and I heard him speak again, this time not to me, “For the last time Minho, just because you managed to keep him by your side all this time doesn’t mean I can’t get rid of you… I mean, I have your precious little Minnie here with me” he laughed.

I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back into the darkness, I let out a yelp as the person wrapped an arm around my waist and held me firmly in place.

“W-who are you?” I said, trying to stay calm…

“Say hello to your lover Taemin-ah” the man said, and held a phone to my ear

“Minho?” I whispered

“Taemin? Where did you go?! You were just with me. Look, where are you, I’ll come and get you”

“I’m be-” the phone was pulled away from my ear as I was about to tell him

“Ah, ah, ah. I don’t want to keep you here. I just needed you for a moment. Just remind him who is in control here for me won’t you Taemin? You may go now” he said, releasing me from his hold, I didn’t hesitate to run away as soon as he let go, although I could hear him call behind me “Have fun shopping this afternoon Minnie”

How did he know my schedule?!

I made my way back to Minho, who was now looking around frantically. Once he saw me he ran over and pulled me straight into his arms. Kissing every part of my face before resuming to hold me in a tight hug.

“Taemin, are you okay? Did he hurt you? He didn’t do anything to you did he?” he said, his voice thick with panic.

“I’m fine. I’m fine” I assured him, “who was the man?”

“He is someone that needs to be put in his place.” He sighed “Minnie, since we all had that sleepover at Key’s, I’ve been doing a little research. I found out that he, that guy, was the one who was in the other car when Jonghyun was in that accident. He was an old friend of Jonghyun’s, but when Jonghyun started to pull away from him because he was being too clingy and obsessive, he decided that if he couldn’t have Jjong, then nobody could. I also have a friend at the hospital and I managed to get a hold of Jonghyun’s Appa’s autopsy report… Minnie, Jonghyun’s Appa didn’t kill himself. He was murdered. I know it may not seem like it, but the cuts on his wrists weren’t self-inflicted, I could tell by the photos. But I can’t report it because then my friend would be in trouble for showing me the report.

 “And now Key is getting close to Jonghyun….”

“Key hyung is that man’s next target…” I finished, it all making sense.

“We need to protect him, we can’t let this guy get away with it” Minho growled

“But, Minho, how did you know he was the guy who caused the accident… Wait. That mean’s you know who he is?!” I realised

“I do. At first it was a few memories that came back to me, and after a while I realised I knew that voice. Then I looked over reports of Jjong’s accident and saw that in the other car, there was only one person. I saw some of the pictures that were caught by the speeding cameras, and the car had no number plate so couldn’t be tracked, but if you look closely, in the window you can see the guy with the same clothes as the guy who keeps harassing Jonghyun hyung. Then it hit me. I realised why I knew that voice so well, because that person was in our school! When I first started high school, he was in his senior year, I remember because Jjong used to show off that he was friends with a senior, and then I went back through old year books and that’s how I found out his name…” Minho explained.

“So who is he..?”

Minho took a deep breath and pulled out his phone, showing me a picture.

Oh. My. God.

This couldn’t be true…


A/N:  Ahhh, our mystery man makes an appearance once again~

What did you guys think of the chapter? (Also, when you find out who the guy is, don’t hate me okay?! It’s just because his appearance is well fitting to be the ‘bad guy’)

Sorry if there are any mistakes or type-o’s

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think~

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Love you!!!

Until next time ^.^


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91 subs?! asdfghjkl!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!! SERIOUSLY!! My readers are THE BEST!!


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I always come back to this cause it's SO amazing!~~~
i must tell you, i read this in one day, and i read it twice. i'm normally not one for lazing around simply because i love being active. i can never sit still for more than 15 minutes. but for your fic, i got up, brushed my teeth and lied on the couch in the SAME POSITION for 3 hours just to finish the fic. yes i finished it in 3 hours!! and like that wasn't enough, i went and hunted for more and seeing as i loved 'it's a small world' so much, i went and reread that. it's really rare for anyone to be able to express emotions as well as you do. and as a person who rarely ever compliments people, i've complimented you a lot, and i've run out of adjectives to describe you with. just know that you're amazing and you have my utmost respect
Nicely written! I loved how you wrote the angsty and sad stuff. You hit me hard in the heartstrings. You really thought about all the emotions and stuff. Thank you for such a wonderful story. xxx
Rereading <3
xXCoolNinjaXx #5
Chapter 44: omg i love this story its so good
Waah.. i really miss Shinee.. they're my first crush on Kpop!
Chapter 44: This.. isn't even possible.. how can I like this so so much? how could you write something as great as this? I mean, I always re-read it again and again and I never get bored just like in your other stories.. are you some magician?? uhh, sorry, blabbering. I just wanted to tell that I love this story.. even after all the time :) thanks a lot for writing and sharing it with us :) you did great job~
Chapter 44: OH OH OH! I finished it' Another life achievement! LOL .I really love this! i'm sorry if my comment is short because I forgot what should I comment... while I'm reading, I'm thinking of what should I commebt but I forgot! Sorry but I remember something... to say that this is beautiful! and one of stories I have ever rread! Nice work author-nim!!! :))
I was bored and was looking through old stories and I can't believe I just reread your entire story! I love it so much and think you are so talented. :)
Chapter 44: ARRRRRGHH THAT WAS SO CUTE AND OMG- NO- JONGKEY- AARGH Why do you write such good stories pllleaaseee don't ;___; loved it man , really :3 I really like how you made Taemin into a little hahaha