Enter Lee Joon...

Fix you

(Onew POV)

As I was making my way over to Key’s house I decided to go into the shops and get us all some snacks. I figured it was the least I could do. Especially after Jonghyun’s Appa passed away, maybe some quality time with friends I just what he needs to take his mind off of things.

I bought the snacks and headed back out. I was actually surprised to see the sun out again. It was a nice change from all the storminess, I looked up and noticed there was a rainbow not too far from where I was. I began to walk whilst looking up at it, it was really pretty~ Rainbows have always fascinated me. But because I’m Onew and I have to do something stupid at least once a day – stupid Onew condition – I ended up bumping into someone because I wasn’t looking where I was going and ended up falling on my . Which was more than bad because the pavement was still wet from the storm!

“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, here let me help you up” a frantic voice said, as a pair of hands pulled me back to my feet. Handing me my backpack that had fallen off in the kafuffle. I began to brush myself down without looking up at who ever had been kind enough to help me.

“Aniyo, it was my fault. I should have been looking where I was going” I said “I should be the one saying so-” I cut off as I finally looked up at the person I had bumped into… he was lean and muscular with a handsome face. Looking up into his eyes it was like I lost the knowledge of how to speak. Sensing this, he chuckled slightly.

“I’m Lee Changsun, but you can call me Joon” he smiled, extending a hand towards me. I took his hand in mine and gave it a quick shake. Part of me didn’t want to let go, when our hands met it was like an electric pulse ran through me.

“I… I’m Lee Jinki, b-but I go by Onew” I stuttered. What was wrong with me? Why was I being so nervous?!

“I know” he laughed. He did? How? Knowing what I was thinking he continued “We both go to the same school. You’re in my music classes”

“Oh? Why have I not seen you before?” I asked, surely I would have noticed someone so handsome in the same classes as me.  

“Thanks, you’re not too bad yourself” he laughed, raising an eyebrow at me.  I gave him a quizzical look, asking him to elaborate “You were thinking out loud…” he grinned

“Oh god… kill me now!” I grumbled, hanging my head to avoid his gaze.

“It’s fine honestly, and you shouldn’t hide such a cute face” He smiled, using his finger to tilt my chin back up so I was looking at him again.

“That’s easy for you to say, you didn’t just- Wait, did you just call me cute?”

“I did, but wait… why did you stay on at school when you could have gone to college?” he asked.

“I need to raise money for college so I’m doing some courses at the school still whilst working part time as a teaching assistant” I sighed. I really needed the money and my Appa said I need to learn responsibility. I work part time as a TA then I work at the ice-cream place on week-ends. I live in a small apartment by myself so it’s not always easy to get by, but I really wanted to go to college.

“Oh, I see” he nodded

“Wait, why are you?” I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me

“Oh, I was overseas for a while so I missed my senior year, luckily this school allowed me to finish my studies here. And lucky I did too because otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to meet you” he smiled, making me blush like crazy. There was something about this boy that made me even more of a klutz than I was already…

“I’m sorry to be rude, but there is actually some place I need to be” I smiled apologetically, honestly, I wanted to stay there and get to know this Joon boy better, but I did promise Key that I would go over to his, and I was  already late.

“Oh, that’s too bad…” his smile faltered slightly, which for some reason kind of made me a little sad. Which was weird right? I mean, I’d only just met this guy…

“So, I guess I’ll, erm, see you around…” I smiled a little before walking off with my bag of snacks.

“Hey Onew!!” Joon called from behind me, I quickly turned to see him jogging up to me “I know this might seem a little forward but can I get your number? Then we could maybe hang out sometime?”

Why was my heart beat going into overdrive? What was this feeling that was stirring in me? It was as though someone had set free butterflies in my stomach…

“I mean… if… if you want to” he said, sounded a little less hopeful than a moment ago

“Give me your phone” I laughed, making him raise an eyebrow at me, “So I can put in my number” I elaborated, rolling my eyes.

“Oh right, here” He beamed, handing me his phone. I smiled as I typed in my number and saved it as ‘Onew :D’ then quickly called myself so that I would have his number too before handing him back his phone. I quickly took mine out and saved his number as ‘Joon^^’ then put it back in my pocket – nearly dropping it in the process – “Thanks” he smiled and pulled me into an unexpected hug. I hesitated before hugging him back slightly then pulling away and smiling shyly.

“Well, I really do need to be going now. I’ll, um, text you later or something” I said before waving goodbye and running to get to Key’s quickly, knowing all too well how he got when I was late…

I managed to get to Key’s just after the time I said I would, panting from running the whole way there.

*Knock knock*

The door opened to Jonghyun’s smiling face “Hey Onew hyung, come on in. Kibum is just in the kitchen making cookies” he laughed. Taking a good look at him now, he had flour in his hair and all over the apron I just noticed he was wearing. He had icing smeared across his cheek too, I’m guessing that was courtesy of Key.

I walked in and took off my shoes before following Jonghyun to the kitchen where Key was just taking another batch of cookies out of the oven. It looks like they had made a variety of different biscuits. Hence some being iced. I smiled at Key as he turned around and noticed me. He was in a similar state as Jonghyun. Only he had more icing over his face. Especially around his lips.

“Oh hey hyung, let me just put these on a plate then we can go pick out movies for later” he smiled.

“Okay. Oh, I brought some snacks with me for later too~” I handed Jonghyun the bag and he went to put it on the side counter ready to sort out later. “When will Minnie and Minho be here?”

“In about an hour” he smiled placing the oven tray in the dish washer. Jonghyun made his way around to where Key stood and grinned.

“Bummie, you have a little icing on your face. Here, let me get it” he smirked before softly pressing his lips to Key’s and the icing off of them. He then pulled back to reveal a bright red faced Key. I had to admit, they were really cute together. But I could have gone without baring witness to that, haha.

“Yah, not in front of people!” Key scolded him, only making Jonghyun laugh. “Aish, just go and clean yourself up!”

Jonghyun laughed then left to go make himself look normal again. The island in the middle of the kitchen was home to about five large plates, each containing iced sugar biscuits, cookies or chocolate-chip shortbread.  It was safe to say that it was Key’s idea. He’d always loved baking.

“So… you guys, are you…” I wasn’t really sure how to ask the question, even though it was one of the most simple questions out there. The thing was, I could see just how much Key liked Jonghyun and I knew it was a delicate topic and I didn’t want to upset my dongsaeng. Key seemed tough on the outside but I’ve known him forever, and I know that it’s just a mask so that people don’t see how easily he falls apart on the inside.

He sighed and looked up at me with a sad smile “Ani, it’s… complicated”

“I take it there is more to the story than I’m allowed to know?” I said, walking over to the feline boy that stood before me and pulling him into a light hug. He hugged me back and sighed quietly.

“He’s not a normal guy. I understand why he isn’t ready to be with me like that, but it still kind of you know?” he said, almost in a whisper.

“I know Key-ah. But be patient alright? I’m sure in time he will realise just how much he is missing. Turn on your flirt, you know that people can never resist you” I chuckled lightly, earning a hit on the arm from him.

“Not funny hyung” he pouted. I ruffled his hair before he could bat my hands away and ran off to the living room. Setting myself down on the sofa. “I’ll be in soon, I’m going to clean myself up. Jjong should be down in a minute though” Key yelled from the kitchen.

“Arasso” I called back and got myself comfy. Then I remembered I still had my bag on. I took it off and put it on the floor next to the sofa, then leaned back, making myself at home. Which this place pretty much was, like Taemin’s house, this place was like my second home.

*buzz buzz*

I pulled out my phone to see that I had a message.

To: Onew

From: Joon^^

‘Hey Onew-ah. It’s me~ kekeke. I got bored and decided to text you. That’s not weird is it?’

I laughed slightly, rolling my eyes before replying.

To: Joon^^

From: Onew

‘Ani, it isn’t weird. I’m kind of glad you text actually :) now we can get to know each other a little’


To: Onew

From: Joon^^

‘What would you like to know?’

Be cool Onew, I told myself, be cool.

To: Joon^^

From: Onew

‘Anything and everything’


To: Onew

From: Joon^^

‘I think we should save this for in person, I don’t like writing long messages :P where did you have to hurry off to anyway?’


To: Joon^^

From: Onew

‘I’m staying over at a friend’s house with a group of my best friends. You’re so nosey kekeke’


To: Onew

From: Joon^^

‘Well, I wanted to know what made such a cutie run away from me so quickly’

I couldn’t help but blush as I read the message. He thought I was cute?

To: Joon^^

From: Onew

‘You really think I’m cute? I thought you were kidding because of my clumsiness’


“What are you smiling at hyung?” my eyes snapped up to the sound of Jonghyun’s voice. He was walking over to me with a smirk on his face.

“N-Nothing” I lied as he sat down beside me…

“You know, lying isn’t a nice thing to do to your friends” he laughed, shaking his head at me.

“Fine” I sighed “I made a new…. Friend and he and I are just texting” I admitted.

“Omo, and you think you might like him” Jonghyun commented, grinning at me.

“Ani, I only met him today so it makes no sense that I would like someone I don’t even know” I answered. I did like him as a friend, but it would be silly to think it was anything more than that. I mean sure, I found him attractive, and he kind of had a y aura about him and I mean he did make me feel all nervous and giddy but we spoke for less than ten minutes. I couldn’t like him when I didn’t even know him!

“Ever heard of love at first sight” he teased…

“I… I d-don’t believe in t-that sort of t-thing” I stuttered nervously.

“If you say do”

*Diiiiing Doooong*

Saved by the bell!!

In all honesty I didn’t really want to think about what was going on in my head about this Joon guy. He was confusing me to no end. Even so, I spent the rest of the night subtly texting him when the others weren’t paying attention.

He was…. Interesting. To say the least. And because neither of us had to go into school tomorrow, we decided that we would hang out. He was planning on taking me somewhere, but wouldn’t tell me where…

I wonder what he had in store for me.


A/N: Helloooooooooo my lovelies~

This is going to be my last update until after christmas, because I felt mean leaving you guys for too long so i added this chapter to keep you guys happy ^.^

Nice author is nice~

Well, Joon has made his appearence~ Joonew :D

I hope you liked this chapter guys~ Sorry if there are any mistakes or type-o's.

Comment and let me know what y'all think please~

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And voteeeeeee!! Come onnnnnn it's the holidays~ Be nice! kekeke

Love you guys millions and i hope you have a lovely Christmas~ *huggles*

Until next time


here~ Have some Jongkey

And some 2min<3

I love you ALL!!!!

and once more~

Until next time


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91 subs?! asdfghjkl!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!! SERIOUSLY!! My readers are THE BEST!!


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I always come back to this cause it's SO amazing!~~~
i must tell you, i read this in one day, and i read it twice. i'm normally not one for lazing around simply because i love being active. i can never sit still for more than 15 minutes. but for your fic, i got up, brushed my teeth and lied on the couch in the SAME POSITION for 3 hours just to finish the fic. yes i finished it in 3 hours!! and like that wasn't enough, i went and hunted for more and seeing as i loved 'it's a small world' so much, i went and reread that. it's really rare for anyone to be able to express emotions as well as you do. and as a person who rarely ever compliments people, i've complimented you a lot, and i've run out of adjectives to describe you with. just know that you're amazing and you have my utmost respect
Nicely written! I loved how you wrote the angsty and sad stuff. You hit me hard in the heartstrings. You really thought about all the emotions and stuff. Thank you for such a wonderful story. xxx
Rereading <3
xXCoolNinjaXx #5
Chapter 44: omg i love this story its so good
Waah.. i really miss Shinee.. they're my first crush on Kpop!
Chapter 44: This.. isn't even possible.. how can I like this so so much? how could you write something as great as this? I mean, I always re-read it again and again and I never get bored just like in your other stories.. are you some magician?? uhh, sorry, blabbering. I just wanted to tell that I love this story.. even after all the time :) thanks a lot for writing and sharing it with us :) you did great job~
Chapter 44: OH OH OH! I finished it' Another life achievement! LOL .I really love this! i'm sorry if my comment is short because I forgot what should I comment... while I'm reading, I'm thinking of what should I commebt but I forgot! Sorry but I remember something... to say that this is beautiful! and one of the.best stories I have ever rread! Nice work author-nim!!! :))
I was bored and was looking through old stories and I can't believe I just reread your entire story! I love it so much and think you are so talented. :)
Chapter 44: ARRRRRGHH THAT WAS SO CUTE AND OMG- NO- JONGKEY- AARGH Why do you write such good stories pllleaaseee don't ;___; loved it man , really :3 I really like how you made Taemin into a little hahaha