
But you know that I love you girl….

Music Bank: Big Bang comeback with new single: Tonight.

“Ji Yong?” I said, “Why the hell did you bring the bear with you?!”

“He’s a freak can’t you see that?” TOP smirked behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.

“I wanted something to hug backstage.” Ji Yong grinned cheesily.

“You have me to hug!” I cried, throwing my arms out. Ji Yong walked over to me for a cuddle but TOP picked me up simply and put me on the other side of him.

“No one is to hug my girlfriend. Not even her best friend cause she’s mine.” TOP warned off his hyung/leader.

“Overprotective boyfriend or what?” Daesung, the other member of Big Bang passed them, wiping his forehead with a tissue and walking over to the makeup artist.

“Shut up squishy face.” I teased. Daesung never liked me calling his squishy because of his face. It was just so squishy. XD

“Don’t call me that.” he spat back. TOP moved me to the side and gave him a warning off stare that scared Daesung a little. “Sorry.” TOP and his stares were just so y and alluring. On the other hand, it is very threatening like if someone hurts me, he would give that person a look and they would back off like Daesung did.

“Where’s Seungri?” Ji Yong asked us all while getting his makeup sorted with the teddy bear by his side. Yes, he took the bear he got from me with him. I always wonder if he is actually the magnae and not the leader.

“He has probably fallen asleep in the other room.” Taeyang came walking in, holding a mic in his hand and throwing his coat on the small red sofa of the tightly packed dressing room, “Hyung, ca you get that bear out of the room? It’s taking the whole space up in here.”

“No.” my best friend answered back.

“I’m here! I’m here! I’m awake!!” Seungri came running in the room, falling over on the way by my feet. “Ow.”

“Where have you been, Seungri?” his leader told him off.

“Probably been watching in the bathroom.” TOP chuckled.

“Eww… Seriously, Seungri? At this time and place?” I grimaced, moving away from him.

“Don’t believe anything TOP ever says! It’s all lies, everything he has told you about me is all lies.” Seungri cried, “Ohh teddy bear.”

“NO!” Ji Yong lunged at the teddy and took it away from the happy Seungri who pouted back because he couldn’t get the teddy bear. “My teddy.”

“Big Bang? You’re up in 2 minutes.” a staff member said.

“Let’s go! Big Bang, Big Bang!” Ji Yong yelled in the room, getting hyped up and already forgetting about the bear. Maybe I should sneak it out while they perform… No, I can’t miss their performance at all.

“Fighting!” all the Big Bang members shouted in excitement, “Gaja!” They all walked out of the changing rooms in a hurry to get backstage, grab their mics and perform their comeback single, Tonight.

“Wait for me here, araso?” TOP crooned in my ear, “Saranghae…”

“Araso oppa.” I smiled, “Saranghaeyo…” TOP smiled, kissed me lightly on the cheek and went to get his mic with the other members when the MC had gave half a minute introducing them.

“Please welcome, BIG BANG!!!” The boys ran onto the brightly lit stage and the song came on. Ji Yong started to say: ‘Tonight such a beautiful night. Sing with me not 2011 follow me! Big Bang, Big Bang we’re back again one more time say, no way, no way. We become strangers again so easily.’ There was a big change from Ji Yong when he was on stage and out. He acts like a mature, bad boy image on stage but when he is off stage, he is in his usual childish ways. TOP boomed on the mic: ‘Big Bang, Big Bang don’t stop let’s play. Ok, ok, go, go, go!’ His voice was just so y. I watched how he would stare at the camera seductively and wink. I wonder what their fans are doing watching them now. Probably feeling weak like me. He’s my boyfriend for god’s sake and I’m so not used to his stares and his y voice yet. It always gets me weak by the knees! I sang along with Taeyang in the chorus and soon the performance ended with a standing and cheering crowd as they waved and left the stage. Despite being told they will exit on the left side of the stage. TOP went on the right stage exit to come and hug me around the waist and twirled me around on the spot.

“That was the best comeback ever. The fans are cheering!” TOP cried happily.

“I need to see my teddy bear!” Ji Yong screamed and ran away to their dressing room.

“Is that all he cares about now?” Seungri asked.

“Is he married to that bear?” Daesung added.

“Who cares? Let’s go to the bar without him and his furry wife.” Taeyang grumbled. We all laughed along together and walked to the dressing room to let them all get change so we can get out and have some drinks.

“I just need to go to the toilet. Be back in a minute.” TOP kissed the top of my head and left me alone with the other 4 Big Bang members who were all getting changed right in front of me. I didn’t mind this at all as I got used to it. I’ve known them for quite a while now after Ji Yong introduced me to them when he took me out to the theme park. Daesung was on the floor, tying his shoes up, his squishy square face strained as he tried to tie his shoes up perfectly. That kid is quite weird.

“Are we all ready to go? Or are we just waiting for squishy here?” I teased Daesung who poked his tongue out at me. Once we was all ready, we were just waiting for TOP to come. How long does it take for a guy to go to the bathroom? The others were getting restless so I told them to go to the van while I go and look for TOP. They all agreed happily and ran to the car park before the show ends and fans to barricade the whole car park exit. I walked out of the dressing room after and rounded a corner.

“Seung Hyun?” I called out as I passed some camera men and other artists that I am not bothered to greet and meet. I was so used with hanging around celebrities. My own brother is a celebrity so I’m pretty much okay with it. I walked around another corner and found TOP. And I didn’t like what I saw. Didn’t we already have this talk about him flirting?! He was flirting with a bunch of Barbie doll looking girl group. I watched in disgust as he touched one of the girl’s hair and wink at her. The other girls would giggle and hit his arm softly while nattering away to him. He seemed completely relaxed like he always is. I just stood there, taking in all his flirting crap when he finally took a break to look away from the girls and saw me just standing there with my hands wound up in fists and my face furious. He should be scared.

“Oh Skye.” he said. That’s it?! ‘Oh Skye.’?! I scowled at him and began to walk away from him and the waiting girls. I expected him to maybe follow me and but no. When I looked back he was no where to be seen. Stupid, flirtatious boyfriend! I grabbed a cigarette in my purse, lit it up and took a long drag when I finally got out backstage. I leaned against the rough wall and tried to clear my thoughts. My anger still boiled and my cigarette was out in a minute. More quicker than I usually take. I coughed a little as I stamped onto it in anger and walked my way over to the waiting van which had the windows rolled down and Ji Yong’s head poking out of it, calling for me loudly.

“Yah- Where was you- Eww, you stink of smoke.” he made a puking face and opened the door for me.

“Yah- wait up!” we all heard TOP’s voice call after us. I got in the van without looking back at him and sat myself next to Ji Yong as he got in after me. He didn’t even greet me. He just told the driver to go already. There was an awkward silence between all of us. Seungri was at the back with Daesung and Taeyang, playing cards while Ji Yong who was next me brushing the bear’s fur. I suddenly heard TOP sniff.

“You smoked didn’t you?” TOP nudged me.

“So what if I did?” I snapped, not looking at him.

“You do know that I hate it when you smoke.” he mumbled.

“Does it look like I care?” I hissed.


Few hours later:

Pretty much when we got to the bar, Ji Yong, Daesung and Seungri got drunk while Taeyang stayed sober with TOP. I didn’t drink at all and just sat in silence by the corner, watching them all chat and laugh. TOP didn’t even bother asking what was up with me. Soon enough, it was time to go home and TOP took me back to my house in silence. When we got to the front of my house, I wretched open my front door and shut it at his face when he followed me. I quickly went to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water and took a large swig of it.

“Yah! Why slam the door on my face again?” TOP’s voice echoed by the hall way. I ignored him and turned my back on him as I started to put the dished out of the drainer when I felt him wrap his arms around my waist.

“What do you want, Seung Hyun?” I said through gritted teeth. He didn’t answer but just spun me around and picked up. I didn’t have time to react as he attacked me with needy kisses on my lips as he set me up by the kitchen counter. I tried to pull away but his lips just keep finding me.

“Seung Hyun, stop.” I said, slapping him on the arm but his lips trailed down to my jaw line and down to my neck. Despite not wanting him to stop, I kept on pushing him, “Will you stop already?!”

“Do you actually want me to stop now?” I heard him croon as his lips found mine again, seeking entrance but I didn’t let him. His hands were on either side of my hips, slowly moving up to my torso and pushing my shirt up a bit.

“STOP IT!” I shouted and kicked him on the thigh, making him stagger away from me.

“What the hell-” he gasped. “What is your problem now?!”

“Aren’t you getting tired of me telling you the same thing all over again, you flirt?!” I screeched. My breathing was uneven so I found it hard to talk in a flowed way. The way I spoke was broken and pausing while TOP looked at me, trying to look innocent.

“Oh, Skye I’m sorry-”

“Apology not accepted!” I shouted, “Get out Seung Hyun, just get out.” he looked at me one last time and without even arguing no more, he left the house, slamming the front door shut. Gaish~ Hangeng suddenly came skipping in the room.

“Not feeling up for with him today?” he smirked.

“Shut up.” I grumbled.

“Gege!” I heard a familiar voice yell from the top of the stairs.

“Hold on, Heechul!” Hangeng yelled back.

“What have you been doing up there with him?” I asked suspiciously.

“Oh something that my little sister should’t know.” Hangeng winked, “Now stop arguing with Seung Hyun. Gaish~ Loved up first and then the next minute, arguing and there is always someone walking out.”

“HANGENG!” Heechul’s voice shouted angrily from upstairs.


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nicee. :D
ps, seunghyun's older than gd.. (but you probably figured that out ^^)
i lov how it's short story yet so sweet!!! >.< GREAT STORY!
ohmyyoungbae #3
awww. this is so sweet! :D
hopelight #4
Aaaww this was so cute ^-^ I loved it!! The break up was sad though... :<
thatchinesegirl #5
I cried :') THANK YOU !!