Chapter 5

The Music of the Lucifer

Jessica stopped going to school and opted for some rest. Though physically absent from the institusion, the students could still feel her wrath from afar. Jessica was like a ghost, a poltergeist to be exact. She still made it a point to make her demonic presence acknowledgeable in the school. Simple scares such as toppling chairs over, slamming doors, making odd noises like the sound of nails clawing on the walls/wooden posts, and of course the icy cold feeling that she never failed to give.

Since the first day of haunting, Jonghyun and Shin Se Kyung had been a bag of nerves. They wouldn’t admit it to themselves but they felt partly responsible for the possessions and the eerie occurences. Had Jonghyun treated Jessica well and had Se Kyung not flirted Jessica wouldn’t have thrown herself into a demonic pit of rage and revenge.

“God I feel horrible.” Jonghyun muttered to himself. For some reason that day, he didn’t sit next to Se Kyung or any of his friends. He sat beside himself and thought to himself a lot. Sure he smiled and tried to be jolly when people talked to him but whenever he was alone, he thought about Jessica and how he treated her. He thought about their relationship and wondered where he went wrong.

“I did it for her.” Jonghyun thought. “I broke up with her for her because I think our relationship was really taking its toll on her. Maybe she thought I was flirting with Se Kyung and that I had replaced her…”

Jonghyun thought about that. He was wrong. He did replace her with Se Kyung. He had let her sleep over at his house a couple of times and they had done things students shouldn’t be doing-yet. Who was he fooling? No matter how hard or how many times he tried to deny it, it was all crystal clear. He cheated on Jessica and broke up with her to be with Se Kyung, the girl of his dreams. All this made him feel like a horrible person.

Se Kyung on the other hand tried to play innocent. She tried to pretend as if she had nothing to do with all this and she was simply a victim of jealous hostility. Se Kyung held on to the belief that Jessica was bitter and jealous and just couldn’t let go. Se Kyung tried to toughen herself up by thinking that if Jessica was really on to them then she would get all the support because Se Kyung was a really well loved and popular student and had many friends unlike Jessica who was fairly popular and had a lot of friends…not really close to her unlike Se Kyung.

But to Jessica, their excuses spelled bull. Jonghyun had replaced Jessica with Se Kyung and he knew that. She knew that, too. Jessica was having none of their and despite of her friends and classmates’ warnings, she still sided with her own will.
Jonghyun and Se Kyung went to their apartment and decided to hang out with their group of friends in order to shove the scary incidents and the conscience attacks to the back of their heads. They had Key, Minho, Onew, and Taemin over for some drinks as well as Amber, Victoria, Luna, and Sulli. They all had a good time but they had no idea what was in store for them.

“Hey! I need some more of that Heineken!” Amber hollered with her boyish voice. Taemin passed the beer over to his tomboy friend and they continued to drink, eat, and talk with gusto. For the first time since the haunting, Jonghyun and Se Kyung actually smiled and laughed. They were having so much fun that night that they totally forgot about Jessica. The group of friends partied til 3:00 am. They didn’t care about school that day. All that mattered to them at the time was the fun they were having. Since all of them were drunk, they decided to sleep over at Jonghyun’s and just go to school altogether.

They thought it was all over. They thought the fun had curbed the fright but they thought wrong. They were all over the living room that night. Jonghyun and Se Kyung slept together on the first sofa; Key and Luna slept on the second sofa; and the rest were sprawled out on the floor. All were drunk and asleep when Victoria got up. She was panting and as cold as ice. Victoria started looking around her. Everything was the way it really was, with all her friends sleeping.

“Didn’t they hear it?” she mumbled to herself. It was so loud.

What Victoria heard was a huge bang that seemed to have come from the room. Strange though because it was only Victoria who got up.

“Maybe it was just my imagination.” Victoria said.


A loud succession of booms coming from outside the living room soon followed. Victoria became more and more curious about this and stepped outside to check it out. The entire house was wrapped in darkness. The room temperature dropped and Victoria cuddled herself with her arms.

“Hello? Hello?” she whispered in the silence of the dark.

“Is anyone there?” Victoria kept on looking around. The floor became icier and icier thus making it harder for her to walk. A hand rested on her shoulder. A cold hand, at that. Goosebumps made their way all over Victoria’s body, her hair stood on its ends, and her lips felt drier than ever. She tried to open but found herself unable to do so. Victoria spun around and sure as she was, darkness was the last thing she saw.

Onew, Taemin, and Minho were sleeping on the floor. While asleep, they heard glass breaking and sobbing. Onew heard it first and it made him want to check it out. Scared, he woke Taemin and Minho up and asked them to accompany him because he heard a strange noise from outside. Minho assured him that it was just his imagination and he was just dreaming.

“Dude I’m ing serious! I heard something!” Onew pleaded. Taemin and Minho begged sleepy indifference.

“You’re just sleepy and drunk. Get some rest.” they continued with their slumber. Onew was unable to rest as he was just robbed off his peace of mind. He sat up and tried to venture out of the living room to figure out where the strange noise was coming from…

He did. He suffered the same fate as Victoria.

At around 6:30 in the morning, Jonghyun shot awake. He was drunk and covered with cold sweat. Se Kyung was on the floor, sleeping. Jonghyun looked around him and shook his head, feeling the sting of last night’s drinking session. Boy, they sure had a night!

“Se Kyung! Se Kyung!” he called for his “girlfriend”. Shin Se Kyung stood up from where she was in the same dizzy state as Jonghyun as she too got drunk last night.

“Jonghyun!” Se Kyung weakly grabbed his arms. Pain and panic were written all over her face. “I had a bad dream!”

“What?” he sat up and rubbed his head, not letting go of Se Kyung’s hands.

“Our friends! They were killed! They were killed!” Se Kyung cried over and over. Jonghyun snapped back into his consciousness and looked around him. He was very alarmed. He knew something happened last night but he just didn’t know where, when, and how. Jonghyun noticed that all their friends were gone. Thinking that they might have gone to school before them, he shrugged his doubts off and proceeded to his room upstairs to get ready. He told Se Kyung to do the same but on their way out of the living room, a bloody inscription on the wall stopped (and scared) them.


Jonghyun was more scared than insulted. Words like this were so Jessica. To avoid surprises, Jonghyun carefully opened the door and Se Kyung trailed behind him. They walked out of the room and slowly looked around the rom. Sure enough there was no one. The two continued to walk and observe their surroundings when Se Kyung let out a very loud and terrifying scream.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!” Se Kyung sprawled on the floor. Jonghyun rushed to her aid and took a good look at what she was screaming about. Sure enough it was there. The bodies of their friends who slept over last night were skewered, stabbed, beheaded, mutilated, sewn, stepped on. In short, they were brutally tortured and killed.

“Who the did this?” Jonghyun asked with fear written on his face.

“I don’t know…” Se Kyung sobbed. The sight of their friends dead and destroyed scared and grossed her out. So much she nearly gagged.

“It’s Jessica for sure!”

“Jonghyun!” Se Kyung stood up with the help of Jonghyun’s arms. “How sure are you that it was Jessica?”

“Who else would do such a thing but that ?!” Jonghyun ran a hand through his hair. “She’s in control of this. I know she is. “

“But how?”

“I don’t know how but if anything, this is all Jessica’s doing!” Jonghyun said strongly. He was just so damn tired of waking up scared and hurt and paranoid. “I am going to confront Jessica about this. I don’t care if she’s possessed or what. I just want all of this to stop.”

“Well we can’t go to school now! We have to do something about these bodies!”

“Sort that out later.” Jonghyun said indignantly. “I want this problem fixed!” Jonghyun hurriedly went upstairs to fix himself and get dressed for school. Se Kyung-who brought extra clothes with her-went up and did the same thing. Once the two were all set, they headed to school, their minds and hearts filled with anger, fright, and anxiety. Jonghyun just wanted to confront Jessica about the recurrent hauntings. He was sure as hell that she was behind everything.

Jessica had no plans of going to school that day but because of her distinct ability to predict the future or her knowledge of events previously unknown to her, she got out of bed and like a drone, she put on the uniform that she was supposed to wear and walked out of her room in a daze. She didn’t even bother to brush her hair. She knew Jonghyun was going to talk to her and it was her chance to show him what she had.
Upon arriving in school, Jonghyun rushed to Jessica’s classroom and opened the door wide. The students looked at him with frightened eyes, anticipating what he was going to say. They were actually looking at him as some kind of superhero whouwould save them from Jessica’s wrath as they knew only Jonghyun could tame Jessica.

“Where’s Jessica Jung?” he announced. The students looked around and some peeked outside but saw no sign of Jessica. One female student was suddenly struck with fear.

“Looking for me?” whispered a female voice from behind Jonghyun. No wonder that student was so afraid! Jessica was right behind him, smiling slyly. Jonghyun whipped around and backed off in fear. Where was Se Kyung? She was right behind him just a couple of minutes ago! What Jonghyun saw next was close to his worst nightmare. Jessica choked Se Kyung with her arm. Se Kyung desperately gasped for air, grasping Jessica’s arm tighter and tighter. Jessica felt no pain and transferred all her anger to Se Kyung. Jonghyun’s eyes which were once flaming mad slightly tamed, begging Jessica to free Se Kyung and not hurt her. Jessica knew what was on his mind and refused to do so.

“This is the moment I’ve been waiting for. For us to see each other. To talk face to face and not just in dreams!”

“Dreams!” Jonghyun spat. “So you’ve been haunting us the whole time! You’re behind everything that’s happening!”

Jessica scoffed and smirked. “Of course! Who else would be? Your mom?!” she let out a cackle that was as loud as thunder.

“Jong…hyun..”Se Kyung tried to speak with a crushed windpipe. “ me…” Jessica tightened the grip around her neck.

“Shut up, ! If I hear you speak again I’m gonna cut your throat with my fingernail! And you don’t want that !” Jessica yelled into Se Kyung’s ear. She recalled all the times that she and Jonghyun fought as well as the sweet words he and Se Kyung exchanged on Facebook and how Jonghyun cheated on her with Se Kyung while he was in a relationship with her. It pissed her off to a great extent that she dragged Se Kyung by the neck with her superhuman strength to the classroom. Everyone watched and waited in horror as Jessica stood on the teacher’s table with eyes dark as the night and round as the full moon.

“Jessica! You are ing out of your mind! What are you doing?!” Jonghyun ran into the classroom. Jessica stared at him and crippled him with her stare. She shut the doors, rolled the blinds down, toppled the chairs, slammed the books and choked Se Kyung. Se Kyung was struggling to break free from Jessica’s strong grasp.
“How would you like to see a girl get beheaded before your very eyes?!” Jessica asked in a voice that was not her own. This scared the students, Jonghyun and Se Kyung even more. The voice was deep, deeper than masculine. It was demonic deep, like it came from the pits of hell. Jessica’s eye color changed from dark black (dark black…you can just imagine how dark that is) to blood red. Blood began to ooze from her sleeve, meaning Se Kyung was bleeding from the neck. Jonghyun ran to Jessica and yanked Se Kyung’s ankle with all his might but it was no match for the strength that Jessica was getting from the pits of her angry heart and enraged mind. She kicked him and wounded him by staring at him. Jonghyun’s arm was bleeding. Everyone rushed to his aid and the other girls tended to his wound. Jessica glared at them and they stepped away.

“P-P-Pl-Please…” Se Kyung said in a soft whimper. “L-let me…” she knew she was losing a lot of blood. Jessica found her state extremely pathetic and released, no, threw her to the floor. The thump was so loud that Se Kyung crumbled and nearly bled to death and died of asphyxia and excessive bleeding. The other girls in her class who were friends with Se Kyung rushed to her aid and tended to her wounds. They tried to carry her to the clinic but Jessica locked the doors and even blocked them with chairs. She then began to scream and utter spells in an entirely different language, one that only she could understand. Jonghyun heard this and was terrified out of his wits.He backed out and joined the others who were panicking and thinking of a way to stop this devilishness. Jessica exhaled and collapsed on the table. Jonghyun walked closer to her and tried to check if she was okay when she started convulsing all of a sudden. He screamed and fell to the floor. Jessica shook and tossed and turned and screamed. She sat up with her hair a mess, blood dripping from her temples, her emaciated form sitting there, with eyes so dark and deep. The circles underneath her eyes were starting to make their way around the eyes, over to the eyelids. Jessica had lost so much sleep and weight that she was nearly a corpse. Her skin was very pale and her lips were purple, like she had been sleeping in a refrigerator for days. Jessica had a lot of wounds and scars on her face and her ever stoic stare was one that could scare the out of anyone who dared to look at or into them.

Geobu halsu eobtneun noye maryeokeun Lucifer
Geobu halsu eobtneun noye mabobeun Lucifer
Geobu halsu eobtneun noye…

Jessica’s chant was cut short by something that she felt was piercing right through her. This made her lie on the table and convulse even more. Her twisting and turning was even more violent. Not only was she experiencing a horrifying seizure, she was screaming names and tongues. Nobody really understood what was going on or what was wrong with her. Then, Jessica unleashed her inner contortionist by standing up and grabbing her hair, bending herself over backwards, maintaining that position. She then lifted her legs and tumbled backwards, landing on the floor. Everyone watched in horror with their mouths open as they couldn’t believe what was happening to her. Jessica fell hard on the floor but like an agile cat, she got back on her knees and began to move around like a possessed contortionist. She crawled backwards to the post next to the first door and began to climb it backwards, like a spider. Everyone was screaming and going crazy and they couldn’t go anywhere because the doors were locked. Jessica just continued to climb in that position until she reached the top of the whiteboard. Once there, she sat down and flashed a mischievous grin. Her teeth were green and rotten and she started spitting blood. The spitting turned into vomiting and while vomiting, the grin was still on her face. She laughed loud and jumped from the whiteboard down to the floor. Jessica walked around, possessed by an evil spirit and bent down to caress Shin Se Kyung. Se Kyung saw her face staring right at her and screamed. Screamed at the top of her lungs. Jessica mimicked her scream which scared Se Kyung even more. Jessica lunged at Se Kyung and wrestled her on the floor. Se Kyung was meatier than Jessica but Jessica had the power of the demon. Her strength came from Hell and of course, it was stronger than the strength Se Kyung had or thought she had. It took around 10 to 15 boys to get Jessica off of Se Kyung. Se Kyung was held by Jonghyun and the sight of them made Jessica want to attack them and do further harm. She shoved the boys to the side and lunged at Jonghyun, clawing at him til his face was all scarred.

“You will rot in hell, you ing son of a !” she screamed in his face. Jonghyun felt her hands. They were cold and clammy. Jessica was really bony now but strong. Strong enough to tackle Jonghyun. She never stopped clawing and screaming at him that others had to separate them again.

“You’re lucky you got away alive! But one night! One night you will die! Your death is near! Your death is near! So near I can taste it in my rotten mothering mouth!” Jessica screamed as she was being dragged away. Jonghyun and Se Kyung looked at her with stares of disbelief and fear.



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Chapter 6: ...and she dragged to hell along with jong & sekyung
Are You Against JongSica I Think ?
hyeamazing #3
This was really good! But I got totally creeped out >.< I was alone at home reading and shivering with fright T___T
Woaah That was good! I even got chills while reading This!
Wookphilic #5
OMG unnie~ you've finished this story:)) Sorry I havent been coming often to chek your stories Mianhe ^^ But this story is AWESHUM. Hehe I'll be checking your other stories ^^
This has got to be one of the most exciting horror story I've ever read!<br />
Especially those well-written scenes, I could even imagine it in my head. xD<br />
Guess what? I've finished it in one go! <br />
Hope to read more horror stories from you~! :D
rachelthongsong #7
i read this all in one sitting.<br />
you're a magnificent writer, wow. this story was so intense and scary, but good.<br />
keep writing!
Okay, okay... So, I must say that this almost scared the out of me. I'm sitting here in my pitch black dark house, able to see the hallway and mom's bedroom at the end of the hall. I have an imaginative mind, so I can somwhat imagine all of this happening.<br />
Over all, it was a BRILLIANT story! I loved it, and I really hope you make more stories:)
I really hate Se Kyung.. Acting all innocent .. :( poor jessica..<br />
anyways update sooN!!!~
sica_gorjess #10
scary sica!!<br />
<br />
im scared but want to read more!!