the ugly minho

love beyond the looks

--------------------------------morning rises-----------------------------------


Girl: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! monster ! oppa minho where are you ?


Minho: ya ! what are you talking about ? of course im minho !


Girl: no ! you are a monster ! where is minho ? what did you do to him ?


Minho : what ???????? are you out of your mind...?


Then the girl hurriedly get out to Minho's dorm screaming............


Minho: is she crazy? .........


Then minho face a mirror. He saw a man with a wide and flat nose and a scar that looks like a 2nd degree burn that almost cover half of his face. The other part of the face has full of big pimples especially to his cheeks and to his forehead. He touch his face he can't believe that the man standing in front of him is also himself. He got panic. He dont know what will he do. Then suddenly his manager has arrive.


Manager: Minho ! open the door ! you have a lots of  schedules to be handle today.


Minho: Manager can you cancel theam all? I am sick ?


Manager: What ???? Then open it so i Can take you to the hospital.


Minho: NO ! I will be ok. I just want to rest today.


Manager : Ok minho! get well soon.


Then the manager leaves. Minho is now really in panic. He  go to their nearby hospital to ask for some consultation. He cover his face with a hat and shades so that the people cant see his face. While walking........


Girls gossipping................


Girl 1: Sis ! look at him ! he looks so scary.


Girl2: yeah ! he really does.


Then there is a baby crying.........


baby: wahhhhhhhh! T_T mama ! i saw a monster !


mother: no baby ! dont be scared.


Minho got ashamed and run back to his dorm. He is so embarassed that he cannot lift up his head anymore.While he was in his room he cried so much and he uttered this words:


Minho: why did I turn into a ugly man? why ! ( throws all the things he can see to his room. He's room now is really a total mess)


He cried so much until he got sleep. Yoona showed up to Minho's dream........

Minho : Yona is that you?


Yoona : It's good that you still know me while you just ignore me to that girl. you really deserve the punishment.


Minho : so you did this just to take a revenge?


Yoona : obviously, Yes ! (angry tone )


Minho : what is your real identity! how come you can do this to me ! (angry)


Yoona: Im just a Goddess who fall in love to a mortal that hurt me.


Minho : What ???!!! Yoona im begging you . Please return my handsomeness.


Yoona : It's to late oppa. after the pain you give to me? you are not worth it to be forgiven.The only way so that you can escape to that curse is to find a girl with  a pure heart that will love you despite of your image now.


Minho : How can I find that girl ? No girls will love this kind of face!


Yoona: Well then it's your problem and not mine.


Then minho suddenly wakes up with a teary eyed because he knows that nobody will love him now. Because it is so imposible he decided to leave. he also leave a letter to his manager.


Dear Manager,

                    Sorry but I have to leave for a meantime. I need to find myself and I also need to be matured and to be responsible one. Sorry if it is to sudden but hopefully when I will be back again im still your favorite talent.




Minho then went to different places and also set a dates but sadly no girls willing to have a relationship to him. :( He lost his hope and go to a very far place that is out of modernization. Then he saw a forest and went there. He also uttered...


Minho : it is really impossible to find a girl that will love me. T_T I guess I will be forver like this and I have to accept it because Ive done so many bad things in my life.T_T


While Minho is crying he hears a  girl shouting and asking for a help.


???: Somebody help me ! pls! T_T


Then minho rushes to help......................




Yaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! who is that girl asking for a help? find out in the next chapter :D


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Chapter 10: Annyeong author nim this fanfic was daebbak I can rlly imagine wats happening through the whole plot and I rlly enjoyed it ummm it actually went to a sad memories then happy moments awesome fanfic nado-saranghe kamsamnida hwaiting!!! ^-^ •_~
Chapter 10: Awwn this story is so sweet!!
SNSDSHINee4ever #3
Chapter 10: AH! One of the best recent MinYul fics in AFF! The plot is great! SUpporting you for your next fic author-nim!
Chapter 8: I don't think Krystal's really pregnant!!
Chapter 8: Lewlz Krystal might be faking the pregnancy thingy :)
ivyuri08 #6
don't forget to leave a comments guys. :D

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ShineeShiDaePmSuju #7
Chapter 6: O.O what happened did Yuri leave or not????? Update soon!!!!!
SNSDSHINee4ever #8
Chapter 6: HOCK! Is it going to happen?! OMG your story is awesome!
SNSDSHINee4ever #9
Chapter 3: WAAAAAH! MINHOOOOO!!! Yuri, action pls!
Chapter 2: Kyaaah so excited for Yuri :)