C.H.A.P.T.E.R. 3





She stopped. Same with Sunggyu. He feel curious when Mr. Kang called her by her name but not family name like before.

“You can dismiss first, Mr. Kim” Mr. Kang nodded his head and make Sunggyu go out from the room. The door closed.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly full with tension.


Again Mr. Kang called her name. Eunji just sighed, never have intention to look at the principal’s face.

“I know you’re not happy being here, but this is the last chance that I can help you. Please don’t involve with any stupid matters again.”

“I know it, uncle.” Said Eunji.

Now the relationship revealed between them. Eunji smirked at him, her late mother’s old bestfriend.

Mr. Kang shook his head when seeing her eyes. He can understand something. The girl in front of him now would not changed easier. Her stubborn. Her hot temper.

“Please call me Mr. Kang when we’re at the school.”

“Okay. Got it. Please call me by Ms Lee not Eunji then. I also not interested to tell everyone about our relationship. They will stick on me like glue for nothing."

Mr. Kang sighed and weakly nodded. " I want do the best for you.."

"You already did." stated Eunji, give little bowed and go out from the room.

For her surprise, Sunggyu are waiting for her at outside. Leaned his body over the wall. Straighten up when seeing Eunji.

"What's happened?" asked him.

Eunji smirked." Not for your concerns!" she walked away and not looks back again.

"Don't be late for first tutor. Sharp after class at the library. I will wait for you!" added Eunji while waved her hands in the air.

Sunggyu hissed. "Like I care."





I tapped my pen on the table while focus reading my book. I did another multi tasking with listen to music. I volume up to high volume of my earphone, so I will not hear anything beside the song on my playlist.

I glance over my watch. He's late.. more than one hour.

Or maybe not.

"Now, are you listening?" Sunggyu from nowhere pulled out my earphone from my ear.


"You're late." I rolled my eyes and turned off my music.

"Really? I thought I was talking by myself such a dumb for hour"

"Then, it's good. Open your book and start to study." I stand up and clean up my things. Sunggyu looked at me in curious.

"Where are you going? We still not start yet."

"Oppss.. I still not finished my words, start to study by youself. I have some important matters to do. Bye!" I walked away.


He run over me and pull my ponytail hair in harsh. Make me groaned in frustrated. I lifted my body behind and faced with him. Slapped his arm. Hard. I'm pointing my finger on his nose. " Don't touch my hair!" I poked his nose.

"Yah!" He replied by slapping my finger. "That's rude okay!"

I sighed, not in mood to make any arguement with him. " Come with me then."

"Where?" Sunggyu asked.

"I'm going to you." I whispered at his ears.  I want to laugh with my own stupid statement and his redden face.






She's crazy.

"I'm going to you."

She's something impossible yet I'm under her spell. Followed her steps.

"Can you just tell me, where are we going?" I run to catch up her long steps. Super fast.

"Can you just shut up? You're so noisy. Are you sure you are man? Since the school, you're nagging like a girl." Eunhi start mumbled in tension.

I pouted.

Ahah.. I pouted? seriously, I never act like this before. We're stopped in front a house. Eunji open the gate while I stuck in confused, look over the small house. Dropped my jaws. It's beautiful.

This house so beautiful.

My statement is nonsense?


Then, I see a young boy come out from the house, in surprise expression on his face. "Oh noona, you're home. Who's that? Your latest boyfriend?" he grinned.

Latest boyfriend? Me? and the nerd? Seriously, I want to roll like buffalo for laughing out loud.

"Nope. My slave." Eunji stated in poker face.

My face fell. She really...

"Hi, I'm Kai, her handsome dondsaeng and you?" Kai held out his hand to shake with mine. I took his hand. " Sunggyu. Kim Sunggyu."

"Oh nice name." the friendly Kai praise my name. Haha.. so proud, make my nose is growing.

"That's normal one, Kai. You and your sweet words never changed. Instead, he's a boy." said Eunji, while fixed Kai's hair.

My face fell again. Why this girl act cold to me?

Eunji smiled. I saw her first smile but not for me, she smiled for Kai. Eww..

"Little Kyungsoo was sleeping and I'm going to buy some groceries, can you look for him for while before you're going for part time job?" asked Kai.

"Don't worry. I changed my shift to night. Start today onward, I need to tutor this dumber head to increase my credit."

"Really? That's good. I will not worry about you again." Kai laughed like crazy person.

I rolled my eyes. This sibling really..

"Then, have a good tutoring little boy." Kai tapped my shoulder before leaving.

I pissed off. Same like Eunji. But.. he called me 'little boy'? What the heck!

"Come on...loser" said Eunji later, sharp tongue.

"YAHHH!!!" I yelled.








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Chapter 5: Keep it up ! <3