Together with you~

My Special Fishie Hae

“I was by my…..father….” I looked over at Hyukkie to check for any reaction. He looked shocked. I crawled over to him and waved my hand in his face. He blinked a few times but other than that he remained in the same position. I whispered, “Hyukkie? Are you alright?” He looked over at me with pain in his eyes and said, “Hae, of course I’m alright! The actual question here is are YOU alright?” I looked him in the eyes and shrugged saying, “Why wouldn’t I be? I mean it happened last year….it’s not like he is just gonna come running into your room and try it again…” He was obviously surprised at how easily I said it and of course so was I. He had me a total of six times during six months. The only way he was caught was because my mom got off work early the day he decided to do…that…to me and she walked in on him right in the middle of it while I was crying and pleading for him to stop. After that my mom divorced him and I got a step dad but I wanted to completely forget about…him and what he did to me….so I pretend that Hyunseung is my real dad. I snapped out of my thoughts when Hyukjae started to shake me. “Hae! Donghae!! Snap out of it! Are you ok? Oh my god am I gonna have to call an ambulance?!?” Hyuk screamed at me.

I looked back at him and smiled sadly saying, “Don’t worry Hyuk! I’m not going back to the hospital because of him ever again.” I decided to tell Hyukkie everything since he is my boyfriend and I’m sure he would understand. I was wrong. Once I finished telling him the whole story he was pissed. He jumped off his bed and started putting his clothes back on. (Yes. We were talking in our boxers. Problem?) I started to do the same and followed him down the stairs. We made it to the door and he turned to face me with the sweetest smile on his face and asked, “Hae…baby…where does your birth father live?” I was shocked. Hell no!! He is NOT going to confront him! I ran up to him and held his hand and looked him in the eyes saying, “Baby, can you please just leave the situation alone? Please. I haven’t seen or heard from him since my mom left him. Please promise me that you won’t go looking for him. I really want to keep a really great distance from him.”

He saw the desperation in my eyes and I saw his emotions change from hate and anger to pure love. I smiled at him and he smiled back, feeling happier than before. He said, “Hae, baby, why do you have so much power over me? You are the only person that can make me change my mind after I have decided to do something. Damn. I love you so damn much Hae! I’m so happy that you didn’t run away because you didn’t want to be with me earlier!” He pulled me into a hug and I smiled and cuddled further into his embrace. I froze. “Wait. Hyukkie. What time is it?” I felt him tense up and say, “Crap. It’s late. Do you have to be home by a certain time?” I let him go and tried my best to look extremely sad. I responded, “Yes. I have to be home by 4.” I looked up at him to see the sadness and disappointment in his eyes. I couldn’t help it anymore and started to laugh hysterically. He looked at me with the most confused face ever and I replied in between gasps, “I….I don’t have…..I don’t have a time that I need to be home! Hahahahahah” He smiled widely and hugged me and we ended up being pushed to the floor.

I was laughing hysterically by the time he sat up next to me causing him to fall down laughing again. He pulled me into a hug and smiled at me saying, “You know Hae you sure can laugh a lot haha but hey at least you look cute doing it right?” I smirked at him pushing him onto his back and straddling him saying, “Would you rather I be y?” His smile quickly vanished and was replaced with a y smirk. I leaned down leaving only an inch of space between us so that I could see how he would look from my eyes to my lips in want. I smirked a little more and sat myself up. He whined a little at not being able to kiss me. I laughed at him and got off him sitting next to the bed on the floor.

He sat up and gave me a questioning gaze and I just smiled innocently saying, “I don’t think I will come out of here a if I sit on that bed next to you any longer haha.” He smirked a little and said, “Well true hah but your ity is also at risk just by us being in the same room.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me trying to be seductive and I just shoved a pillow in his face. He snorted cutely and I giggled getting him to blush a little. I smiled in victory and he slapped my arm lightly. I looked at the time and realized that three hours had passed and we hadn’t even noticed a tiny bit. I smiled and got up from the floor and he gave me a questioning gaze as I walked backwards towards the door. I pointed at the clock and he noted that it was 7 pm and quickly stood up saying, “Oh my god! I’m so sorry! It’s so late! I’ll drive you home!” I smirked watching the big bad boy run around helplessly looking for his keys with the most priceless expression on his face.


thank you so much for the subscribers that haven't left me and the new ones too!! Welcome aboard and I will try and update more now that it is summer vacation! I will promise nothing cuz I always break my promises... :'( sorry ok enough of my talking please Comment & Subscribe if you haven't already~~ p.s. lately I have really been obsessed with BtoB so yea~ just thought I'd put that out there~~

Bye loves~~

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57 streak #1
BTW, great story author!
Can't wait to read more, I hope you'll update soon!!!
evilyoungest #2
Please update!! it's so good so far!! TT-TT
57 streak #3
Chapter 7: GREAT STORY!!!

sunmoon #4
Chapter 6: don't worry,take care of yourself,and I'll wait for your updates!
Chapter 3: o.oo Actualización de pronto!!Please..I like it
sunmoon #6
Update soon please!