Chapter 5

Fated To Love You, Destined To Be With You

Sungmin had cried himself to sleep again; not even waking up to the screams of Leeteuk for dinner, or the loud beeping noises from Kyuhyun’s computer. He needed to rest for the plan. But Sungmin knew he never really did have a good rest at all. He was too exhausted, both physically and emotionally, that even a night’s sleep wasn’t enough to replenish his energy.


“Minnie~ Today’s the day! ~” Ryeowook had crawled into Sungmin’s bed, and gave the sleeping man who had SungSung tightly in his arms a big brotherly hug. More like a boy hugging his big bolster. Ryeowook moved from side to side, with Sungmin tightly under his arms. Sungmin groaned, but was too tired to push the Maknae off him.


“LEE SUNGMIN!! GET OUT OF BED NOW!!” Sungmin’s eyes flew open as he heard a loud bam on the bedroom door. Looking up, he could see Yesung, leaning against the door frame, looking pissed. Ryeowook noticed the fuming turtle, and decided he better let go of the man under him. Ryeowook dashed out of the room, shouting that breakfast would be ready in five minutes.


Sungmin sat up on his bed, scratching his head. Yesung was still there, arms folded and a frown on his face. Yesung stalked off, leaving a confused and half-awaked bunny on bed, wondering what was wrong.


Yesung cursed in his mind. Why was he so mad?! It was just a brotherly hug from Ryeowook to Sungmin. But the real problem was; why was he mad at Ryeowook? Shouldn’t he be mad at Sungmin for being intimate with the man he love? “Damn!!!!” Yesung grumbled and sat down at the dining table, waiting for his breakfast to arrive.


Sungmin had freshened up, and had been pulled into the seat beside Yesung by Shindong. Leeteuk had entered the kitchen looking as refreshed as ever, as he clapped his hands delightfully. Sungmin was anticipating for Leeteuk’s plan, because he was not allowed to know till the fateful day it will be executed.


Yes, only Sungmin and Yesung were kept out of the plan.


“Okay guys!! Today is a schedule-free day for all of us, so let’s spend this day together as a family!!” Leeteuk announced to the members who were all present in the kitchen. Everyone pretended to be innocent; with no idea what Leeteuk was talking about, when all of them actually knew what was going to happen next.


“Well, I have decided… lets all go to THE AMUSEMENT PARK!!”


Oh crap.


Sungmin slapped himself on the forehead.


Ryeowook had picked out the exact clothes that Yesung had worn on their first trip to the amusement park, and Kyuhyun had forced Sungmin into wearing his white skinny jeans and pink bunny hoodie again. Sungmin had rebelled against the idea to Leeteuk when everyone was asked to get ready


But to no avail.


“Okay, so everyone got their partners?” Leeteuk asked. Shindong grumbled on his seat quietly, stating that even though they had to replay everything that had happened on the carnival before, it did not mean that he had to partner Leeteuk again.


Yesung peered quietly at the rabbit that he was paired up with. Yesung couldn’t help but admired at how cute Sungmin was, in his pink hoodie and that adorable pout on his face.


Why did all these seem so familiar?...


“Thank you!” Leeteuk smiled as he received the ticket from the elderly woman at the ticket counter. Sungmin mumbled a “sorry” as he accidentally bumped into Yesung who was at the front, after getting pushed by Ryeowook who hissed, “Stick with your partners.”


“FIRST RIDE: THE ROLLAR COASTER!” Donghae squealed and held onto Eunhyuk’s hand, dashing towards the attraction. The members followed hurriedly behind, all with a smirk on their faces.


“Wait… wait!! No discussions?! No other suggestions!?” Yesung stuttered as he was pushed towards the ride by Siwon. Sure he forgot some of his memories, but that did not mean he had forgotten his fear for this kind of wacky rides!!!


Sungmin watched Yesung like it was déjà vu. Yesung struggled with the safety belt, tightening it till it couldn’t go any tighter. And his totally pale face when the roller coaster started moving up.


But this time, it will be different.


Sungmin didn’t need anyone to reinforce the plan, or have Ryeowook poking him telling him to stick close with Yesung. As the roller coaster started moving down, and the members screaming their hearts out, and the usual ones laughing.


Sungmin just wanted, and just longed to do it.


He held onto Yesung’s hand.


Yesung was screaming his guts out, and when he felt the warmth in Sungmin’s touch. He fell silent. His heart was beating even faster than before, the warmth was so familiar. So familiar. He tightened the grip unknowingly. For a second he had forgotten he was dying on the cart in the ride moments before.


But, a struck of pain hit him. His head was throbbing badly. He sees flashes of images before him…


A blur figure… a smile… Who was it?... Yesung couldn’t see clearly… a blurry pink item… Yesung was holding it… he held it out… the person stepped back…


“Yesung!! Yesung!! Are you okay?!” Sungmin shook the man. The ride had ended, but Yesung was trembling. Yesung wrenched his hand away from Sungmin’s hold, and held onto his head.


It felt like hundreds of knives had just pierced through Sungmin’s heart.


Sungmin stood up immediately, and got out of the cart shakily. He brushed of the Kyuhyun’s hand on his shoulder. Yesung looked up, his head had stopped hurting. Sungmin’s retreating back… So familiar…


Ryeowook sighed. He did a thumb down sign to Leeteuk who was still pale in the face after the ride. The leader shook his head dejectedly. But it was not time to give up. There is still one place they had been to.


“CAN’T WE SKIP THIS PART?!” Sungmin yelled as he was pulled into the haunted house. The doors closed with a slam, and immediately Sungmin grabbed for Yesung’s arm. Sungmin whimpered. Although he had been in here before, it still freaked him out.


Yesung was stunned at the sudden intimacy from Sungmin. Shakily, he placed an arm around him. So warm… So familiar… But then, Sungmin pulled away. Sungmin ran to the back with Ryeowook, and clutch onto his shirt.


“Sungmin! What are you doing?!” Ryeowook hissed. Sungmin did not reply. Yesung continued walking through the attraction. He felt so cold, so lonely without Sungmin beside him. Why did he feel this way?


Sungmin stared at the back of Yesung’s head. Sungmin did not want to hurt Yesung. Not when his touches alone could already put Yesung in pain.


“What the…” Heechul groaned when he saw the group exited the haunted house. Leeteuk shrieked when he saw Sungmin holding onto Ryeowook and not Yesung, “YOU MEAN I WENT THROUGH THAT HELL HOLE FOR NOTHING!??!”


“Okay guys; let’s head to the games stalls!” Eunhyuk gave a wink. That was the last place they could try. They walked, talked and just like they expected, Sungmin had disappeared. Leeteuk turned around, and pointed at Sungmin who stood at a particular stall, staring at it. “What’s he doing?” Leeteuk asked in an innocent tone.


But they realized, Sungmin didn’t seem to be himself.


“Min?!” Ryeowook shouted, now concerned with the rabbit. Sungmin jerked awake from his trance, and ran towards them. Yesung stared at the stall to Sungmin.


Why did it seem so familiar? This place? This time?


Is that… a tear?


Sungmin hurriedly wiped the tear that had escaped his eyes before he reached the group. Yesung had his eyebrows furrowed. Was Sungmin crying?…


“Ergh…” Yesung clutched his heart.


It hurts… His heart hurts… why?


“HEY!! HEY!! WE DIDN’T COME HERE THE LAST TIME!!” Siwon ignored and closed the cable car door shut. Sungmin and Yesung sat opposite each other. Sungmin was fuming and banging against the window. They did not come to this ride the last time!! Why are they here?!


“Let’s get on. Maybe this ride could give them some time to talk.” Eunhyuk stuck out a tongue at Sungmin and pulled Donghae into another compartment. The others nodded, and formed a line to board the ride.


Sungmin stared out of the glass window. The lights that decorated the amusement park were enchanting. The sky was already darkening, and the scenery was just beautiful…


Yes… beautiful… except for Sungmin’s heart…


Yesung looked at Sungmin. His eyes, his nose, his cheeks… His heart skipped a beat when he saw those cute lips… The sight of Sungmin was just… breathtaking…


Yesung realized. He had figured it out. He thinks…


“Min…” Yesung had clutched onto Sungmin’s hands. Sungmin jumped at the sudden word uttered by Yesung. He looked at Yesung in the eyes; tears were forming for no apparent reason…


Yesung was holding his hand…


“Min… I think I had figured it out… You… there is something I forgot that was really important about you right?...” Sungmin held his breath.


Had Yesung finally remembered?...




“We were… close weren’t we?” Yesung gulped. Sungmin eyes were burning into him. Sungmin lips were slowly forming a smile… a sweet smile that could eat Yeusng alive…


“Sungmin! We had become best friends during the times I had forgotten, didn’t we?!” Yesung finally burst. But the reaction was not what Yesung was expecting…


It wasn’t anything Yesung had expected at all…


Sungmin’s smile disappeared…


Did he say something wrong?... Yesung thought.


Sungmin looked down on the ground, and slowly, he pulled his hand away from Yesung’s hold. He leaned back on the plastic bench, and stared out of the window again.


Why?... Why couldn’t he remember?...


“Ha…Hahahaha! Yes, yes we were! I… I am so glad… you remembered…” Sungmin managed to choke out the words. Yesung smiled and laughed, feeling a sense of achievement to be able to “remember” something from his lost memories.


“So from now on, lets be super duper close friends again!!” Yesung smiled and punched Sungmin playfully on his arm. Sungmin smiled back…




Sungmin was just expecting too much… too much from Yesung… Sungmin started to play with the ring on his finger…


The ring…


The ring…


The ring Yesung gave him…


“What a… what a beautiful ring.” Yesung tried to start a conversation again, “Who is it given by? Someone you love?” Yesung didn’t know why but he felt a sharp pain in his chest when he muttered those words.


A tear landed on Sungmin’s cheek. “Yes… someone I love… very much…” Sungmin looked down at his ring; his hand clenched so tightly that his knuckles had turned white.


“Min… Min you are crying!” Yesung reached out, wanting to wipe away the tear.


Sungmin pushed Yesung’s hand away… As he stared out of the window again, “Its okay hyung…”


“They… they are just tears… of happiness…”


A lie.


And Sungmin knew it.


Yesung did not know why…


But he knew it was a lie too…





A/N: .... ehm *cough cough* hi readers, i am back. PLEASE DONT KILL MEEEEEE. I know i know it has been.... months. but i am really busy after joining my new junior college, and i just finished my mid year exams! and i had holiday job at the end of last year so... thus my dissapearance for so long. PLEASE FORGIVE MEEEE!!! but i am soooo touched that there are so many of you who love my fics! i was motivated after reading ALL the comments, I never knew there are some of you out there that love my fics sooo much !! OMG I HAVE FANS. FANS. OMG. i may not be able to update often, but please continue supporting me and loving my fics *throw candies and love* LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!! <3

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Chapter 7: I really hope you update this story... it is amazing!! T^T <3 <3 <3
Chapter 7: Update please~~~ Author-nim~~~ T^T
baconlover648 #3
cheerminnie #4
Chapter 7: I really miss you and your writing.
Love this story so much.
Please update soon.
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 7: yeah double update but this is breaking my heaaaaaaart T^T
Chapter 7: ahhhh your killing me!
Min be strong..I hope there will be someone who will help Min
Eggums #7
Chapter 7: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
poor sungmin 8 A 8 I hope yesung remembers soon!! T 3 T
bonchan #8
Chapter 7: kekekekekeke xD Yes you're safe now, matoki-chan. I nearly forget the storyline as I have to reread again from begining (LOL hahaha xD). Thank you so much for the double update. I hope Yesung can remember Sungmin soon before it becomes too late because Sungmin is giving up.
bonchan #9
Chapter 6: Awww is this double updates??? Yay!!!! Thank you so much.
Oh my God, Oh my God !! My heart ached so much reading this chapter. Poor Min. His hardwork is claimed by Taeyeon. She is so desperate to get Yesung's love here, but I think I can't blame her much since she can't accept Yesung's rejection.
KcuLL22 #10
Chapter 5: oh god finally I am here now. I've read the prequel; and here I am just right wheb you're in semi hiatus nooooo come back and update for me plssssss