Here We Go..

Me and My New World

Mirae back to  Busan and call Josh to meet up at a coffee shop near her house, she think that her 2 months 'isolation' is something that should be notified by him, beside that there's something more important  to talk something related.  She's waiting while sipping her Irish Cream, stir the foam and try to make a shape with it. When she almost make a heart shape, a hand grab her shoulder and make her screw the heart shape foam

"Geez.. I tought you're a zombie",

"I am.. Rawwr!" while kiss her in the cheek, 

"So.. what are you going to tell me?", he looks Mirae with an excited face

"Well umm.. I don't know if this a bad news or maybe a good news. I will go to Seoul next week, Josh. I will start my training next week..", She set a worried face.

" Oh.. haha is  that what are you goin to tell me? Oh come on, love.. i tought it would be something that make me surprised or something. I mean.. you're a trainee now.. of course you must be trained. How far Seoul and Busan could be? come on baby, everything is gonna be alright. trust me..", She still set her worried face but now is more apologetic,

"but in the first 2 months, I would not allowed to go anywhere, including back home. I will stay in the dorm with other new trainee. And next month is your birthday. I don't want to miss your birthday! It will be our very first time celebrating your birthday. I don't want to ruins it.",  he give Mirae an unreadable face that somewhat make her uneasy and guilty, then he smile

"So that's what you're thinking about? aww.. what a lovely girlfriend i have? hahaha listen... I'll be okay. We still have a lots of birthday that we can spend together, but you don't have much chance like this again, don't you?", He looks Mirae right in the eyes,

"We can still celebrate my birthday, you fool.. what's the use of video call? doh? hahaha cheer up! I'm waaay okay.",  pinching Mirae's cheek. She always know that Josh could understand, but actually she feel really sad because she will miss that moment. 

After a little chit chat and finishing their coffee, Josh accompany her back home. 

"want to come in?", "hmm.. you need to rest after a long trip today. just go rest now. see you tomorrow okay?", messing Mirae's hair and back home.


A week is so fast to fly as expected, tomorrow She'll go take her intensive training and leaving her mother and also Josh for  two months. Tonight she's just packing things in her room when suddenly Josh came, 

"Ready for tomorrow, love?", 

"Yeah, of course", but don't know why Mirae's voice is not excited as usual.

"It just two months.. What's the big deal? you can handle this, don't you?",

actually Mirae is never  being separated from her mother more than just  a week, yeah.. mommy's girl syndrome. After divorced from Mirae's dad when Mirae still 5 years old, Mirae's mom and Mirae moved from Mirae's dad house in Seoul and live together in Busan. And not like any sad story of a brokenhome child mostly, Mirae has a happy life with her mom, Her mom can survive and works to provide their needs, and Mirae also never felt like someone who missing a father figure, She really okay, and feel that have a wonderful mom like that just more than enough, and the most important is, She mean it, not just pretend to be tough or something. At the social life Mirae has a lot of friend, but just friend. She never had a best friend before, because She can't blend enough with them personally, she just comfort while playing and  do regular things with them, but not for being closer as best friend. But Josh is different. Josh personally approach her, make her feel comfort, and always beside her everytime she need his support . he just like a 'buy one get one' , A boyfriend but also a best friend. She never trust anyone beside her mom and Josh. So yeah.. It's a tough decision. 


"Yes.. You right.", she still busy putting her clothes into the bag, 

"I'll accompany you tomorrow.", 

"You don't have to, Josh. It just more difficult if you send me there..", 

Josh realized that it's true, Mirae could be more sad if he accompany her. "Okay.. but at least, let me accompany you until the station."

"Okay..", suddenly Josh hug Mirae from behind and kiss her hair, 

"should i sleepover tonight? it's midnight..",

mirae just take a short glance and laughin, " are you that scared to go home because it's midnight?", 

"yeah~ i'm that scared mirae. I'm afraid that a monster would caught me", still hugging Mirae.

"you can't. let the monster caught you, okay?", 

but Josh still want to have some time with Mirae, He walks trough the door and say to Mirae's mom,

"Ms. Kim, can i sleepover tonight? I promise I'll open Mirae's door all night long and will sleep at the couch, so please let me sleep at Miraes room tonight?", 

and Mirae's mom give him a stare, "I'll watching you, son! if you do 'something' to Mirae, don't you ever think to see the sunrise, arasso?",

"YEEEEEAY! Thank you, eomma!! I promise i will sleep at the couch!", Josh back to Mirae's room and give her a wink,

"You can't defeat me, love!", 

Mirae just sighing, "Okay.. okay.. ",

So that night just pass with a lot of laugh and talk, Mirae got sleepy and suddenly fall asleep, Josh lift her and put her on the bed, and as his promise, he walks tiredly to the couch and sleep.

Mirae's wake up first, she quickly take a bath and make a breakfast for her mom and Josh, " this peanut butter sandwich and hot chocolate is good enough for them, right?", she make it for 3 plates and send one of them to her mom's room, she take a carefully step and bring two plates to her room,

"wake up, Josh.. I make you a breakfast", she wiggle his body a bit.  

"aaah.. okay~", he wake up and take the hot cocholate, "thanks, yeobo~", 

"haisssh.. such a corny boy!", he just chuckled, " I know you like that, Mirae.."

"hurry! we must go to the station now..", she stuffed with the sandwich.

"easy.. easy.. we finish our breakfast first, then we will shoooo~ to the bust stop, okay?",

they finally finish their breakfast and go downstairs, "wait a second, Josh. I want to wake up my mom first."

She walks into her mom's room and touch her mom soflty, 
"eomma.. i gotta go now.. I'll call you often okay? I make you a peanut butter sandwich, our favorite!", 

her mom just smile and say, " okay, see you darling.. be carefull okay.".


At the bus stop, 

" Josh, see you 2 months later.. I'll missing you.",

"Yes, love.. see you 2 months later. saranghae~", and he kiss Mirae at the forehead. She quickly go inside the train and dont want to look back, She know that it would be harder to leave if she look back. 

She put all of her stuff at the storage above and take a seat, " this is it.. My journey is gonna start.. be tough, Mirae. You're a big 18 years old girl. You can handle it! Hwaiting!!", and the train is start to run... to seoul.

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its ok..nice chapter,i just imagine that im Mirae..TOP <3<br />
keke..btw<br />
updated soon^^
MaiikO #2
Aww.. Where did you go?
dashingsummer #3
hello hello ^^<br />
thanks for commenting <3<br />
thanks for subscribing <3<br />
thanks for liking this story,<br />
i will update as soon and as often as possible,<br />
so please keep waiting for the next chapter!! :D
plstop #4
welcome..i love it <3 <3
omo LOVE IT ! UPDATE ! NOW !!!! <3
CaramelBananaa #7
Awesome Story!! :D <br />
Update soooon(;
for the beginning,,i think its a good story..updated soon ya!..hwaiting~