Chapter 4

The Best Cure for a Hangover

Just as Umma had asked, I rifled through my closet, searching for my favourite jeans and hoody and pulled them on. Laughter could be heard from the living room, frowning slightly as I brushed fingers through my hair, I stood up, closed the closet and left the sanctuary of my room.

Umma heard me walking leisurely down the hall and opened the living room door eagerly, poking her head around it and exclaiming loudly "Oh! Heechul-ah!"
I narrowed my eyes at her fake tone, wondering why they seemed to be trying so hard to impress their guests. She waved her hand at me, trying to make me hurry into the room.

I sighed quietly, put on a fake smile and let Umma present me to their guests. She stood next to me, an arm draped over my shoulder as if making sure I couldn't run away, then she introduced me as her "darling" Heechul. I studied the guests, the man was European, blue eyes and light brown hair, gradually turning grey at the sides. The woman was Korean, short black hair and small brown eyes that turned into cresent moon shapes whenever she smiled.

Then my gaze fell on the girl, lingering there for a little too long, causing her to look up at me unsurely. A small smirk crept over my lips, she simply blinked up at me, a slightly puzzled look on her face. She's definitely not a fan, I thought to myself and then chuckled inwardly at how sure I was.

"Heechul-ah," Umma waved her hand infront of my face, "Did you hear me?"

"Sorry," I smiled back and cleared my throat, "You were saying?"

"This is Mr. Williams. He's the CEO for a European Company," She nodded and smiled at the man, who greeted me politely. "and this is Mrs. Williams. She owns a chain of beauty product stores, here in Seoul." The Woman stood up to bow, then extended her hand and complimented me on how healthy I looked as I shook it.

"Nice to meet you, Mr Williams, Mrs. Williams" I bowed to the two adults then glanced at the girl, noting how awkwardly she was sitting. "Is this lovely young lady your daughter, Mrs. Williams?"

"My Step-daughter, but I consider her my own." She beamed at me and then at her daughter, "This is Alex. She's studying at Oxford university right now." The proud look on her face reminded me of how my parents looked whenever they spoke of me.

The girl, Alex, winced at the mention of Oxford and shot her mother a pained look. With an amused smile, I wriggled out of my Mother's grip, gave her and Appa a reassuring look and turned towards Alex. "Alex, why don't you help me prepare tea?" I tilted my head and gave her my hand, biting the insides of my cheeks as she looked up at me like a deer caught in headlights.

"A-ah, sure. Yes, ok." She gingerly took my hand and I pulled her to her feet. 

I placed my had on her shoulder. As we passed by my parents they gave me a warning look. I knew exactly what that meant. "Don't get carried away." 

"We'll see." I smirked to myself.

Alex looked back at her parents, receiving a similar look from them. We both exchanged an exasperated look as we left the room and headed for the kitchen.






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Chapter 5: GIVE US MORE!! MOOOOOOOO~RE ♥ Update soon, alright? ^^
Chapter 5: asking for an update too soon ;)
Chapter 4: It's not bad at all!! please keep up the good work your story is really good!! :3 Fightiing~ :3
Chapter 3: Oh i cant wait for chapter 4!!!! Update Asap! It will be fun to watch that train crash! Lol keep u the good work author-nim!!!
Chapter 2: Lol! Thats picture is perfect!! XD i luv chapter 2!!!!