Chapter 3

The Best Cure for a Hangover

He held his head in his hands and groaned "Aish..."

I stared down at the floor awkwardly, then took a step back into the hallway, almost falling over my own feet. Heechul looked up at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I-it was nice meeting you." I smiled weakly.

I bowed slightly, feeling stupid for doing so, as I still wasn't completely familiar with Korean mannerisms. I straightened up again, keeping my gaze on the floor, feeling too silly to look directly at him. My cheeks felt hot as I backed further out of the room, closed the door quietly and stood there, my hand still on the door knob as I tried to make sense of what had just happened. A few moments later I dragged myself back down the hallway, pausing outside the room where my parents were still deep in conversation with Mr. Kim. 

They looked up as I entered. My mother widened her eyes at me a little, as if to ask how it went. I could only smile back at her, trying to hide the look of pure agony in my eyes while I realized how embarrassing my encounter with Kim Heechul had just been. 

Mr. Kim smiled up at me "Did you enjoy seeing his old room? You're the first fan to ever have seen it." He stated proudly. It sounded like he was expecting me to feel honored or special, but I felt stupid and embarrassed, plus that had been the first time I had ever laid eyes on Kim Heechul. I smiled back politely and nodded "I did...thank you very much, Mr. Kim."


I heard the girl walk back down the hallway, as she opened the living room door the dull conversation drifted through the walls making my head throb even more. With a heavy sigh I began to massage my temples again, relaxing at the momentary lack of pain. A weak smile passed over my lips as I thought back to this evenings events, the smile soon faded again and turned into a grimace, I'd really over done it with the alcohol this time.

Soon quick footsteps interrupted my train of thought. My mother ripped open my door, spilling drops of coffee on my floor. She the mug of hot liquid at me with a sour look on her face. I'd obviously decided to come home drunk at the wrong time.

I simply took the mug, smiled sweetly and thanked her. The look on her face told me a long lecture about my alcohol consumption was coming my way. I was right.

Umma sat down on the end of my bed, trailing her fingers over the pattern on my bed sheets while she sighed sadly. 

"Heechul-ah" She looked up at me "You're going to ruin your liver if you carry on like this. Or one day you'll get so drunk you'll forget your name!"

"Good job the majority of people on the street know who I am then, isn't it?" I sipped my coffee coolly, already bored with the lecture, having heard it millions of times before. My head throbbed again, making me wince and wish I'd just stayed at home instead of going out drinking with Hong-ki and Yunho.

"Heechul! I'm serious!"

"I know Umma, I know. I'm sorry. I over did it this time, it won't happen again" I'm getting too old for binge drinking. 
I sighed and looked at her gloomily, "I didn't mean to make you worry. Mianhae Umma."

As if reading my mind, she reached out and laid a comforting hand on my arm, "You know, you don't have to drink to enjoy a night with your friends. Alcohol isn't everything. Remember that, Chullie-yah. Now," She stood up suddenly, "we have important guests over, I'd like you to make an appearance. It might help things along with your father's business proposal."

Staring at her over the top of my mug, I raised an eyebrow questioningly, wondering how an appearance from me would help my father. 

"Their daughter is your fan. If she's happy then I'm sure her parents will agree to your father's idea."

"That girl? She didn't look like a fan. Unless aimlessly rambling on about cures for a hangover was her way of showing how much she adores me." I set the mug down on the beside table and shook my head doubtfully, "Umma, she wasn't a fan."

"Nonsense! Of course she was!" Umma walked over to my door, pausing briefly to shoot me a warning glance, "Finish your coffee, get dressed, then join us for tea before they leave."

"Ne, Umma."

"Oh and Heechul?"


"A little flirting with their daughter wouldn't be completely inappropriate. Use that arrogance of yours, most fan girls seem to find it charming."

She left my room and returned to her guests, leaving me rolling my eyes. "Typical."







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Chapter 5: GIVE US MORE!! MOOOOOOOO~RE ♥ Update soon, alright? ^^
Chapter 5: asking for an update too soon ;)
Chapter 4: It's not bad at all!! please keep up the good work your story is really good!! :3 Fightiing~ :3
Chapter 3: Oh i cant wait for chapter 4!!!! Update Asap! It will be fun to watch that train crash! Lol keep u the good work author-nim!!!
Chapter 2: Lol! Thats picture is perfect!! XD i luv chapter 2!!!!