Chapter 2

The Best Cure for a Hangover


“Umma! My head is already spinning, you’re making it worse by-“ he sat up to look at his mother, then laid his gaze on me, “Who’s that?”
Mrs Kim, looking furious, scowled at her son, “Never you mind!” She hissed, purposely using as much slang as possibly, stopping me from understanding anything at all.

“Sober up! We have guests!”

“But Umma-“

“Don’t! I do not wish to hear your excuses Heechul! I'll get you some coffee. Stay here.”

With that, Mrs Kim stormed off back down the hallway, towards the kitchen. I hesitantly my heel, meaning to follow after her.

“Hey!” The man massaged his temples as he looked at me, furrowing his eyebrows a little, “Who the hell are you anyway?”
I opened my mouth to reply but he interrupted.

“Never mind, just be quiet and we'll get along fine.” He laid back down on the bed and groaned loudly.

“You know....some people say a good cure for a hangover is to drink even more,” I took a deep breath and starting rambling, not really caring about proper sentence form as I spoke in Korean, “But actually if you do, it could make your headache even worse, lead to Alcohol dependency and then, eventually, death.” I stared down at my shoes, “Vitamins are supposedly a good cure too. But I've found that eating toast or dry crackers works best. Although I suppose it really depends on the person and-“

“They say is a good cure.” He sat up, staring at me with a straight face. I stared back, my eyes wide and my mouth opening and closing, not being able to find anything to say.

Suddenly he started laughing. Loud, genuine laughter, filling up the room and my head, making a small smile tease the corners of my lips.
“I knew that’d shut you up.” He sighed.

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Chapter 5: GIVE US MORE!! MOOOOOOOO~RE ♥ Update soon, alright? ^^
Chapter 5: asking for an update too soon ;)
Chapter 4: It's not bad at all!! please keep up the good work your story is really good!! :3 Fightiing~ :3
Chapter 3: Oh i cant wait for chapter 4!!!! Update Asap! It will be fun to watch that train crash! Lol keep u the good work author-nim!!!
Chapter 2: Lol! Thats picture is perfect!! XD i luv chapter 2!!!!