Chapter 1

The Best Cure for a Hangover


I sat on the floor, legs crossed, gazing down at my hands awkwardly as the four adults in the room discussed business and the state-of-the-economy-these-days. My Dad - a 42-year old CEO from Europe - and my Mum - a 40 year old shop owner from Korea – sat either side of me at a low table, too engrossed in the conversation to notice their silent daughter.

They spoke so quickly in Korean that I couldn't understand much, the odd word would sound familiar to me but it was useless trying to follow the conversation.
The two adults across the table, Mr and Mrs Kim, who were doing most of the talking, smiled at me from time to time, as if trying to make me feel more comfortable, but it had the opposite effect.

Soon the conversation steered towards "Children" and Mrs Kim started to tell us about her daughter, Heejin, who worked at a Spa. Mr Kim nodded along as his wife spoke fondly of her "Darling Heejin."
In turn my Parents told the Kims about me, as if I wasn't even present in the room.They made me out to be a perfect straight A student, studying Economics and languages at a University in England. I couldn't help but wince painfully as they showed me off.

"Speaking of languages," Mrs Kim turned towards her husband, "didn't Heechul-ah study English?"
Mr Kim nodded, suddenly looking very proud, his eyes lighting up as he told us about his Son. "He's in the entertainment business. Acting, singing, MCing, he even has his own radio show. He does it all really."

The pride in his voice was so clear, it made me feel sorry for his daughter, who he'd spoken little of.
My parents "oohed" and "aahed" in all the right places as they listened in amazement while Mrs Kim listed all the things her precious son had achieved so far. "He's an important part of Super Junior. I'm sure you've heard of them?"

My mother nodded enthusiastically then, for the first time that evening, turned to smile at me "Yes of course! As it happens, Alex is quite the devoted fan. Aren't you darling?"
I blinked at her a few times before nodding slowly, mustering up the most sincere smile I could manage, "Y-yes....they're really good." I used the little Korean my Mother had taught me, causing the Adults to laugh and coo at my thick English accent. My cheeks turned a shade of deep red and my wish to go home grew stronger.

Sure, I’d heard of Super Junior, but I had only ever listened to one song, Sorry Sorry, and I can’t say it was really my thing. I was into Alternative Rock, just like my Dad.

But never the less, I let my Mum ramble on about how I'm a big fan of Korean music, and how nervous I was about coming here because it's Kim Heechul's childhood home.

Mr and Mrs Kim nodded approvingly.
"I had a feeling that was why the poor thing has been so quiet all evening!" Mrs Kim clapped her hands together and grinned at me. She stood up, then signaled for me to do the same, "Come with me, I'll show you Heechul's old room."

I stood and followed her, shooting an annoyed glance at my parents as they busied themselves in conversation with Mr. Kim. I padded down the hallway, glancing at the family photos on the walls until Mrs Kim stopped in front of a door. She turned to me, still smiling, her hand resting on the door knob.

"Heechul-ah is home for a few weeks, but he's out right now, probably with one of his famous friends," she sighed airily and pushed opened the door, "You'll be the first fan to ever- Heechul-ah!?" she switched on the light, revealing a man lying in bed, hands over his face and groaning at the sudden brightness.



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Chapter 5: GIVE US MORE!! MOOOOOOOO~RE ♥ Update soon, alright? ^^
Chapter 5: asking for an update too soon ;)
Chapter 4: It's not bad at all!! please keep up the good work your story is really good!! :3 Fightiing~ :3
Chapter 3: Oh i cant wait for chapter 4!!!! Update Asap! It will be fun to watch that train crash! Lol keep u the good work author-nim!!!
Chapter 2: Lol! Thats picture is perfect!! XD i luv chapter 2!!!!