More than Friends? (TaoRis / ZhouRy Chapter)

Inculpable Panic!

    Ryeowook, Yesung, Kyungsoo, Kris and Eunhyuk sat together in Ryeowook's and Yesung's room, secretly holding their 'welcome back' tea party. They were happy to see their friends again after the long summer vacation.
   They sat on the floor, surrounding a small table, where a small light stood in the middle, spending some light, while Ryeowook placed the cups and plates on the table.
   After a couple of minutes, they already noticed, that Kris was extremly quiet this evening and he was also sitting some inches away from the others. They looked confused to Eunhyuk, who looked worried down on his cup of tea.
   "Isn't Tao coming tonight?", Ryeowook asked and looked from Kris to Eunhyuk, who seemed to know what was going on, "Isn't he feeling well?"
   "No...", Eunhyuk whispered and gave Kris one more worried look, before he turned back to the others, "That's not it..."
   "The summer groceries were sent here this morning. We wanted to prepare Tao's favorite milk tea tonight", Yesung explained and stared to Kris, who only sighed often without talking to the others. He seemed to be in deep thoughts, but what was he thinking about?
   Kris sat in front of his desk, his head laying down on it. He was deep in thoughts, sighing oftenly. After Eunhyuk returned from his date with Donghae, he was so happy. A happiness, Kris hadn't seen for a long time at his friend's face. So he felt relieved and happy for him, but somehow also jealous. He knew he wasn't someone, who liked it to be surrounded by a lot of people and maybe he wasn't easy to handle sometimes. Maybe that's why he lived at the boys' boarding school since first year of middle school already. He wondered why Eunhyuk liked him as a friend so much, eventhough he teased the smaller one often with Donghae. But that's not enough of all. There was that Chinese transfer student, Tao, who really seemded to like him.
   A loud sigh flew through the dark room, while he gazed at the DVD he had watched with Tao the last time and which the younger one had forgotten in his room.
   "Am I jealous? And if yes, why am I jealous?", Kris thought loudly, "Why do I feel lonely when I see Eunhyuk and Donghae together?"
   Sometimes he wished he would have somebody he could ask those things, somebody who would answer them straight back, without asking stupid things like 'why do you feel this way'.
   Suddenly Tao came up on his mind, which really surprised him, then it knocked and Kris looked up to the door.
   "Gege, it's me."
   "Tao? How could it be, that I was thinking about him and now he's standing right in front of the door?", Kris thought, before he said loudly, "Yes, come in."
Tao went in a bit confused, because the room was so dark, that he ran against the bed.
   "Ah, ow."
   "Oh, did you get hurt?", Kris asked and jumped up from his chair to turn on the lights.
   "Gege, what are you doing here without light?", Tao asked annoyed, because his feet hurted after he ran against the bed, where he sat down the check it immediatly.
   "I was just thinking around. By the way, what do you want?"
   "I just want to get my DVD, I forgot", Tao said and looked up to Kris, who stood in front of him, standing up to face him better, "And I wanted to thank you, that you shared your precious time with me, because... because you don't like fourth graders that much..."
   "He thinks I don't like fourth graders?", Kris thougth, "Right, most of them are really stupid and annoying, but some are really nice... like Ryeowook and Yesung... and... he..."
   Suddenly Tao handed him a small package, while he looked shyly down on the ground: "Here.. I got this for you."
   Kris grabbed the package and unpacked it, revealing a pair of metal chopsticks.
   "I saw that yours were broken, so I got some metal ones for you", Tao explained shyly, while he was blushing all over his face after his and Kris eyes' met.
   And suddenly something was going on in Kris. He didn't understand and he just started to act without thinking. He laid the chopsticks on his bed, before he turned back to Tao and laid his hands on the shoulders of the Chinese student, looking deep into his eyes.
   "Kris... gege? What... what's wrong?"
But Kris didn't answer, he just gazed straight into Tao's dark, deep eyes, which grew so big after Kris laid his lips on the panda boy's ones.
   Tao wasn't able to move an inch. He was shocked and had never imagined that something like this would happen, eventhough he had a crush on his upper classman.
   Suddenly the kiss deepened without Tao doing something and Kris pushed him against the door, his hand walking down on Tao's body, until the taller one lead his hand under Tao's shirt, causing goosebump all over his skin. As Kris' other hand suddenly walked down between Tao's leg, the smaller boy pushed Kris away with all his strenght, so Kris fell down on the ground.
   "No..", Tao whispered shocked with teary eyes and gulped, "Gege... what... what are you doing?"
   Kris was sitting shocked on the ground and faced Tao, who looked down on him with such a frightened expression, which Kris had never seen before. He did too much. Why did he act like this? He was shocked about his own behaviour.
   "Tao... I...", Kris stammered and stand up again, "Listen to me..."
   "No!", Tao wanted to listen to Kris, but in the moment, he just needed time for himself, "No!" He went out of the room. He needed to think about what just happeed and what the meaning of this was. Did Kris like him too? But why did he go so far at the very beginning?

   After they finished their tea party, Eunhyuk and Kyungsoo left the room without Kris. The Chinese student asked his Jaeneung friends, if he could sleep the night at their room; A request they only understood after Eunhyuk told them, that Tao had to sleep in their room, because the younger ones' room was under repair.
   They said goodbye to their friends at the door and Eunhyuk brought Kyungsoo to his room, before he went to his own.
   "Hyung?", Kyungsoo whispered.
   "Is everything alright between Kris hyung and Tao hyung? Kris hyung looked troubled.", Kyungsoo mentioned and Eunhyuk nodded.
   "Probably something happened between them. Maybe they had a fight. I don't know", Eunhyuk said worried.
   As he entered his room, he noticed Tao, who already laid on the extra bed. It was quiet, so Eunhyuk could clearly hear Tao's sobbing. He really wanted to know what happened, because he wanted to help his friends. He knew that Tao liked Kris a lot, but he couldn't imagine what happened that the boy, who acted so mature all the time, was lying in the bed and cried while he was covered completely by the blanket.
In the meanwhile, Kris had laid down on Yesung's bed, who shared a bed with Ryeowook. The older student laid with the face to the wall. He wasn't in the mood to talk about anything, he just wanted to be with himself, trying hard not to think about what happened, but it didn't work well.
   "Hyung?", Ryeowook whispered as quiet as possible, but Yesung laid his finger on his lips to show his roommate, that it wasn't a good time to talk now. But Ryeowook just came closer to Yesung and whispered into his ear: "Hey, hyung, Kris hyung is..."
   Yesung interrupted Ryeowook by laying his hand on the transfer student's mouth: "Shhh".

   As Ryeowook woke up on the next morning, Yesung was already awake, putting on his tie, while Ryeowook sat up, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
   "When did Kris hyung leave?", he asked as he noticed that Yesung's bed was already empty.
   "Just some minutes ago", Yesung said, while he stood in front of the mirror, tieing his tie.
   "What do you think? Did something happen between him and Tao?", Ryeowook asked curiously, while he put on his uniform.
   "Probably, I think so", Yesung nodded.
   "Hyung, do you know what it is?"
   "No. That's something between the two of them. It's none of our business", Yesung told him and grabbed his books.
   "But I'm very worried... Kris hyung looked so troubled."
   "I know", Yesung added and handed Ryeowook his book, before he fixed his friend's tie as suddenly a loud noise came from the floor. They opened the door and peek out, so they could see Henry and Zhoumi, who had a huge fight. Henry even threw book after Zhoumi, who went outside on the hallway.
   "Why can't you cherish it?", Henry shouted and threw books and clothes after Zhoumi.
   "What the hell are you doing, stupid?"
   "I'm not stupid!"
   "Oh yes, you are", Zhoumi yelled and picked up the books, while Henry threw even more out of their room, "YA, stop throwing out my stuff! And it's not even my fault, it's yours!"
   "A fight?", Ryeowook asked frightened and hid behind Yesung, who scratched at the back of his head.
   "Looks like it..."
   "Will they be okay?"
   "It's a common occurrence", Yesung told him, "They fight about once a year."
   "What?", Henry shouted furiously, "Say that again!"
   "You stupid fool!"
   "You are the stupid one!", Henry shouted and threw another book, which hit Zhoumi at the foreheard.
   "Ya, are you insane? You violent, little fool!", Zhoumi yelled pissed and jumped up.
   "What did you call me? Violent? I'm not the one, who started with that !!"
   "Wow, so you just love to throw things at people!"
   "THIS IS SELF-DEFENSE!", Henry screamed and stepped out of the room, ready to fight even louder and even more to get an apology from Zhoumi.
   "How is that self-defense? Why can't you be more gentle..."
   "Gentle? GENTLE?! You should be more gentle when we-" Henry shouted and suddenly stopped as he noticed that Ryeowook and Yesung were watching them worried. Zhoumi grabbed his stuff and ran back into the room with Henry, both red faced because they were embarrassed that their friends have seen everything.
   "Seems like many of us are having fights lately", Yesung said quielty to himself. First, something happened between Ryeowook and the Wang, then Kris and Tao had something and now even Henry and Zhoumi had a quarrel.
   After their lessons, they went back to their room, where Ryeowook kept talking about the others.
   "I found out about the fight between Henry and Zhoumi. When they came here, Henry had stitched a 'protection charm' on Zhoumi's vest, because he often misses his parents and home in China. But Zhoumi didn't like the charm there. He wanted it on his shirt instead and without telling Henry, he stopped wearing the vest. In the end, Henry noticed it and got mad, because he thought, that Zhoumi didn't like the charm anymore, but it was just a misunderstanding", Ryeowook explained while he unpacked his school bag.
   "If you pay too much attention to their arguments, it'll be endless", Yesung said worried, "They always start fighting, but make up later one way or another. And first of all, you have to clear up your own problems."
   Ryeowook nodded about this statement, because he knew his hyung was right. Before he could help Henry and Zhoumi or Kris and Tao, he had to make up with Kyuhyun first. But he wasn't ready for it yet, besides that, Kyuhyun went back to his parents for a while, which he had found out after he had asked Siwon about the Wang.
   Eunhyuk and Tao were at the chorus practice, standing some metres away from each other. Somehow it felt awkward for Eunhyuk, since he heard Tao crying last night, but after the practice had ended he stepped closer to Tao. He quickly noticed, that Tao didn't look good; He was pale, his bags under his eyes were even bigger than normal and his eyes were red from crying. He looked tired and sad.
   Kris had skipped the lesson again. Lately, he did that oftenly. Did he refuse to see Tao so badly or did he want to give them some time apart? Tao didn't know it, but he felt bad that he had left Kris behind like this, without giving him the chance to explain himself. He was just too shocked about the happenings, that he didn't even had time to think about it clearly, while he face the shocked, on the floor sitting Kris.
   "He didn't come again, eh?", Tao said to himself and turned aside, as he noticed that Eunhyuk had stepped next to him.
   "I'm worried about you guys", Eunhyuk said and turned to face Tao directly, "Whatever happened, you have to make it up again. I don't like seeing my dongsaeng sad like this and I don't want to see my friend troubled like this. Whatever Kris did, it's troubling him. Really."
   "Thank you, gege!"
Then suddenly Ryeowook appeared next to them, asking Tao for a special place, the place he met Kris the first time, the place he started to like him.

   Kris met with Yesung, after the Jaeneung student asked him to meet him in front of Jihye Academy at the afternoon. Actually Kris didn't understand, what exactly was going on and why Yesung asked him about the place he first met Tao, but he didn't ask about and just walked ahead to lead Yesung to the place.
   They went to the cathedral, where Jihye's chorus normally had their practise lesson. Kris showed Yesung a door, which was a secret entrance at the cathedral's backside.
   "This is the first time, I'm here", Yesung said fascinated while he looked around. Everywhere was green lawn, which was surrounded by the trees of the bording forest.
   "It's just the backyard of the cathedral. But no one comes here. I always come here, when I want to be alone or if I don't have motivation for practice", Kris explained, looking down on the ground with a sad eypression, "Here I first met Tao."

   Tao leaned against the wall of the cathedral under the big colorfur window. He listend to the chorus, which was practicing inside.
   Kris noticed him immediatly because normally no other students was around here. He saw, that the smaller student wore Jihye's uniform and he sang quietly the same song, the chorus used to practise.
   Suddenly Tao stopped singing and looked shocked at Kris, who stood next to the door and stared at him. Then Kris slowly came closer to Tao, but the younger one turned away and started running away.
   "Hey, wait", Kris shouted and ran after Tao, who quickly strumbled over a stone and fell down, just like Kris did a few seconds after him.
   Kris landed next to Tao and eyeballed him confused, while Tao apologized while panting for air.
   "Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong."
   "But...", Tao started, but stopped, looking down on the ground.
   "You are the transfer student from China, right?", Kris asked and sat down on the ground next to Tao, who sat up as well and faced Kris surprised.
   "How... how do you know?"
   "Your Korean... I can hear your Chinese accent", Kris said with a smile, "I'm Chinese, too!"
Tao's eye grew big as he heard, that he wasn't the only student from China.
   "Do you like singing?", Kris asked and Tao shruged.
Then Kris started to sing the song, Tao was singing before and Tao joined him after some lines. While singing, Tao observed Kris carefully. Something was special about the blonde student and no matter what it was, Tao had to join the chorus, so he would be able to sing with him more often.
   "I'm Wu Kris", he introduced himself after singing and stood up, before he helped Tao to stand up as well.
   "I'm Tao. Huang Zitao."

   Kris remembered his first meeting with Tao. Actually it was really nice and he couldn't even remember why he oftenly thought, that Tao was annoying? But maybe it was just because he didn't know about his own feelings.
   "Do you think, he will really come?", Kris asked Yesung disencouraged, "I maybe destroyed everything. He won't come!"
Suddenly Yesung laid his hand on Kris shoulder. "Kris hyung, look!", he said and pointed in the distance, where Tao appeared, who was followed by Ryeowook and Eunhyuk. Kris' eyes grew big as he noticed Tao, who quickly came closer to him.
Tao stopped about one metre in front of Kris, facing him with his usual serious expression, but Kris could see, that he was gulping nervously.
   "You still remember this place?", Kris asked confused.
   "Of course! It's because... because", Tao stammered and looked shyly down on the ground, before he whispered embarrassed, "It's because this is the precious place, where I met my Kris gege for the first time."
   Kris' eyes grew big. Suddenly he noticed, that Tao already started liking him from the first meeting they had.
   "This is where I met Kris gege", Tao repeated with teary eyes and looked up to him, "That's why I won't forget it ever!"
   "Tao...", Kris didn't know, what he should say. He bit his bottom lip, which was shivering because of his nervousness. Then he slowly stepped closer to Tao, while the tears filled his eyes. "I'm sorry, Tao. I'm sorry, that I did those things to you. I... I.. just realized, who the most precious person is to me... I didn't want to scare you! That time, I wasn't myself... not my normal self..."
   But Tao just shook his head.
   "Gege, it's okay. I'm sorry, too", Tao said, took a deep breath and hugged Kris, burying his face into his chest, that the others couldn't see the tears, which ran down his cheeks and Kris deepened their hug by laying his arms tightly around the smaller student, while their friends were watching them with relieved expression.

   So in the end, everything turned out good again and also Henry and Zhoumi cleared up their quarrle. Their room was dark. They had put Zhoumi's desk between their beds, so that they had an 'own side of the room'.
   Zhoumi sat on his bed, while his little lamp spent him some light. He tried to sew the charm, which Henry used to sew on his vest years ago, on his shirt.
   Henry laid in his bed, trying to sleep, as he suddenly heard how Zhoumi whined in pain. He stood up and looked over the desk, so that he saw, what Zhoumi was doing.
   "You're so bad!", Henry laughed and Zhoumi rolled annoyed with his eyes.
   "Shut up! Go back to your side!", Zhoumi said and kept on sewing, as he stung himself with the needle again, "Ouch!"
Henry looked worried down on Zhoumi and went to the other side of the room, where he sat down on Zhoumi's bed and grabbed the shirt.
   "Give it to me!"
   "No! I can do it myself", Zhoumi said angrily, while he held his bleeding fingers.
   "Stop it, otherwise your fingers will be dead soon", Henry spoke in a strict tone and grabbed the shirt, "What did you wanted to do?"
   "I wanted to have the charm you made for me on my shirt instead of my vest, because I don't wear the vest in summer, but I want to have the charm with me every day!", Zhoumi confessed and pouted, while he looked away from Henry.
   "But didn't I make one on one of your shirts last year?", Henry asked and looked to Zhoumi, who looked down on his knees and nodded, "Don't tell me you grew taller again?"
   Zhoumi looked embarrassed to Henry, who gazed at him with shiny eyes. He nodded again.
   "That's why you didn't wear it anymore?! Why didn't you tell me from the beginning, that you've grown? I would have made a new one for you without that rediculous fight!", Henry explained.
   "Because last year, you noticed I grew taller, when I didn't tell you", Zhoumi said.
   "So that's why you were so happy last year?", Henry talked and Zhoumi shrugged, "And, you wanted me to notice again this year?"
Zhoumi let himself fall back on his bed. He didn't want to anwser that question, because he was sure Henry already knew the answer anyway.
   "Answer me, Zhoumi", Henry added, putting the shirt aside and laying down next to Zhoumi, "Don't be like this! I don't like it, when you are a stubborn! You wanted me to notice, right?"
   "Shut up!"
Henry smiled all over his face and gave Zhoumi a kiss on his cheek, before he sat up again, working on the new charm for Zhoumi's shirt.


So it's a double update today!!!
I hope you like the EunHae chapter and this TaoRis/ZhouRy chapter as well!
Please tell me if you liked it or not!! :)

Ji Hoo


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the first chapter will be up later today^^


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I impressed with you Author-nim.. this story made three years ago.. I believe at that time there was no issue or idea about Wookie's solo album..
I just finish read this story and found out the words "Wang", "The Little", and "Flower"
all those words are really compatible with Ryeowook first solo album.. "The Little Prince" and symbolize by "Flowers"

Wow... you really can predict that someday those words will be so meaningful for Ryeowook

Our Author-nim Daebak.. ^0^
Omg! Omg! Omg!
I'm so late How come I didn't come across this...
Oppa, is my apology even accepted....
! this story came to an end, I'm going to miss this,
I loved the it's awesome at last stubborn kyu made my wookie cry a lot and now he is finally accepting the fact that he fell for ryeowook for being ryeowook, not because he was a replacement....
I love kyuwook and even eunhae, but I feel bad for yesung.
Sungie go find your love (siwonnie maybe ^^)
just kidding, overall loved this story from the bottom of my heart.
Chapter 37: and the story comes to an end.....I am gonna miss this....I love strawberry panic....poor any other kyuwook story?
lixian971 #4
Chapter 37: finally, it comes to an end. :)
glad that kyuhyun finally admitting that he fall for ryeowook :D
poor yesung :( i hope he can find the right person for his life soon

ahh you have another story about kyuwook? i can't wait xD
hwaiting :D
and thank you for such a beautiful story from you ^^
PaboForSJ #5
Chapter 37: OMG~ The story ended well~ :D Kyuhyun did it~ He finally accepted his real feelings~ :D I'm so proud of him~ :') This story was one of the best I have ever read~ Thank you very much author for this wonderful story that you have come up with~ And HWAITING! for your upcoming and future stories~ :D★
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 36: Siwon ah~ Please think through it again carefully~ :( Kyuhyun~ Are you really gonna do this? Keep your love to yourself and just disappear out of a sudden? :( The story is gonna end already? :( I love this story so much I wish it wouldn't end~
lixian971 #7
Chapter 36: kyu, why did he keep avoiding wookie. (sighed)
kyuwook's obliviousness are very frustrating sometimes.

what?? the next chap will be the last? oh my god, that fast?
aishh it's ok author ssi. i can't wait for the nect chapter.
have fun in china :D
superannesnow #8
Chapter 36: kyuwoook !!!! :) waiting for ur next update
Wookiebaby #9
Chapter 36: Kyu....why are u leaving wookie behing .... Great jod author nim ..... It's as exciting as can be .... Like every chapter makes me cry ....I totally love it .... Hope you have fun in china . Look forward your fantastic update . Thx for the ff
Chapter 36: KYU don't you dare break wookie's heart!!!!