
Inculpable Panic!

   As summer school ends, the real summer vacation begins. All the boys in the dormitories returned home in order to visit their friends and families or to go on a holiday trip. Their real vacation have started, so noone was nearby. There is no need to worry about others.
   Only Ryeowook wouldn't leave the dorms, because he didn't had another place to got, because his parents still were abroad.
   He and Yesung stood at the gate of the dorms, sending their friends home, wishing them a lot of fun, so they would enjoy their vacation.
Kyungsoo was really sad because he had to leave his hyungs behind and he was afraid, that they would forget him during the holidays, but Yesung and Ryeowook promised him not to forget their temp roomie, who they liked like a little brother.
   Also Eunhyuk, Kris and Tao came to say goodbye to their friends of Jaeneung.
   "Thanks for everything you did in the first semster", Kris said, who stood between Tao and Eunhyuk, who both nodded in agreement.
   "Yesung, Ryeowook, take care and enjoy your vacation", Eunhyuk added with a smile.
   "Okay. Everyone, take care, too", Ryeowook told his friends.
   "We'll meet again in the second semester", Yesung smiled happily and waved together with Ryeowook as they went ahead, taking the little Kyungsoo down the hill with them.
   After the students of Chaegim came to say goodbye to Ryeowook and Yesung as well, the two friends walked upstairs to the lobby, where they sat down to chat.
   "Everyone went home", Ryeowook said, then he turned around and eyeballed Siwon, who stood next to the grand piano, where Kyuhyun was sitting and playing a playful melody, "Aren't they thinking of going home?"
   "I heard, that for the six years, they have lived in the dorms, they haven't even gone home once", Yesung explained and Ryeowook turned back to him.
   "Eh? If it was me, I'd have gone home as soon as I could."
   "Are your parents always overseas?", Yesung asked worried, as he noticed his roommate's sad expression.
   "Yes. They said they might come and visit me in January", Ryeowook said and thought about how long it still would take until he could see his parents again, before he turned back to Yesung, "Oh yeah, why aren't you going home?"
    Then suddenly Yesung jumped up and sat down next to Ryeowook: "My home is here. The dorms with Wookie are the home in my heart." Then Yesung grabbed Ryeowook's hands, like he wanted to beg him for something, "I don't want to live anywhere else."
   "But... aren't you going home during summer vacation to say hello to your family and all your relatives?", Ryeowook asked confused, leaning back to create some space between him and his friend.
   "Yeah... I really wanna see my little brother and my parents again... but...", Yesung said in a sad tone and looked down on his knees, before he let go of Ryeowook's hands again, "I'm very worried."
    Then Yesung turned back to Ryeowook with a serious expression: "What will happen to Wookie when I'm not here?"
   "I think you are too worried, hyung."
   "No", Yesung shouted and came closer to Ryeowook again, before he looked to the Wang and the student council president, who were still next to the piano, "My intuition is never wrong! Since summer school has ended, it feels like the Wang has been giving you special glances."
   "Eh?", Ryeowook said confused and looked at Kyuhyun, who just gave him a smile in the moment he looked at him. The small student blushed immediatly. Did he know, that they were talking about him?
   "Wookie... your heart is beating so fast...", Yesung said, as he had laid his head against the small boy's chest, "and lately, your body temperature has been rising. I'm very worried."
   "T... there is nothing going on...", Ryeowook stammered. He wasn't sure if he should tell Yesung what has happened between them yet.
   "I will cancel my trip", Yesung said seriously, "I'm not going back home."
   "You can't do that, hyung. If you do that... Look, Siwon-sshi is here, too."
   "Well, that's right...", Yesung said and observed the student council president, "He straightly looks at you. What's going on? Don't tell me, that the president also has feelings for Wookie..."
   "Sorry for the interruption", Kyuhyun said as he and Siwon suddenly appeared next to the younger students.
   "We have something to say to Ryeowook-ah", Siwon continued.
   "What is it? What do you want from my Wookie?", Yesung shouted angrily, because he was afraid to loose his beloved roommate to the upper classmen.
   "'My Wookie?", Kyuhyun said in an angry voice, while he rose one of his eyebrows.
   "You asked what we want...", Siwon spoke a bit confused, because he was shocked about Yesung's reaction, then he exchanged glances with the Wang, who still seemded to be pissed about the little word 'my'.
   After they explained what they wanted, Yesung felt relieved and ready to go home again, visiting his family, because their upperclassmen explained, that they wanted to use the summertime to help Ryeowook studying.
   "Special classes?"
   "Yes, with Kyuhyun and me. As a student of Jaeneung, just being competent at math is not enough", Siwon explained, "I will teach you in English and Kyuhyun will help you with math again, because those are your weak points."
   "English...", Ryeowook wimmered, "My precious sumer vacation..."
   "Please Siwon-sshi. If it's like this, I can be at ease", Yesung said seriously, before he gave Kyuhyun an angry glance, "Please, during the time I go back home, keep tutoring Wookie. If both of you put your hearts in teaching him math and English, it'll be a chance of a lifetime for him."
   "Oh... sure", Siwon smiled confused, before he noticed, that Kyuhyun always stared at the small boy, not moving his eyes away from him.
After they ended their conversation, Yesung went back into his room, packing his suitcase to visit his family, who he hasn't seen for such a long time.
   As Yesung left, Siwon already started his first lesson. They sat on the big table at the lobby, while Kyuhyun sat near them on a chair, reading a book.
   For Ryeowook, it felt like his head was already smoking, because he hated studying while all the other students had holidays. But thank god, the student council president was strict, but also friendly to him.
   "It's just the beginning", Siwon said after Ryeowook sighed loudly and laid his head on the desk.
   "I want to go to a world, where English doesn't exist", the small boy wimmered.
   "That kind of world dosen't exist", Siwon added before he handed Ryeowook a new task.
   "Maybe we should take a break", Kyuhyun said and laid Ryeowook's rubber, which had fallen down on the ground, next to him, before the Wang turned to his friend, "Give him a break, okay!"

   Ryeowook decide to go outside during his break, where he met Donghae on the lawn. The Jihye student stood under a tree, grooming his horse carefully. The small boy stepped next to him, asking him if he could help him; An offer, which Donghae didn't refuse, so the transfer student started grooming Nemo.
   "Aren't you going home, Donghae seonbaenim?", Ryeowook asked curiously.
   "Just call me Donghae, please", he said and looked to the small Jaeneung student, "I'm not going home, because if I go too far away, I'll just worry about Nemo. All the other members left and I'm left here. It's more relaxing this way."
   "How cool...", Ryeowook thought, before he turned back to Donghae, "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
   "Don't you have other things you need to do?"
   "I've been studying since morning, so I want to move around for a change."
Ryeowook and Donghae sat down on the balustrade of the riding place, where Ryeowook explained Donghae why he had to study so much during the summer vacation.
   "So Siwon-sshi was angry?"
   "It must be because I was too stupid", Ryeowook said and looked down with a sad expression.
   "No, I don't think so. You know, Jaeneung's student council president is a very prestigious role. He has already decided to marry right after he graduates with the fiance chosen for him since birth by his parents", Donghae explained.
   "I see..."
   "Being such a famous person, he is always being troubled", Donghae added before he looked at Ryeowook, "You really are a very mysterious boy."
   "Huh?", Ryeowook asked confused as he suddenly lost the grip and fell backwards down on the ground.
Donghae went to Ryeowook and leaned over him, eyeballing the small student curiously, before he kept on talking: "Are you okay? What is it, what makes you so different? All of Jaeneung's students that I know are like birds in a cage. Expect for you. You really are an amazing boy."
   "D... Donghae-sshi?", Ryeowook said blushed, after he noticed how close Donghae was.
   "Break time is over", somebody suddenly said from behind in a strict tone and Donghae and Ryeowook both sat up and turned around.
   "Kyuhyun-sshi", Ryeowook said shocked.
   "Wang", Donghae added.
Ryeowook immediatly stood up, nodded to Kyuhyun and ran back to the dorms to keep on studying, after he said goodbye to Donghae. But the Wang only stared at Donghae with an angry expression.
   "Wang", Donghae started. He wanted to greet him, but Kyuhyun interrupted him with his evil glance, which made Donghae really uncertain.
   "Prince of Jihye! The princess you choose should be from Jihye, am I right?", Kyuhyun said in a tone, which caused goosebump on Donghae's back.
   "Eh...", Donghae wanted to explained what happened, but Kyuhyun immediatly turned around and walk back to the dorms, so that Donghae kept talking to himself: "I'm just... Prince, eh? Seems like the Wang really likes Ryeowook and it's not only a rumor. But looks like I'm just like a caged bird myself."
   Back at the dorms, Kyuhyun started teaching the small boy math and he noticed, that Ryeowook really tried his best to study hard. So the break was worth it, Kyuhyun thought, while he observed him.
   "Right now, only the two of us are here...", Ryeowook thought and blushed, "My heart is beating so fast again..."
After a couple of hours, Kyhuyun ended their lesson, which made Ryeowook really happy. Now he was able to enjoy the rest of the evening.
   "You really worked hard today", Kyuhyun said with a smile, "As a reward, I'll take you to a festival!"

    Ryeowook and Kyuhyun stood on the sports fiels, near the pool, where they could see the fireworks of the festival, which was taking place in Seoul. The small boy was really happy, that he could see such great fireworks after he studied so hard.
   "Those are the fireworks from the festival... I can't even hear them...", Ryeowook said more to himself, but Kyuhyun hear him of course, because the Wang just stood some inches away from him.
   "Are you disappointed?"
   "No way! I love fireworks! They are so beautiful to look at, I don't have to hear them", Ryeowook explained happily.
   "The boy is right."
   "Donghae-sshi. He said we are just like caged birds. It's right. We can watch those tiny fireworks only through these steel bars of the academy's fencing."
   "But it's better than being all alone", Ryeowook said in an encouraging voice. The small boy sounded kind of sad, which caught Kyuhyun's attention, so the taller boy looked straight at Ryeowook, "I don't know why, but I always felt lonely during summer school. Even when I was with everybody and even after I saw that beautiful meteor shower... I just couldn't shrug off that lonely feeling... I just was lonely."
   Ryeowook kept staring at the fireworks in the distance, not noticing how Kyuhyun looked at him.
   "Did I just hear a 'boom'?", Ryeowook asked and tried hard to hear a boom again.
   "Me, too", Kyuhyun suddenly said and caught the small boy's attention.
   "Did you hear it, too?", Ryeowook asked, looking up to the Wang with bright eyes. So he really didn't imagine it?
Kyuhyun turned to the transfer student and shook his head: "No."
   "Kyuhyun-sshi... you, too...?", Ryeowook asked and his eyes grew big. The Wang had that lonely feeling, too? And Kyuhyun nodded.
   "Do you know why you had those feelings? Have you ever known someone with those feelings?", Kyuhyun wanted to know, but as he imagined Ryeowook shook his head. Then Kyuhyun stretched out his hand for Ryeowook, which the small student grabbed uncertainly: "Let me teach you."
  Then the Wang pulled Ryeowook closer to him and somehow, eventhough the small boy knew what would happen now, he wasn't ready yet. He took a step back, while Kyuhyun was holding his wrists, as he suddenly slipped and fell backwards, but instead of hitting the ground, Ryeowook fell into the pool, taking Kyuhyun with him in the water.
   And even they were under water, Kyuhyun didn't let go of Ryeowook. He pulled him even closer, so that he was able to kiss Ryeowook, which gave the transfer student a hugh shock. Somehow that kiss was different from the first one. But in the end, he wasn't able to refuse the kiss and just gave himself totally to the Wang.

   Ryeowook stood under the shower, letting the water soak his hair, his body, his thoughts. He wasn't able to think about anything but the kiss he had with Kyuhyun, which was so different from the other one, even if he wasn't able to say what the difference was.
   As he remembered the kiss, he laid his finger on his lips; The lips which got touched by Kyuhyun's for the second time now.
   "I... what am I doing...", Ryeowook thought hypnozised.
Suddenly he heard how somebody came in. "I put a towel and some clothes on the cupboard for you", Kyuhyun said and left the bathroom again.
   Ryeowook washed himselft quickly, before he changed into the clothes Kyuhyun gave him, which were a bit to big for him. But that wasn't a big surprise for him, because the Wang was much taller than him.
   After he came out of the bathroom, Kyuhyun immediatly went into it, while Ryeowook sat down on the bed, thinking about what he was doing, or if everything was alright with him. He decided to apologize before he had to thank the Wang for borrowing him his clothes.
   Then he noticed, that it was the first time he was in Kyuhyun's room and he kept looking around until he saw a pinboard, where a lot of cards and photos were pinned.
   "Those are cards from friends, I met overseas", Kyuhyun explained as came out and saw Ryeowook standing in fronf of his pinboard. Then he came closer to Ryeowook, who looked confused to him, laying his hand on the small boy's chin.
   "It's your first time right?", Kyuhyun asked and caressed over Ryeowook's lips, "It's not the first time for me. But it may be the last time with you."
   Ryeowook stepped backwards and fell down on the bed, where Kyuhyun immediatly pinned his wrists, so that he couldn't move anymore and the Wang towered over him, staring straight into Ryeowook's eyes.
   "Ryeowook...", Kyuhyun whispered and laid his hand on he smaller boy's cheek, before his hand went down on his neck, over his collarbone to Ryeowook's chest, while he crawled over Ryeowook, one leg between the transfer student's legs, causing the small boy to moan lightly.
   The Wang started to explore Ryeowook's small body with his kisses, from his lips to his jawline, over to his collarbone again. Before he went down to Ryeowook's chest, he slowly pulled the big shirt down, revealing even more skin of the small boy, so that he almost could completely see Ryeowook's pale chest.
   "Wookie", Kyuhyun whispered again. Now he wanted to concentrate on Ryeowook's chest as suddenly a picture came up on his mind.
   "Kyuhyun", he heard a whisper in his head and suddenly he stopped. He wasn't able to move an inch anymore and his eyes grew big and a drop of sweat ran down on the side of his face. What was going on?
   As Ryeowook noticed that Kyuhyun stopped, he looked at the Wang, who stared shocked and scared into space. For the transfer student, everything happened too fast now, so he crawled out of Kyuhyun's sight.
   "Eh... eh... Thank you very much for today", Ryeowook stammered and went down from the bed, before he ran out of Kyuhyun's room. But as he went out of the room and didn't noticed Siwon, who was about to enter his room, which was the neighboring of Kyuhyun's.
   "Ryeowook-sshi?", Siwon asked himself and suddenly his facial expression became really serious. He sensed that something was going one, which couldn't be good at all. "Kyuhyun!"

   On the next morning, Yesung returned, because he wanted to stay with his roommate, sharing his vacation with him at the dorms. But as he entered the room, he saw Ryeowook, who sat on his bed, wearing clothes, which didn't suit him and were unlike him, so Yesung got a weird feeling about it. Besides that, his friend had a very troubled expression.
   "Hyung", Ryeowook said and forced himself to smile, but Yesung immediatly noticed that it was a faked smile.
   "Those clothes...", Yesung spoke in a confused tone and sat down next to him friend, whose expression became sad again, after Yesung mentioned the clothes.
   "Wookie...", he added and laid his arm around Ryeowook's shoulder, before he pulled his roommate in a brotherly hug.
   "Let me tell you, hyung...", Ryeowook said and it sounded like he was about to cry, but Yesung shook his head.
   "You don't have to tell me, Wookie. You don't have to", Yesung explained and caressed Ryeowook's back of his head. Whatever happened, he didn't want to know it anyway.
   He just heard Ryeowook's sniff and a sad melody, which came from the piano, which Kyuhyun played at the lobby and now Yesung was sure, that something happened between them. But maybe it wasn't that bad as he imagined. He was sure that everything would be alright again, maybe they just needed some time for themselves.

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the first chapter will be up later today^^


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I impressed with you Author-nim.. this story made three years ago.. I believe at that time there was no issue or idea about Wookie's solo album..
I just finish read this story and found out the words "Wang", "The Little", and "Flower"
all those words are really compatible with Ryeowook first solo album.. "The Little Prince" and symbolize by "Flowers"

Wow... you really can predict that someday those words will be so meaningful for Ryeowook

Our Author-nim Daebak.. ^0^
Omg! Omg! Omg!
I'm so late How come I didn't come across this...
Oppa, is my apology even accepted....
! this story came to an end, I'm going to miss this,
I loved the it's awesome at last stubborn kyu made my wookie cry a lot and now he is finally accepting the fact that he fell for ryeowook for being ryeowook, not because he was a replacement....
I love kyuwook and even eunhae, but I feel bad for yesung.
Sungie go find your love (siwonnie maybe ^^)
just kidding, overall loved this story from the bottom of my heart.
Chapter 37: and the story comes to an end.....I am gonna miss this....I love strawberry panic....poor any other kyuwook story?
lixian971 #4
Chapter 37: finally, it comes to an end. :)
glad that kyuhyun finally admitting that he fall for ryeowook :D
poor yesung :( i hope he can find the right person for his life soon

ahh you have another story about kyuwook? i can't wait xD
hwaiting :D
and thank you for such a beautiful story from you ^^
PaboForSJ #5
Chapter 37: OMG~ The story ended well~ :D Kyuhyun did it~ He finally accepted his real feelings~ :D I'm so proud of him~ :') This story was one of the best I have ever read~ Thank you very much author for this wonderful story that you have come up with~ And HWAITING! for your upcoming and future stories~ :D★
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 36: Siwon ah~ Please think through it again carefully~ :( Kyuhyun~ Are you really gonna do this? Keep your love to yourself and just disappear out of a sudden? :( The story is gonna end already? :( I love this story so much I wish it wouldn't end~
lixian971 #7
Chapter 36: kyu, why did he keep avoiding wookie. (sighed)
kyuwook's obliviousness are very frustrating sometimes.

what?? the next chap will be the last? oh my god, that fast?
aishh it's ok author ssi. i can't wait for the nect chapter.
have fun in china :D
superannesnow #8
Chapter 36: kyuwoook !!!! :) waiting for ur next update
Wookiebaby #9
Chapter 36: Kyu....why are u leaving wookie behing .... Great jod author nim ..... It's as exciting as can be .... Like every chapter makes me cry ....I totally love it .... Hope you have fun in china . Look forward your fantastic update . Thx for the ff
Chapter 36: KYU don't you dare break wookie's heart!!!!