Personal Tutor

Inculpable Panic!

   Ryeowook sat in the cafeteria together with Yesung, Henry and Zhoumi. They were talking about what they would do during summer school break. Ryeowook wanted to go to the beach together with his friends so badly, that he couldn't wait anymore.
   "What's up, Ryeowook?", Henry asked confused, "You've been talking about this for so long, but there are only 10 days left until the final exams."
   "He is right. The dates for the finals will be posted today", Zhoumi explained and took a bit of his sandwich.
   "Ya, you two, I didn't want to think about tests, that's why I talked about summer school", Ryeowook said depressed and sighed, "The first one is the headache-inducing math..."
   "If you don't pass, you'll have to attend summer classes", Yesung told his roommate and gave him a hugh fright. Ryeowook didn't want to go to summer classes; He wanted to enjoy the summer together with his friends at the beach.
   "Sum... summer classes?", Ryeowook asked shocked.
   "If that happens, you won't be able to go to the beach with us", Yesung added, "But I'm sure, you can do it!"
   "By the way, how about Kyungsoo's studies?", Henry asked.
   "Before the tests, you have to tutor your temp roomie", Zhoumi explained to the confused Ryeowook, "That's a responsibility of the upperclassmen."
   "Don't worry", Yesung said with a smile, "I take care of him and Ryeowook as well. We will all learn together!"
   So they ended their conversation about summer school and tests and continued to talk about this and that until everyone of them returned to their own rooms, where Ryeowook immediatly sat down to study.
   Together with Kyungsoo, who was sitting on Yesungs's desk to study, he practised math, while Yesung kept an eye on him and their temp roomie.
   "Ehhhh...", Ryeowook shouted angrily, because he didn't get the right anwser, "I have to use cosine and sine, when I want to calculate the hypothenuse, right?"
   "But you want to know the height", Yesung said and looked in the book.
   "Eh? Is it different then?"
   "Um... for the height, you have to use the arc tangent", Kyungsoo spoke and turned around to his hyungs to help Ryeowook, while Yesung nodded in agreement, because their temp roomie was right.
   "This ! I'm worse then Kyungsoo, a third yearer, who hasn't even learned that stuff yet. How depressing...", Ryeowook whimmered, "I'm done for today..."
   "Right... why don't you take a walk, Wookie? Then I can help Kyungsoo now", Yesung said and Ryeowook nodded immediatly; He wanted to run away as fast as possible to somewhere. He didn't even care where to, as long as there wouldn't be any math at all.
   So Ryeowook went out of the room, following the hallway through the dorm. He stopped as he passed the open door to the lounge and the study room, where all the fourth graders of Jaeneung and the other schools sat and studied hard.
   "I see...", Ryeowook talked quietly to himself, "The dates for the finals are the same for Jihye and Chaegim. Everybody is working so hard..."

   Kyuhyun sat on a bench under the trees near the dormitory in the park. As he sat down, the sun shone brightly through the trees, but he was so deep in thoughts, that he didn't recognize, that the sun was already setting. He gazed into space, thinking about the small student.
   "The first time we've met, I thought he was only a cute boy... I thought he was just one of many cute boys. That's what I thought all along. But now it changed... he changed me...", he thought. Then he closed his eyes and sighed loudly before he looked down, as he suddenly got interrupted by someone, who was talking around.
   "Wow, I hate this!"
He looked up again and saw Ryeowook, who came from the dorm, talking to himself and stopped in front of a tree. "Why can't math just disappear? Stupid, studid, stupid math", Ryeowook whimmered around and hit against the tree like a little child. Then the small boy heard a noise and turned around. He recognized the Wang, who sat on a bench and looked at him with a surprised expression.
   "W... Wang...", Ryeowook stammered shocked, before he gulped and bowed to greet Kyuhyun, "I... I'm so sorry! I am just a bit frustrated with math... I am here for only three months, so I can't keep up. If this goes on, I don't think I'll be able to pass..."
   Somehow Ryeowook talked more to himself then to the Wang, but Kyuhyun listend to him and said quietly: "That's serious...?"
   "I wanted to focus on math first, but I just can't memorize everything...", Ryeowook added, as he noticed what he was doing, "Ah. I'm sorry, I was just talking to myself... Excuse me!"
   Then the small student turned around and wanted to go, but Kyuhyun suddenly stopped him by saying: "Wait, please.". Ryeowook turned around to him again. "Let me teach you match", Kyuhyun added.
   "But... but the test is just around the corner..."
   "Helping a boy in need is also a duty of Wang!"
After Ryeowook accepted Kyuhyun's offer to help him studying, he returned into his room, where he told Yesung everything what has happened, while he has been outside.
   "Wang personally told you? He's really teaching you every day until the day of the test?", Yesung asked confused and Ryeowook nodded. Like this, Yesung would be able to help Kyungsoo better and to study for his own tests as well.
   "Wow, those are great news, hyung", Kyungsoo said happily, "Wang has the highest grades in math and that not only in Jaeneung, but of all three schools. He is the best in math. You can't get a better teacher than him!"
   "Yeah, that's right", Yesung added.
After they finished their conversation, they got ready for bed and on the next day, Ryeowook met with Kyuhyun at the empty dinning hall, where they could study without annoying interruptions. They sat on a table next to each other, so Kyuhyun could watch over what Ryeowook was doing. He eyeballed the transfer student carefully, because he didn't want to miss a thing.
   "I'm sorry", Ryeowook sighed after a while and made a grimace.
   "Are you totally lost?", Kyuhyun asked and Ryeowook nodded, "Or just a little bit? What is it, you don't understand? The 1st high-school year's problems are too hard for you. Why do you want to pass so badly?"
   "I am really looking forward to going into summer break with my friends", Ryeowook told the Wang, who kept looking at him with a happy smile, "Because everyone is going to the beach together for the first time. That's why I have to pass, no matter what!"
   "It'll be alright."
   "Huh?", Ryeowook was confused and turned to the Wang.
   "Don't be hasty and try you best, then everything is going to be alright."
With those words of Kyuhyun, Ryeowook caught new courage and became motivated again, so he even kept studying after his lesson with Kyuhyun. He went upstairs to his room, where he sat down to keep on studying math by his own. Ryeowook didn't want to disappoint his friends or the Wang at all. He even studied the whole night without sleeping.

   On the next morning, Siwon accompanied Kyuhyun on his walk. He wanted to find out some things, because he knew that Kyuhyun hid something, which his friend didn't want to tell him about.
   "That boy... Kim Ryeowook, you've been teaching him math every night?", Siwon asked in a serious tone.
   "Yes. You have a problem with that?", Kyuhyun asked emotionlessly, but after that anwser Siwon's serious expression changed into a smile.
   "As student council president, I'm very happy. I was very worried, since the students in Jaeneung from the dorms haven't failed in math before", Siwon said.
   "This has nothing to do with the dorms or Jaeneung", Kyuhyun interrupted his friend, "I help him, because he was frustrated."
   "Is that the real reason?", Siwon asked and his serious expression returned, because he knew that there was another reason for Kyuhyun to help that small transfer student.
   "Should there be other reasons?", he asked back, stopped and turned around to go back to the dorms, because he didn't want to be late for the next lesson with Ryeowook. As he reached the dorm's building, he immediately went to the dining hall, where the small boy already sat on the same place like every day. But he didn't studied. He had his head laying on the desk and had fallen asleep, because he had studied the whole night.
   Kyuhyun quietly sat down next to him, reading his book, waiting for Ryeowook to wake up by his own. After Ryeowook woke up, they started their lesson and after Kyuhyun send him to his room to rest, he met Yesung on the floor, who told him, that Ryeowook had studied during the previous night without sleep.
   "He's been staying up all night?", Kyuhyun asked confused.
   "Yes and he even studies on his way home, during break times and lunch time... even in the bathroom", Yesung told the Wang worried. Actually, he wanted to take care of his roommate by his own, but he had to accept, that the Wang liked Ryeowook as well and maybe he was able to help Ryeowook better then him.
   "I see, he's working that hard..."
But the time flew by quickly and Kyuhyun not only helped Ryeowook to study, but he even supported him with everything. Every day, they met at the same time in the empty dinning hall to practice math.
   "Will he be okay?", Jinki asked, who stood outside of the hall, observing Kyuhyun and the small student through the open door, "If he dosen't pass, it'll bring Kyuhyun-ah a lot of embarrassment."
   "But, Kyuhyun-sshi seems so happy", Minho said, who stood next to his friend and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
   "Is this okay?", Ryeowook asked, while looked down on his notes.
   "Don't worry, you did very well", Kyuhyun said proudly with a smile, "I'm amazed by your progress in one week. You will pass with great marks, I'm sure!"
   "I haven't seen such a happy Kyuhyun in so long", Minho added and Jinki nodded in agreement, while Siwon, who stood some steps behind them, observed everything from the distance.
   "Okay, that's enough for today", Kyuhyun said after some hours of studying and closed Ryeowook's book.
   "What? But there's still plenty of time and the test is tomorrow", Ryeowook talked confused.
   "You haven't been sleeping well lately, right?", Kyuhyun asked with a worried glance, which Ryeowook caused to blush. How did he knew that? "Take a good rest tonight", the Wang added.
   "But, there's still a lot of time left. I have to use every second...", Ryeowook said desperately and opened his book again, but Kyuhyun grapped his hands, so the small boy was forced to turn to the Wang completely.
   "If you faint from exhausting during the test, then aren't you back at square one? Please take care of yourself. I don't want to see you getting sick because of studying so hard, okay?", Kyuhyun said and looked deep into Ryeowook's eyes. The small boy's heart started to beat fastly again. The whole time, he was able to sit calmly besides the Wang, because he has been focusing on studying, but now as Kyuhyun gazed into his eyes, he wasn't able to refuse him anymore.
   "Please go upstairs and take a rest until the test and you will pass. I'm pretty sure about it", Kyuhyun said, before he looked at the door, checking that nobody was observing them, then he looked back at Ryeowook, "I will give you a little lucky charm."
   Then Kyuhyun bend forward and gave Ryeowook a gently kiss on his cheek. Ryeowook's cheek felt like it was burning, but it wasn't a bad heat, which caused his heart to flip over again. It was a nice, warm heat which spread into his whole body. Somehow after Kyuhyun's encouraging kiss on his cheek, Ryeowook was sure, that he could pass not only the math test, but also all tests he had to write.

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the first chapter will be up later today^^


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I impressed with you Author-nim.. this story made three years ago.. I believe at that time there was no issue or idea about Wookie's solo album..
I just finish read this story and found out the words "Wang", "The Little", and "Flower"
all those words are really compatible with Ryeowook first solo album.. "The Little Prince" and symbolize by "Flowers"

Wow... you really can predict that someday those words will be so meaningful for Ryeowook

Our Author-nim Daebak.. ^0^
Omg! Omg! Omg!
I'm so late How come I didn't come across this...
Oppa, is my apology even accepted....
! this story came to an end, I'm going to miss this,
I loved the it's awesome at last stubborn kyu made my wookie cry a lot and now he is finally accepting the fact that he fell for ryeowook for being ryeowook, not because he was a replacement....
I love kyuwook and even eunhae, but I feel bad for yesung.
Sungie go find your love (siwonnie maybe ^^)
just kidding, overall loved this story from the bottom of my heart.
Chapter 37: and the story comes to an end.....I am gonna miss this....I love strawberry panic....poor any other kyuwook story?
lixian971 #4
Chapter 37: finally, it comes to an end. :)
glad that kyuhyun finally admitting that he fall for ryeowook :D
poor yesung :( i hope he can find the right person for his life soon

ahh you have another story about kyuwook? i can't wait xD
hwaiting :D
and thank you for such a beautiful story from you ^^
PaboForSJ #5
Chapter 37: OMG~ The story ended well~ :D Kyuhyun did it~ He finally accepted his real feelings~ :D I'm so proud of him~ :') This story was one of the best I have ever read~ Thank you very much author for this wonderful story that you have come up with~ And HWAITING! for your upcoming and future stories~ :D★
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 36: Siwon ah~ Please think through it again carefully~ :( Kyuhyun~ Are you really gonna do this? Keep your love to yourself and just disappear out of a sudden? :( The story is gonna end already? :( I love this story so much I wish it wouldn't end~
lixian971 #7
Chapter 36: kyu, why did he keep avoiding wookie. (sighed)
kyuwook's obliviousness are very frustrating sometimes.

what?? the next chap will be the last? oh my god, that fast?
aishh it's ok author ssi. i can't wait for the nect chapter.
have fun in china :D
superannesnow #8
Chapter 36: kyuwoook !!!! :) waiting for ur next update
Wookiebaby #9
Chapter 36: Kyu....why are u leaving wookie behing .... Great jod author nim ..... It's as exciting as can be .... Like every chapter makes me cry ....I totally love it .... Hope you have fun in china . Look forward your fantastic update . Thx for the ff
Chapter 36: KYU don't you dare break wookie's heart!!!!