The Greenhouse

Inculpable Panic!

   In the evening, Ryeowook sat on his desk, starring at the handkerchief, which was laying in his hand. He already was wearing his pajama, his hair was wet from the shower and sometimes some water drops dropped down on his desk. He was to deep in thoughts, thinking about the last meeting, he had with Kyuhyun.
   As Yesung came back from the bathroom, he noticed that Ryeowook sighed loudly, while he looked down on his desk. He stepped closer to his friend and peeked over Ryeowook's shoulder.
   "Why are you sighing so often tonight?", Yesung asked and gave Ryeowook such a hugh shock, that the small boy almost fell down on the ground, "Oh, sorry I didn't want to frighten you! What's that?"
   Yesung pointed at the handkerchief and somehow, Yesung had the feeling, he never had seen that smile on Ryeowook's face before. It was different. He looked really happy, but also kind of shy at the same moment.
   "Is it Wang's?", Yesung asked as he noticed a small embroidery in the corner.
   "How do you know?", Ryeowook asked confused back and Yesung pointed at the embroidery.
   "Here! It's the Chinese symbol for king and that means Wang", Yesung explained, "So it's really his handkerchief? Why do you have it?"
   "He gave it to me", Ryeowook said and caressed gently over the it, "I need to wash it first, before I can return it to him."
   "I see", Yesung whispered and went to his bed, where he sat down and eyeballed his friend, who kept looking down on the handkerchief. "Does he like the Wang so much, that the simple handkerchief caused him to smile like this?", Yesung thought, "He never smiled like this because of me..."
   Then suddenly the door opened and Zhoumi and Henry went in. "Hey ho", Henry smiled all over his face, holding a box with cookies in his hands, "We are here for the tea party tonight! Here, I have some cookies for you guys!"

   On the next morning, Ryeowook stood up early. He changed into his uniform, grabbed the handkerchief, which still laid on his desk and put it in his pocket. He walked through the floor to the stairway and went up to the floor, where the rooms of the fifth and sixth grader were.
   As he reached Kyuhyun's room, he gulped and nervously took a deep breath, before he knocked three times. But because he didn't got an anwser, he knocked again.
   "Kyu... eh... Wang", Ryeowook said, while he knocked, but he still didn't get an anwser, "Where did he go again?"
He looked around and continued walking the floor ahead, as he noticed the gateway, where the dark room was, he had found as they searched for the Wang.
   "That room...", he talked to himself and thought about the room again, which was so dark with only one bed. He went straight ahead, laid his hand on the door knob and wanted to open it, but this time the door was closed.
   "What are you doing?", somebody asked from behind and suddenly Siwon appeared behind him. He had his arms crossed in front of his chest and looked down on the small student with a strict expression.
   "That room is off-limits", Siwon said, "No one lives in that room, so don't come here again!"
Ryeowook bowed and apologized, before he said goodbye and went down the floor again. He went back into his room, where he sat down on his bed. Yesung wasn't there because of his club activities. After Ryeowook sighed loudly again, he noticed Kyungsoo, who came out of the bathroom and sat down next to his hyung.
   "Ryeowook hyung, why are you sighing?"
   "I'm looking for someone, but he is not in his room and I don't know, where I can find him", Ryeowook explained and looked down on the handkerchief again.
   "Isn't there a place, where you often met with him?", Kyungsoo asked and suddenly Ryeowook had the idea, where he could find Kyuhyun.
   "Ah, right that's it! Thanks, Kyungsoo", Ryeowook jumped up and left the dorms. He went straight to the greenhouse, which he had discovered the day before. He went into the greenhouse, where Kyuhyun stood in front of a desk together with Jinki and Minho, planting some flowers into flower pots.
   Suddenly Jinki and Minho noticed the small students and looked up to him, which caught Kyuhyun's attention and he turned around.
   "Oh? Welcome", Kyuhyun said with a smile and Ryeowook bowed to greet his seonbaes and especially the Wang. Then the three turned back to the table, kept on working, and Ryeowook slowly stepped closer to Kyuhyun.
   "Ah... um... this...", he stammered nervously and wanted to hand Kyuhyun his handkerchief, but Kyuhyun kept on planting the flowers and suddenly held a flower pot to Ryeowook.
   "Can you hold this for me, please?", Kyuhyun asked and Ryeowook nodded. He put the handkerchief back into his pocket and grabbed the flower pot, "Thank you. Do you like flowers?"
   "Ehh... yes, of course."
   "That's great, can you help us?", he asked and smiled at Ryeowook, while he still planted the next flower, "Just follow, what we are doing. On days with classes, we work in the early mornings before class and at the late evenings after dinner, but we never have much time. That's why we do a lot more on Saturdays."
   "I see...", Ryeowook mumbled.
   "Flowers sure are great. If you take care of them with all your heart, they will bloom into really beautiful flowers", Kyuhyun added and turned to Ryeowook and whispered into his ear, "That's why I take care of my little flower, Wookie!"
   Ryeowook blushed all over his face, but this time, he was able to control his heartbeat. Then he nodded to help them and Jinki handed him an apron, so that his uniform wouldn't get dirty. The small boy immitated, what his seonbaes did, planting one flower after another.
   He stood next to Kyuhyun and filled the pot with potting soil, then he wanted to grab the next flower to plant it, as he touched Kyuhyun. He shockly stepped back again and blushed, while he looked nervously at Kyuhyun.
   "I'm... I'm sorry!"
   "It's fine", Kyuhyun said and smiled at the small boy, "Oh..." He stopped filling his pot with the flower soil, grabbed the end of his apron and stepped closer to Ryeowook, before he wiped the dirt away, which was under Ryeowook's eye.
   "Ah... thank you very much."
   "Don't worry about it", Kyuhyun added, before he turned back to his work and Ryeowook did the same, while Jinki and Minho wittnessed everything from the distance. After Kyuhyun planted the flower, he put the pot on the ground to the others, where he observed what they have done for the day.
   "Let's end here today", Kyuhyun said to his helpers and then he turned to Ryeowook, "Thank you, you were a big help."
   "Ah, I haven't done much", Ryeowook anwsered shyly, looking up to Kyuhyun and thought, "Ohhhh.... I have never noticed this before, but Kyuhyun's gaze is so deep and he has really beautiful eyes..."
   Then Kyuhyun turned to Jinki and Minho again: "You guys get the day off today!"
   "Excuse me?", Minho asked confused and exchanged confused looks with Jinki. Never before, Kyuhyun let them go so early.
   "He'll be enough to help me!", Kyuhyun added and turned back to Ryeowook, "Can you stay with me a little longer?"
   "Oh, yes!", Ryeowook said and nodded, before he thought, "Unbelieveable, I'm able to look straight into Wang's face today..."
   They left the greenhouse and went to Jaeneung's school building, where Ryeowook followed the Wang into the music room. A big room, where only a grand piano stood in the middle of the room in front of a hugh window.
   Kyuhyun went to the piano, sat down and started to play a harmonical melody and Ryeowook slowly stepped closer to him, observing everything Kyuhyun did. "After I worked at the greenhouse, I always come here to play the piano. I can play the piano at ease during this time", Kyuhyun explained while playing the piano.
   After a couple of minutes, Kyuhyun suddenly stopped and turned to Ryeowook, before he pointed at the bench he was sitting on. "Now, come", Kyuhyun said quietly, "We can play together!"
   "But... I can't play well!"
   "Don't lie to me, I know you are a genius at the piano. I read your school paper", Kyuhyun explained and tapped on the place next to him again. Ryeowook gulped nervously and sat down next to Kyuhyun.
   "What shall we play?", Kyuhyun asked.
   "Ehh... I'm not sure..."
   "You know Beethoven's 'For Elise'?", Kyuhyun asked and Ryeowook nodded, "Then let's play it together, but then, it's called 'For my Wookie'!"
   So they started to play together 'For Elise', even if Kyuhyun called it 'For my Wookie', which caused th small boy to blush again. They kept on playing and Kyuhyun eyeballed the nervous students besides him carefully while playing.

   At the same time, Jinki and Minho met with Siwon, because he wanted a report about Kyuhyun's doings. Because Kyuhyun often skipped his duties, he wanted to keep an eye on him, but since the Wang met the new transferred student, he stopped skipping his duties.
   "Kyuhyun and that boy?", Siwon asked confused and stopped reading his book, because somehow it caught his attention, and he turned to Jinki and Minho, who stood near his door, "Is that true?"
   "I feel, that it's a bit...", Jinki started, but he didn't know what to say and Siwon interrupted him again.
   "Well, this is just normal for him. He will get tired of him soon again", Siwon predicted and turned back to his book.
   "We had grown up with Kyuhyun-sshi since kindergarden, so we understand him well", Minho said, "And I'm sure it's different from before. Somehow he really cares about that boy!"
   "Different?", Siwon asked and looked up from his book again.
   "Minho is right, but we can't tell what's different", Jinki added, "It's like he has returned to his old self. He looks very happy again!"
   "I see...", Siwon talked to himself and drifted away into deep thoughts.

   Back at the greenhouse, Kyuhyun served Ryeowook a french hot chocolate, like he promised to the small boy after they finished their play. They sat down at a round desk, which stood in the middle of the greenhouse, so it looked like they were sitting in a sea of flowers.
   While Kyuhyun prepared the chocolate, he sent Ryeowook to the office, where he had stored some cookies. As Ryeowook returned with the box, he noticed that Kyuhyun's expression looked really sad.
   "Why is it... Why does Kyuhyun-sshi look so lonely?", he thought worried, but as soon as Kyuhyun noticed him, he looked up to the small boy and smiled again.
   "What's wrong?", Kyuhyun asked with his usual smile.
   "Eh... it's nothing", Ryeowook said and stepped next to him, where he put the box with the cookies on the table and sat down next to Kyuhyun. As soon as he sat down, he tried the lovely prepared hot chocolate from Kyuhyun.
   "So good! This is the first time, I had such a delicious french chocolate", Ryeowook said fascinated.
   "Well, I'm very glad that you are so happy and like the chocolate", Kyuhyun spoke satisfided.
   "Wang can do anything!"
   "That's not true, but...", Kyuhyun shook his head and laughed quietly, "I can prepare this chocolate for you whenever you want!"
   "Sure!", Ryeowook shouted happily and clapped his hands, because he wished he could drink that chocolate as often as possible with Kyuhyun.
   After a couple of hours spending some time together, Ryeowook noticed, that the sun was already setting. He stood up and bowed to thank the Wang, that the allowed him to stay with him the day, getting to know the Wang from a completely different side.
   "Thank you very much for today", Ryeowook added and bowed once more.
   "I should be the one thanking you!", the Wang said, "I really had a lot of fun, thanks, my flower!"
Kyuhyun's words caused Ryeowook's eyes to shine happily like his whole facial expression.
   "Well then, I will leave now!", the small boy added and said goodbye to the taller one, who gave him one last smile.
   Kyuhyun looked after him and suddenly his gentleman-like-smile was gone and with a deep breath, he looked very serious and sad at the same time. He stood up and went to the window, where he just stood without moving an inch looking out, observing the sunset.
   Ryeowook in the meanwhile went into the direction of the dorms, while he talked to himself: "I had so much fun today... and I'm so proud of myself, that I could even looked straight into Kyuhyun's eyes without getting extremly nervous, so I could see how beautiful his eyes are!"
  Then he suddenly stopped and took the handkerchief out of his pocket, which he forgot to return to Kyuhyun. "Ah, I totally forgot about it... I will go back and give it to him!" So he ran back to the greenhouse, hurrying to the table, where he just sat some minutes ago with the Wang, drinking the great hot chocolate, but Kyuhyun was gone.
   Ryeowook looked curiously around and he suddenly heard a sigh from a corner. He slowly walked into the direction until he saw Kyuhyun, who stood right in front of the hugh window. He stood behind a tree and observed him.
   "He looks so sad... why... Kyuhyun-ah...", Ryeowook thought worried, "Kyu... why are you crying?"
   Kyuhyun wiped the one and only tear, which rolled over his cheek, away, as he suddenly heard a noise behind him. He turned around, but he was alone. He went back to the table to tidy up, as he noticed the handkerchief, which he handed to Ryeowook the day before and as soon as he thought about the small student again, he smiled.
   The small boy ran out of the greenhouse again in stopped some metres in front of it, looking back with a sad and worried expression. "Kyuhyun... why are you so sad...?" Then he quickly walked back to the dorms, where Yesung already waited for him at the gate.
   Yesung noticed his friend in the distance. He looked sad and seemed to be  in deep thoughts, because he hasn't seen Yesung yet. He ran to Ryeowook and hugged him tighly.
   "Wookie!", he said happily, "Where did you go? I couldn't find you anywhere, I was so worried!"
Then Ryeowook smiled to his friend again and apologized.
   "No, it's fine as long as nothing happened to you! Welcome back!", Yesung greeted his roommate and they went together back into the dorms.

   After the dinner, Siwon followed Kyuhyun up into his room, where he went straight to his window, while Siwon stood behind him in the darkness.
   "Kyuhyun, are you serious? What are you referring to?", Siwon asked in a serious tone.
   "The transferred student, Kim Ryeowook."
   "If you are getting excited, I'd urge you to give up now. You'll only be hurting him. Good night."
But Kyuhyun didn't anwser and just starred out of the window with a deadly serious expression and Siwon left his room.
   "Today is full moon..."

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the first chapter will be up later today^^


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I impressed with you Author-nim.. this story made three years ago.. I believe at that time there was no issue or idea about Wookie's solo album..
I just finish read this story and found out the words "Wang", "The Little", and "Flower"
all those words are really compatible with Ryeowook first solo album.. "The Little Prince" and symbolize by "Flowers"

Wow... you really can predict that someday those words will be so meaningful for Ryeowook

Our Author-nim Daebak.. ^0^
Omg! Omg! Omg!
I'm so late How come I didn't come across this...
Oppa, is my apology even accepted....
! this story came to an end, I'm going to miss this,
I loved the it's awesome at last stubborn kyu made my wookie cry a lot and now he is finally accepting the fact that he fell for ryeowook for being ryeowook, not because he was a replacement....
I love kyuwook and even eunhae, but I feel bad for yesung.
Sungie go find your love (siwonnie maybe ^^)
just kidding, overall loved this story from the bottom of my heart.
Chapter 37: and the story comes to an end.....I am gonna miss this....I love strawberry panic....poor any other kyuwook story?
lixian971 #4
Chapter 37: finally, it comes to an end. :)
glad that kyuhyun finally admitting that he fall for ryeowook :D
poor yesung :( i hope he can find the right person for his life soon

ahh you have another story about kyuwook? i can't wait xD
hwaiting :D
and thank you for such a beautiful story from you ^^
PaboForSJ #5
Chapter 37: OMG~ The story ended well~ :D Kyuhyun did it~ He finally accepted his real feelings~ :D I'm so proud of him~ :') This story was one of the best I have ever read~ Thank you very much author for this wonderful story that you have come up with~ And HWAITING! for your upcoming and future stories~ :D★
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 36: Siwon ah~ Please think through it again carefully~ :( Kyuhyun~ Are you really gonna do this? Keep your love to yourself and just disappear out of a sudden? :( The story is gonna end already? :( I love this story so much I wish it wouldn't end~
lixian971 #7
Chapter 36: kyu, why did he keep avoiding wookie. (sighed)
kyuwook's obliviousness are very frustrating sometimes.

what?? the next chap will be the last? oh my god, that fast?
aishh it's ok author ssi. i can't wait for the nect chapter.
have fun in china :D
superannesnow #8
Chapter 36: kyuwoook !!!! :) waiting for ur next update
Wookiebaby #9
Chapter 36: Kyu....why are u leaving wookie behing .... Great jod author nim ..... It's as exciting as can be .... Like every chapter makes me cry ....I totally love it .... Hope you have fun in china . Look forward your fantastic update . Thx for the ff
Chapter 36: KYU don't you dare break wookie's heart!!!!