The Midnight Tea Party

Inculpable Panic!

I'm soooooo sorry, I forgot to upload this chapter >< so today you will get a triple update xD

   Yesung, Ryeowook and Kyungsoo laid in their beds, pretending to be sleeping peacefully until it knocked on their door. Ryeowook opened his eyes quickly and sat up before he wishpered:  "Come in."
   Then Ryeowook stood up and put on a small light, which stood on the small, round desk, which they had put in the middle between the three bed, so that everybody could sit down on the beds around it.
   Slowly, Kris and Eunhyuk peeked inside and quickly entered the room as they noticed, that Ryeowook already was awake, while Yesung slowly stood up as well. They quietly closed the door again, so that nobody could notice, that they were here.
   "Welcome", Yesung greeted their new friends.
   "Ahh I'm so nervous since I hope, we won't get caught", Eunhyuk whispered nervously.
   "That's why it's fun!", Kris added with a smile, before he turned back to Ryeowook and Yesung, while pointing on the still sleeping Kyungsoo, "What's with him? Is he sleeping?"
   "I think the day was to exciting for him today. He fell asleep immediatly after he went to bed", Yesung explained and stepped closer to Kyungsoo to cover him with the blanket again, which had fallen down on the ground. Then Ryeowook asked them to sit down, while waiting for Tao.
   In the meanwhile, Tao creeped along the floor to the room of the Jaeneung students, while hoping that nobody would see him, but because he was already a wushu master, he knew how to creep around without making any noise at all. While he was on his way, he thought deeply about what Ryeowook had said, that they would wear all the temp roomie uniform.
   "I don't want to wear it... it's quite stupid, this temp roomie system... but I want to see Kris gege in it... he surely looks great and handsome!", as he noticed his own thoughts, he stopped immediatly and blushed. How could he even think about something like this?
    "Ahhh this damn temp roomie system... only an old-fashioned school like Jaeneung has a system like this... they can't even choose the room they have to live... In my case, I would never work for someone and even live with somebody, I wasn't able to choose... thank god I could choose my roommate... Tradition is so useless in school...", Tao talked quietly to himself, before he peeked around a corner, which was near the boys' room, "I hope the old geezer of dorm director is gone already..."
   "Who's gone?", suddenly somebody asked from behind and gave Tao a hugh shock.

   The others sat down on the ground around the table, waiting for Tao, who still hasn't arrived for their midnight tea party. Even Kyungsoo woke up again after a while and joined them, still very tired.
   "Wow what a nice tea set!", Kris said fascinated, "It looks like the traditional one from China!"
   "Haha how odds! My parents brought this for me, while our trip through China some years ago", Ryeowook explained with a smile, remembering the great holidays he had back then.
   Then it finally knocked on the door and Ryeowook jumped up to open the door, while Kris added: "Finally, Tao came and we can start!"
   He went to the door and opened it slowly: "You are pretty slow...", his words ran dry as he noticed, who stood right in front of the door, holding Tao on his collar, while the young student looked down on the ground. He couldn't believe, that he got caught.
   "I see. A tea party, eh?", Leeteuk said strictly, looking down on the students, who quickly jumped up in shock, "Everyone go in their own rooms immediatly and don't even dare to stay up any second longer than needed! And tomorrow morning at 5am, everyone of you will be at the cathedral on time to fulfill your punishment!"
   Then Kris and Eunhyuk immediatly followed the dorm's director together with Tao to their rooms. Ryeowook sighed and thought, that he already had the feeling, that they would get caught somehow. He looked down on the ground and noticed a small piece of paper, which he picked up and read it to himself in minds.

My Wookie,
please take care of yourself and watch out, until I'm back at St. Jaeneung and the dorms.
In love, Kyuhyun

   Ryeowook's heart started to beat crazily again. "In... in love?", Ryeowook said quiet confused to himself, while he stared down on the note, reading it again and again.
   "Wookie?", Yesung asked from behind and stepped closer, "What's wrong?"
   "Ehhh... nothing!", Ryeowook shouted shocked and turned around to Yesung, hiding the note behind his back, "We should go to bed now!". Then he went to his bed and laid down, while Yesung turned off the lights.
   It didn't take long until Kyungsoo and Yesung had fallen asleep. Only Ryeowook laid on his back, holding the note in his hands, staring into space, while he mumbled quietly to himself : "My Wookie... am I his Wookie? Besides Yesung, he is the only one calling me 'Wookie', but does that make me his own and am I Yesung's as well, because he is calling me Wookie, too...? And what does he mean by 'until I'm back'? Isn't he here?... oh wait I haven't seen him since the ceremony at Jihye... but where is he now? And then he wrote 'in love'... in love... in love..."
   Suddenly he felt really tired and only repeated it once more, before he fell asleep as well... in love Kyuhyun...

   On the next morning, the six students lined up in a row in front of the cathedral, where the dorm's director handed each of them the temp roomies uniform, in which they changed quickly. Then they followed him to the entrance of the church spire, where they lined up again.
   "This cathedral is the oldest building on Mt. Sam and it's the most historic building in our church", Leeteuk explained, walking up and down, looking at the students, who followed him with their glances, "Usually, the monks take care of it, but I made a special offer to sweep all the stairs here for you as your punishment!"
   "WHAT?", Ryeowook shouted shocked, "All of them?!" Then he looked up into the tower, unable to count the stairs, he could see.
   "Yes, every single one of the 1025 stairs", Leeteuk nodded, "It's quite an honor to sweep such a prestigious building. Sweep this place clean, leave not one speck of dust. At the same time, I wish that all your souls can be cleansed as well. Your opinions?"
   "Thank you very much, director Teuk", all of the six students said in a choir, which caused Leeteuk to smile, before he left the students behind.
   After the director left, Eunhyuk swept with his finger over the balustrade, which was so dirty that his finger was black after he wiped over it. "It's impossible to do it all in one day!", Eunhyuk said discouraged.
   "Well, the first impression I had was, that I get to see Wookie in the temp roomie uniform", Yesung talked happily, "I wasn't even able to think about all the stairs, we have to sweep!"
   "And after I saw Eunhyuk like this, I'm sure Donghae-sshi would give everything he has to see you like this", Kris added and laughed, which caused Eunhyuk to blush like Ryeowook.
   "And I'm able to see Kris in it...", Tao thought and it felt like he would drive away in his thoughts, "He... he lookes so good... Ah Tao, be serious, you have to sweep all the stairs!"
Then he turned back to his friends, grabbed a cleaning mop and shouted: "I'll do it! I'll clean them all!"
   "Tao...?", Ryeowook asked confused and looked after the younger student, who immediatly started sweeping the first stair.
   "He probably feels responsible for what happened yesterday", Eunhyuk said.
   "Why don't we all clean?", Kris asked and Yesung nodded, so that everybody joined Tao, helping to sweep the stairs.
   They started to change their punishment into a game, so that the one would win, who sweeped the most stairs in less time after they build up into three teams.
   "I will work with Eunhyuk hyung!", Ryeowook shouted happily, grabbed his hyungs wrist pulling him upstairs to the next floor to start sweeping there.
   "Then I will work with you, Kyungsoo!", Yesung said and smiled at his temp roomie, which made Kyungsoo really happy. For him, Ryeowook became something like a role-model or even an idol, but Yesung. Yesung was different, he was a warm-hearted person, who always took care of the younger students and his friends.
   "So it seems like we will work together, Tao", Kris spoke and laid his arm around Tao's shoulders, while looking up the tower, because he tried to imagine how much stairs they still had to sweep. But Tao wasn't able to think about their punishment anymore. He felt like he was dying, because Kris was so close as he never has been before.
   So they worked together for hours and they said, that they would clean the last floor together. Everybody walked upstairs, while Tao carried the ladder upstairs until Kris stepped next to him. "Should I help you?", the taller one asked, but Tao refused.
   "No, I will do it by myself!"
   "Let me help you, it's heavy!", Kris added and grabbed the other end ot the ladder, trying to help his younger fellow student.
   "I said, I can do it by my own", Tao shouted pissed, as he suddenly slipped, so that he fell down the stairs together with Kris and the ladder.
   "Kris! Tao! Are you okay?", Eunhyuk shouted shocked, who stood already on the last floor together with the others, who immediatly ran downstairs again.
   Tao had pressed his eyes together while the fall, until he slowly opened them again. He noticed, that he laid on Kris, who had his arms around him. The younger one rolled down from Kris and sat up besides him, staring at him with a shocked expression.
   "Are... are... are you okay?", he stammered and gulped nervously and Kris slowly sat up and rubbed the back of his head.
   "Yeah, I'm fine... It's just a swelling.", Kris said and tried to smile at Tao, who still sat besides him like a dog, looking at him with his worried, big, black eyes. Then he suddenly bend forward, staring shocked at Kris' knee.
   "You leg! It's bleeding!", Tao talked in a shocked voice.
   "I'm fine, it's only a scratch!"
   "But... but you will make our clothes dirty", Tao added and took a cloth tissue out of his pocket, which he gently laid on Kris' knee, who observed everything carefully, "Does it hurt?"
   "I'm totally fine, please believe me", Kris smiled, "Looks like your handkerchief got dirty..."
Then Kris suddenly felt something wet on his knee and looked down again. It was a tear. A tear? He looked at Tao and noticed, that the fourth grader, who usually acted like a adult with less emotions, started to cry.
   "T... Tao?", Kris asked confused.
   "I'm sorry... I'm no use! All I do is troubling you", Tao cried, "First, I got caught and you got punished because of my mistake and now I even hurt you, because I wanted to look strong and mature right in front of you to show you that I'm not like the other fourth grader, who you don't like!"
   Then Kris looked up to the others, who were on the half of the stairs and he nodded to them, showing them that everything was alright and that they should keep on working and that they would join them soon again.
   "Take this, Tao", Kris said and handed the younger one a handkerchief, which even had a stitchery in a corner, "You aren't like the crybabies, are you? I'm very happy that you look at me so much. Actually, I was always a bit worried, because I never felt something like this before, so I'm not able to understand you and your feelings, Tao. But can I see your beautiful, serious face again, please?!"
   Tao looked up to Kris and gulped, taking the cloth tissue to wipe his tears away, before he nodded with a slight smile to Kris, who smiled back at him happily.
   After Tao calmed down again and Kris' knee didn't hurt so much anymore, they stood up again and joined their friends to finally finish their work.

   After 10:30pm, Leeteuk made his last round thought the dorms, checking that nobody would peek around again. And last but not least, he checked Ryeowook's, Yesung's and Kyungsoo's room. He opened the door and observed the room. Everyone was in his bed, sleeping tightly, surely exhausted from their though day. Then he smiled and left the room again, closing the door behind him, before he went into his own room.
   As soon as the door was closed again and no more steps were hearable from the outside, the three of them threw away their blanket, revealing the other 3 member of Jihye Academy, who laid next to them, hiding for director Teuk.
   Then all of them worked together to prepare the desk, while Ryeowook was making the tea. After everything was finished, they sat down around the table, taking a sip of their tea.
   "Well then... let's begin the tea party!", Ryeowook whispered and they quietly clinked their cups of teas to start their midnight tea party.

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the first chapter will be up later today^^


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I impressed with you Author-nim.. this story made three years ago.. I believe at that time there was no issue or idea about Wookie's solo album..
I just finish read this story and found out the words "Wang", "The Little", and "Flower"
all those words are really compatible with Ryeowook first solo album.. "The Little Prince" and symbolize by "Flowers"

Wow... you really can predict that someday those words will be so meaningful for Ryeowook

Our Author-nim Daebak.. ^0^
Omg! Omg! Omg!
I'm so late How come I didn't come across this...
Oppa, is my apology even accepted....
! this story came to an end, I'm going to miss this,
I loved the it's awesome at last stubborn kyu made my wookie cry a lot and now he is finally accepting the fact that he fell for ryeowook for being ryeowook, not because he was a replacement....
I love kyuwook and even eunhae, but I feel bad for yesung.
Sungie go find your love (siwonnie maybe ^^)
just kidding, overall loved this story from the bottom of my heart.
Chapter 37: and the story comes to an end.....I am gonna miss this....I love strawberry panic....poor any other kyuwook story?
lixian971 #4
Chapter 37: finally, it comes to an end. :)
glad that kyuhyun finally admitting that he fall for ryeowook :D
poor yesung :( i hope he can find the right person for his life soon

ahh you have another story about kyuwook? i can't wait xD
hwaiting :D
and thank you for such a beautiful story from you ^^
PaboForSJ #5
Chapter 37: OMG~ The story ended well~ :D Kyuhyun did it~ He finally accepted his real feelings~ :D I'm so proud of him~ :') This story was one of the best I have ever read~ Thank you very much author for this wonderful story that you have come up with~ And HWAITING! for your upcoming and future stories~ :D★
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 36: Siwon ah~ Please think through it again carefully~ :( Kyuhyun~ Are you really gonna do this? Keep your love to yourself and just disappear out of a sudden? :( The story is gonna end already? :( I love this story so much I wish it wouldn't end~
lixian971 #7
Chapter 36: kyu, why did he keep avoiding wookie. (sighed)
kyuwook's obliviousness are very frustrating sometimes.

what?? the next chap will be the last? oh my god, that fast?
aishh it's ok author ssi. i can't wait for the nect chapter.
have fun in china :D
superannesnow #8
Chapter 36: kyuwoook !!!! :) waiting for ur next update
Wookiebaby #9
Chapter 36: Kyu....why are u leaving wookie behing .... Great jod author nim ..... It's as exciting as can be .... Like every chapter makes me cry ....I totally love it .... Hope you have fun in china . Look forward your fantastic update . Thx for the ff
Chapter 36: KYU don't you dare break wookie's heart!!!!