Chapter 2

The Shadows
     Feeling relived, I sighed and smiled inside. Only for a little while. I'm still confused on what is happening. I looked at Kevin, who was sitting next to me, watching my every move. Sighing, I ignored him. When I was in the bathroom,  Octavia, Jessica, Krystal came in, looking for me of course. Sadly they went in because I was about to beat up a stupid, erted vampire. Aisssh, I wanted to do it too. They ignored what was happening between me and Kevin and walked us to the cafeteria near the bathroom. In the cafeteria were hundreds of dead bodies of student, all covered in blood and guts. It made me feel dead as well. I sighed, knowing that my friends will protect me. To me, they were my closest friends. The oldest is Jessica,next is Krystal, Octavia and the youngest, me. I'm always the youngest. Sadly, I'm used to it. Just then, I realized Kevin was looking back at me while smirking. Aissh. You're a . 
     Suddenly, I heard a deep voice in my head, "Thank you, my Sliver. . ."
Knowing it was Kevin, I rolled my eyes.  Aishhh.
"So what now?" Krystal asked.
I looked at everyone. They were all scared like me, making me feel glad. I bit my lips and whispered," Find a hide -"
"Find a hide out?" Jessica said.
     I always get cut off. I hate it but I don't want to be mean and say it was my idea. This is why I hate myself. I was so into my thoughts I didn't notice Kevin was listening to me think. When I did, I slammed my head on the table, feeling stupidity. Everyone gasped, except for Kevin, frighten by my actions. 
"Silver! What the heck! You scared us to death!" Octavia rose his voice. 
"I'm sorry I'm just confused," I lied, even though it was kinda true.
     Kevin patted my back gently. I wanted to slap his hand away but I didn't want my friends to think I'm rude to the new kid. 
"Where should we hide?" Jessica asked.
"GIRL'S LOCKER ROOM!" I shouted softly as I lifted my head quickly.
Everyone stared at me. Puffing my cheeks, I placed my head back down. Pabo...I mentally slapped myself. I'm always stupid.
"Not a bad idea. Too bad it's locked," Octavia stated as I slammed my head again.
"I can unlock doors. Maybe we can hide there," I heard Kevin's voice.
     His voice was so kind, so sweet, and so soft. I blushed softly hearing it. Why am I feeling this way? Even if he is a vampire, I shouldn't be feeling this way to a person I just met. I looked at Kevin and saw him holding out his hand to help me up. I took it and stood up, my face a little red. Seeing him smile made my heart beat. I bit my lips and walked, with my friends, to the girl's locker room while holding Kevin's warm and soft hands. Aissssssssssh you ing... I pulled my hand away and stuffed it in my pockets on my hoodie. 
     When we arrived to the door to the girls locker room, Kevin went straight to it and tried to unlock it. I looked around, seeing Octavia and Jessica in one side and Krystal and me in the other. Smiling, I thought it was sweet that a couple was alive. I giggled softly so no one could hear. As I looked over to Kevin, I saw him smiling. I tilted my head and saw he opened the door. Jumping in joy, I ran over to him and hugged him.
"Yay! Let's go in and figure out a plan," said Krystal.
     We all nodded and went in, blocking and locking the door behind us. The locker room was cold like a freezer. Luckly, we found blankets in the office. That's weird, oh well. We all sat down, cozed up in a blanket in a circle. Octavia and Jessica shared one blanket, Sarah had her own, and me and Kevin had to share. Great, just great. Kevin scooted closer to me, making me warmer than I'm already am. I blushed slightly when he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 
"You like this don't you. . ." 
I rather die then be here with you. I heard him chuckle so I rolled my eyes. Such a .
"So Octavia, you and Jessica can go gather weapons and supplies. I will find food and water. Kevin and Sliver will stay here and guard the hideout. Okay! Now move out!" Krystal said.
     I watched them all leave the locker room, leaving me and Kevin alone. Just then I realized everyone had a guy but me. Jessica with Octavia, Sarah with her boyfriend RJ, leaving me alone with no boyfriend. Maybe RJ is alive, according to Sarah, he's strong and would never die without saying goodbye to his love. I sighed when I heard the door closed.
"Alone at last," Kevin said.
     I saw his eyes glow. This time, his eyes were icy blue. My favorite color. I blushed slightly, staring into his eyes.
He smiled and said," You like them don't you?"
     My eyes widen then looked away quickly, nodding slowly. What the am I doing?
I heard him chuckle and then caressed my cheeks. My whole face turned bright red. Suddenly, he turned my face to meet his. Me, now staring into his icy blue eyes. I bit my lips, seeing his cute face made my heart beat faster. I did like him. Damn. He smiled softly and looked at my lips, seeing how red they were because I was biting them too much. It kinda hurt but I didn't really care.
"It hurts hmmm? Well let me take care of that," he whispered as he leaned in closer to my face.
     My eyes widen again when I felt his lips touch mine. It stinged a little but then faded away after a few seconds. He continued to kiss me even thought the pain was gone. I let him because it was making me feel a little better. All this confusion was making me feel dead inside and want to kill myself from it. This is so stupid. Suddenly, I felt Kevin bit my bottom lip with his fangs. I jumped and pulled away quickly, tasting the blood from my lips. He looked shocked and moved my hand away, leaning in to off the blood from my lip.
"I'm sorry!" he said forgivenly.
     I stared at him, wondering why his personality changed. He went from being a to a nice caring guy. 
"Y-yah..." I said, feeling his hand grabbing mines. 
     I didn't really care anymore. I smiled as I laced our fingers together and resting my head on his shoulder. This is making me so tired. I might as well take a nap. Kevin layed his head on mines, making me feel like he enjoyed it. I smiled as I closed my eyes to rest. I really did like him.
Kevin's POV
     I shouldn't be feeling this way. .                                                                      
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i'm looking forward this fanfic :) it's quite interesting and the storyline is quite amazing... you are such a good writer, hope you update it soon n_n
Yuki2591 #2
This fanfic got me hooked! Pleaseeee update Soon! ♥