Chapter 1

The Shadows
Friday, December 13
     Today was an unusual day. It started in 1st period, English. Our teacher was out and was reported missing late last night. At first I really didn't cared, I was too busy admiring the new guy that was sitting right infront of me. Of course I wasn't fangirling, drooling and squealing and all the that girly girls do. I just acted calm and cool as usual. He was kinda cute but who cares. As the day went by, it was already almost time to go to lunch. I was glaring at the new kid the whole entire morning. He was in all my classes so far, and I was getting creeped out because of it.
"Silver? Are you ok? You're kinda twiching..." Octavia asked.
     I looked at my friend, who was the only guy in our group, and glared at him. Not knowing I was twiching, I smiled. Making me look like a messed up joker. Everyone backed away from me, getting a little scared. I tilted my head as they backed away, confused. My smiled disappeared and I stopped twiching. If you actually knew me, I'm very talkive, cute and quite talented. If you didn't, I'll be shy and very quiet.
"Silver?" Octavia repeated my name.
I looked at him and blinked, softly saying, " Yes?"
Krystal looked at me and laughed,"D'awww. Silver, what's wrong?" then she nudged me.
"Is it that new guy over there?" she chuckled and pointed to a couple seats away.
I blushed slightly and quickly shooked my head. 
"Yes it is. I see you blushing. You like him!" Jessica grinned.
"No! It's just..." I paused then scooted closer to them and whispered," he's been in all my classes, and I'm getting creeped out."
Krystal chuckled," Liar. He really cute and you're single. He might be single too so, go talk to him!"
"But..but..I can't talk to guys..I'm fine with Octavia but I can't talk with other guys.." I mumbled.
"BUT STILL, GO TALK TO HIM" she whispered louder.
     I pouted and stood up then started walking towards the new kid. My heart was beating faster when I was getting closer and closer to him. He was very cute. Wearing a black t-shirt with a black collared shirt underneath, a black skinny jeans with some ripped holes, and really cool dancing shoes was my dream outfit for a guy and he was wearing it. 
     I moved my hands up to my chest and played with my fingers in my shy mode. Just then I got a brillant idea when my coach walked by. I looked at the new guy and saw him looking at me. Smiling, I waved at him feeling awkward. He did the same and giggled softly. I bit the bottom of my lips and walked over to my coach, asking him if I could go to the bathroom. He nodded, like he didn't cared. 
     I walked back but suddenly I was pulled back and turned around. Looking up, I saw the new guy's adorable face. I blushed deeply, staring into his eyes. Suddenly romatic music and a soft lip pressed into mine. It was the new guy. He kissed me. He ing kissed me. My very first kiss and it was a guy that I didn't even knew his name. I shrugged and closed my eyes, kissing back. I inhaled his breath, felt his tongue in my mouth, rolling on top of mines almost as if he wanted to devour me. It felt like if I could kiss him forever. And then it stop. He pulled away and smiled at me. This is getting really awkward.
"Silver.." He whispered softly.
I smiled gently and looked at him, not caring anymore.
"Silver.." he repeated.
"Silver." he got louder.
"Silver!" even louder.
"SILVER!" Jessica yelled into my ears.
"WHAT!" I yelled back as I open my eyes.
I blinked as I see a binder in my hands and notice I was asleep.
"Why were you kissing your binder?" Octavia asked.
"Ummm...Uhhhh.." I shuddered.
Just then the bell for lunch ranged.
"MOO!" I yelled and ran out, to the bathroom.
     That was so embarrassing, I thought as I slapped myself. I walked in the bathroom, just then two girls shoved me to the side. I scoffed softly, thinking how rude they were then walked straight into the bathroom stall. I opened the stall door before locking it and doing my business. As I was doing my business the lights suddenly dimed and started to flicker. I bit my lips, having a mini heart attack inside. 
     A couple seconds later, I was blind. Everything went pitch black from what I see. I pulled up my pants quickly and shivered, feeling a slight breeze. Screaming inside, I opened the stall door then walked slowly out, not knowing where to go. When I stepped out, I felt some watery like liquid slash on my shoe. I bit my bottom lip and weep softly to myself. What the hell is happening? My head hurts from being confused. Aishh. Everything was just fine yesterday. 
     Just then, the lights flickered back on, scaring the living out of me. I realized the watery liquid... was blood. I whimpered and looked to the side, seeing two bodies, dead on the ground. Their bodies were covered with each others blood, making it look disgusting and horrifying. This is the first time I ever saw this much blood on a person's body so of course now I'm scarred for life. 
     As I slowly move my head up to the mirror, my heart stopped. There was a black figure in the dark shadowy corner, with silver eyes just staring into my eyes. I would punch him for making this gaffe, well to me it is. Staring at me and , of course it makes me feel awkward. Forgetting my terror for a moment, I glared at the eyes.
"What are you looking at?" I said, calmly.
     The eyes blinked and  the black figure appeared into the dimed bathroom light. It was none other than... the new kid. He smirked and walked closer to me.
"What a brave girl..." He my bangs away from my eyes when he was close enough.
I laughed and pushed his hand away.
"What's so brave about me? I'm ing scared right now and you're telling me I'm brave?" I raised my voice.
     He smiled and placed his hand on my neck, making me gulp and shiver at the cold touch. Blushing slightly, I slapped his hand away. He was very cute and yet evil at the same time. Suddenly, the new guy grabbed my wrists and slammed me into nearby wall. I shut my eyes and bit my lips, holding in my scream.
"You're cute. I'm not lying. Too bad your precious little petite body will soon be gone. Unless..." he leaned in, to my neck and it. The wet slobbery feel on my neck, from his tongue, made me shiver. 
"I turn you into a vampire..." he whispered.
     As he beared his fangs, I struggled away and pinned him on the wall before he could bite my neck. I stared at him and laughed.
"Don't you think you need my permission first?" I said.
     He looked at me, eyes widen. Guess I shocked him because a girl is stronger than him. I chuckled and tilted my head slightly.
"You're cute as well. Now...What the hell is happening?" I rose my voice.
     Instead of answering me, he pushed himself off the wall, making me let go of his wrist. He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled. 
"It's time." he whispered.
     I tilted my head and blushed slightly as he wrapped his arms around me. Never had I ever experience this action with anyone before. Of course, since I'm unsocial and quiet. Suddenly, he pulled me closer to him. I sqeaked softly.
"Baby, I never got your name yet." he smiled.
"First, don't call me baby. Second, I would like for you to call me Silver. Third, answer my damn question." I smiled. "Now what's your wonderful name dear kind vampire?"
     He chuckled and pecked my head. What the hell is wrong with him? He might be those vampires who play with their food and . 
I sighed, "I'm sorry for being a ."
     Never has I acted like this. It's weird. Is it because he's a vampire? Is it because of the scary event happening? Or is it because... I like him? I shooked my head. Aissssssssssh. Maybe I'm just crazy.
"You like me hmm?" He lean closer to my face and smirked.
I glared at him. . He read my mind.
"Forget that. Tell me your name, aishh," I argued, trying to get away from him.
     He was holding me so tight I can't barely escape. My heart was beating too fast, making me think he could hear it. Blushing slightly, I looked in his eyes. They were shining white eyes now like the snow in a winter day. I bit my lips. Aiiiiish. .
 "Cute. Name's Kevin and you are..." he paused and smiled as he touched my nose with his. I blushed deeply, seeing his cute face so close to mines.
"Going to be my human familiar," he continued.
     I gulpped, hearing those words coming out from his mouth made my heart stopped. Glaring and clenching the hems of my shirt, I mumbled to myself. Not thinking, I slammed him back on the wall and slapped him.
"Who said you could claim me?" I growled.
He smirked," Me."

Kevin's a vampire omfg and he's claiming Silver..What will happen? /mini heart attack/


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i'm looking forward this fanfic :) it's quite interesting and the storyline is quite amazing... you are such a good writer, hope you update it soon n_n
Yuki2591 #2
This fanfic got me hooked! Pleaseeee update Soon! ♥