
The Day the World Ended

Chapter 5: Remembering



You woke up the next morning only inches away from Zelo's face. Your eyes went wide and you quickly sat up, looking around. "You're up?" You heard Jongup ask. You quickly turned your head towards him. "Yeah, I woke up a while ago and couldn't fall back asleep." He said and sat up. "Wanna help me get started on breakfast?" He asked. You stayed quiet but slowly nodded your head. 

You and Jongup quietly exited the tent, being careful to not wake up Zelo or any of the other guys. Jongup quickly got a fire started and set up a pan above it and started cooking some left over meat from yesterday's hunt. You two sat there in silence, only hearing the sound of the fire cracking. It was painfully awkward until Jongup spoke up.

"So do you miss your family?" He asked, not taking his eyes off of the fire. You looked up at him. "Y-yeah...a lot actually." You said. "I know what that feels's times like these where I really do wish I was an only child..." He said with a bitter laugh. "You..had a sibling?" You asked. "Yup...two younger twin sisters..." He whispered. "R-really? I had a younger sister too...She was eleven." You said. He looked up at you with empathy in his eyes. "Really? I'm sorry." He said. "I-it's fine...How old were your sisters?" You asked. He looked back at the fire. "...7..." He said quietly. You saw tears gather in his eyes. You wanted to comfort him, but you really didn't know what to say. It was quiet once again until he spoke.

"You know...the thing that gets me is the fact that they were so young." He said on the verge of crying. "They were so little and vulnerable. I'm their older brother...I was supposed to be there to protect them. I-I could've saved them..." He said as tears fell down his cheeks. You couldn't help but shed a few tears too. You knew his pain. You knew what he had been through. His bitter laugh brought you out of your thoughts. "I can only imagine what Hana went through," he said and looked at you, "she was the younger one. She has to see her own twin get...f-feasted on..." He said and shut his eyes tight. He started crying into his hands. You quickly got up and sat next to him.

"I-it's okay...they're in a better place now...okay?" You said and hugged him. He nodded his head and sniffed. "I know..." He whispered. He quickly stood up and wiped away his tears. "I think the meat is done now...Do you mind going to get some of those sticks to put it on? They're over on the table." He said. You nodded and did as told. He equally seperated the meat and put it on the sticks and spread them across the pan. "Hey, will you go wake everyone up? Tell them breakfast is ready." He said. "Okay." You nodded and walked over to the tents. 

You first walked to Zelo's tent. "Zelo...Zelo breakfast is ready." You said and shook him lightly. He slowly opened his eyes and rubbed his face cutely. You smiled at his cuteness and left the tent. Next, you went to Youngjae and Daehyun's tent. You saw Youngjae quietly reading a book and Daehyun snoring lightly. Youngjae looked up at you. "Hey, breakfast is ready." You whispered. "Breakfast?" Daehyun asked groggily as he sat up. You giggled as Youngjae rolled his eyes. "Thanks, we'll be right out." He said. You nodded and left the tent. You walked over to Yongguk and Himchan's tent and peeked your head in. 

You saw a peacefully sleeping Himchan and a softly snoring Yongguk. You smiled. "Guys, breakfast is ready." You said. They both woke up. "Huh?" Himchan asked, still half asleep. You giggled. "Breakfast is ready." You said. Yongguk got up and walked out of the tent without saying anything. *Your welcome...* You thought to yourself. "Sorry...Yongguk is just like that. But don't worry, he'll warm up to you." Himchan said and patted your head. You sighed and went where the rest of the boys were. 

You sat next in between Zelo and Daehyun and took a stick of meat. "So hyung, what are the plans for today?" Zelo asked with his mouth full. "Hey, chew your food before talking." Youngjae said. "Sorry..." Zelo mumbled. "Well, we're running low on water and medicine." Yongguk said. "Really?" Himchan asked, "But Daehyun went to that pharmacy just yesterday." He said. "Yeah...but he brought back something else..." Yongguk said and stared at you. You sunk into your seat a little bit. "Well who's going turn is it to go get supplies?" Jongup asked. "It's Zelo and Youngjae's." Yongguk said and bit off another piece of meat. "What? I went just the other day!" Youngjae complained. You saw this as your window of opportunity. "I'll go." You blurted a little too loud. They all looked at you.

"I mean, if Youngjae doesn't want to go...I will." You said. "Really?" Youngjae asked. "Sure. I mean, I have to do something around here to earn my stay, right?" You asked. They all nodded. "I guess you aren't a complete waste of space after all..." Yongguk said. "Really?" You asked with a hopeful smile. "No." Yongguk said and threw away everyone's sticks. You frowned. *I'll show him.* You thought.


You were out at a nearby lake with Zelo, trying to gather as much water as you could fit in your little containers. "So, I was talking to Jongup earlier today..." You said, trying to spark up conversation. "Really? What about?" Zelo asked while still filling his bottle. "About our families." You said. He stiffened. "Oh really?" He asked. "Yeah...he had two little twin sisters. It honsetly broke my heart." You said. He looked at you. "Did you not have any siblings?" He asked. Tears formed in your eyes just thinking about her. "I had sister." You said and started filling your bottle. "I'm sorry..." He said. "What about you? Did you have any siblings?" You asked. "I had an older brother. He was the best." Zelo said and smiled. "He was athletic, he could dance, he could sing, he always knew how to cheer me up. He was my role model." He said and closed his eyes, "And now he's gone..." He whispered. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." You said. "It's fine. I know he's watching over me now." Zelo smiled. You smiled back and continued filling the bottles with water.


Everyone had already gone to sleep about and hour ago and here you were, lying in your sleeping bag wide awake. You just couldn't sleep. You kept thinking about your family and about everything that happened. You sat up, sighing. You quietly got up and got out of the tent without waking up Jongup or Zelo. You zipped the tent back up and saw that there was a fire already started in the middle of where you would all sit and eat. You saw someone sitting next to the fire staring blackly at it. 

It was Yongguk.

You slowly approached him and saw that he was crying. You were shocked. "Y-Yongguk?" You asked carefully. He looked up at you with puffy eyes. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I couldn't sleep...what are you doing out here?" You asked. "Same." He said. You nodded. This was probably the longest you've ever held a conversation with Yongguk without getting offended. "If you don't mind me asking...why were you crying?" You asked. "Why do you care?" He asked. "Look, I know you don't like me...but that doesn't mean I won't at least try to be nice to you. So...why were you crying?" You asked. He scoffed.

"Did you have any younger siblings? Before any of this happened?" He asked and looked at the fire. "Yeah." You said as a tear fell down your cheek. "She was eleven." You said. "Did know..." He trailed off. "Die? Yes. She died and killed my mom too." You said as more tears fell but you kept a straight face. "I had a sister...before any of this happened. When I was young, I had a baby sister. She was precious. The most amazing thing I could ever ask for. Then, one day, when she was five...she died of a heart disease." He said as more tears fell down his face. You remianed frozen, standing in the same spot. "I hated everything after that. Anything that tried to interact with me, I would hate with all my being...I was just filled with hate. Until, one day, my mom got pregnant again. I, of course, wasn't happy. Not one bit. But the baby was on the way...I had to accept it. It turns out, I loved my second baby sister just as much as the first. She was amazing. And she lived to be fourteen...until all of this happened." He said. You sat down next to him. 

"I'm so sorry Yongguk..." You said. "She died right in front of me." He blurted out and started crying again. You blinked in shock, not sure how to respond. "I was supposed to protect her...She was my second baby sister. I couldn't even keep her safe." He said and buried his face in his hands. "I know what that's like..." You said and looked into the fire. "I know that feeling. Feeling that responsibility. Feeling that there must have been something, just something, that you could've done to save them. But there something that you really could've done?" You asked and looked at him. He looked at you and you stared into eachother's eyes. You both stayed like that for a while until you snapped out of your trance. You quickly looked away. 

"Thanks HeeYeon. You aren't so bad after all." He said and smiled. You smiled back. "Thanks." You said. "Well, you should really get to bed. We have a lot to do tomorrow." He said and put out the fire. "Alright...goodnight Yongguk." You said and hugged him. You felt him go stiff at first but then hug you back. 

"Goodnight HeeYeon." He said and you both returned to your tents, falling into a deep sleep.


Author's Note:

So I finally updated after a while >.> I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry it's kind of slow in the beginning, but overall I hope you enjoyed it. Remember to comment and subscribe and please tell me what you guys thought! 

P.S. Omg someone help me. I am in desperate need of a poster ._. I tried making one but I seriously cannot find an idea for the poster...I've tried making one like 3 times of my subscribers has to be awesome at photoshop right? >.> Lol please let me know if you're interested.

Thanks for reading! ^-^

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Woah. 61 Subscribers? Really? Thank you all so much for subbing and staying subbed even if I take forever to update. ^-^ I love you guys, my awesome subbies!


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Chapter 15: Awww Jongup no.... Whyyyyyyy??????? Ugh I'm sick of people dying. ㅠㅡㅠ
surfergirl101 #2
Chapter 15: Oh no jonguppie why!!!!! I hope that theyll be ok
stephani_bap #3
They have to survive!
Chapter 15: Oh no, poor Jong uppie~
Well, memento mori (someday you'll die)
Please update soon ^_^
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 14: i'll wait for you ^^
Littlestarexo #7
Chapter 13: OMG!! An update!! Finally :D I missed it ;D thanks..
VocaThaDesu #8
Chapter 13: Omg *fangirls*
Finally !
Thank you so much autor *^*
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 12: you should update soon ^^
Hyo447 #10
Chapter 12: OMG!!! I love you so much right now for updating thank you so much.