GUY WIFE (better with you)





Weeks passed and I haven't told my friends yet about ___________ and my marriage. ___________ had been understanding and just waiting for me to do so. I learn a lot of things about ___________. Once she made her decision, no one can ever change it even her parents and she's a person with one word. During our first day of marriage when she promised to do all the house chores and keep the house clean, she really did it all without complaining and asking for my help up until now. I also learned her love of brownies and how she matches it with cup of hot milk. I remembered the time I took a slice of her brownies in the fridge without her permission and then the next she noticed one slice was missing. She scolded me for an hour and warned me not to touch her brownies again. Later that day...




I was thirsty and wanted to have a cold drink. When I opened the fridge, I saw her brownies again but now with a note hanging. I made an eye level with the note and read it.


    Hi wifey, don't eat my brownies. IT'S MINE.

    Look below ☺!


I looked below and saw a box of assorted cakes with another note. I took the note and read it.


   Hi there again wifey.

   I'm sorry for scolding you earlier.

   I bought you assorted cakes. Hope you liked it.


I chuckled. She felt sorry for scolding when in fact it was my fault for eating her brownies without her permission. I get one of the cakes and brought it to my room with the note.


-End of Flashback-



I smile and look at the same note that I pinned on my to-do-list board. It is another school day and _________ was out for school. During these past few weeks, I haven't seen _________ once at the university. I wonder where she is during her free time.

Phone rings

(a/n: insert ringtone you like. I don't like to use 'kring' sound it feels like old school. Keke I don't know any lyrics of EXO's song, it's hard to memorize plus my phone is always on silent so I don't need ringtone.)

"yoboseyo?" I answered without looking who was calling.

"hyung? Where are you? Are you at school?" The person on the other line asked. It was Sehun.


Shoot I forgot about school. I hang up and take the fastest bathe in my entire life. After I bath, I change my clothes, fixed my hair, grab my bag, wallet and car keys and went off.



Fast Forward




"aish if I only knew he wouldn't be coming, I should have taken my time with my bath" I irritatingly mumbled. I felt lucky when I reached school on time but when I came to class, the teacher was only there to announce that he wouldn't be teaching for the day because of some personal reasons. I was irritated because I took my world's fastest record for bath and I even passed by a stop sign, luckily I wasn't caught just for the sake of attending this class and TADA NO CLASSES. PERFECT. ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC.

I was aimlessly walking when...




I bump onto someone. The impact wasn't strong and I wasn't off balance but the things of the person I bump onto fall and was scattered on the ground. I immediately pick up some of his or her things. In a quick time we were able to pick up all of his or her things. I look up and was about to hand him or her things I picked when I realize who the person I bump. It was...


"E- Eunji" I stutter with my heart racing.

"Luhan- sshi, I'm sorry I wasn't looking in my way. Miane" Eunji said and a 90 degree bow.

"No it was me who was aimlessly walking, sorry" I stopped her from bowing. She nodded and was followed by awkward silence.

"Luhan-sshi, t- thank you for picking up my things but c-can I have it back." Eunji hesitatingly reached for her things that I forgotten to give back but before her hands lay on her things I pulled it away from her.

"What number is your room, classroom I mean?" I asked instead of giving her things.

"N- neh?" Eunji looked at me, puzzled.

"Your classroom number? I'll accompany you there and I'll carry these things for you in a while." I said and give Eunji a sincere smile.

"Thank you Luhan-sshi but it's okay I can manage" Eunji tried to reached for her things again and again I pulled it away from her.

"Uh- uh I wanted to help you carry your things and now the classroom number please" I demanded in a joking manner. Eunji answered and started walking ahead. I turn my pace and followed her. Again, the SILENCE but it wasn't that awkward anymore.

"So Eunji-sshi, how are you? I haven't seen you in a while?" I tried to make a conversation to stop the not so awkward silence between us.

"I've been busy lately but fortunately after this painting, I won't be that busy anymore." In a swift moment, Eunji turn to me and smile. "How are you and your friends?" she asked.

"Here, still breathing," I joke and Eunji chuckled. "and the guys same as always."

"Good. Ah there's my room you can give my things now." Eunji pointed a door that was 3 rooms away from our destination.


Ottoke? What should I do?

Should I ask her out?

But wouldn't it be awkward if I ask her all of a sudden.

I was busy with the thought of asking her out or not just then I snap back when I remember that the maknaes were requesting on hanging out this weekend.


"Eunji-sshi uhm if you're not busy this weekend, would you mind hanging out with us?"

Eunji stop for a while and think then she nodded, "sure if it's fine with the others"

"Thanks, I'm sure they would like it if you join" I said remembering how Sehun was fond of Eunji. The guys would surely agree since they keep on pestering me on confessing to Eunji.

"Okay sure I'll go, tell me when and where." Eunji said and snatched her things from me and mouthed, "Thanks"

"okay sure, bye." I turn to leave when I remember I don't have any contact with her. I turn back to Eunji and she was just about to open the door, "hey Eunji- sshi" I called. Eunji look back, "Wae?"

"I uhm... I don't have any contact with you and I don't know where to see you to tell when and where we'll hang out. Can I have your..." I almost said it in one go. I feel shy to ask Eunji's number.

"Sure, wait I'll get my phone" Eunji tried to get her phone from her bag but the things she's carrying makes it hard to.

"Here, I'll help you with that" I said and took the things from here. She quickly took for her phone from her bag. It was my turn to get my phone when I realize that I was carrying her things. Eunji seems to understand what I was thinking and we both laugh.

"Luhan- sshi, give me your number and I call you" Eunji said and dictated my number. Within a second my phone rings but ended immediately.

"That was me." Eunji place back her phone in her bag and swiftly took her things from me.

"Thanks and Eunji- sshi, you can drop the formalities, just call me Luhan." I said and smile.

Eunji smiled too and opened the door, "sure, you can drop the formalities too, just call me Eunji and thank for helping me with my things. Bye"

"Bye" I wave and left after Eunji entered the room.



Fast Forward




"Yah hyung" I snap a finger in front of Luhan hyung's face and it does seem to work when Luhan hyung responded, "Wae?" but was still smiling, CREEPILY.


SHEEZ hyung's freaking me out.


Ever since we saw Luhan hyung today, his mind seems to be floating somewhere else. He's just smiling without saying anything. The others were talking about their day but Luhan hyung was in his own small world. He didn't even hear me asking earlier until I did that snap that fortunately earned me a respond.


"YAH HYUNG SNAP OUT OF IT. YOU'RE CREEPING ME OUT" I yelled that caught everyone's attention and turn to us.

"Guys where is the best place to hang out this weekend?" Luhan hyung asked smiling, forgetting that I yeld at him.

I looked at the others puzzled. We never decide in which place to hang out before hand, we did it on the spot and just go with the flow. I feel kinda suspicious with hyung. I got a feeling his question is connected on why hyung is acting this way. Crazy and creepy.

"Eh? But hyung we never plan the venue of our hang outs before hand and hyung the way you smile is creepier than Chanyeol hyung" Sehun butted in that earned him a smack on the head from his Chanyeol hyung. The younger whined. I chuckled but I agree with Sehunnie. The way Luhan hyung smile is way creepier than Chanyeol this time.





"Eh? But hyung we never plan the venue of our hang outs before hand and hyung the way you smile is creepier than Chanyeol hyung" our maknae remarked. I tried to restrain myself from smiling but gee I'm too ecstatic with Eunji coming along.


"Eunji is coming" I blurt out. The 11 of them were silent, maybe processing what I just said. Though it didn't take too long for them to understand and the next thing happened is, them teasing me.


"Wah hyung, I never imagined you having the courage to ask her." Chen said


"Finally Lulu, you've made a move" Xiumin hyung teased and patted my back. I blushed. Everyone sees it and was provoke to tease me more. I stayed quiet and wasn't answering. It's no use when they were talking at the same time.


"ALL OF YOU QUIET DOWN" Kris hollered and looked annoyed. The rest went quite as soon as they heard Kris annoyed voice. I made a mental note to thank Kris for stopping them from teasing me. It made me embarrassed by the minute.


"So Lulu care to tell how you did it?" Kris smirked and made his face. I facepalmed.

"That was good hyung" Chanyeol hi- fived Kris and laughed.

Okay forget the mental note of thanking. He just made it a lot worse. The others started laughing again.

I told them all about it, from the accidental meeting up to the part where I get here number.

"Nice move hyung, very nice" Lay teased and patted my shoulders.

"Hyung how about we go to Lotte World?" Sehun suggested.

"Neh, neh I haven't been there in a while" Tao cutely agreed. Excitement, clearly taking over him.

"Yeah then we can make a idea to get you closer to Eunji" Chen said while wriggling his eyebrows and nudging Lay that was beside him.

"Lotte World, it is. Go call and inform YOUR Eunji" Suho said and smile but never failed to emphasize the word 'YOUR'. Tsk even the nice and reserve leader is enjoying every bit of my embarrassment. I eventually did what Suho told me to do and dun dun duuun there goes another round of teasing.



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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1