GUY WIFE (better with you)



"Thanks man." Kris said to Suho. He just unwrapped Suho's gift and it was a self-improvement book. All gifts were opened but __________ has not come back yet.


Speaking of __________, she finally arrived with a big gift box tied in a red ribbon. She was smiling from ear to ear while approaching them. They were all staring at __________, wide eyes. What did she get for Kris that she had to use a big gift box.


"Happy Birthday, Kreese. Sorry I took time in getting my gift. Urgh those heels were killing me." __________ frown at the thought of her heels but smiled again as she held out her gift to Kris. Kris chuckled as he looked at __________'s footwear. He remembered how she scolded her earlier for wearing heels when she knew that she can't balance herself with that. The heels were replaced with a cute pair of white flat shoes. She didn't need heels since she was already tall. Kris reached out to receive __________'s gift.


"Thank you" Kris muttered. He was about to open her gift when she stopped him. "You might want to distance yourself from us before opening your gift." She suggested. Kris raised his eyebrow in suspecion.


*What did she get me that I have to see it alone?* Kris suspect as he take a few steps away from the group to take a look on his gift.


He slowly opened the box. His eyes wide open and his mouth hang open. Inside the box was the same alpaca plushie he saw at the shop when they bought toy for their visit to Chunju.


*How?* Kris thought as he averted his gaze to __________.


"Noona, what did you get for Kris hyung?" Sehun asked, curious. __________ shrugged but a smirked was playing on her lips.


Kris looked back on the gift and saw a small paper. It was a letter from __________.


Hello birthday boy, Kreese,


     I hope you like my gift. I saw you staring at him at the plushie shop.

    Take care of him arraso.


                                                    The awesomest, __________


Kris laughed at __________'s description of herself and the way she wrote his name is the way she pronounced it. He blushed, so __________ caught him staring at the plushie. It is one of his hidden likes. He likes plushies too much that he is shy to show it to everyone. He, the poker face of the group loves plushies would be comically ironic. He brought back the cover of the box and secured it in his arms when he walked back to his friends.


"Gege, what did noona gave to you?" Tao curiously asked. He too was intrigued. Kris hugged the box more tightly in case someone would grab it from him.


"Thank you for the gift. I like it." Kris told __________. "Why don't we check in to the hotel? The beach party is gonna start soon." He suggested which all of them agreed.


There were a total of 5 rooms. Suho, Kris, Tao share the first room. Chanyeol, Baekhyun and D.O. shared the second. Third were Luhan, Sehun, and Lay. Fourth were Xiumin, Kai and Chen. Lastly, __________ and Eunji shared one room.





Kris announced the beach party would start soon and they should head down to the beach side where most cottages were built. The guys already changed in their more casual clothes but still matching the party theme head down.


(Here's ___________ wears at beach party. A/N: except for the painting.. heheh)


__________ on the other hand, immediately change her dress into a more comfortable wardrobe as soon as they reached their hotel room. There were two beds in the room, one for her and the other for Eunji. She grabbed her DSLR camera that was lying on her bed side and politely excused herself to Eunji, telling her that she would do some strolling since Eunji chose to relax her body for a while.


__________ was already out before Kris's announcement. Aside from them and the other party attendees, there were some guests of the newly opened establishment. Couples and families with their kids were on the beach side, enjoying the crystal blue water and the white-fine sand. Kids chasing each other and some happily building sandcastles. Each of those moments, __________ captured with her camera. She took a photo of every single thing that interest and caught her attention. She had a picture of a young couple hugging each other as they looked towards the blue ocean before them. A picture of kid that was running away from another kid. She even has a picture of her holding a starfish that she found on the beach side.


Again on her journey, she met a half Korean and half American kid. The kid looks very adorable in her kiddie swimsuit. She asked her if she could play with her and the little girl smiled and nodded. At that instant they bonded. They built a not so high but cute sandcastle that was decorated with different and colourful sea shells. __________ was about to leave when that kid's mother call for her daughter but then the kid the hem of her shorts and asked her to come with her. She couldn't possibly say no to that cute act. Hand in hand they walked towards that kid's parents.


"Hannah you... You brought a friend." Hannah's mother shifted her gaze from her daughter to __________. __________ bowed to her in respect and the latter did the same.


"She's __________ unnie. She helped me build sandcastle. Look mommy it's pretty." Hannah pointed at their sandcastle.


"Yes honey its pretty." Hannah's mother carried her daughter in her arms and kissed her cheek. Hannah giggled while __________ inwardly squeal. "I'm Hayoung and this is my husband Steve." She introduced. Her American husband waved as he helped Hayoung with their food.


"I'm __________. You're daughter is adorable." __________ sincerely said. Hayoung smiled and thank her for her daughter's compliment.


"Unnie, taste this. Mommy made it. It's really delicious." Hannah held out the food to __________'s mouth and she ate it. It was delicious.


"It's delicious." __________ complimented, the taste still lingering in .


"Have some more." Hayoung pushed the big bowl of the food that Hannah feed her. She shyly reached for some more. __________ didn't know what it is but she surely taste chocolate in it. She was literally bonding and eating with the family as if they were close and known each other for a long time when the truth was they just met for less than an hour. __________ didn't notice the time. She enjoyed her time with the family. She learned that it was their last vacation in Seoul since they are going to migrate to the States where Steve works. Steve didn't have a problem communicating with __________ since she knew English. It made them comfortable with each other.





__________ phone's ring, interrupting her conversation with Hayoung. She looked at the caller ID and it was Kreese.


*Shoot totally forgot about the beach party.* __________ cursed in her mind and answered the call.


"Yeobseyo?" __________ answered.


"Yah you, where are you? Everybody is already here except for you." Kris scolded from the other line. Eunji told them an hour ago that __________ took a stroll but she hasn't come back yet. Again the boys are starting to get worried.


"Miane Kreese, I'll be back just give me 5 minutes. Okay." __________ bowed as if Kris was in front of her.


"Okay sure, be here in 5 minutes." Kris sigh. He's worried even though he knew __________ is just inside their property.


"Kreese?" __________ softly and carefully called. Kris heart raced with that.


"What?" Kris tried to sound calm although his heart was pounding loudly in his chest.


"You're not mad, right?" She asked.


*MAD? __________, seriously, why would I be mad at you. I'M WORRIED.* Kris wanted tell __________.


"No just come here safely. The others are getting worried." Kris said instead.


"Okay, please tell the others not to worry. I'll be there in a few. Bye Kreese." She then ended the call.


"Hayoung, Steve, though I love to continue our conversation, I need to go." __________ sincerely apologized. The couple understand and they nodded.


"Honey say bye to unnie." Hayoung told Hannah that __________ was leaving. Hannah pouted but then kissed __________'s cheek, "Bye, unnie."


"Bye Hannah. It was nice playing with you. Hayoung, Steve, I'll visit you guys if I ever went to States." __________ stood up and grabbed her camera with her.


"We'll be anticipating your visit and maybe you could bring your own family with you by then." The couple said.


__________ chuckled, "We'll see." She muttered and left.



A few walks and turns, __________ reached the venue. She saw few of the younger ones from EXO playing while the others were just chilling in the cottage which has a mini bar. __________ immediately caught Luhan's sitting figure. He was as expected with Eunji that was wearing a beautiful summer dress. __________ looked at herself. She was wearing a comfortable cream-colored short shorts, plain white a bit loose shirt and a hat. She was nothing girly compared to Eunji.


(Here's Eunji wears at beach party.)


"Noona, you're here. Let’s play." Sehun spotted __________ and run to her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to Kai, Baekhyun, D.O., Chen and Chanyeol's direction that was just goofing around and dancing to the music. __________ didn't know what to do so she copied Kai and Sehun's dancing but rather in an exaggerated way. Everybody was laughing their asses off and the others that were sitting were somewhat carried with the happy vibe that made them stood up and started dancing with them. The song played suddenly change in to Psy's Gangnam style. __________ run to the mini bar and placed her camera on the counter top so she could dance more freely. When the song came to the chorus part they all dance its dance move. They were almost synchronize. The song ended and they were all exhausted.


"That was daebak." Kai exclaimed as they all take seat in the cottage.


"Yeah and let’s do it again." Chen suggested.


"I was informed that the dinner would be served soon. We should head back to the hotel first." Kris announced. They all stood up and followed Kris to the hotel but on their way...


"Unnie" Hannah called as she run towards __________ with her parents following her back. __________ crouched down to Hannah's level and welcomed her in her arms. "Hannah". She looked at the couple, "leaving already?" she asked.


"Yeah we have a plane to catch tomorrow. Hannah lets go." Hayoung smiled and hold her daughter's hand.


"Have a safe trip then." __________ sent them off with a smile. Hannah, before leaving kissed __________'s cheek again.


"Hub... I mean __________, who were they?" Luhan asked as the family left. He almost uttered their reverse endearment.


__________ mentally chuckle. She heard how Luhan wanted to say hubby as he asked her. "Family I met when I did a stroll earlier." She simply answered with a smile.


Luhan chuckled, "You grew easily attached to them don't you? It's like the last time, did you cry?" He asked. He's a bit worried, remember the last time with Chunju, she cried as they left.


"YAH! I DID NOT CRY!" __________ cried and playfully punch Luhan stomach.


"YOU DID" Luhan laughed and more. For a moment they forgot there were people around them. They started bickering like kids.


"DID NOT!" __________ retorted and scoffed.


"DID TOO!" Luhan answered back while laughing.




"Woah! Woah Kids! Both of you stop!" Suho stopped the two grown-up kids from bickering.


"KIDS?!" __________ and Luhan gaped at Suho in unison.


"Yeah because you to bicker like kids." Suho simply answered and folded his arm into knot.


"Yah Suho, I'm older than you." Luhan whined, making him look more of a kid. The others were watching and chuckling at the sight in front of them.


"See, look at that, you're whinning hyung. You don't act like your age." Suho pointed out. __________ laughed at Luhan who was frowning more.


"What are you laughing at?" Luhan playfully glared at __________.


__________ walked closer to Suho as if asking for protection from the baby face monster. "Appa, Lulu is glaring at me." She hold Suho's arm. Luhan with the others bursted into laughter. They were dying in laughter with __________ calling Suho appa and Suho's precious reaction had to add more in their aching stomach.


"APPA?!" Suho jerked, wide eyes.


__________ blinked but nodded, "Waeyo? Suho, you act like appa." She stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.


Suho facepalmed. "I'll go first, all of you make me hungry." He walked ahead of them.


"What? Did I say something wrong?" __________ oblivious of what she said.


"Neh, kiddo you call our leader appa." Luhan said while laughing.


"Tsk is that it? You're older than appa, baby-face ahjusshi." __________ mehronged and run to where Suho went. "Appa wait for me." She hollered. It was silent for a second but then replaced with loud laughter from the boys while Eunji was trying not to laugh as loud as the boys.


"Ahjusshi?" Luhan mumbled, dumbfounded.


"Yes hyung, __________ called you an ahjusshi. A baby-face ahjusshi to be more specific." Chen confirmed.










*THAT BRAT JUST DIDN'T CALL ME AHJUSSHI* Luhan thought as he charged to where Suho and __________ went. He abruptly stop, "Lay, take care of Eunji for me in a while. I will just going to get my payback." Luhan hollered and continue the chase.


*Why me?*, *Why him*" Lay and Eunji thought and stopped laughing. They looked at each other but then looked away. Awkward moment.


"Let’s follow them before they could get into trouble." Kris said.


"Eunji-sshi, I... uhm lets go" Lay stuttered. Eunji nodded and followed Lay.



To be Continue...



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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 74: lol really interesting story, i don't really like story with ___ name but anyhow i read this and glad i did because i enjoyed reading :) thanks
Neva_end #2
You have done a great job author :). It was totally awesome.
pinkypn #3
Chapter 74: is the story sort of a spin-off/sequel. gongchan and bunghee wasnt there for the birth of the child or wasnt notified
lovelycookies #4
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
lovelycookies #5
Chapter 74: Waaa! It's an end. *Clasp clasp* it's good story. Good job, authornim.^o^
Chapter 73: omg... happy ending... i will miss this story so much... /wipes my tears/ <3 I LOVE GUYS WIFEY EVER N EVVERRR
Chapter 73: Waah~ it already end~huhuhu~ i hope you can make a story about the other member love life!!! again i really love this!!
lovelycookies #8
Chapter 72: Waaaa! Best updates from you, authornim! Waaa! ^^
lovelycookies #9
Chapter 68: sweet Lulu.. >3<
Chapter 68: yaayy!!! finally!!!!1