The girls (Part 2)

I must be in love...
Amber's POV.
It was History class and I'm here opening my book to try pretending that I like this boring subject. But I don't... I'm sure with that. I thought as I yawned. I looked sideways to see Luna engrossed deeply with her book. Uh, she's such a responsible girl, really.
The teacher then wrote something on the board. I took down some notes and when I did, Victoria kicked my chair.
"What?" I asked as I looked at her. She was sitting at my back so yeah, she usually does that.
"It's homework. Let me copy your answers, arasso?" she murmured. "Whatever," I responded as I turned to face the board again.
Soon enough, we were told to go to the library to do our homework. There, Luna and Oi tried to answer it while Victoria just kept on reading a novel. I was about to tell her to do her work when I heard a familiar voice.
"Aish! Why are we here?" I looked in time to see Kibum asnd his friends enter the library. He's the same as the old Kibum. You see, he's bursting out his irritation. I could tell that just by looking at his face.
Victoria's POV.
"It's about History. Aren't we asked to do something?" I heard Onew said.
Oh wait, Onew? So that bastard is also here. I thought as I dropped the novel I was reading. It caused a loud thud but I don't really care.
"You're here!" he said, mocking a shocked expression as he did. I knew what is coming so I instantly raised my left brow at him. You see, I really detest this guy. I mean, he's pestering me ever since I rejected him.
"Shut up, bastard!" I retorted. He chuckled then looked at the novel, which is now lying on the cold, cemented floor peacefully.
"It's a good thing you dropped that," he said then paused for a while. "You don't look good reading that anyway," he went on.
"Jjong, it's enough. Let's just do ur work," Onew muttered as he tried to reach for the bookstand near Key's place.
Talking about Key... he's such a cool guy, really. I mean, he's smart although not as much as Onew... unlike that bastard, Kim Jonghyun. He's so full of himself. He's jst a good-for-nothing type of guy, if I may say so. I thought as I opened my notes.
Luna's POV.
As much as I was trying to concentrate with what I am doing, I can't. See, Vicky just started a bickering session with her mortal enemy. I swear they're gonna end up marrying each other. I thought as I glanced at Amber. She's watching the whole scene silently.
An hour passed by and I'm gratefl that we finishe dour work on time. Not just it... Vicky calmed down and did hr work silently. I could tell that she had a hard time ignoring Jonghyun guy 'coz she never forgets on sending him glares once in a while.
"Finally, we can go and eat Chicken," Onew guy said happily to his friends. From what I heard, he's such a Chicken lover. I know right, Chicken is so delicious that I can't really blame him to be addicted to eating it.
Soon, they started to leave. When they were out of earshot, Vicky let out a sigh of relief.
"Whoa! Calm down!" Amber instructed. "Calm down? You're teling me to calm down?" she shouted. Everyone then looked at us. Oh yes! She's supposed to lower her voice down. After all, people 'round here are studying and doing important stuffs.
"Uh, let's just get out of here," I suggested as I dragged the two of them. Yes! I really know how to handle this since Vicky always acts this way every time she sees that Jonghyun guy. I guess things will never become better than this. I thought as we exited the library.
Author's note:
Thanks for reading.
Saranghae. : D


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yay! kumawo! : )


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Chapter 4: this is too cute^^
purpleBLIss #2
jjong is the one for vicky! oh yeah, i liked their loveteam. : D
Chapter 1: F(x) and SHINee, both in one story! yay! ^^
Chapter 1: Oh I love taemin and sulli!
So basically it's SHINee x F(X)? Yayyy~! Can't wait to read it c:
I can't wait to read this! It's very intersting! Oh I'm curious yeah!