Personal Asisstant Life


After Minho comes in your life, your life not become more better than you expected but become more terrible(but not so terrible). After school end, you have to run go to Minho oppa workplace and help or do everything what he said. Now, you see the Minho, he's like spoilt prince! even something easy task he ask you to do for him like...


"Anna, help me take that bottle" he ask you to take a bottle that oly 20cm far from his hand (this is when he got massage)

you also have to lift his beg that so heavy.... what on earth is he out in this beg...

Besides that, you also have to lift his and other members things like shoes and clothes, sometimes its so many untill you feel like to fall .. Your work become harder and harder...

Flashback end...

In the rest room...

While packing up Minho oppa things, out of the blue, Minho appear in front of the door...

"Anna ! Let's play game with me (Xbox)" Minho ask gently but seems he is in hurried...

"Ha? Okay let's play" you have know his behaviour now, and you just follow everything his said because you have fall in love with him, even he is spoilt prince but still his cute and charming face you capable to enduring it.


:O *shock* "WOW!! You are so bad ! You can't even win when play with me?!!" you laugh so hard ...

"You're so noisy , Anna" embarrassed..

"Your face look so different when play games and during perfomance" suddenly you slowly speak up like that to Minho..

"Why? Don't you like it?" Minho answer calmly and give innocent smile ..

"Err,, its not like that" blushing hardly..

Suddenly someone come into that room, he (choreographer of SHINee) seems rushing and angry...

"Minho-ya! you skip your dance training again?!!!" he shout at Minho ..

"ya, ya" ah, get caught again ...

Minho follow his choreographer and leave you behind blushing hardly and can't think properly ..

In training room...

"Minho-ya, you seems have so much energy, Why? I'm so tired, let's stop for awhile" Onew oppa seems so tired when he talk to Minho and then he sits at the edge of the room...

"Minho hyung! What happen to you? What give you had so much energy today? Taemin seems so curious with his hyung...

"Its nothing, Onew hyung it's not like I have so much energy but its you that have worst stamina and have bad body" Minho laugh hardly and still continue his training...

"HAHAHA, I'm absolutely agree with Minho!" Jonghyun suddenly interrupt..

"KYA! Jonghyun! Are you crazy?! I'm going mad and I'm hungry now, I will eat you if you say like that one more time!" Onew seems so angry but more to hungry..

"HAHAHA, just give him chicken and he will shut his mouth" Key try to help Jonghyun out from 'crazy chicken Onew'..

HAHAHAHA ... They laugh together.. SHINee are very close together and their relationship can make other people jealous...

Suddenly you come in and brings waters and towels for them...

"Annyeong! What are you all laughing for? Here some waters and towels, take one for each" you cut off their conversation ..

"Yeahhhhh!!" Minho runs to you like a children and take one bottle and towel .. followed by the other members...

"Kamsahamnida!!" They say it together ...

You feels like have 5 children now, Taemin not jealous with you anymore because Minho seems like have not been seduce by you (Minho always torture you) Onew seems like love you better because you always give chicken for him and JongKey have nothing to do with you.. Jonghyun is a nice guy actually , he really nice with you and not like a player.. Key always help you with ypur appearance. Sometimes they like brother to you but sometimes they like children to you ....


Sorry because I'm update late, I'm so busy right now with tuition and training . pffft . Do you love this chapter? Please comment and subscribe this story . Kamsahamnida .. Annyeong !!


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[VOICE] Chapter 6 is out . I'm sorry because it so late . Please comment for this chapter nicely :')


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Chapter 5: Maybe she thinks that the voice is someone Minho had been crushing on.. but I think.. maybe Minho likes her..
Chapter 5: Please update sooner. Palli :D
Chapter 3: update soon ^^ hahaa key always nag and nag xD well he's umma ^^
Chapter 2: uwaaaah,update soon,but why ur ff is like a comic? heee i mean selami hatiku,heeee :)
Chapter 1: wow that was quick~ if that happens to me, oh gosh...

I've been daydreaming like this many times now~ Meeting SHINee and talking with them... *sigh, sometimes I'm heartbroken that it was only an imagination... I was too into daydreaming that I thought it was true!!! T_T

well, looking forward to this :)