Mr. Lee

SSORRY, But You're Cute


“EEEEEEEEEEEK! It’s them! It’s the I-KREW! WAHHHH OPPA SARANGHAEYO!” An enormous swarm of girls screamed at the top of their lungs without any respect for the students around them.


“What’s the big fuss?” Unnie asked.

“Apparently there’s a group of handsome boys transferring to our school.” You explained.


Unnie raised an eyebrow at you knowingly. “But of course I’m not interested in any of them” You quickly added, and briefly checked yourself out in the small, distorted locker mirror.


“Alright alright, let’s get to class. See you soon!” The older girl urged.



First period dragged on and on. “Mental note to go to guidance after lunch and change courses.” You were zoned out and couldn’t think straight. Holding your head up with your arm on the desk, you mustered up all the will in your body to keep your eyes open. Your eyelids suddenly jerked open when you noticed something interesting in your peripheral.


You were snapped back to your senses at the sight of an attractive young boy who entered the room and was now sitting in front of you. You regretted not seeing a clear image of his face. But the cool, bad-boy image he carried in his walking was enough to catch your attention, and you found yourself immediately drawn to the unknown boy. I wish I could see his face… He must be pretty cute.


“Ahem… Mr. Lee, I presume?” said the irritable teacher, who glared at the new student through his crescent spectacles.


Mr. Lee, eh? What’s his first name? I have to find out. 
Even his back view was irresistibly attractive. He had lean, toned back muscles and his hair was a black, soft, and fluffy. You wanted to ruffle his hair.
You wanted. To ruffle his soft hair.
It probably feels.
Like my dog’s fur.
I forgot to wash my dog yesterday.


Oh God, why. 


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