
SSORRY, But You're Cute


12:03pm, almost lunchtime...

Homework on the first day? Are you serious?
“Diagnostic argumentative essay due on Friday, and please read Hamlet pages 1-30.”

But the good news is, class is finally over. You walk confidently in front of Mr. Lee AKA the mysterious boy, in hopes that he will look at you. But he doesn’t.

You coolly shrug it off and pretend you were talking to the guy sitting beside Mr. Lee… Who luckily happens to be your best-guy-friend. “Hey Sungjong, did you get any of that uh chemistry project done? I’m like almost done, it’s at 12 pages right now”, you say, loud enough so that his seat partner could hear… In hopes that Mr. Bad Boy here will notice how smart you are. “Huh? But… Cindy, im not even in your chemistry class!”, Sungjongie blurted honestly. “YAH!! I’m hungry dude! H-hurry up and let’s go eat lunch!” You desperately tried to cover up and change the topic, and rushed out of the classroom with SJ’s wrist gripped tightly in your hand. 


Letting out an audible sigh of relief, you feel heat on your cheeks with the back of your hand. 

You didn't know where you were going-- It didn't matter. You just had to get out of there, pronto. 

"Yah Sungjong!! Why do you have so little NUNCHI?? You should have played along!! Ugh" 
"Huh? Played along with what?" 

You shook your head with frustration; when it came to conversing with SJ on anything related to social interactions, it was like speaking to a brick wall. Nothing gets across to his dense little head. But he's not completely dense either-- this petit, lean young boy with side-swept black hair is a top-class student and phenominal dancer too. Why oh why must he have been cursed with this major social awkwardness? 

In the Cafeteria

"Really?? You have a crush on the new kid? Wow," said SJ after you told him about your smitten situation from this morning. You told him everything, even the part about the dog fur. 

"I told you, it's not a CRUSH. I just think he's extremely attractive and has nice hair." 

"Ask him out," suggests SJ nonchalantly while chowing down on his ham and cheese sandwich. 

"That's not how it works, Sungjong. That would be too easy, not to mention rushed! I could sound desperate!! I'm not one of those clingy overly attached stalker-fans." 

"Then don't," says SJ in that same monotonous tone of voice, used when deciding which colour of socks to wear in the morning. 

"But I don't want to miss my chance~ What if another girl asks him out before me? Oh man this is serious... I gotta make my move soon!" you respond with increasing pitch in your voice. 

"Well Cindy, if you really want to know more about him, you gotta talk to him, know where he is, where he lives (maybe), what he likes, who he hangs out with, the whole shebang. Sitting around here isn't going to change much." 

"...You mean like, stalking him? Hah, no, that would be so creepy. But what we can do is watch him from afar and make keen observations!" You said triumphantly.

"Since when was there a 'we'--" 

"Meet me at my locker after school. It's INVESTIGATION TIME." 

Mr. Lee, you will BE MINE. 

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