
SSORRY, But You're Cute


 “How can you do this to me oppa?” You felt tears coming and your face turned very hot. Trembling hands clenched into fists.

“Hey, calm down… I can explain,” he tried to reason with you.

*SMACK* “I’ve had enough of this!” You turned around and walked away without ever looking back.


*Bold text is Cindy’s thoughts

7pm Sunday evening

BEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEP! Grrrr go away whoever it is! I don’t want to talk to anyone right now.

The irritated girl shoved her face into the pillow and tried to drown out the annoying beeping. Eventually she gave in and answered her cell phone. Her new Samsung Galaxy S2

 “Tough day, huh?” Unnie asked a little too cheerfully over the phone.
“You have no idea…” How in the world did she know I would be home at this time?

“Man how many— Was that your 3rd, Cindy? I always had a bad feeling about that one.. It was Chen, right?” Her best friend texted in disbelief. You were ranting about the horrible breakup you’ve just had.

Cindy shoved her face deeper into the pillow and complained, “Why is it always me? Unnieee I have the worst luck…” You were more angry and annoyed than sad. Tears of anger flowed out and your black mascara smudged on the previously clean, white pillow.

...Maybe I was too harsh on Chen. 

“No. No don’t you cry. You’re a tough girl! You can take down a 6-foot-tall monster with your bare hands!”

Cindy the karate girl giggled as her memories distracted her from her previous melancholy thoughts.


In front of your eyes, Sungjong was surrounded by a mob of tall, dangerous, trouble-making teens. 
"You're nothing but a worthless wimp. You don't belong in our group!" The largest of the group threatened, and slowly raised a heavy fist-- there was no doubt what would happen next. 

Without hesitation, Cindy jumped in and grabbed the intimidating fist, and twisted it in a way that an arm should never be twisted. 

"Arggg!! What the hell!" The erted giant made a terribly ugly face in dissatisfaction and humiliation. The crew of bullies made no hesitation to act as backup for their leader, but he gestered for them to back off. He had to regain his pride. He quickly retaliated and punched using all his strength into the brave girl's fragile face. 

Cindy nimbly ducked and took this as an opportunity to knee his face. *POW*

It's true.. But my heart is in a million pieces right now. 

This is the price you pay for having a pretty face! I warned you about that guy didn’t I?” She teased but with a hint of sincerity. “You want me to beat him up tomorrow? Or did you already take care of it?”

“I … I don’t even know anymore.” You paused.


 “Ok you know what? I’ve made up my mind. I hate boys, every single one of them. I’m done! I’ll be single for the rest of my life, and live happily ever after.” You concluded, full of determination and spirit, jumping off your bed.

“That’s the spirit! You have me don’t you! No need to worry. I’m going to bed now. I’ll see you tomorrow alright? Stay strong.” Unnie assured.
Beeeep, Beep.

Teenage drama. Who needs ‘em?

You whipped out your favourite book, “Clockwork Prince”, and made yourself into a more comfortable position.
“AIIISHH. Not even reading can cheer me up today.” You confessed dejectedly as you put the book aside and looked around your room for a suitable target. It was your giant stuffed bear that said “I love you” on it.

You smacked it HARD with your fist, “This one is for cheating on me with that woman.”

Again, SMACK! “And THIS one is for messing with my heart!”
Tonight, I’ll forget everything. I can live without love. All I need is 50 cats and my BFF. 


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