Chapter 4

60 Seconds


"Her..." I gritted through my teeth. Seeing her makes me sick. I didn't want to get to know her. Especially when I knew she worked at this coffee shop. I don't like it, this coffee shop. Just bad memories come back. I can't talk to my dad anymore. I can't forgive him for what he did. 
 *Dad pick up the phone!!* I looked over at my mother who was sweating like crazy. My mother called me, "DongWoo-ah.. I love you, don't forget that ok? Tell abeoji that I love him and tell him I said thank you." 
"Umma don't you dare say that!" I tried calling my dad again but the phone keeps on sending me to voicemail. "Appa...jebal...please answer. Umma she's not doing so good. Call back! Hurry." I ended the call and quickly went to my mom. She was paling rapidly and broke out in cold sweats.
 I kneeled by her side and told her to not give up. She warily smiled at me telling me everything will be ok. A short knock at the door interrrupted me from my thoughts. "The door is open!" I yelled, knowing it was the paramedics. Four people entered the house carrying a rather large first aid kit. Once they found my mother on the couch two people carried her to the ambulance truck. Following behind them, I stepped out of the house and saw people pointing to us and the car parked in the driveway.
Once I set foot in the truck, the person behind me closed the door and pressed the gas pedal. With sirens ringing throughout the street, we raced to the hospital. 
"DongWoo-ah," My mom started." I'm sorry... I love you and don't forget that.. ever. Tell appa thank you and I love you. Tell him i will be with him forever and will never forget him. Be who you want to be. I'll be by your side. I know you're a good dancer, I've seen you practice in your room." She giggled softy. "Audition... You might make it." She encouraged, looking into my eyes.On the gurney she slowly started to lose consciousness. 
"Umma!? Umma!! Wake up!! Don't do this to me umma." I pleaded. 
"Ma'am? ma'am!! Don't give up yet. Just a little more!" One of the paramedics yelled. As he said that we soon reached to a stop the door opened and carried my mother into the building.
My eyes were watery from this situation that I was in, hoping everything was going to be alright. Once I got in the hospital the nurses told me to wait out in the hall while my mom was in the ER. Sitting in an uncomfortable chair, I waited. For 30 minutes sitting in that chair was the worst, praying it would be fine. Then, the lights flicked off I looked up to see who it was and I saw a doctor come out. 
"I'm sorry.." He bowed. "I'm afraid to say this.. But your mother didn't  make it." He informed. I couldn't hold it in anymore and let the tears out. 
I fell on the ground on my knees and burst into tears. The doctor there tried comforting me but it didn't work. 
It didn't seem real. My mom who was fine just two hours ago is now gone. Just like that she disappeared in a few minutes. Just like that. Gone. 
I called my dad again to tell him but the phone kept on ringing. It kept on going to voicemail. I was getting frustrated.
Not knowing what to do next I left the hospital. I was going to my dance studio. The forgotten building across a big park. It used to be a dance studio but due to financial reasons it closed down. 
I climbed in from the window in the bathroom and walked to the Main room. There was a bathroom, the main dance room, kitchen and a bedroom In the bedroom, a couch, coffee table and light Stand was left from the previous owner. 
I didn't think of going back home and decided to stay in the studio for the night. Trying to block everything that happened today i fell asleep. 
The next morning, i woke up from a noise coming from the studio. I cautiously walked over to the door and saw six guys dancing to hip hop. They were amazing. Their bodies naturally moved to the beat. 
I was getting closer to them and said, "Who are you guys?" They turned around surprised, not expecting to see me. The one with the squinty eyes stepped up.
"We're Infinite." He replied casually.
"What are you guys doing here? This is my studio." 
"We're obviously practicing. You dance?" He asked. 
"A little." I answered.
 "Ok then, let's see what you got." He smirked. He motioned one of the guys to turn the Music on. *I know this song... No Mercy... I know the dance.* I thought to myself and stepped out, dancing to the song and adding some of my own twist. During Zelo and YongGuk's rap I started breakdancing. Coffee grind, 6 stepping, most of the basics and then ended with a loser. 
I stepped back and saw all 6 of them hanging their mouth wide open. But they all stepped up front and started dancing. It was amazing how they did their footwork at the same time. The song finished and we were all tired from the intense dance battle. Turning around and looking at me the oldest introduced himself. 
"Hi, I'm SungGyu." 
"Ho..YA!" The guy with chubby cheeks yelled.
"WooHyun" he slightly raised his hand.
"SungJong!" The youngest cheered. "SungGyu hyung! Lets let DongWoo hyung be a part of Infinite!" He suggested. 
SungGyu chuckled, "That's fine with me, I think we needed 7 guys." 
I snapped back to reality and saw all of the members already sitting down in the booth. Hoya called me motioning me to sit down. I walked over carelessly, bumping into a few things not bothering to put it back. I pulled a chair from behind and scooched it over to the end. As I was about to sit down, Hoya who was seated near the edge, quickly kicked it away from me. Which made me fall one foot off the ground. 
"HOYA!! What the hell was that for?" I glared at him. 
"Dude chill out it was a prank." I waved my arms around angrily right when the waitress was about to put the drinks down on our table. When she reached out to put coffee on our table, my arm swatted the whole tray onto her face and clothes. 
*Ahh * I turned around to see the result and HyeRin was on the ground crying because of the pain. SungGyu immediately stood up and went over to her bringing cold paper napkins. Then SungJong got up and did the same. 
"Noona!! Are you ok?Noona~"SungJong cried out. All I did was Stand there not bothering to apologize or help her. MyungSoo nudged me to go help her but I stood frozen. He sighed,got up and helped her also. After everything was cleaned up, SungJong and MyungSoo sat back down while SungGyu assisted her to the back and took care of her. While HyeRin got up I caught a glimpse of her glaring at me. I don't know why but I didn't want to apologize to her. 
20 minutes later SungGyu and HyeRin came out. SungGyu told us that he was going to go first and with that he left. HyeRin forced a smile and didn't say anything when they came out. She looked down the whole time and nodded. 
When they left, all of the members scolded me. 
"You should've apologized!!"
"What were you thinking?!"
"Why were you like that?"
So many questions flew out of everyone's mouth I lost it. 
"GRAHHHH! Just leave it!! It's the past you can't do !" I screamed and left the coffee shop. 
I heard familiar voices, I got closer to the voices realizing it was SungGyu and HyeRin. I heard HyeRin giggle and smile. She looked happy for the first time. Then, SungGyu took his jacket off and carefully put it on HyeRin. She 
looked up and smiled at him. 
*She's so pretty when she smiles. Why didn't I see that earlier? Aish I'm just thinking bull* SungGyu stood up and started walking towards one of the stands to buy dukbokki. HyeRin looked back and then looked towards the river.
Without thinking I walked over to her and sat down beside her. She jumped up in shock and looked around frantically trying to find SungGyu. 
"Just leave me alone." HyeRin growled. She got up but I grabbed her wrists and pulled her back down. 
"Look..." She pushed me away. 
"I don't need you to give me crap. I don't wanna mess with anything or anyone. So... Just stop." She left. 
"I'm sorry..." I mumbled but of course no one heard that. 
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-notyourself #1
Chapter 6: osfaofawef omfg omfg omfg omfg o.o i wanna read more ;A;
haha, this story seems really interesting and cute :3
Hey im so sorry! This is the cirst time iv seen ur story n it seems lime u got urs up before mine. I just read ur forward and i realized that our stories r like almost the same. I just wantdx to let u knos in advance before i get accused os plagerism.