7 {F}

Is This My Life?

A few years passed, and many things have happened in the Choi mansion.

Minho distanced himself from Taemin, and he turned into a deathly ice prince. He surrounded himself with work, and he takes every opportunity to go out of the country to shoot. He feels personally responsible for Taemin acting up the way he did a few years ago. it made him furious with guilt. In order to keep his young angel safe, he closed himself off to well, everyone. His wall of security is has hard as the wall of China, which is where he is about to travel to for his latest shoot.

Taemin, now 15, is more quiet. He spends all of his free time in the dance room, popping and locking for hours on end. His Appa never hired a dance instructor for him like he promised. Taemin's relationship with Mir cleared up, and they are close friends. Taemin never confessed to Minho what happened during his childhood, and he doesn't regret it. It is his personal life. He knew Minho did something while he was asleep to cause him to react in such a way. He thought of other scenarios, but physical contact is the only thing that made him respond in such a manner. Taemin's relationship with Key had blossomed with Minho giving Taemin a cold shoulder. They were really close like an Umma and her son. Something that made Taemin furious was the new boy another man in the house bought. The boy who made Taemin's blood boil-Jonghyun.

Jonghyun is only a year older than Taemin, but he looks a lot older. A punk aura surrounds him, and he is arrogant. When Jonghyun walks into a room, he owns it. Now, the reason Taemin hates Jonghyun with a passion is because Jonghyun flirts with Minho like nobody's business. Whenever Jonghyun sees Minho, he clings to him, and Minho allows it. Taemin has witnessed them talk for hours on end, while he cries on the other side of the door from them.

Today was another one of those days.

Minho and Jonghyun were sitting in the library both sipping on some water. They talked about miscellaneous things for roughly four hours. 

Taemin sat himself outside the library door, and he's been there the entire four hours. He didn't know when the tears began pouring down his face, but it is nothing new. Minho never gives him any attention, but he gives Jonghyun all the attention he wants.

As Taemin sits out in the hallway, crying his poor heart out, Key passes by. Key sighs and sits down next to Taemin. This is something Key is used to by now. 

"Shhh," Key cooed. "It is okay Tae-baby. Minho's in there with Jonghyun again isn't he?" Key already knows the answer, but he still asks to confirm his answer.

"Deh," Taemin responded. "Why Umma? Why does Minho give Jonghyun all of his attention, but he won't look at me? Have I done something wrong to upset him? I've been working harder in school, and my dancing has improved exquisitely. Yet, nothing seems to make him look at me."

Taemin's tears kept pouring down in a rushing rapid, as his heart beats with an unknown emotion.

Taemin doesn't know why he feels this way. Why should he care what Minho thinks of him? He knows he shouldn't, but it hurts him regardless.

Key thinks for a while, gathering up all of his knowledge to help his son through this stressful situation.

"I know it hurts baby," Key said as he runs his fingers through Taemin's hair. "Stop thinking about it. You are overthinking it, and it is hurting you more than you want to admit."

Key then came up with a brilliant idea.

"How about this!" Key exclaimed. "Tomorrow you and I can go out and hang out. Sort of like an Umma and son date."

They both giggled at the thought and Taemin agreed.

"Then it is a date. Tomorrow be ready by ten, and we will go where ever you want. Get a good nights rest, it is going to be a long day," Key said.

Key and Taemin got up. Key kissed Taemin's head, and went off to do whatever he was going to do before.

Taemin looked longingly at the door, and he shed one last tear before walking away.

The hallway remained silent, until a few hours later. Minho and Jonghyun finally finished their talk for the day, and they were making their way out. 

"Oh Minho, you are so funny," Jonghyun said as he laughed at something Minho said. "I like these talks we have. The time goes by so fast when I'm with you."

Jonghyun gives one of his million dollar smiles to Minho.

Minho shrugs it off.

"Well, I have to get back to work. I will see you later," Minho said.

As Minho was about to walk off, Jonghyun grabbed and hugged him.

"I'll see you later Minho," Jonghyun whispered in Minho's ear. He gave one last smile before walking off. 

Minho looks at him with an emotionless expression, and he shakes his head.

'That boy will never get it. I don't like him.' Minho thought.

The rest of the day went without a hitch, and dinner time was upon the household.

It is a rule that everyone who's present in the household must attend the dinner.

Taemin sits next to Key and Onew, but all he cares about is how Jonghyun keeps touching Minho's arm. How Minho smiles at Jonghyun. How Jonghyun has everything Taemin wants, within his grasp.

Taemin barely ate that night, and he excused himself early. When he made it back to his room and broke down crying again.

"Why am I like this?" Taemin questioned himself. 

He cried on and on for a few minutes, and then he got ready for bed. Once his head fell upon the pillow, he was gone into dreamland. A mythical place filled with his Appa and him. A smile was present on his face the entire night.
Key on the other hand looked at Taemin's retreated figure, and he knew the boy was about to go off crying again. As dinner was almost to an end, Key walked up to Minho.

"Master, may we talk in your chamber?" Key asked. "I have a question to ask you, that is best not heard by other ears." Key casually glanced over to Jonghyun who was oblivious to the whole scenario.

Minho nodded and they met later on. 

"What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Minho asked once they were in the security of Minho's room.

No one will hear what Key was about to say.

"Minho, what the are you thinking," Key asked. "I know you may be a heartless bastard, but why are you making Taemin suffer? I know for a fact you have seen him stare longingly at you when you're with Jonghyun. I also know something must have happened a few years back. You used to be so loving to Taemin. You used to pamper that kid to death, and you loved him to death. What changed?" Key asked with pure worry in his voice.

Key became distressed as he awaited Minho's answer.

"Nothing happened," Minho responded.

"Bull you ing !" Key yelled. "I'm not ing stupid. You are avoiding my poor baby like he is the plague! Don't tell me you don't know what I am talking about either. Have you seen Taemin cry his poor defenseless heart when you have those long talks with Jonghyun? Have you seen how anti-social he has become? Why did he become like that? Because you are being a baby and running away from the problems that happened. Grow a ing pair you -wipe! You bought him for some God ing reason, and now you are his caretaker! Take ing care of him, or I will personally take him away from here, FOREVER!" Key finally finished his fit.

Minho's face stayed emotionless, and he remained quiet.

Key scoffed.

"I should have known you would be like this," Key rolled his eyes. "I mean it Minho. Fix your act, or I will take Taemin away. He has been through so much. All he wants is to be loved, and my love isn't good enough. Just think about it."

Key walked towards the door but looks back quickly.

"Oh, I am taking Taemin out tomorrow. Don't bother looking for us."

With that, Key stormed out of the room.

Key made it back to his room before he broke down crying. Different emotions filled his body. He has learned to love the boy with all his being. Taemin is Key's son, since well, Key will never be able to have children of his own. Taemin is the closest thing to a child Key will ever have, and that is why it hurts Key to no end seeing his baby cry from that stupid bastards selfishness.

Key's wails could be heard from outside his door, and Onew came to Key.

Onew wrapped his arms around Key and brought him close to his body.

"Shhh, Key," Onew said as he tried to comfort the broken diva. "Let it all out."

Key cried into Onew's shirt, and the room filled with the sounds of sniffles. Once Onew knew Key was okay, he asked the dreaded question.

"This is about Minho and Taemin isn't it?"

Key looked towards the window, while still being embraced and nodded.

"I really hope Minho realizes he has something truly beautiful, before that beautiful thing leaves," Key said with a hoarse whisper.

"You saw it too didn't you? How the two of them look at one another. The same look I give you," Onew said.

"Oh, Jinki," Key started, "you are my everything. I love you with all my being. Thank you for coming. I love you."

Onew smiled and kissed Key.

"Anything for my Kibummie." 

The two stayed the rest of the night in each other's embraces, and they exchanged words of love until finally falling asleep.
Minho, on the other hand, was thinking about everything.

"Kibum, you have a point, but you don't even know the half of it," Minho said to the cold dark, barren room. 

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5HINeee #1
Chapter 16: Hi writer of this story! Hope you will read my message one day ✨ I love this story, it would be great to know how it continues 😊 I know how hard it is to keep writing (since I sometimes write myself) with all the things that keeps us super busy. However I hope you'll upload other chapters soon, wish you all the good ♥️
BB2MinTae #2
I miss this story so much..please updated soon author nim..
U_did_well_jjong #3
Chapter 15: ohhh....i started reading this right after it was uploaded in january, n was the 1st fic i had read...i had been eagerly waiting ever since for u to write...plzzzzzz do write more...i totally beg u now
Chapter 16: Update please...
Chapter 16: Just subscribed to this story and IM LOVING IT!!!
Since i read this i cant help my self but look for the new update of this story everyday so please update soon.. wanna know what happened next...
Greecea #7
Chapter 16: Please update soon
shinning_usagi #8
Chapter 16: Looking forward to the update! Welcome back ?
Chapter 16: Please update soon... hope minho will realise his feelings for taemin...
Chapter 16: I can't wait ❤️❤️❤️