2 Days

~~My Life Is Filled With Gangs 2~~


The sun finally appeared, lighting up the night sky. Everyone woke up and went on with there day, including _____________. She had a slight fever, but that didn't stop her from celebrating the birth of her brother. Yes, it was G-Dragon's birthday today. Everyone knew that today was G-Dragon's birthday, however they were going to give him a surprise party. That means today had to be like a normal day, but it wasn't that easy. G-Dragon was really smart and if he feels like anything is a bit weird, he'll get to the bottom of it.

"Babe, are you sure you want to get up? You still have a fever." Key said.

"It's my brothers birthday, I have to help plan the party." ____________ said, putting on a long sleeve shirt.

"At least promise me that you'll take care of yourself and take the medicine when it's time." Key said hugging _____________.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Everyone knows about the plan right?" _______________ asked, fixing Key's hair.

"I texted them last night they should know. Don't tucker yourself out." Key said.

"You worry to much, I only have a slight fever not a broken leg. You go and act normal and distract your brother-in-law from the kitchen and the really big room that I don't even know why we have." ______________ said.

"I think it's like a party room...... I'm not sure your brother or my brother-in-law has weird building ideas. What about the club?" Key asked.

"That too. If you can't stop him yell out 'paper cut'." ____________ said smiling.

"Why paper cut? Even if I can't stop him the other guys could probably can." Key said.

"Well what do you want to say banana? Paper cut is more realistic." ______________ said.

"Whatever you say sweetheart." Key said smiling as well. The married couple departed and began to work. ____________ went into the kitchen where Crystal was working on the cake. The girls decided that _____________ would decorate the rooms while Crystal prepared the food. With that, the girls got busy. The guys acted normal and G-Dragon didn't know about anything, but he did want to grab an apple from the kitchen.

"Where you going?" T.O.P said.

"Going to go get an apple. Want one?" G-Dragon asked.

"No, but dude don't get an apple right now. You got to help Kevin with his wrestling." T.O.P said. The rest of the guys seem to notice that G-Dragon was about to ruin his own surprise party, so they helped T.O.P.

"Yeah help me man. I can't seem to do that move." Kevin said pointing to Eli, who was just stretching. "Help me please!!!" Kevin whined.

"Sure...." G-Dragon said, a bit confused. Once G-Dragon was helping Kevin, all the boys sighed and went back to training.


I helped Kevin with his...... stretching.... After I helped him, he seem to be in pain..... Oops. I went into the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I went and got some weights and began to lift them up. I felt a bit watched though, I looked around and saw more of the others then normal in the room. Usually there would be like 10 people in each room, but it seemed like 20 people are here. I remembered I have to check the clubs statues. Kenny hasn't told me anything yet about the club, me being a club owner should know. I place the weight down and walked out of the room. "Where you going?" Key asked me.

"I have to talk to Kenny." I said.

"Well, can you help me....ummmm..... on the weights... Yeah can you train me on lifting weights?" Key asked me. Key looked weak, but he was really strong. He could easily carry weights.

"Why don't you ask Minho. He's right there." I said pointing to Minho.

"I want you to give me feedback and stuff, you know since you are our leader." Key said.

"No no no. I trust you." I said and I made my way to the club.

"PAPER CUT!!!" Key shouted, I turned around with a confused face.

"What?" I said.

"I got a paper cut. PAPER CUT. PAPER CUT!!!" Key shouted. The funny thing is, Key didn't even go near paper. Paper was no where to be seen and he was yelling 'paper cut'. Out of no where _____________ out and ran over to me. "What's wrong with him." I asked my sister.

"He.... He got a paper cut. Didn't you hear him yell that? Where you going?" ____________ asked me.

"I just wanted to go talk to Kenny about the club....." I said still a bit confused about the paper cut thing. I mean come on how do you get a paper cut when there is no paper around?

"I'm already talking to him there's no problems at all. Don't worry I got it all handled you go train." ____________ said.

"How did you know I wa-" I couldn't continue because ____________ interrupted me.

"I'm you sister I know everything. Go now." She said again and pushed me away. I walked away with Key still confused.

"So where's you paper cut?" I asked Key.

"On my.......back?" Key stuttered and ran away. I was either crazy or everyone else around me was crazy. Either way something is going on and I'm going to solve this mystery. I went to practice my shooting, but for some reason this time no one was in the room. You have got to be kidding me, at first there is to many people in a room and now there's not even one person in the room. Something was going on and I want to know now. I ran to the other rooms and found Key punching a sand bag.

"Dude, where is everyone." I asked.

"They went shopping.... There going to come back in like 10 minutes, why you need something?" Key asked.

"Shopping for what?!" I said. I was pissed, not because they went to the mall and took a break from training, but because they didn't take me!!! I mean come on!! They went shopping?! Without me?! Is this what was going on?! Were they planning on going shopping without me??!! Wait.... Why am I going off about this?

"For stuff, let's just go train." Key said.

"Well who's here except for me, you, ____________ and Crystal?" I asked.

"I don't know." Key said. I want to go shopping....


Thank god I told Key to say paper cut. I was still decorating the room. I told the guys to go buy some stuff and well, they just all went to get a present for G-Dragon. I began to decorate some more until I went to the kitchen to see if Crystal needed any help. "Hey you need anything? I got the guys to buy stuff." I said.

"Nope, I got everything I need. G-Dragon suspect anything?" Crystal asked.

"Probably, but Key seems to be doing a pretty good job in keeping my brother away from here." I said.

"You done decorating?" Crystal asked. I shook my head. "Then go and finish decorating." Crystal said pushing me out of the kitchen. I smiled and walked back to the club where only half of the room was decorated. I couldn't decorate to much because I began to feel dizzy. I didn't take my medicine. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and the pills. "You okay? Crystal asked worried. I nodded and went back to decorating. For some reason I heard a voice.

"Death." I heard. I looked around and no one was around, no one. I was a bit scared, I was a not a fan of ghosts and if it was a ghost I would probably scream and faint. I looked around some more, but I still found no one. Was a dreaming? Did I heard wrong? I continued to decorate, but 'death' kept on popping in my mind.

"PAPER CUT!!! PAPER CUT!!!" I heard someone shout. I ran out of the room and closed the door and suddenly I bumped into G-Dragon.

"What's going on in there and why is Key yelling paper cut again?" G-Dragon asked me.

"Nothing's going in there. Remember I'm taking care of it, so I have to handle it." I said. *Please go. PLEASE!!"* I yelled in my mind.

"Something is wrong, I'm watching you." G-Dragon said.

*Damn. Damn... DAMN IT!!! WHY?!* I yelled in my mind again. Key and G-Dragon walked away, but Key stopped and walked back to me.

"You take your medicine?" He asked me. I smiled and nodded. He felt my forehead and kissed me.

"What are you doing? I'm still sick." I said.

"Whatever, I rather get sick with you then not be with you at all." Key said hugging me.

"Stop with the sweet talk, go and distract G-Dragon." I said and Key nodded. Key went to go find G-Dragon while I went back to decorating. Not long after the boys came back with more food and decorations. They wrapped up there presents and hid it in a corner, in multiple corners actually. There was so many presents that one corner could never hide like 100 gifts. After hiding the gifts they went back to training.

It took around 2 hours to fully decorate the rooms. They all had to eat burgers for lunch since the kitchen was used. Of course G-Dragon asked questions, but the answers given to him was short and simple. After finishing up the last bit of decorating, I went to help Crystal cooked. What did we cook? Cakes, cookies, cupcakes and any other types of bake goods that you can name. We bought chips, pop and dinner already. Baking wasn't as easy as you think because we had a group of men to feed.

Soon or later, around 3 hours later we got everything baked and everything was set up the candles, the presents, everything. All we needed was the birthday boy himself, G-Dragon.


_____________ texted everyone to come to the party room and in moments everyone did, except for G-Dragon of course. "I'm going to call for G-Dragon and when he comes in we have to yell 'surprise'." She said.

"I feel like I'm middle school all over again." Taemin said. Which kind of didn't make sense since, let's be honest he isn't the most mature one in the 'company'. It was not like him to be saying stuff like that, acting cool maybe?

"Whatever. G-Dragon might stall or might not no where I am, so Key, I'm going to step out of the room call his name until I see him and then you have to cover my mouth like your about to kidnap me and pull me into the room. He would have to come into this room then." ______________ said everyone nodded and agreed. The lights were turned off and ____________ stepped outside. "OPPA!!!! BRO!!!! JI YONG!!! G-DRAGON!!! COME HERE!!!" She shouted. Immediately G-Dragon came out and ___________ smiled, but in seconds was covered and the door closed. Making the overly protective brother, G-Dragon running towards the door, opening it in a blink of an eye.

"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone shouted. Noise makers were head, confetti was thrown everywhere, streamers hanged all over G-Dragon. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY G-DRAGON!!!" Everyone shouted again.

"I-I...... What.......Huh....?" G-Dragon said still confused.

"It's your birthday silly, you forgot right? You always forget your birthday." _____________ said smiling. It was true, G-Dragon never remember his birthday. When he was younger he remember very clearly, but after the whole accident he forgot everything about himself and focused on his love ones.

"We could have just had a small party, not some big event like this." G-Dragon said.

"Dude, it's your birthday. If you weren't alive I don't know where any of us would be right now. Let's enjoy today and regret it tomorrow." T.O.P said. Everyone cheered and agreed and with that the party began. Of course it wasn't your average party. It was more crazy and well when your with a group of goofy guys, let's just say the party would never get boring. The party was split into the 2 rooms, but it each room still was crazier then ever. G-Dragon already blew out the candles and ripped open the presents. Funny thing is he got a Nerf gun, those guns that don't shoot bullets, but some type of darts or whatever. I guess you can never be to old for toy guns.

Of course dinner came, but food was available so everyone was full. Not long after this so called private party, the club was alive again and strangers came. That meant more dancing and partying and since today was a special day everyone took there stress out on the dance floor.

Not everything was perfectly perfect because some of the guys got drunk. However it was pretty funny because the drunk guys were giving kisses to the other guys. Weird, but if you watch it it's pretty cute and funny. Especially Ryeowook. "Donghae hyung~~ I love you~~ I love Kibum hyung and Shindong hyung~~ And...." Before Ryeowook could finish he passed out.

"Oh no, he's drunk. I'll bring him to bed." Leetuek said and carried Ryeowook.

"I'm going to bed too, I'm getting dizzy." Jonghyun said.

"Yeah, me and Crystal are going to bed too." Minho said, carrying the sleeping Crystal.

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!" G-Dragon screamed. Not everyone wanted to go to bed. ____________ smiled and was glad that her brother was having fun on his birthday. Suddenly she heard something, the word again. "Death..." It was a quiet yet clear voice. Only ___________ heard it though, no one else. Seconds later her head started to slightly hurt. She sat on a stool and rubbed her head.

"Are you okay?" Key asked, who was sitting next to her.

"Yeah, I'm just a bit dizzy." ____________ said.

"Come with me." Key said. He lead ____________ to the kitchen and lifted her on the counter. He grabbed the medicine from the shelf and poured out a pill. He poured a glass of water and held it to ____________. "You forgot to take your medicine." Key said. _______________ swallowed the pill.

"I'm sorry." ____________ said.

"Let's go to bed, you'll never get better at this rate." Key said.

"Okay, just tell someone to take care of G-Dragon. He might get drunk and who knows what he'll do." _____________ said worried.

"Don't worry about him, T.O.P is already looking after him in the mean time it's time for you to go to bed." Key said and kissed _____________ on the lips. Key carried his wife to their room and they both changed and went to bed, falling asleep in seconds.

"Death..." The quiet voice said. "Death..." Again only ___________ heard, no one else. That was the last thing she heard before she saw nothing, but darkness.



Chapter 30 DONE!!!

Suspense? Feel it? No.... Okay....

Everything is revealing very soon~~

Please hang in there!!!

Summer started for me, that means no school!!!

More time for me to write fanfics!!!

Hope all of you have a great summer too!!




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Ice_siri #1
Chapter 36: Amazing story...thanks authornim...
Chapter 36: Aaaah I love this so much

Thank you for this amazing story!
Chapter 36: OMG ! This is the first fanfics that make me cry. Good job dear ! :D
devinapurwadi #4
My God! I love this story! The story are awesome! Daebak! Jjang! Not to mention, the wise word in this story. Thx for the great story!!
Raveness #5
Why are you so mean to G Dragon? He's an awesome big brother but he gets treated badly... poor Ji. Anyway, great story!
Finished the whole entire story <3 omo. I felt as if I cried a river while reading the last part. Haha, just kidding. I'm glad you didn't give up on the story. I really really really loved it. It's one of the best that I've read. Maybe the 1st in my heart. I'm soooo gonna recommend it to my friends who like key or SHINee, or the other boy bands. ^^
Nah~ I wouldn't throw shoes at you. It's a great story and you know it.
Taemin22 #8
I cried when the 3 died... Did _____ put the flower on Jake's gave because she had feelings for him?
Oh... You do not know how much I cried at the ending!
I haven't cried this much in a story!