4 Days

~~My Life Is Filled With Gangs 2~~


Birds chirped, sun shined and e-"My back is so sore!!!" Kevin screamed. Well, so much for introductions.

"Shut up!! We're sleeping!!" Hongki said throwing a rock at Kevin.

"Yah!! Your going to die!!" Kevin said. He ran to Hongki's tent and who knows what they were doing, wrestling maybe?

"Babe, you sleep alright?" Key said waking up. No reply was heard. He looked at his side and saw no one. Warmth completely gone. "Has anyone seen ___________?!!!" Key shouted, crawling out of his tent.

"What _________ is gone?" T.O.P said.

"Where is she!!!" Dongho said.

"@#$&@#$&*@#$" Said all the boys and not even an alien would understand them.

"SHUT UP!!" G-Dragon said. "She's with me!!" He screamed again. No one likes sleeping with noise all around you.

"I better get up. I still need to make breakfast." ____________ said and got up rubbing her eyes. Key lunged forward and hugged __________ tightly.

"Next time, tell me where you are." Key said and ___________ just smiled.

"Damn it!! We still haven't spend that much time together!!" G-Dragon complained.

"Oh shut up man. She's taken." Daesung said and poured water on his leader.

"This is going to take a long time to clean up." ___________ said and ran back to the club and she was right. A water fight broke out and all the boys were spraying each other with water. Once you get sprayed you want to spray the person who sprayed you and at times you spray someone else and the circle goes on.

The girls went to get ready and the boys continued to play. When you have a hose around you, you tend to use it as a weapon. Though you'll probably be the prime target. For future references, if you don't want to get tackled down by a group of men stay away from the hose. Unless the men are hot, maybe it won't be so bad.

"Get cleaned up you guys!! Breakfast is ready!!" Crystal said walking out of the club. Hongki was about to splash her with water, but Minho got in front of her and only drops of water got onto her shorts.

"Get in before you get all wet." Minho said and grabbed a pale with water inside and dumped it on Hongki. Crystal nodded and quickly went inside.

"OK!! LET'S E- GO AWAY TAEMIN!!" G-Dragon yelled since Taemin was pouring water onto him. "EAT!!!" G-Dragon finished. All the boys shaked like wet dogs and the water went on the green grass, which was like already flooded.

While the boys went to take a shower, the girls went to clean up the big mess they made last night in the woods. Cujo even helped. They dragged everything back into the basement and picked up all the garbage. At a point some of the guys came out after their shower and helped out. In the end they all came out and helped clean up.

After everything was packed up they went to eat breakfast. It was already 10:00 and if it was any later it would be considered brunch. The girls cooked there favourite, bacon. Of course there was other food and some food was ordered since the girls didn't have much time to cook, but everything was delicious.

Breakfast didn't last long because the count down of the fight really began. Training was crucial and everything was dead serious. While the boys were training and Crystal was looking for recipes, ______________ did what she was about to do a long time ago.


"Hello? Is this Sam?" I said, talking in my cell.

"Yes, may I know who you are?" Sam replied.

"It's me ____________ remember?" I said again.

"Of course I remember." Sam said and the conversation began. We caught up. Some of the old members were still with him, others are living a normal life and some just never kept in contact. I asked him the most obvious question that anyone in my position asked. "Can you please help us." I said. At first there was no reply. He tried to change the subject, but I caught him.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I can't.... Me and the others haven't been fighting since your dad past away. The man asking you at the club was actually just one of the guys sons. Got issues that boy I tell you. I'm sorry, but when your father left we kind of all lost our ways. I am very sorry sweetheart, I can't help you. We're getting old and we'll cause you trouble. You'll do fine without us I'm very sorry again. I have to go the, little bugger can't stop getting out of trouble." Sam said and hung up.

My plan backfired. Roger won't help me and Sam won't help me. That's all I got. I started to walk to Crystal's room in disappointment. I knocked on the door and she opened the door. "What's up hun." Crystal said, walking to her bed. I walked toward her bed and saw recipes. She was so calm....

"I was wondering, how can you be so calm like this?" I said.

"Well, sometimes I'm not. I asked myself what should I do, but the real question is what CAN I do. I don't want to get in the way. I just have to do something that can maybe help. For example, baking cakes would be a treat for the guys and hopefully it'll raise their spirts. Your doing your best to _____________." Crystal said.

She was right. What can I do, something that I know I'll be at least 99% successful. What can I do? Let's be honest I really can't do anything if you can name one thing that can probably help the boys then you win, otherwise I really can't. Don't even say I'm going hard on myself because there's not one thing I can do except cook and clean for the guys that's it!! "What can I do then....." I whispered to myself.

"You can cheer them all. They're all so tensed up, massage maybe? Or you can help out G-Dragon's documents, doesn't he have a lot of paper work?" Crystal said braiding my hair.

"Your right!! I'm going to ask him first. I wouldn't want to mess up would I? Thank you so much!!" I said and hugged Crystal.

"Your very welcome." Crystal said and returned the hug. I ran to the shooting range where G-Dragon would always be in the begining of his training.

"Yo!" I screamed in his ear, but because he had ear protection on I doubt he heard me. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around.

"What's up?!" He screamed. I took off his earmuffs so he won't have to shout at me again.

"Can I help you with your paper work? Your busy anyway and I remembered I helped you last time." I said. He looked at me and hesitated, but I put on my puppy dog eyes that I used when I was like really little. In the end though he said sure and I ran to his office.

G-Dragon was really neat, he didn't like scattering papers in his office. All the forms were in a drawer nicely stacked. Of course there were to much papers so some were on the floor stacked. I picked some up and began to read them carefully. Most of them were about the club while the others are just orders from the big boss.

After 2 hours I signed all the forms that had to do with the club, well not all the forms just the reasonable ones. The big boss ones were unsigned. They were either to dangerous or a waste of time. Besides I didn't want to screw up, so I signed the ones that I was sure of. Some of the forms weren't even for work reasons. I don't know how, but girls manage to get a marriage forms and send it to G-Dragon.

I was pretty proud. I had a stack of papers that I signed, while the others were left on the desk. G-Dragon might have a bit of work left, but not as much as before.

I walked to the wrestling room with the stack of papers in my arms and saw G-Dragon in the corner drinking water. I walked up to him and shouted. "Hey!! I'm done!! You want to check?" The room was filled with noises so yelling was necessary.

G-Dragon got up and looked at the paper. "Great now go give it to Kenny." He said. Kenny was a friend of ours that purchased only best things for the club.

"Are you not going to check them over?" I said unsure.

"Nope, I trust you." G-Dragon said and messed up my hair. I shook my head, since my hands were full, and pouted. "Get going now or someone might punch you by accident." He said and rushed me out of the room. I smiled, but it soon faded away because right after I stepped out of the room my brother began to train again....

I walked to the bar and yelled. "KENNY!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!" In seconds Kenny arrived in front of my face with a glass of wine in his hand.

"What's up buttercup?" He said.

"Here are the forms. Why do you have a glass of wine in your hand?" I said, placing the stack of paper on the counter.

"I don't know thirsty. Want some?" Kenny offered.

"No alcohol for me." I said.

"Wait these are signed by you. Is G-Dragon ok with that?" Kenny asked and I nodded my head. "Ok, but if I get scolded then I'm blaming it on you." He said smirking, he walked off and made some calls.

I walked into the resting room, to find no one. No one was resting....... A rain cloud of worries poured onto me, making me look down. I saw something sticking out of the couch, it was a picture. I looked under the couch and saw a box. Inside were picture of our 'company'. I took these pictures, but kept them in this box whenever someone wanted to look at them. That's why it was under the couch.


I light bulb appeared above my head. I ran to my room and found an empty scrapbook. Slowly I began to cut pictures up and paste them on the pages. I told Kenny to buy me some scrapbook stuff since I couldn't go out. 20 minutes later he came back with 2 bags of stickers and stuff for scrapbooks.

2 hours later I filled almost half of the book and I still had pictures I needed to put in. I was so excited while making this. It would keep all our memories. In an hour I had to cook dinner so I worked fast. I didn't want to rush it so it was normal speed.

I went to the bar to get a little drink, but then someone was knocking at the club doors. What great timing. I opened the door and saw a women with a box. "I'm sorry the club isn't open yet." I said politely.

"Are you ___________?" The women asked.

"Yes." I said.

"This is for you. I must go now have a nice night." The women said and took off. I looked at the package, a bit confused. I closed the door and went to the counter to open it. Kenny and Brian was there cleaning up.

"What's that?" Brain asked.

"I'm not sure." I said. The two boys crowded around the package while I opened it. A letter was in the box with a lot of boxing materials, string like packging. I picked up the letter and screamed.

"AHHHH!!!" I was going to have a heart attack.


Underneath the letter was a finger...... A bloody, human body part finger. Not one of those Halloween, plastic fingers. It was a live humans finger, but cut off. "What the hell is that?!" Kenny said jumping away from the box.

"Get ___________ now!" Brain yelled. ____________ was crying and probably really scared. The two boys ran to the crying figure and pulled her up. _____________ stood up covering her face with her hands. "Dude, your sister is crying and I think you should see this." Brian said through the phone. Only minutes later, G-Dragon came to the bar and ran over to ___________ once he saw her crying.

"Stop crying now. You'll get wrinkles." G-Dragon said trying to brighten up the mood. ____________ didn't say anything, but hugged her brother. "What happen." G-Dragon said glaring at the two boys.

"We didn't do anything. It was that." Kenny said, pointing to the box on the counter.

"Well then bring it to me." G-Dragon said. Kenny didn't move and Brian hesitated. G-Dragon was getting impatient and he stomped his foot on the ground. Brian held the box at the very edge and closed his eyes, moving it towards their boss.

"What the hell....." G-Dragon said going closer to it. ___________ didn't want to go close to it though and he pushed G-Dragon away from the unpleasant sight. "What else was in there?" He said.

"A letter." Kenny said, picking up the letter on the ground at the very corner. "Can we like throw that out now?" Kenny asked, pointing to the box.

"No. Put the lid back on it and the letter on my desk. I'll handle it." G-Dragon said. "For now I have to take care of her." Meaning ______________.

___________ of course seen many dead bodies and blood before through out her whole life, but she has never seen a cut off body part up close. Even if she did, there would always we a hint of shock ness in you. To the gang world, ______________ would be a scardy cat. However, even they would get a bit scared of this deattachted finger. Some just scared in general since it is a bloody finger, while others would think of the danger.

This was like a symbol, it was like another gang tells you to back off. Of course G-Dragon knew that this wasn't good. He was not scared of the finger itself, but the obstacles they had yet to encounter.  "Come princess. Let's get you to a couch." G-Dragon said, leading his sister to the resting room.

After a good 5 minutes they arrived at the room to be greeted with a mess. Paper was everywhere and everything was scattered. "I guess you found something to entertain yourself." G-Dragon said.

It took around 30 minutes to calm down _____________. Quick or long? She said she was fine and told G-Dragon to go on with his day. Of course G-Dragon didn't go, but after ____________ persuading him to go he finally went.

G-Dragon went off unwillingly, but went to office immediately to solve this problem.


I wasn't fine. I was terrified. This was the first time this happened to me. It was red, bloody and dead.... I felt like puking, I felt so sick. Was this really what might happen to everyone.....


Chapter 28 DONE!!

Was that to short? If it was sorry!!

I haven't been doing a very good job have I?

I am terribly sorry!!

Don't ask about the box, I thought that would get everything excited.... Maybe not....

Anyway to apologize and to brighten up the mood.

Here is a free picture. Minho is just to cute!!



Sorry.... XD




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Ice_siri #1
Chapter 36: Amazing story...thanks authornim...
Chapter 36: Aaaah I love this so much

Thank you for this amazing story!
Chapter 36: OMG ! This is the first fanfics that make me cry. Good job dear ! :D
devinapurwadi #4
My God! I love this story! The story are awesome! Daebak! Jjang! Not to mention, the wise word in this story. Thx for the great story!!
Raveness #5
Why are you so mean to G Dragon? He's an awesome big brother but he gets treated badly... poor Ji. Anyway, great story!
Finished the whole entire story <3 omo. I felt as if I cried a river while reading the last part. Haha, just kidding. I'm glad you didn't give up on the story. I really really really loved it. It's one of the best that I've read. Maybe the 1st in my heart. I'm soooo gonna recommend it to my friends who like key or SHINee, or the other boy bands. ^^
Nah~ I wouldn't throw shoes at you. It's a great story and you know it.
Taemin22 #8
I cried when the 3 died... Did _____ put the flower on Jake's gave because she had feelings for him?
Oh... You do not know how much I cried at the ending!
I haven't cried this much in a story!