
~~My Life Is Filled With Gangs 2~~


________________ heart ached. She was scared that she'll lose her love ones and she missed the ones that she already lost.

A knock was heard on the door. ____________ just kept on crying at the corner of the wall, isolating everything around her. Two men walked in. Jake and G-Dragon.

"Why is our princess crying?" Jake said crouching next to ___________.

"This brings so much memories back." G-Dragon said, sitting next to __________ leaning on the wall.

"Yeah... Whenever _________ locks herself in her room it's always me and you making her happy again." Jake said smirking.

"So why is our buttercup crying?" G-Dragon said looking at his sister.

"I-I miss mom a-and dad and m-my baby!! I-I'm scared I'll l-lose more of m-my love ones!!" ___________ said stuttering, tears were still pouring out of her eyes like a waterfall.

The two boys looked at each other and then looked down. They missed them to, even there niece. They were also scared that they'll lose someone in this battle. Anything is possible and no matter how great they are at fighting and protecting, they could easily lose someone near and dear to their hearts.

"They're in a better place and we will NOT lose anyone." G-Dragon said. ____________ just continued to cry and ignored them.

Jake got up and whispered in to G-Dragons ear. G-Dragon nodded his head. The two boys went out of the room and 15 minutes later came back in. Something was different. Very different. Weird yet very funny.

"Alright then.... When's our tea party starting?" G-Dragon said fixing his dress.


I was crying like crazy. I tried to tell myself that the I cried to much and I needed to stop, but my heart ached so much that I blocked my thoughts. Just when I about to force myself to calm down a smile hit my face.

"Alright then.... When's our tea party starting?" G-Dragon said fixing his dress.

I looked at Jake and G-Dragon who were dressed up in dresses and was all girly. I started to smile and giggle.

"Ok, this method still works I guess." Jake said smiling.

"Damn these grapefruits!!! How are these considered s?!" G-Dragon complained, trying to fix his problem.

"Stop touching your fake s. It's not lady like." Jake said, head up proudly.

I started to laugh. This is what they would do whenever I was sad. When I was little they would dress up as princesses and play tea party with me. I can't believe they remember this. I haven't played tea party in so long.

"__________ are you o-, wow who are these fine ladies." Eli said. He was about to ask me if I was ok, but Jake and G-Dragon distracted him and Eli didn't even realize that these 'ladies' were actually guys since their backs were turned to him.

G-Dragon turned around and said. "Hey Eli~~" He sang still fixing his fake s.

Eli's mouth dropped and he rubbed his eyes. "Are they G-Dragon and Jake?" He asked. I nodded. Eli looked like he was about to puke. I got to admit though from behind they looked like girls, but they got to upgrade their fashion sense, they were playing princess and was trying to cheer me up so I'll let it slide.

"Hmmph. My bodies amazing for a girl and a guy." Jake said proudly. I started to laugh. I realized that I had stop crying and was laughing like crazy.

"Damn it, why do I have to wear a bra when I'm using grapefruits?" G-Dragon asked Jake.

"No one said you had to use a bra. You just put it on." Jake said.


"Nope. I didn't even put grapefruits for s. Do you not see that I'm flat chested?" Jake said cheerfully.

"SCREW THESE GRAPEFRUITS!!" G-Dragon finally yelled. He grabbed one of the grapefruits and threw it against the door, but was caught by Kevin.

"ELI!! DID YOU CHECK UP ON..... Why is there a grapefruit in my hand?" Kevin said catching the grapefruit. "And why is Eli on the floor in a ball?" He asked.

"The grapefruit was suppose to be G-Dragons right and Eli just got an unpleasant experience." Jake said sitting on the bed.

"Wow... Why are you dressed as princesses...." Kevin said backing away a bit.

"____________." G-Dragon said, taking out the other grapefruit.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold it!! Did this grapefruit touch your chest?" Kevin asked G-Dragon who nodded. "Ewwwww!! GROSS!!! YOUR CHEST IS ALL SWEATY, DIRTY AND HAIRY!!" Kevin screamed with disgust.

"Hey!!! It might be sweaty when I'm working out. It might be dirty after a fight, but I take a shower later. But it dose not and I repeat dose not get HAIRY!!" G-Dragon screamed.

Kevin was screaming and went out of the room and was running around the club. G-Dragon couldn't let this slide unless he got an apology so he ran after Kevin. Me and Jake followed watching the funny show and Eli..... Well I don't know, probably trying to recover from his shock earlier.


"I can't belive that I mistaken them as girls.....And I was attracted to them!!! Why are they so girly from the back!! I need to hang with more girls...." Eli whispered to himself rocking himself back and forth.


Jake went to quickly change, leaving only G-Dragon in a dress.

"Get back here Kevin!! You have to say sorry!!" G-Dragon said lifting up his dress so he could run better.

"Ewwww!!! I need to wash my hands now!!!" Kevin screamed running around. He first ran into the exercising room, then the shooting room, then the wrestling room, then the living room and all the places that were around the club that I didn't even know we had. The grabbed a lot of attention. It was morning so no strangers were here dancing like crazy, but there was the 'company' and everyone saw the princess G-Dragon.

The boys stopped their training and watched the show. Key stood by my side with a glass of water in one hand. "Here this was for you, but I guess your fine now." He said smiling.

"Thanks." I said taking the glass, but then I started to laugh at the scene. Right when G-Dragon thought he caught Kevin he tripped and fell flat on his face. Giving Kevin time to go wash his hands.

"Are you ok?" I said laughing still.

"Dude what's wrong with you?" Jake said fully normally dressed.

G-Dragon got up and looked at Jake his eyes went wide. "WHAT THE HELL!! I THOUGHT WE WERE GOING TO CHEER HER UP!!" G-Dragon yelled.

"Can you not see that she's laughing and even taking pictures?" Jake said. Yes, I was taking pictures. It was just so funny and adorable.

"____________ give brother your cell phone right now." G-Dragon said getting closer to me.

"Nope~~" I sang and started to run away.

"Damn you all!! I'm changing!!" G-Dragon said walking up the stairs.

"We love you too~~" All of us sang.

More reasons why I love my family. If one suffers we all suffer. If one is happy, were all happy.

"You make my day." I said to Jake kissing him on the cheek.

"Hey!! Your married!!" Key said pulling me away from Jake.

"Stop being so selfish. It's not like I'm going to get you guys in a divorce or something." Jake said pulling me back.

"Don't even think about it." Key said pulling me back. It began to become a tug-of-war and I was the rope. I wanted them to stop, but I didn't think they'll listen. Luckily Cujo could tell if I was uncomfortable and he growled at the boys. Cujo started to bark and showed his teeth. He was a full grown rottweiler!! He still had that cute side of him though.

"Ok ok!!" The two boys said letting go.

"Awww~~ Thank you honey~~ For being so good at protecting me and training, I'm going to take you to the beach tomorrow~~" I said in a cute high voice, rubbing Cujo's ears.

"And who's going to take you?" G-Dragon said coming down the stairs, wearing a black wife beater and some shorts.

"Don't worry someone would take me." I said smiling.

"Every ones training and under my control do you really think they'll listen to you? Muhahaha!!!" G-Dragon said, acting all powerful.

"I don't even need someone to take me. I wasn't even planning to take any of the guys. I was planning to take Crystal with me. Cujo can protect us better then you guys can~~" I said teasing them.

"Your going to the beach without me?" Kevin said rubbing his wet hands on Minho's shirt since he was beside him. Minho glared at him, but Kevin didn't seem to notice. "I'll even take you~~ Please~~" Kevin said in his childish voice.

"Yes you can come Kevin~~" I said in a childish voice too.

"No Kevin!! You have to train!!" G-Dragon said pouting.

"If you didn't know boss. We haven't went to the beach with ____________ before, or at least I haven't. I'm not missing this opportunity. If your going to punish me later go ahead, but I'm going tomorrow and you can't stop me." Kevin said folding his arms across his chest. Kevin was right I never went to the beach with the 'company' before. We were all to busy and before I was focused on my job and I didn't bother to think about having fun.

"Your right.... I coming too!!!" Junho said. Soon all the guys were saying they wanted to go. G-Dragon stood there shocked and felt betrayed. "What happen to bros before hoes?" He said.

"Oh that's still true, it's just that __________ isn't a hoe and you just called your own sister a hoe." T.O.P said smirking.

I glared at my brother who just gulped. "Alright then we're all going to the beach!!" G-Dragon said, then ran away.

"Beat him up right now." I said glaring at the guys. With no hesitation they went after my brother who I assume is running toward the wrestling room since that was the closes room around. Me, Crystal and Cujo walked toward the room to find the boys pinning G-Dragon down on the floor.

"Princess~~ We got him~~ Want to torture him?" Jake said with a smile.

"Do whatever you want with him~~" I sang and smirked.

"WHAT THE HELL!!" G-Dragon yelled.

Awww~~ Don't you just love my family?


That day everyone slept early since they were tired and they had the beach to look foreword to. Snores were heard again and music was blast out of the big speakers downstairs, everyone was dancing and no one could sleep through that, but the rooms were sound proof and so everyone slept soundly.

The sun struck the sky and the first one up was the cheerful Kevin.

"GET UP!! GET UP!! WE HAVE TO GO TO THE BEACH!!!" Kevin screamed, jumping up and down on the couples bed.

"Ughh!! Kevin how did you get into our room?" ___________ said rubbing her eyes. Key kicked Kevin causing him to fall on the bed.

"Hey!! That hurt!! Your door was open..." Kevin said pouting.

"You fell on a bed. How is that suppose to hurt?" Key said still half asleep.

"Whatever... GET UP!!" Kevin screamed again.

"Ok get out first. We have to change." ___________ said sitting up.

"Owwww~~ Together?" Kevin said childishly.

"Yes now go!!" Key screamed throwing a pillow at Kevin. Kevin pouted and walked out of our room closing the door. We could hear him waking up the others, but it was like a whisper.

"Come on sweetie we have to get up." ____________ said yawning.

"Kiss~~" Key said, making a kissing face.

"Not until you get up." ____________ said smirking.

The both of them got up and did their normal routine. When they were brushing there teeth together Key hugged ____________ from behind. It was a perfect relationship. They got dressed and headed out the room.

"____________!!! G-Dragon won't get up!!" Kevin whined. "Everyone tried, but he wouldn't get up." He said again.

"This reminds me of the first time you came over to our house." ____________ said looking at Key.

Key smirked. "Work your magic baby~~" He said kissing her on the cheek. The 3 of them went to G-Dragons room, finding a snoring G-Dragon that was mumbling about something. Some of the boys were surronding him trying to wake him up, but failed.

"GET UP!!" ____________ screamed into her brothers ear.

"Shut up already!!" G-Dragon said throwing a pillow at ____________.

"If you don't get up I'll-."____________ was about to say something, but got interrupted.

"Your married to Key so nothing you'll say would get me up." G-Dragon said, bringing his blanket up to his neck.

"Oh so you mean if I tell everyone an embarrassing moment about you that only I know to everyone you wouldn't care?" ____________ threatened.

"You don't know any." G-Dragon said chuckling.

"Ok then I'll tell them the time where we were younger, our family went on vacation and we were staying at a hotel. Me and G-Dragon found the pool, but we couldn't go in because the gates were blocking us. I decided to climb over the gates and I made it to the other side. G-Dragon, however, w-____________ couldn't finish because someone covered .

"Ok I'm up! Now shut up!!" G-Dragon said.

____________ pushed the hand away and continued. "Was fat at the time and couldn't bring himself to climb the gates. He was stupid to because he tried to go threw the gates and before you know it his head was stuck between the gates. I had to call the workers and they had to cut the gates to free G-Dragons head." ____________ finished and ran away.

G-Dragon sat up all embarrassed. "I'm up now go away." He said.

Everyone started to laugh and walked away with tears in there eyes. Everyone got ready and brought swimsuits, towels, food, a volleyball and everything else you would need for the beach."

"Are we already?" G-Dragon said.

"Yes~~" They all said and they all went off. Cujo and ____________ in Keys car while the stuff were in the other cars. Soon they arrived at the beach it was a Saturday and the beach was filled with people. The 'company' found a nice spot and they got into their swimsuits. Key and Minho put sunscreen on there angels and there angels did the same to them. The boys were jealous, but they decided to ignore it.

"Me and Cujo are going into the water!!" ____________ said making her way to the ocean.

"Wait for me!!" Crystal said going toward the ocean too. The girls and Cujo had a fun time playing in the water. Cujo obeyed ____________ so he didn't run off. Some of the boys came and played with them too, while the more calmer boys organized their spot.

"Me and Crystal are going to get ice cream~~" ____________ yelled at the boys who just nodded there heads. ____________ went to get some money and went to the ice cream stand. They ordered their ice cream and paid. They asked the manger if they could have a box so they could carry all the ice cream they bought and the man gave them two boxes. The girls thanked him and went toward there spot.

"Why are two beautiful sunflowers carrying such a heavy box? Let us help you." Two men said.

The girls ignored them and continued to walk.

"Come on now don't be shy." One of the man said blocking there way. "Why don't you hang with us for a bit?" The other said.

The girls were getting ticked off and the ice cream was beginning to melt. They tried to ask nicely if they would move out of their way and they refused. ____________ saw Cujo near by and decided to call for him.

"Cujo!!" ____________ yelled then whistled. Cujo came running toward them and began to growl and the men. "If I were you, I would leave us alone." Crystal said.

"We'll be back." One man said backing away.

"Don't. We don't want you here."____________ said smirking. The girls and Cujo finally got back to there spot and the boys gathered around picking there favourite ice cream. ____________ got out a bowl and filled it up with cold water for Cujo, who eagerly drank it. They all began to eat the ice cream and ____________ would toss doggy treats to Cujo after he preformed a trick.

The girls began to suntan while the guys had a intense game of volleyball.

"We told we would be back." The familiar voice said.

"What the he-" Crystal was about to finish, but the two men picked the girls up and ran to the ocean.

"AHHHH!!!" They both screamed.

"This is what you get for being so rude to us." One man said and they both threw the girls into the water. ____________ and Crystal both knew how to swim and was about to beat the crap out of the men, but the waves were getting bigger. Crystal was in the shallow end, but ____________ was still far from the beach. A wave caught ____________ and brought her deep under the water, hitting her head on a rock.


I was sinking. I tried really hard to swim up to the surface, but failed.

"Help!!" I heard Crystal scream, but it was very muffed.

I slowly closed my eyes and the only thing I saw was air bubbles reaching the surface. My eyes closed and darkness overtook me.


Chapter 13 DONE~~


I'm sorry today I'm really tired...

I don't feel good at all....



I don't even have enough energy to write a not... >.<


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Ice_siri #1
Chapter 36: Amazing story...thanks authornim...
Chapter 36: Aaaah I love this so much

Thank you for this amazing story!
Chapter 36: OMG ! This is the first fanfics that make me cry. Good job dear ! :D
devinapurwadi #4
My God! I love this story! The story are awesome! Daebak! Jjang! Not to mention, the wise word in this story. Thx for the great story!!
Raveness #5
Why are you so mean to G Dragon? He's an awesome big brother but he gets treated badly... poor Ji. Anyway, great story!
Finished the whole entire story <3 omo. I felt as if I cried a river while reading the last part. Haha, just kidding. I'm glad you didn't give up on the story. I really really really loved it. It's one of the best that I've read. Maybe the 1st in my heart. I'm soooo gonna recommend it to my friends who like key or SHINee, or the other boy bands. ^^
Nah~ I wouldn't throw shoes at you. It's a great story and you know it.
Taemin22 #8
I cried when the 3 died... Did _____ put the flower on Jake's gave because she had feelings for him?
Oh... You do not know how much I cried at the ending!
I haven't cried this much in a story!