Chapter 5

A Thousand Years


After the awkward introduction, the atmosphere didn’t seem to  get better.  They all stayed  in the living room, no one had the courage to break the awkward air. Only the sound of the TV that could be heard.  The boys tried so much to ignore and just be like how they were before Sera came. Sehun, Luhan, and Chen sat together in silent and sometimes Luhan and Sehun would whisper something to each other. While, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo sat on the couch in front of Sehun, Chen, and Luhan. They were in silent either, trying hard to focus to the TV.

Suho who sat with Sera on the couch on the center couldn’t stand the awkward air anymore. Sera felt uneasy too. Suho could see it. Sera wanted to break the cold situation but she was scared. It was all because of her after all.

Suho was about to start a conversation when  their apartment’s bell rang. They stiffened immediately. What if it was someone from their world and they found out there was an ezra staying with them. “Relax guys, I ordered pizza awhile ago,” Suho chuckled as he stood up and walked towards the door while the others sighed in relief. After paying, he mouthed thank you to the pizza guy and watched he left before he closed the door.

As he entered the living room, the situation started to get better. They all were hungry, and now their attention were only on eating pizza. Suho placed it on the table and the boys started to surrounded the table. They started to get noisy, busy  grabbing the pizzas.

Sera eyed that thing that Suho placed on the table. She obviously had no idea what was a pizza, but didn’t dare to ask.  Sera watched curiously when Suho opened the carton and revealed the thing inside. Sera thought whatever thing was that, it smelled so good. Inside, was something with  big round shape, with many things placed on it. And it looked like it had been sliced in triangle shapes. Sera watched as the boys started to grab the triangle slices and  ate them.

The boys were busy eating but then realized that Sera had been sitting there like a statue and watching them with eyes full curiosity. “What?... It’s your  first time seeing a pizza, huh?,”  Suho smacked Sehun’s head but couldn’t hide his laughter, the other boys laughed hard too. Suho was worried  Sera would get annoyed because they all were laughing at her.

 She was surprised that Sehun just talked to her and  then laughed at her. It was the first time she saw the boys laughed. And she felt happy too, not caring that they laughed because of her. She then started to blush and laughed, and now it was the boys turn who stared at her in wide eyes. It surprised them because they thought she would be pissed off.

Sera noticed and couldn’t help but feel amused, “What?.. It’s your first time seeing an ezra laughing?,” The boys looked taken aback except Suho who started to laugh with Sera too. He didn’t expect Sera would troll them.  The atmosphere was starting to feel comfortable now, and Suho felt glad.

Suho was about to offer her a slice of pizza when Baekhyun talked, “Umm.. Doesn’t Ezras only drink blood?.” Suho totally forgot about that, and he had to agree that he suddenly felt uneasy. The air started to become awkward again. They all stared at Sera, and she shifted uncomfortably.

“Yes, there’s only one food or.. well drink for us, it’s blood…  but I don’t like it though,” Sera stopped talking for awhile and turned her face a bit. The boys didn’t comment because they knew she hadn’t stopped explaining. “I tried so hard to drink blood as little as possible, so  usually I didn’t drink for 2 or 3 days until if I really couldn’t hold my hunger,” They had to agree that Sera’s answer quite surprised them. She must had been really hate blood that she better starved herself. After her explanation, they just realized that she looked really thin.

Suho didn’t like the thought that she starved herself. He didn’t like the thought that she suffered when she was living down there. He walked towards her and sat beside her. “Why do you hate blood so much?,” Suho asked her gently while staring into her eyes and she blushed a little at his soft voice.  Suho was just really curious.”It’s kinda disgusting,” she answered shyly  and replied his stare, before turning her head away again. “Well, it is,” Luhan’s answer made Sera and the others laugh and the comfortable situation again.

“Wow girl, you were living in such a hell,” Chen said as he was eating his pizza. He pitied her. He didn’t know there was such an Ezra like her. “I’m more than happy that I could escape from there,” Sera nodded and smiled happily. Suho couldn’t help but thought she was really innocent.

“Well, then you must try this. This is really delicious,” Sera was about to take the pizza from Suho’s hand when she realized  that he was actually feeding her. She blushed for a moment before took a bite. The others waited nervously as they watched her chewing. A smile then appeared on her face, “I like it… It’s really delicious!” Sera said excitedly to Suho , and the others sighed in relief. “Well if you didn’t like it, we would force you to eat it though, because there’s no way we would provide you blood,” said Baekhyun followed by the others nods. Sera laughed at them. She didn’t expect they would be this funny.

“Why do you wear gloves?,” The others except Suho wouldn’t notice it if Kyungsoo didn’t ask. At first, Sera stared at them dumbfoundedly before her eyes became dull and she looked really sad again. Suho didn’t like it at all. “She’s given an ability, everything alive under her touch would die..” Suho decided to answer because he didn’t think Sera could answer it.

Sera felt really ashamed. She was scared they wouldn’t accept her again whereas they just accepted her and their relation ship was just becoming comfortable. At first the boys looked taken aback, what kind of ability was that. But as they noticed the sad expression on her eyes, they felt pity again. It wasn’t something that she wanted after all.

“It’s okay, just make sure you always wear the gloves,” Sera was surprised as Luhan said those words. He was the first one who looked angry and was about to attack her when she just appeared. As he stared at him in wide eyes, Luhan gave her a reassuring smile.

“Now, we should finish this before the pizzas turns cold,” Chen turned the situation become relax once again, and they started to eat together again. The boys played some silly games after that and it made Sera laugh. Suho’s attention was on her all the time, but Sera didn’t seem to notice. He likes it when she smiled, and laughed. He didn’t care about her red bloody eyes. It was like it was covered by her bright personality. He had no idea how could this girl made he feels diverse of feelings inside him.




hi guys, just want to ask if the story is okay so far? >_< lol if any of you have some things that u dont understand, dont hesitate to ask me :D


and some comments would be really appreciated ;;o;;


enjoy reading :>

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Chapter 6: urgh i like this ; w ;
Lizzy_501 #2
i just love this type of stories <3