Chapter 4

A Thousand Years


As they walked home, the air was getting colder and Suho noticed the Ezra girl shivered a bit. No wonder though, she was wearing a short tight dark blue dress, it didn’t have sleeves. As a man he couldn’t just let it happened. He slowly took off his hoodie and offered her. She looked surprised. Her eyed widened and she dumbfoundedly staring at the hoodie before she turned to face Suho.

“You’re shivering, wear this”  At first the Ezra girl looked hesitate, but then she slowly took it, and smiled again. “Thank you,” Suho thought her smile was cute, that it made him smile unintentionally again. They continued their walk in silent again. Until Suho broke the awkward situation.

“What’s your name?,” He just realized that  he still didn’t know her name. “It’s Sera,” Suho nodded. It was a beautiful name. “How about you?” she turned her head to Suho, waiting for his answer. “Suho,” it was her now who nodded. “..Suho,” she repeated while smiling like it was a beautiful thing to be pronounced. Suho liked it. Liked the way she spelled his name. A small smile appeared on his face again.




Sera’s eyes widened as they entered Suho’s apartment. She looked around. She could feel that it was a really comfortable place even though she just entered in. On the other hand, Suho stepped forwad to stand beside her and stared at Sera. He couldn’t help but chuckles to see her amused face while studying the whole apartment. Sera blushed immediately as she heard his chuckle.

“This place is so much better than the underworld labyrinth,” Suho laughed at her words, it made her laugh too. “Well, of course,” Suho then walked forward and gestured Sera to follow him.

“There are only 3 rooms here,” Sera was confused because it was definitely more than enough for both of them. Suho could see her confused expression and forgot that he hasn’t told her that he didnt live there alone.

“I live with my other 5 friends. They aren’t back home yet now, but I’m sure they will be back soon,”  Sera stiffened a bit at Suho's words. Suho noticed that he she was suddenly become a bit uneasy, before she looked  sad again. She was afraid. She was afraid that Suho’s friends wouldn’t accept her. She was an Ezra after all. Especially an Ezra with a ‘special’ ability, that’s what all people on the Labyrinth thought, but it wasn’t special at all for her. She thought it was a curse.

It was like Suho could hear her mind as he tried to comfort her, “It’s okay, they’ll accept you… I guess,” Suho wasn’t really sure too. But he just didn’t want to see her sad, he didn’t know why. “That room at the very left corner is mine and my friend Sehun’s room, this one in the center is Baekhyun and Chen’s, and the last one is Luhan and Kyungsoo’s,” Sera nodded her head right after Suho explained. But it wasn’t actually the problem. Suho stared at her with a sorry face because he himself didn’t know which room that  Sera could use. He wanted to let her sleep on his, but he wasn’t sure if Sehun would give permit.

Sera could read Suho’s expression so she immediately waved her hands, “It’s okay! don’t worry, I can sleep whenever, even on the couch.,” she tried to assure him. She was already really thankful that Suho wanted to accept her. “Alright.. but I will try to talk with Sehun later though, I hope he wouldn’t mind,” Suho sighed.

Then, they both entered Suho’s room It was clean and simple. There were 2 beds medium size which placed at each of the corners. There was a big commode placed at the right side and a window between both of beds. “You can sit on the bed, I’m going to pick some clothes for you” Suho pointed at the bed on the right corner. Sera didn’t realize she was just standing and staring around the room for about 2 minutes. She then immediately had a seat on Suho’s bed while waiting for him to give her some clothes.

After awhile Suho gave her 2 shirts and 2 pants. Those clothes obviously were too big for Sera but she didn’t  complain. She was more than thankful. “Thank you,” she really meant it. Suho smiled at her and replied, “It doesn’t matter. Now go change,” Suho walked out from his room to give Sera time to changed her clothes.

Suho decided to make a coffee as he waited for his friends to be back. Then he walked back to the living room and the TV. He was just resting his head and choosing channels as he remembered that he hadn’t eaten dinner. He was sure the other boys hadnt either. He placed his coffee on the table in front of him and took the phone. He dialed a pizza shop and ordered 2 big pans of pizza.

Right after he ordered, he heard their apartment doors opened followed by noisy chats of the boys. He didn’t know but he felt a bit nervous all of sudden. “Stop it, Sehun, we all know you lost and as a gentleman you have to do the dare!,” Baekhyun yelled as they got into the living room while the other boys laughed. Suho didn’t need to ask what was happening because it was already a routine for them to play truth or dare. “Oh, but it was too much! I wouldn’t ever kiss a cat’s in the public! it would be disgusting,” Sehun pouted. As usual. “Stop it you two. You’ve been arguing throughout the way home,” snapped Chen as they sat on the couches.

“You didn’t go anywhere, Suho?,” asked Luhan while he was his lollipop. “I walked out for awhile around , just got back though,” Suho sipped his coffee while the boys nodded. “You definitely need to take a break, you are being too serious these days,” Sehun said as he looks angry to Suho for being too serious lately, and Suho laughed.

On the other hand, inside Suho’s room Sera had finished changing her clothes when she heard boys voices from the outside the room. She guessed that Suho’s friends got back already. She felt really nervous all of sudden as she reached the door’s knob.  But she had to do it. She prayed that they would accept her like how Suho did. If they didn’t.. well then she would try to make them accept her. She took a deep breath and opened the door and stepped out of the room then, walked towards the living room.

The boys were busy telling Suho about their days, while laughing together. But Suho couldn’t really concentrate. He needed to tell his friends that.. uh he got a friend who would stay for awhile. The problem was that he didn’t know how to tell them that his friend was an Ezra.

“Uh.. guys,..” Suho was about to tell them when his friends stopped talking all of sudden and  gasped and even Chen who was going to the kitchen stumbled over the chair legs but nobody paid attention. Their eyes widened in shock as they stared  at whatever or whoever it was behind Suho. Suho turned his head and saw Sera standing awkwardly looking scared at his friends reaction. Luhan even was about to attack but Suho immediately stood up and prevented him.

“Wow Luhan, calm down!,” Suho still hold Luhan’s body as the boys’s attention was on Suho now. They were asking for explanation. Luhan  started to calm down and Suho let go of him. “She’s not dangerous. She’s different…” Suho tried to convince them, as they stared at Suho in disbelief now. Sera stared at them in horror before she stepped forward and had the whole attention back on her.

“Please don’t kill me.. I’m not dangerous!,” Sera stared at them pleadingly. The boys started to relax a bit but they were still in shock. An Ezra just begged to them. It was kinda.... Luhan sat back down, and looked away. “Explain, Suho,” he then had his eyes on Suho again. As the others sat back on the couch and waited for Suho’s explanation, he gestured Sera to come over. At first she looked hesitate and scared, but then she slowly stepped forward and sat beside Suho. When Sera was in a really close distance with them, they stiffened a bit again.

Suho then started to explain how they met and how Sera ended up staying at their apartment. After Suho explained, his friends didn’t even let out a single reaction. They were speechless. An awkward atmosphere began to appear again. “This is crazy, Suho.. This isn’t right..” Baekhyun sighed. Sera knew this would happen, she just didn’t expect it would be this hurt. For not being welcomed in everywhere. Sehun, Chen, and Kyungsoo quietly eyed Sera . At first they were kinda angry because it wasn’t supposed to be like this, they were supposed to kill Ezras. But after they saw Sera’s expression, their hearts started to melted.

“I promise I wouldn’t make any trouble for you, I just want to be alive.. I wouldn’t survive if I stayed by myself, and  I don’t want to go back to the Labyrinth either, I never want to….”   Suho felt really sad as Sera stared pleadingly at his friends. It was hurt to see her hurting. Suho didn’t know what was that feeling.  He wanted to hug her and comforted her.

They never expected there would be such an Ezra like her.. She looked fragile. Ezras weren’t supposed t be like that. They were evil, and strong. “Fine.. Maybe you can stay for awhile.. Just don’t ever make trouble,” Baekhyun said seriously as he shrugged his shoulders.

Sera widened her eyes before she smiled. She smiled really widely, “Thank you so much,”  Sera felt really happy that she would hug each of them if she could but she wasn’t sure if they would want a hug from her though. Suho on the other hand could see how happy she was. She was really innocent, and it made his heart flutter a bit. He felt relief that his friends accepted her to stay. He didn’t know why he cared for her too much when they just met about 2 hours ago. He had no idea about that feeling.

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Chapter 6: urgh i like this ; w ;
Lizzy_501 #2
i just love this type of stories <3