Chapter 1

A Thousand Years



Year  1780



Typical  late afternoon air in Seoul when it was autumn. The wind blows couldn’t really be called hard and cold but it was enough to make Suho shivered a bit. He slipped his left hand to his jeans pocket while his right hand carrying a medium size of plastic bag filled with groceries to survive for the next one month for 6 people. Even though they were not humans but they ate pretty much the same as them. Only that Suho and his friends were immortal and had wings.

It wasn’t supposed to be him who had the task to go to the supermarket and buy groceries though. It was Sehun.  But as the youngest, he always found ways to make the elders to do what didn’t want to do.

“You need to go now if you don’t want all of us starving tonight,” Suho reminded Sehun for 10th times since 10 minutes ago, since he was the leader.  But the youngest didn’t even move an inch on the couch and he didn’t even divert his eyes from the TV when Suho made his way towards him. Seeing no reaction he moved his body to the right a bit, prevented  Sehun’s view from the TV.

The youngest stared at Suho, pouted. “I don’t want to go, I’m tired.” Sehun embraced Luhan’s arm who happened to sit beside him, as the sign that he was telling Luhan to do the task instead. Luhan was going to refuse but failed miserably at the sight of pouting Sehun.  He then diverted his eyes to Suho and stared at him with his doll eyes, “But It was me who did the task last time..” while pouting.

Suho let out a sigh. Having 2 people pouting in front of him wasn’t the best thing that he wanted to see. He looked at the other three who sat on the couch closer to the TV. Chen, Kyungsoo, and Baekhyun didn’t look like they were going to move an inch either. Just like that, he gave up. He always gave up. He might be the strongest  and the most experienced Nyxus in the gank but no body ever  expected that he had this weakness when his friends did something cutely around him.

So that was pretty much how he ended up buying the groceries instead. After 15 minutes of walk, he finally could see glimpse of their apartment building as he crossed the street. The cloud who was kinda bright awhile ago, slowly became dark not because it was nearly 6 pm.  It was suddenly dark as if something suddenly hid the sun. He looked up as a big thunder suddenly rumbled.

He knew it wasn’t a natural thunder. The thunder rumbled even bigger once again. Suho could feel that He was angry. Zeus was angry. And he was calling Suho and the others.



As he reached their apartment room, the others sat together on the couch. They were waiting for Suho. The moment he appeared their eyes were on him. They were originally playful and and lazy but at times like this they were all became serious.

Suho put the groceries carefully on the table that were placed between the TV and the couch.  Suho didn’t need to ask what happened since he already knew that something wasn’t right. He waited for them to speak. “Hermes was here just now,” Chen shifted uncomfortably. Suho  raised his eyebrows. Hermes came to them very rarely. He usually came if there’s a message that needs to be delievered quickly  or very important messages.

“Some Ezras  attacked Olympus. They weren’t the usual ones. They were the ones who have special abilities like us,”  Suho was quite surprised by Baekhyun’s explanation. This was new. They didn’t know that there were Ezras who had the same abilities like them.  There were many Nyxuses, but Zeus created 6 who were special. Those special 6 were Suho, Luhan, Sehun, Kyungsoo, Chen, and Baekhyun. Each of them had different special powers.

“They kidnapped some of the Olympus’s guardians. Zeus wants us to take them back. He’s really angry,” Luhan  had that anger could be seen on his eyes. He could be childish and had that innocent face but he wasn’t innocent at all unlike Sehun.

“The Titans has fully risen. Seems like it’s just a matter of time, they will declare war with us,” They all knew about this. But Suho felt that he needed to state the fact. They were all in deep thoughts. They knew sooner or later Cronus would take revenge on Zeus for beating him and cut him into pieces than throw him into the depth of Tartarus. They could feel that a big war was awaiting them.

“Come on, we need to go to the Olympus,” They all automatically followed Suho’s command . They loosen their beautiful hidden wing and one by one jumped from the window at the back of their apartment, they flew towards Olympus, ready to receive any plans from Zeus. 

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Chapter 6: urgh i like this ; w ;
Lizzy_501 #2
i just love this type of stories <3