5th Dream

Two Boys in My Life

Hello readers! Please keep in mind that Kai and D.O. will not have their real age here in the story! Happy reading ^o^!

Soo Ri clears , hoping to vanish the awkward atmosphere. 

"Umm, Kyung Soo-shi?" Soo Ri timidly asks. "Where exactly do you live?"

Looking from outside, Soo Ri sees that the more houses they pass, the more there size increases. She also realizes that the houses look foreign and are located farther from one another. The deeper they drove down the road, the fancier and bigger the house.

"Oh, please drop the formality, Soo Ri-shi," Kyung Soo chimes. "Call me Kyung Soo. I'm sorry for not telling you where we live. I just want you to see it for yourself." Kyung Soo looks at the Soo Ri through the front mirror and gives her a warm smile.

"Well, please also call me Soo Ri," Soo Ri smiles back, the tension starting to dissappear. 

"Also, just call this guy, Jong In," Kyung Soo points to Jong In, who is quietly sitting in his seat. 

"Hey, I should be the one saying that," Jong In utters, from the passenger seat. "I can't believe you made me leave my car in the hospital parking lot." Jong In scoffs. "Now I have to pick it up tomorrow and pay double the parking fee."

Kyung Soo gives Jong In the deaf ear and continues to start a conversation with Soo Ri. "So, Soo Ri, if you haven't noticed, each house we pass has become fancier and fancier, right?" Kyung Soo asks.

"Yes, Kyu-Kyung Soo," Soo Ri stutters, trying out his name without the formality.

"Well, if you haven't figured it out, our house will be the last one down the road." Kyung Soo winks at Soo Ri, which makes her blush two shades of red.

"Wait, that means that you live in a-" Soo Ri speaks out loud only for Kyung Soo to interrupt.

"Here we are!" Kyung Soo turns the car into a corner and blocking there way is a tall, fancy, ornate gate.

The gate slowly opens to reveal a mansion.


Soo Ri opens in shock and her eyes big with wonder. As the car swerves to the right, Soo Ri sees a a fence of rosebush. The roses in full bloom that almost seemed like it gleamed in the bright moonlight.

To the other side, she sees a spectacular fountain lady whose hands are cupped in the air, looking like it's pleading for food, splurts out water from her hands. The water glows, making Soo Ri's eyes almost fall out of it sockets. She pastes her face on the car window, seeing fish swimming around the statue, making her stomach grumble for dinner.

In the background, Jong In makes a small chuckle, fascinated by Soo Ri's reaction and eyes.

Omo!! I can't believe what I'm seeing right now!! Chan Yeol oppa, am I going to see you soon?

Then the car comes to a sudden stop at the front of the mansion. Soo Ri continues to open in shock, looking at the marbled stairs leading to the huge, medieval-like door. Soo Ri looks up at the mansion, seeing every window own a dream-like porch. Each porch was supported by a tall, greek-like column.


This is a castle! I swear! Does Cinderella live here? 

"Are you trying to give bugs a home or something?" Jong In laughs. "Close your mouth before they get comfortable."

Soo Ri abruptly closes . "I can't believe what I am seeing right now," Soo Ri holds her cheecks and continues to gaze at the mansion. "Are you sure it's not a castle?"

"Are you sure you want to sleep in the car?" Jong In sarcastically asks. "I mean, you can if you want to, or you can sleep in one of the rooms that has a porch that you're drooling about." 

"Really?" In a flash, Soo Ri steps outside the car, full of enthusiasm. 

Kyung Soo slams the car's trunk, holding all of Soo Ri's belongings. 

"Oh, let me get that," Soo Ri runs up to him, taking one of the luggage off his hands. But Kyung Soo keeps a tight grip on the luggage.

"A lady shouldn't carry a heavy bag," Kyung Soo beams.

"But I don't want to cause you anymore trouble than I already am to you." Soo Ri says, flustered from his statement.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Kyung Soo drags all the luggage and carries it with him to the stairs. "Watch your step."

Oh, my. Such a gentleman. Soo Ri clutches her chest.

Soo Ri looks to Jong In, who is leaning against the car, looking like a fashion model with his long torso and long skinny legs. "After you," he offers. He sways his hand to the direction of the door.

Soo Ri slowly takes the first step, afraid that the stairs will suddenly just crumble, swallowing her into a bottomless pit.

From the side, Jong In can only snicker from her reaction. "Look, the stairs won't bite or swallow you up." Jong In assures her, as if reading her mind.

"I don't know,"Soo Ri belows. "It's either that or I just don't want to dirty the marble staircase." Soo Ri darts her eyes from the marble staircase to her shoes. The stairs made her shoes look like dirt even though she had recently bought it.

"You guys are rich," Soo Ri exclaims in awe. Kyung Soo chuckles from Soo Ri's statement. 

"Wait 'till you see what's inside," Jong In responds. "Your eyes might fall off." 

"What are you talking about?" Soo Ri retaliates. "The exterior of the house is already making my eye sockets lose. I don't think I can take in what I'm already seeing anymore."

Just as she finishes her statement, the medieval door, which she thought was only for display, grandly opens. The gigantic doors opened to a line of five pairs of bowed maids and butlers, all looking formerly dressed in their extravagant uniforms. As expected, the mansion looked grander inside than outside. It had columns which had carvings engraved on it and to compliment it, it was surrounded by a small pool of water. At the far end of the hallway, a huge frame was placed on a golden colored wall. In the frame, Soo Ri makes out a man and a women and between them, a small, happy boy.

As if that was enough for Soo Ri's eyes to escape from their sockets, Soo Ri was suddenly handed a small cute glass which was full of mango smoothie filled to the brim with a small umbrella perched on top. Soo Ri couldn't reject the offer and quickly accepted it, sipping it clean.

"Soo Ri, here is your personal maid and butler," Kyung Soo exclaims. A maid and butler politely walks up to Soo Ri, bowing and introducing themselves. 

"My name is Ye Seul," the maid interjected.

"And my name is Choi Min," the butler pointed out. 

"Pleased to serve you," they both chimed in at the same time.

"My name is Park Soo Ri," Soo Ri introduces herself, bowing back.

"Park Soo Ri?" the maid asks, giving her a sweet smile. "So it's you. I'm glad I could meet you. It's an honor." Once again, the maid bows.

"I get to have my own maid and butler? Why? I'm only sleeping here only for one night," Soo Ri exclaims.

"You are?" Kyung Soo asks. "I thought you wanted to live with us."

"I'm sorry," Soo Ri apologizes. "I thought you understood. I just need a place to sleep for the night. I can't ask you to let me live here. That's just too greedy of me!"

Kyung Soo slumps his shoulder, "Are you sure?" he questions. "I thought you ran away from your house."

"I, uh, did," Soo Ri darts her eyes to the side, looking at Jong In, a shocked expression filling his face. He crosses his arms and listens attentively to their conversation.

She puts her attention back at Kyung Soo. "But I'll try to look at a place to live tomorrow."

"Look, Soo Ri," Kyung Soo fixes his eyes on her, giving her a serious look. He walks towards her and holds onto both of her shoulders. "I'll offer you a place to stay, at my house. I'm not looking anything from you nor do I want you to do anything for me. So do you accept my offer? I won't force you or ask you again if you don't want to."

"Don't let this chance slip away." Jong In interrupts.

Soo Ri focuses her eyes at Kyung Soo and bites her lips, suddenly becoming nervous. Kyung Soo smirks at her reaction.

"Don't be so tense Soo Ri." In shock, she finds herself being caressed in the cheeks by Kyung Soo. "I just want to watch over you, now that I know you're running away from home ," Kyung Soo moves his lips close to her ear, "And especially since your brother died."

Soo Ri's eyes widen, stupefied from what she just heard from Kyung Soo.

How does he know? 

Jong In eyes Soo Ri intently, patiently waiting for her to respond and to move from her statuette stance.

Soo Ri is too dumbfounded to mutter a word to say but, "Oh." 

How does he know he died? Did he know Chan Yeol oppa from the past? Before he died? What's going on?

"Please, Ye Seul, her to her room that she will be staying in for the night, and hopefully for awhile," Kyung Soo politely commands. He turns his attention to Soo Ri, oblivious to her confused expression. "Soo Ri, I'll just get myself changed and come back downstairs for dinner after you have settled in your room. Choi Min, bring her luggage to her room." With a small wave, he trails off to the brightly illuminated hallway, making his clothes gleam.

"Yah, Park Soo Ri," Jong In walks up to Soo Ri, waving his hands in her face. "Hellooo. Earth to Soo Ri. Are you there?"

"I don't understand," Soo Ri whispers, almost inaudible.

"Huh?" Jong In asks.

"Does he know?" Soo Ri puzzled from what Kyung Soo said earlier.

"What are you saying?" Jong In asks, annoyed. "Speak up, will ya?" Soo Ri opens to speak, but was quickly interrupted by the maid.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Ms. Soo Ri, may I you to your room?" Ye Seul interrupts, bowing her head as an apology.

Waking up from her daze, Soo Ri blinks her eyes rapidly, turning to Ye Seul. "Oh, uhh, yeah, sure," Soo Ri walks up to Ye Seul's side and was escorted to her room. 

Soo Ri glances up at the huge painting that she had seen earlier. In plain curiousity, she asks, "Who's that man and that woman in the picture?"

"It's the master of this house and his wife," Ye Seul replies.

"What about that young child in the middle," Soo Ri asks, pointing to the small happy boy.

"Oh, that is Kyung Soo," Ye Seung acknowledges. "When I heard you were coming here, I was very happy he finally found you, I mean, both of them." Ye Seul, once again, gives her a warm smile.

"What do you mean?" Soo Ri asks.

Ye Seul does not reply but continues to give Soo Ri the warm smile.

"Umm, uhh," Soo Ri thinks of another question to pose. "Where are they? The master and the wife? How come I didn't see them when I entered?"

Ye Seul's smile fades away. "Currently, we do not know where the young master's parents are," Ye Seul adds sadly. "We only know that they went to go to a party one night and then didn't come back the next day."

"Why? What happened to them?" Soo Ri's curiosity brightens. 

Ye Seul can only shake her head as answer to Soo Ri's question. "But do not worry, I know the young master is not as lonely as he was before when they left. A young man named Park Chan Yeol was kind enough to take care of him and uplift his spirits. And then Kim Jong In also came along." 

"My brother?!?" Soo Ri gasps in bewilderment. "So he knew my brother? How?"

"I can only answer that Young Master Kyung Soo knows your brother but I'm afraid you have to ask him yourself how," Ye Seul bows for her inconvinience.

"Please," Soo Ri waves her hands, "you don't have to apologise!"

So Kyung Soo does know him! Even Jong In-shi! I knew it!

"Here, Ms. Soo Ri," Ye Seul motions her hand to a white, and yet another, grand door. "I present you your room."

Once again, Soo Ri stands motionless agape at the splendor of the room and the light that illuminated in her eyes. "This is my room?" Soo Ri, feeling herself almost faint, grabs onto the door handle.

This house never stops surprising me. Scratch that. This MANSION keeps SURPRISING me.

"Does this room displease you, Ms. Soo Ri?" Ye Seul asks.

"Oh, no," Soo Ri shakes her head. "This room is beautiful! Bigger than that crappy house with those crappy people." Soo Ri exclaims.

"I'm glad it pleases you," Ye Seul smiles. "Please get yourself acquainted in your room and treat yourself to dinner downstairs. Choi Min has placed your luggage to the corner." With that, Ye Seul bows and heads out.

"Oh my goodness," Soo Ri squeels. "This is my room for the night? Wow! Haha! Better than a 5 star hotel!" Soo Ri dives for the bed, making an imaginary bed-angel. "Ahh, I could just happily die right now," Soo Ri giggles. "Hmmmm."

Soo Ri gazes at the ceiling. 

Waah, a chandelier. So pretty.

Soo Ri closes her eyes.

How did Kyung Soo came to know him? How did they meet? Does Chan Yeol oppa know him, too? How about Kim Jong In-shi? Where was I when all of this happened? Did you tutor them whenever I was out at school? Were they your students? How did you meet these boys? Chan Yeol oppa, I have so many questions about you right now.

She continues to ponder on about the guys, including her big brother. Soo Ri is taken aback when her stomach reminds her what she should importantly be doing since she hasn't ate before school ended. And boy, that was a long time ago.

"Aigoo," Soo Ri exclaims in pain, rubbing her stomach. "So hungry right now. Better get downstairs." Soo Ri tosses off her uniform and puts on her cute pajamas, which was given to her none other than her only brother, Chan Yeol.

She quickly dashes out of her room and heads out for the dining room.


Hmmhmm, here you go! Another chapter. I hope it doesn't dissapoint you in a way. Tbh, this chapter was fun to write! Well anyway, I will start ch 6 where i left off from ch 5. Not so much like cliff hanger...I feel like I have done that the whole time. Feel free to comment away because they are much appreciated ^^

Hope you enjoyed! Have a good day/night! Tata! 

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shoutsandmurmurs #1
Chapter 4: Wahhh such a god story! I hope you will update soon author-nim! (^.^)