2nd Dream

Two Boys in My Life



"Oppa!" Soo Ri quickly sits up from her bed, beads of sweat running down her face. No, not sweat, tears. 

This is the second time that I have dreamt about my memories of Chan Yeol oppa, she thought. Oh, how I miss him so much. Soo Ri clutches her chest, trying to keep herself from crying.

Breath Soo Ri, breathe. Calm yourself and don't cry. Smile for Chan Yeol oppa.

Evidently, her tears did not listen. Once again, Soo Ri sinks into deep despair, crying for her only brother, Chan Yeol.

Her brother, Chan Yeol, died of heart cancer barely a few weeks ago. He was the only family member that Soo Ri had and her big brother took great care of her ever since both of their parents died in an accident.

Suddenly, she hears a loud knock for her door which causes her to flinch.

"Soo Ri ah!" A booming voice calls out from behind her door. "Be quiet in there! There are still some people sleeping over here!"

Without knowing it, Soo Ri realized that it is still dark outside. She looks to her side to look for her clock, seeing that it says, 5:35 a.m.

So early. I'll just go back to sleep. Realizing that she still has 25 minutes of sleep left before she had to wake up, she decides to go back to sleep.



The loud abnoxious ringing of the clock woke her up with a jolt.

"Mmm," she moans. What time is it?

Soo Ri looks over to the side to look for her clock. In shock, she sees that it is already 6:45 a.m.

I'm late! Dammit!

Knowing that she only has about ten minutes to get changed and about ten minutes to walk, she quickly jumps off of her bed. 

Aiisshh!! Stupid, dumb clock...

She rushes off to her closet, grabbing out her crumpled uniform, which she forgot to iron, and gets herself ready for a quick shower. She looks back at the clock, 6:48 a.m.

Shoot! Not enough time to take a shower.

Soo Ri quickly puts on her crumpled uniform, not minding that she did not take a shower.

Once again, she looks at the clock, 6:50 a.m

Five minutes!!  Aisshh, I'm late!!!

Soo Ri bolts downstairs but stops in her tracks. She hears quiet and whispered voices, which she thinks belonged to both her uncle and aunt, coming from downstairs.

"What are we going to do with her?" The manly voice says. "If this keeps up, I know the other relatives of ours will think that we are okay with her staying with us and that we will permanently take care of her. And we are not. I want her out of here as soon as possible."

"I was the one that opposed to it the minutes they suggested we take care of her!" the womanly voice says. "Do you think I like having her here? I think she's just a huge burden! Not only that, she hasn't done anything useful except cry in her room!"

"Well, I want you to do something about it!" The manly voice says. "Should we just ask another relative to take care of her? And tell them that she has just been a troublesome child and does nothing but cry?"

"Yeah, that will definitely make them understand that we can't take care of her," The aunt says, raising her voice with excitement. "I don't understand how her older brother could take care of her. I wonder even more how both of their parents were able to take care of those two. Luckily one of them is gone."

Not wanting to hear anymore of their painful insults to her and her family, Soo Ri stomps her feet as she goes down, making sure that her idiot uncle and aunt knew that she heard them in their conversation. She reaches for the door and slams it shut as she leaves the house. 

"Oh, who was that?" the aunt asks.

"I think it was her." the uncle replies. "But I could care less."


"Those stupid uncle and aunt of mine!" Soo Ri spits out all saliva she can manage at the mentioning of their name.

No, I don't even want to call them that.

"I could care less at what you think of me, too!" Soo Ri finds an empty can and kicks it with all her might.

"You people are such a !" Soo Ri pulls out her tongue and makes the ugliest expression her face can make, as she looks back at the direction of her house. No, scratch that. Their house.

Suddenly, a white car zooms by her, making Soo Ri lose her balance.

"Ya!" she screams. "Watch, will ya!"

Hmph! Can this day get any worse? she thought, as she got herself up and checks for any bruises. Soo Ri catches a glimpse at the time on her watch and realizes that she is five minutes late for school. Not wanting to waste any more time, Soo Ri starts to run towards her school.

She finally reaches her school, but to her surprise, she sees the same white car that passed by her not too long ago at the entrance of the school gates. Soo Ri walks towards the car hoping to see the driver that dangerously drove close to her. In astonishment, Soo Ri sees two beautiful guys inside the car. 

Omo! So pretty! I mean, beautiful! She continues to peek at them, watching in awe of their beauty. I wonder if they go to school here.

As she looks, one of them spots her looking at them and points to her. 

Soo Ri quickly hides herself behind a tree. Aaah! No! They saw me! You're such a creep Soo Ri! You weren't raised like that! 

Soo Ri looks at her watch, 7:16 a.m.

Oh, great.

Not wanting to be anymore late than she is, she quickly darts for the school gate, knowing that there will be huge consequences ahead of her. 


A huge flow students with excitement, comes out of the school entrance, happy that they are finished with school for the day.

Lucky them. She looks at their happy expressions. They seem like they have something to do.

Hmm, I don't want to go to that place, Soo Ri thought. What should I do? I'm probably locked out of that house anyways...

Soo Ri heads out of the entrance with her head down, kicking rocks and pebbles in her way.

Not knowing what to do for the rest of the day, she lets out a huge sigh.

To her surprise, the white car was still at the same spot where she found it this morning.

Suddenly, the front doors bursts open. She sees two pairs of skinny legs step out from the car and quickly realizes that these two pairs of skinny legs belonged to the handsome guys she saw earlier in the car. Wearing black, flashy tuxedos, Soo Ri is in a state of awe. The two guys move towards her direction and slowly walks up to her.

Soo Ri notices that they are walking to her and is in a panic. 

Are they out to get me? Oh, no! I didn't do anything wrong! Wait, is it what Chan Yeol oppa did in the past that I didn't know of? Soo Ri covers herself in her hands, wondering if she did anything that got herelf in trouble.

Wait, are they going to scout me? Omg! I mean, I think I can sing. But I have no idea how they would have found out. 

Suddenly, one of the boys brought Soo Ri back to her normal senses. 

"Excuse me," the shorter boy says.

"Yes?" Soo Ri responds.

"Are you, Soo Ri? Park Soo Ri?" The taller one says.

"Yes." She says.

"Hi. My name is Kyung Soo. Do Kyung Soo," the shorter one says, giving her a handsome smile of his.

"And my name is Jong In. Kim Jong In," the taller one says, also giving her a smile. 

They both hold out their hands for a shake.

"H-hi. My name is Park Soo Ri." she hesitantly responds. She takes out both of her hands and shakes both of their hands.

The two boys suddenly went to their pockets and both got out a small box and kneels before her. They both hold out two shiny rings in front of her.

"Will you marry me?" they both say at the same time.


Hi! So, umm, what do you think of this second chapter?? please comment cuz i want to know what you think about this chapter. xD Seeya for now! (^.^)/

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shoutsandmurmurs #1
Chapter 4: Wahhh such a god story! I hope you will update soon author-nim! (^.^)