4th Dream

Two Boys in My Life

Soo Ri walks on and on, carrying the pictures, the two luggage bags, and herself. She finds herself at the entrance of the school, and walks to the gate. Soo Ri grips the gate and pushes it.                                                                                                                      

It won't budge.                                                                                                                                                                              

She backs away from the gate and hopelessly looks for a way in.

What was I thinking? Sleeping here? At school? I'm so stupid. 

"Aish!" She ruffles her hair in frustration.

Soo Ri lifts the two luggage bags by the handles and slides the pictures in her arm and trails off to what seems like an endless road.


What should I do? I can't find a good place to sleep. 

Soo Ri visits all the stores, looking for any good spot to sleep on, even outside, despite the chilly cold. She was also on the lookout for bus benches, as long as it was any place that had something comfortable to sit on.

Ahah! I can go to the park! There's atleast a nice looking bench I can sit on!

She pounds her right fist on to her left palm, proud of herself for thinking of such a good idea.

Oh wait. It's far, too far. It's atleast an hour walk from here. Soo Ri slumps her head down in despair. But the night is not too late to be walking. I think I'm strong enough to fight off anyone that tries to take advantage of my small self. 

"Oh, Chan Yeol oppa! Watch over me!" Soo Ri cups her hand, while looking up at the silent and sparkling sky.

Suddenly, a harsh screeching sound of a car stopping, fills Soo Ri's ear.

"Kyaa!" Soo Ri yells, covering her ears in fear and dropping her stuff, waiting for the impact. 

A moment passes by. Huh? Why don't I feel any pain? In surprise, Soo Ri starts to check herself for any bruises or any broken bones. Nothing. No pain. 

Soo Ri raises both of her hands in the air, head looking up at the sky, feeling triumphant. Haha! I'm okay!!! I survived!!!

Soo Ri looks to her side, seeing a flashy bright light, causing disturbance in her eyes.

I really have bad luck with car...or maybe it's just today... 

Soo Ri walks to the car, towards the driver's side. She peers in the windows and cups her face to look through the dark, tinted windows.

Huh? Who's this driver? It seems that the driver is knocked out from the impact. Soo Ri focuses on the drivers face but the driver's face was facing the opposite way. But something looked familiar. 

Oh my goodness! Soo Ri covers in shock. It's him! 

Soo Ri immediately notices that it's the same guy she met after school. In panic, she starts to bang on the window, thinking of the worst possible scenarios.

"Yah!" Soo Ri yells. She looks around the street looking for any pedestrians. Unfortunately, no one was out in the quiet night.

"Yah! Mister from before!" Soo Ri cries out. "Are you okay!?! Please, wake up!"

Soo Ri frantically opens the door handle, to her surprise, it opens.

What's his name again? I think he was the taller one. In Jong? Jungmin? Jong Min? JONG IN!

"Jong In-shi!" Soo Ri grabs him by the shoulder and lightly shakes him. 

"Please wake up!" Not feeling or hearing any response, Soo Ri pulls him by the shoulder to make him face her. The pull makes Jong In grumble. In shock, Soo Ri sees a trickle of blood oozing out from the side of his forehead. 

"Oh my god! Blood! Oh my goodness, you're bleeding!" Soo Ri quickly checks if he's bleeding anywhere else. Fortunately, he was not bleeding elsewhere.

Shortly after her checkup, a small amount of blood leaks out from Jong In's lips.

"No! Not your lips, too," Soo Ri cries out in shock. Luckily, for Soo Ri, she's not afraid of blood-any amount of blood-unlike her scardy-cat brother. In panic, she fishes for her phone in her pocket.

Jeez! It had to lose battery at this time! She puts her phone back in her pocket and searches for tissues in his car.

With bad luck, she doesn't find any, but has no choice to use her precious handkerchief. Soo Ri hesitantly touches Jong In's lips with her handkerchief.

No! My pretty handkerchief! She looks at his lips. 

But, he has quite the nice lips. Soo Ri makes a small smile. I guess it's worth it.

Unexpectedly, Jong In's phone starts to ring and vibrate, alerting a phone call.

Soo Ri frantically searches for Jong In's phone which she easily finds in Jong In's right jacket pocket. Soo Ri opens his phone and sees a light in her unfortunate luck.

Incoming Call:

Do Kyung Soo


Answer                                Reject

"It's him!" Soo Ri yells in surprise. Without hesitation, she answers the call.

"Yah! Kim Jong In? Where are you?" Kyung Soo asks from the other side of the phone. "It's getting late alre-"

"Yeobuseyo?" Soo Ri calls out.

"Hello? Who's this?" Kyung Soo says, not sounding a bit worried. "Why do you have his phone?"

"Umm, hello? This is Park Soo Ri. From earlier," Soo Ri nervously says. "Please don't get mad, but something has happened."

"What do you mean?" Kyung Soo asks, still maintaining his calmness. 

"Well, umm," Soo Ri starts to get nervous. "Jong In-shi...he almost ran over me with the car." Soo Ri lightly dabs Jong In's lips with her handkerchief.

"What? Are you okay?" Kyung Soo says, with a slight hint of worry in his voice. 

"Yes, don't worry! I'm perfectly fine!" Soo Ri answers back. Jong In suddenly jolts from the pain in his lips.

"Jong In-shi!" Soo Ri shrieks in surprise.

"What's wrong?" From the background in the phone, Soo Ri hears a rustling of clothing and a closing of a door.

Soo Ri gulps. "Jong In-shi, umm, he got hurt and now he's bleeding."

"Is the bleeding serious?" Kyung Soo questions.

"No, it's not bad, he's just bleeding from his lips and forehead. I-I think he's okay," Soo Ri replies. Soo Ri hears an annoyed sigh coming from the phone.

Soo Ri moves on from his lips to his forehead, carefully wiping the blood away from his forehead. Jong In flinches this time and because of the pain, he flashes his eyes open and grabs onto Soo Ri's skinny wrist, making Soo Ri jump.

"Yah, what are you doing?" Jong In dryly asks. 

"I-I was wiping away the blood," Soo Ri stutters.

Jong In makes a face, not knowing what she is talking about. He puts his forefinger on the part where the blood is dripping from his forehead. 

Why is it wet? In realization, the red between his fingers, was no other than his worst fear, blood.

"Blood! Blood! I'm bleeding blood!" Jong In hyperventilates in shock.

"Hello? Soo Ri? Are you there?" Kyung Soo calls out from the phone.

Soo Ri puts the phone back on her ear. "Umm. What should I do?"

"Yah! How the hell did this happen!?!" Jong In yells. "Oh my gawd! I'm bleeding! What the he-?" Jong In also feels for his lips, finding the same result. "My lips, too!?!"

"Good gawd. Okay, look, Soo Ri, we're sorry for being such an inconvenience to you, but could you please send him to the nearest hospital?" Kyung Soo calmly asks. "As you can see, Jong In is afraid of blood. Please bring him to the hospital before he faints or gets worse."

"Oh, no! Please don't say that. I think it's my fault." Soo Ri responds, slightly blushing. "Bu-" Soo Ri looks toward Jong In, who is still too busy contemplating whether he is bleeding or it's just spilt red juice.

"I'll be on my way there," Kyung Soo speaks casually. "Please take care of him for the meantime. Call me when you arrive at a hospital, okay? I'll see yo-"

"Wait! Do Kyung Soo-shi!" Soo Ri yells. "I can't drive and I don't know the nearest hospital from where  I am!"

"Hmm...that's a problem," Kyung Soo sighs. "Do you have your phone with you?"

"No-I do! It's just out of battery," Soo Ri mumbles. "Aish!" Soo Ri mouths out.  I'm really no help at all...So pitiful...

"Oh," Kyung Soo breathes out heavily. "Umm, let's see. Ask Jong In to drive. AND do not leave him even if he makes you."

Soo Ri drops her hand to her side and looks at Jong In. "Umm, Jong In-shi, let's go to the hospital," Soo Ri nervously says. "so that we can get that bleeding treated."

"Ye-yeah, let's do that," Jong In immediately gets off the driver's seat, walking to the passenger's seat. Soo Ri looks at him confusingly.

"Aren't you going to drive?" Soo Ri questions.

"Me?" Jong In asks in surprise. "I'm the one injured here. I can't. I'm bleeding."

"I can't either! I don't know how to drive!" Soo Ri cries out.

"How are we going to get to the hospital, then?" Jong In asks. "Yah! It's your fault! You should drive."

"I should be the one saying that," Soo Ri becomes irritated with Jong In's persistence. "And what? Get into more accidents? And possibly die?"

"Well, I guess we can't go to the hospital then!" Jong In gets on the passenger's seat and slams the door shut.

"Aishh!" Soo Ri rubs her temple. "Hello? Kyung Soo-shi? Can you please talk to Jong In-shi and try to reason with him?"

"Give the phone to him," Kyung Soo sighs. Soo Ri hands out the phone to Jong In.

Jong In looks at the phone with a questioning look. "What?" 

"Kyung Soo-shi wants to talk to you," Soo Ri responds. Jong In snatches the phone away from her hands.

"What?" Jong In snaps. "Look, I'm the one bleeding here...No, I don't want to...Whatever...If I go, then there's no reason she should be coming with me...FINE!" Jong In hands out the phone to Soo Ri's face, almost punching her.

"Here, he wants to talk to you," Jong In grumbles.

Soo Ri takes the phone away from his hands and puts it to her ear. "Hello?"

"He will be driving to the hospital so please go with him," Kyung Soo says.

"Yes! I definitely can!" Soo Ri says, wanting to at least help in the situation. "Sorry..."

"It's okay, Soo Ri," Kyung Soo brightens his tone. "It's not your fault, it's that guy next to you's fault. Just don't let him out of your sight and I'm sorry for his actions towards you. Jong In is just out of it right now."

"It's alright," Soo Ri smiles. "I can bear with it."

"Good," Kyung Soo laughs. "I'll meet you at the hospital then. See you."

"Bye," Soo Ri ends the call and looks at Jong In, who is sulking and mumbling to himself. "I have to go with you."

"I know," Jong In scoffs. "Put on your seatbelt. We don't need another bleeding person."

Without hesitation, Jong In brings the car engine to life and drives off to the nearest hospital.


"Soo Ri!" Soo Ri looks towards the direction where her name was called. She sees a running figure, waving to her. "Sorry for the wait." There, Kyung Soo stops in front of her. 

"How's Jong In?" Kyung Soo asks, breathing heavily.

"Oh, he's just getting his forehead and lips checked," Soo Ri slumps her shoulders. "I'm sorry for what has happened and also for this early afternoon." Soo Ri bows to him earnestly.

"Please, it's not your fault," Kyung Soo smiles brightly to her, making her blush. "I can't thank you enough for being there for him. Or else, he would have fainted on the spot." Kyung Soo rubs his neck, flustered, remembering the event earlier in the day.

Soo Ri gives off a soft laugh, "I was just there by chance," Soo Ri smiles back.

Kyung Soo snaps his fingers. "Oh! We must have interrupted what you were doing back thre!" Kyung Soo exclaims. "I'm sorry! If you want, I could give you a ride back to where you were heading."

"Oh, that's fine." Soo Ri waves her hands in disagreement. "I wasn't going anywhere in particular."

"Well, at least let me drive you home," Kyung Soo offers. Soo Ri slumps her shoulders, remembering that she was running away from their  home.

"Umm, it's fine," Soo Ri lightly giggles. "You don't have to."

"I insist!" Kyung Soo makes a determined look. To Soo Ri, it looks cute especially seeig his eyes grow big.

"Umm, well," Soo Ri hesitates.

Should I tell him? I don't want to be added to his troubles. Soo Ri ponders a little more about the thought and breathes in deeply and exhales.

"Umm, well, you see," Soo Ri trails off.

"What?" Kyung Soo asks curiously.

"Umm, you see," Soo Ri breathes in. "IranawayfromhomeandIdon'tplanoncomingbackandIwenttoschoolhopingforaplacetosleepinwhichIdidn'tsoIwalkedandthenJongInhappened," Soo Ri gasps for more air. "Phew, that was fast." Soo Ri mentally gives herself a pat in the head, proud of herself for her explanation.

She looks at Kyung Soo, whose mouth was slightly open and seems to be confused. "So you need a place to crash, I mean sleep?" Kyung Soo clears his throat.

Soo Ri nods her head. "Wait, no, I mean yes. Umm, I do need a place to sleep but I am not asking you." Soo Ri slowly speaks. 

"Oh, I see," Kyung Soo says, looking at her, still quite confused. "So... you're homeless? I'm not trying to offend you or anything," Kyung Soo asks.

"Uhh, yeah," Soo Ri awkwardly replies. "It's okay." Soo Ri plays with her fingers, not knowing what else to say.

"So, um uhh," Kyung Soo rubs the back of his neck. "Do you need a place to stay? You can stay at our place."

"What?" Soo Ri asks, stricken. 

"Well, there's no catch. It's unless you want to, of course." Kyung Soo utters.

"Really?" Soo Ri questions him full of entusiasm. "You don't mind?"

"Oh, no I don't," Kyung Soo says. "I don't think he minds either, after what happened today."

"He?" Soo Ri asks.

"Jong In," Kyung Soo responds. "He lives with me."

"Oh," Soo Ri replies. "Well, I promise it's just for tonight! I won't ask for anymore! Just for tonight! I promise!"

"It's okay, it's okay," Kyung Soo reassures her. "You won't be a bother and we really won't mind even if you wanted to stay forever," Kyung Soo chuckles.

"Forever!?! Can I?" Soo Ri says, also laughing. "Just kidding. But won't it be wierd? A girl living with two other guys?"

"Oh, right, you don't know." Kyung Soo shaking is head. "But don't worry, nothing will happen."

"What do I not know?" Soo Ri asks with a confused look. 

"You'll see for yourself," Kyung Soo beams.

"See for herself what?" A voice utters from behind them. Soo Ri and Kyung Soo both turn their head to see Jong In standing from a corner.

"Oh! Jong In-shi," Soo Ri calls out. 

"Jong In," Kyung Soo says.

"What's this I'm hearing about?" Jong In says. 

"Oh, you heard?" Kyung Soo asks. "She'll be living at our house from now on."




Here's a long chapter! (I think). Sorry for the late update... 

Umm, so as you can see, I will be using Kai's and D.O.'s real name here, even though i really want to use their stage name!! And yes, Kai will be afraid of blood in the story and goes crazy, if you didn't know that. Also, for those who couldn't read that unspaced sentence from Soo Ri, its:

 "I ran away from home and I don't plan on coming back and I went to school hoping for a place to sleep in which I didn't so I walked and then Jong In happened"

Sorry if you couldn't read it, I know it's long...

Also, THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING!!! Annyeong~~~ \(^o^)/ 

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shoutsandmurmurs #1
Chapter 4: Wahhh such a god story! I hope you will update soon author-nim! (^.^)