3 December - Monday

(under construction) a christmas tale




The following day, Jongin was softly woken by the sound of passing cars, coming from outside his window. The city was slowly waking up; greeting the new day; slowly approaching a new week. Soon, all kinds of people would start to fill the streets, going wherever they needed to be this morning, just like ants in a anthill. It was still a few hours left until the sun was supposed to make its way over the horizon, so Jongin’s room was still covered in dark shadows, only a few streams of light shining in.

The clock radio hadn’t started yet, and before the alarm could go off, he searched for the mute button that would keep it from ringing. He didn’t want any annoying voices to be bothering him this very morning. Even though it would have been nice just staying in bed all night, he pushed himself out from it. He knew for a fact that if he stayed in bed for as little as ten more minutes, his family would have started with their family breakfast - something he wanted to avoid at all costs.

It’s not like it’s something they tend to do every day of the year, but in December, things were different. Everything changed during this month; everything became crazier. This was just one out of many things. Jongin thought that it was unnecessary to have breakfast with everyone every day, especially since the only one that actually had time to have a huge breakfast was his little sister. But, it was a Christmas tradition the family had, and that’s why every tried their best to keep it like that. Well, everyone apart from Jongin.

He tried his best in the weekends, he really did, but he felt that the rest of the week didn’t matter that much. He had much more important things to do then - like, hm, I don’t know, sleeping. Many years had gone since Jongin started to drop out from this tradition, and thinking about it - this was just one out of many traditions he had avoided and dropped out from as the years progressed.

Grabbing a pair of jeans and a sweater, he got dressed in a hurry - well, as hastily as a tired person could be at this godforsaken time in the morning - and combed his hair down to one side. When he was pleased with the outcome of his outfit, he picked up his backpack from where it was lying innocently on the floor and strutted towards the kitchen like the model he was.

Entering the kitchen, he took a quick glance around. The room was dark and quiet, for now, and he breathed out a sigh of relief before he started making lunch for later. Although, as he was about to put the two slices of bread in his backpack, he heard soft footsteps coming from where his parents room was. Hastily, he threw his food into his bag, before he rushed out to the hall, put on a pair of shoes and a jacket and stormed out, slamming the door behind him in his rush. Right before he managed to close the door, though, he heard his mother call his name, so as soon as he was out of the house, he picked up his pace, almost running, worried she would suddenly open the door and call after him. When he thought he was far enough away from the house, he slowed than a little; walking in a normal pace like any other normal guy.

Phew, that was close.

Checking the time on his phone, he decided he could as well go to Nevermore and get himself a cup of warm, nice coffee and some freshly baked bread-rolls before school. The thought of it alone made him calm down and smile to himself, easily forgetting the stress from earlier.

The cafe was very crowded with people, even though it was still early in the morning. But even then the atmosphere was calm and collected, and one could hear the faint summing of people talking. This was Jongin’s favourite thing about this whole place - even if it was crowded with people, the atmosphere was always calm and quiet; a perfect place to breathe out at.

Jongin smiled for himself, thinking about how lucky he was that he had found this place - but that was before he saw the long queue, which was like a mile long. Or, so it seemed. His mood dropped immediately, and he considered getting his coffee at another place instead, where the line would probably be shorter.
As he headed towards the door, though, he was suddenly blocked by a big cup of steaming, hot coffee and a brow paper bag with what suspiciously smelt like smoking fresh bread-rolls.

Jongin followed the hands holding the items and found Sehun in the other end, smiling gently.

“I knew you would be here sooner or later since it’s, you know, first day of school in December,” he said as he handed the things over to Jongin.

He knows me too well, Jongin thought and smiled gratefully at his friend, and he was just about to pick up his wallet to pay for the items when he noticed the glare from his friend.

“Really?” Sehun asked, gazing tiredly at Jongin, who only lifted his hands up in surrender and smiled apologetically back.

“I always forget that you are such a giving person,” he commented dryly, ducking away from the hand that was shot towards him, aiming for his head.

Sehun normally made him pay for the things that he brought him, especially when he was working, but today was not a normal day; it was December, after all.

“I am a generous person,” Sehun said and huffed, lightly kicking him in the shin.

Jongin just gave him his signature “hahaha yeah righties :D”-smile, and shrug his shoulders. His friend only raised his eyebrow, and the look on his face said not amused, so Jongin just gave up, sighing dramatically.

“I’m kidding with you okay?” he said and looked at his friend who promptly rolled his eyes at him.

“Yeah, yeah,” Sehun replied, waving it away.

If it hadn’t been for the fact that it was this month, Jongin would have remembered that Sehun used to work before school on Mondays - and anytime else when he had free as well.

Jongin leaned against the wall and took a sip of his coffee before he casually asked, “So, what’s up for today?”

Sehun seemed to be in thought for a moment, before he shrugged. “Not much, same thing I guess,” he replied, giving Jongin exactly the answer that he was expecting. That meant they couldn’t meet later today - if he didn’t join Sehun at the stable, though. He had been there many times before, especially when they both where younger. But, as he grew older, he realised there was really nothing for him there anymore, seeing as he doesn’t even like horses (a.k.a. he’s afraid of them). If he was going to be honest, he had ended up thinking it was a little boring. But as long as his friend liked doing it, he would never admit that out loud - though Sehun was very much aware of what Jongin felt about the whole thing. He knew Jongin better than anyone, remember!

That, though, doesn’t mean he doesn’t like bothering Jongin with talking about horses all the time; more like the complete opposite, thank you very much.

Jongin and Sehun parted a few minutes after that, seeing as Sehun was still at work and the place was super busy at the moment, while Jongin needed to go to school if he hoped to reach class in time.

“So, can someone sum up for the whole class what the ‘reefs’ are?” the teacher asked, and a few hands were shot up in the air; some a little faster, some a little slower.

Jongin was not one of those; he usually never raised his hand because he was lazy, only if no one else raised their hands. Only then could he make an exception. Seeing as there was a lot of people to pick from, he simply held still and instead looked over the notes he had been writing down.

“Yes, Joonmyun?” the teacher said, nodding at said person. The rest of the class turned to him as they waited for his answer.

“A reef comprise some of the densest and most diverse habitats in the world. The best-known types of reefs are tropical coral reefs which exist in most tropical waters; however, reefs can also exist in cold water. Reefs are built up by corals and other calcium-depositing animals, usually on top of a rocky outcrop on the ocean floor. Reefs can also grow on other surfaces, which has made it possible to create artificial reefs. Coral reefs also support a huge community of life, including the corals themselves, their symbiotic zooxanthellae, tropical fish and many other organisms."

“Yes, thank you, Joonmyun, that's more than enough," the teacher interrupted off and Joonmyun nodded before he returned back to his notes, smiling for himself. He was probably proud that he sounded so cool. Jongin snorted for himself.

Show off.

Joonmyun was very focused on his school work and always made the most of it in class. It was not unusual that he corrected the teachers if the teacher said something wrong or inaccurate. It was also well known that he was the first one people would ask when it came to group assignments. Everyone wanted to be in the same  group as him; the teachers even.

Yeah. logic.
Though, if Jongin was going to be honest, was not that bad himself, he never showed off like that in class. Nevertheless, he was always a little proud when he knew the answer to something that Joonmyun did not - though he was not one to admit that out loud.

"Okay class, that is all for today. Until next time, I want you all to study page 78 to 86, so that maybe the most of you can understand what Joonmyun is saying," the teacher, named Jin Hang Sung, said, trying to make a joke. No one laughed of course.

What a lame joke.

"Okay, class dismissed," he then said, sighing, as he realised that he would not get any response for his little joke.

As soon as he said that, the whole room was filled with chattering and laughter; people were obviously more excited about December than what Jongin was. He listened halfheartedly as he packed his belongings in his back, his reason being that he needed inspiration, some kind of inspiration, before Wednesday.

"Oh my goooood, it's December! I just can't wait for Christmas this year!"

"Yeah, me too! I am almost certain that I'm gonna get a new laptop for Christmas, since my old one is, like, old."

"But, Yun Hee, didn't you get a laptop last Christmas too?"

The girl simply waved her friend off, "Not important right now, Guan Shi!"

The girls went on an on, talking about whatever they were looking forward to. Jongin huffed; he really could not believe it. Even here, at school, was he bothered with Christmas people and Christmas related stuff. The girls were nagging on and on. Jongin could not believe it. Even here he had to cope with Christmas people and Christmas related things/stuff. Even though he knew it was just like this the year before, and the year before that, and even that year before that again, he always forgot it until the next year - when he got painfully reminded of it.

It was painful, so he just sniffed, and took the last book in his hand before he quickly walked out of the classroom; running away from the people who reminded him that he had to listen to this kind of talking for another twenty-one days. God, how he wished he could jump straight to January.

Or off the roof; it counts for the same.

Packing his things and checking his schedule as he walked, he realised that he had two hours free, before he had another two hours with social studies. He then decided that a trip to the infamous library would not be such a bad idea. He still had some school work he should have started with on Friday last week (oops), and besides, the library should be a quiet place; meaning no one reminding him of the Christmas craziness going on everywhere.

After writing and bending English verbs at the library, and then listening to the teacher rant about the different cultures in Korea (something Jongin already knew by the way, the teacher was not giving him any new information), he was now strolling down the street towards his so-called home.

Mondays were always boring. For the first, it is Monday! Secondly, he had no specific schedule planned on Mondays. Though he did like the fact that he could do anything he wanted on Mondays, there was really nothing to look forward to.

As he entered the front door, he was met with his little sister that jumped towards her brother the minute she saw him, a smile glowing on her face and eyes shining brightly.

“Jongin, Jongin, Jongin, guess what I made today?” she almost shouted.

Ahh, my ears.

“I have no idea Sun Hee,” he answered, gentle smile making its way on his face; not wanting to disappoint his little sister, even if the only thing he could think of was going upstairs, change, eat dinner that was in the making in the kitchen, and leave again.

“Look, look!” she beamed, holding a paper snowflake in between her tiny hands.

Jongin forced a smile at the sight before him. “It’s nice Sun Hee,” he said and ruffled her hair before he went up to his room.

He always tried to tolerate his sister’s doings during the month of December. It wasn’t her fault that he didn’t like Christmas. And the fact that she was still young - he could not get himself to explain to her why he was so cold towards everyone. So he tried, like really tried to be nice with her.

And for a little amount of time, he could trick his little sister to think that he was not Ebeneser Scrooge.

He remembered very clearly when his sister was younger, and his mother made him take his little sister to go see the play ‘A Christmas Carol.’ He also remembered that his little sister compared him to the main character of the story, the awful and avaricious Ebeneser Scrooge. He did not like it; he did not like it at all. As he saw it, he was not so ruthless and insensitive like that horrid man.

Ever since that day, Jongin really was putting in an effort, trying to be at least nice toward his little sister during December. For now, it seemed like he succeeded in his mission.

When he entered his room, he quickly changed into something more comfortable before dropping down on his bed. He was getting slightly stressed at the thought of the column he had to finish before Wednesday. He hadn’t gotten any good ideas yet, and after the enormous response he got on his last column, he was feeling the pressure that was on him for this week’s words. He was a little anxious of disappointing the big amount of readers the paper had made because of the column. He wanted to be the best - but how can one maintain that title of one does not write?

No one, apart from the people working at the newspaper, knew that it was Jongin who wrote it. The chief editor thought that it was one of the many reasons the column was so popular - because he was mysterious and unknown. People loved that; they loved knowing  that the person behind was just a normal guy or girl like them.

Jongin did not know what to think about that, but as long as he was allowed to keep publishing his writing and getting payed for it, the director could think and do as he pleased. Jongin did not care.

The only ones who know apart from the employers, were his family and of course Sehun. Since he was Jongin’s best friend, and they never kept anything a secret from each other.

(He had accidentally blurted it out once; Sehun had only laughed and said I knew it.)

“Jongin,” his mother said as she opened the door, voice as gentle as ever. “Dinner’s ready. Would you come down and eat with us please?” she asked as softly she could, knowing just how she could approach her son.

Since he did not want to turn her down, he nodded and stood up from his bed. His mother smiled to him and they walked down together in silence.

At the dinner table, he saw his sister still playing with her snowflake, admiring it and talking about how the teacher thought it was so pretty. He shakes his head at her and sits down on one of the chairs surrounding the table.

“The teacher showed my snowflake to everyone in the class, and pointed out all the things I have done with it. Even Guia liked it. And he never likes anything,” she beamed and waved the paper above her head like the little kid she was.

How in the world could she be so happy about a piece of paper. It’s a plain white paper she have been cutting in with a scissor for crying out loud. Nothing more. Just a simple white paper. Even I can do that.

Jongin could not understand it. He could not see the joy of having a paper that had holes in it. It could not be used to anything. Well, other than decoration, that is.

After sitting there, trying to be as invisible as possible, he abruptly stands up and takes his plate to the sink before he takes his shoes on and heads out again. His parents known to the behavior he have during December, so they did not even try to stop him, just shared a small sad look with each other.

The snow underneath Jongin’s shoes made a sound that followed him trough the streets. The night was about to set in, so the sky was gradually gettin darker, and Jongin knew that the streetlights would soon be .

For a brief moment, he thought about going to the cafe, but quickly decided against it, seeing as he would be alone; surrounded by people talking and laughing. Not that he used to have company when he was there anyways, but he didn’t feel like it right now; being surrounded by happy, chatting people. He needed to be somewhere he could concentrate. He felt a little overwhelmed by all the people that was so into Christmas.

Am I the only one that can’t stand the holiday? he wondered grimly, letting his feet choose his path for him.

He ended up going to the park not too far away from where he lived. There was no one there, and it wasn’t that could outside, so it was a perfect place for his head to take a well deserved rest. Finding a bench, he dumped down at it and just breathed out a few times.

He looked at the swings not standing to far away from him moving back and forth, catching the light from the streetlights that suddenly was . The light made the snow sparkle and gave it an almost magical feel. He looked up at the sky; some of the stars that had started showing up on the dark gray sky that was slowly fading into darkness.

Sighing, he leaned back and closed his eyes, head leaning on his shoulder. His family, the school, the column, December; it was as if everything tried to choke him - and still he had twenty-one days left of this .

He was tempted to do as the bears; hibernate and wake up again in the middle of January, when he was sure there wouldn’t be any Christmas decoration left. But he couldn’t, because he wasn’t a bear; he was Kim Jongin and he had to live through this even if he wanted it or not.

As he sat there, eyes closed, Jongin became aware of something cold that landed on his nose. He opened his eyes and saw a drop of water run down from the tip of his nose to the corner of his mouth. When he looked up, he saw hundreds of snowflakes slowly falling from the sky, giving the night an even more magical feeling. He shuddered.

Oh well. Just stay strong, he thought to himself and stayed there, watching the snowflakes softly hugging the world, making all the sounds fade away.








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I'm back for a new Christmas calander. This is so stupid, but I'm still pretty proud of it. Many years will come and I will probably keep coming back ^^
Chapter 6: Ahh, I remember writing this. Good times, good times... It was one of my Favorite Chapters that I wrote ^^ Just LOVE Jongdae in this story. He IS AMAZING <3 (Now I want him to have an own story, goofy and fun) (maybe turning into reality one time :P) Oh well, we are slowly moving toward Christmas. Sigh. Weird Christmas. (Uhm, I'm gonna take a look at TLO for this one. It needs my attention.) Lot's of love, from me ~ QA
Chapter 3: Ser du holder på å rette på dette kapitellet enda. Det er noen dobbel skrivinger her å der, sånn hvis du ikke var klar over det. Hvis du vil kan æ rett dem mens æ les herre, siden herre e julekalenderen min iår ;)
Chapter 1: OMG, I love this. I miss it soooo much. It was so funny to read it again :) I'm going to read this as my Chalander this year, since - I don't have a proper one :P I also see that JR have fixed some errors and made the story better since last I read it. Good job sweaty <3 Can't wait to read tomorrows Chapter ^^ :P
Chapter 25: Aw I'm gonna miss this story, I loved the way it was written. ^^ Loved the ending, and sorry for commenting so much hahaha.
Chapter 18: 2min omg this is too much for my fangirl heart. XD
Chapter 8: Taemin the little child lol. XD
Chapter 6: This last chapter is soo cute... Can't wait for the next ;D
Chapter 3: Isn't Taetae supposed to join in sometime? When?
sammy357 #10
Chapter 1: im really curious! how did you make that photo collage?? lol