13 December - Thursday

(under construction) a christmas tale

“Okay class, settle down. For the next two weeks I have a group project for you. I have already put you in groups.”

The students groaned when the teacher started to write different names on the whiteboard. “Okay so, Han Sungmin, Yan Soun, Kim Suyong and Choi Hanna, you are one group,” he started to read out loud from a paper in his hand.

“Zhang Yixing, Kim Jongdae, Do Kyungsoo and Kim Jongin, you are one group. Min Hyuna,...”

Jongin rolled his eyes and let his head fall down onto the table. No, not Jongdae and Yixing, they never do anything.
Jongin groaned and turned his head and saw a mischievous smiling Jongdae. He was probably still mad about the prank from Monday - and you could never know when he would strike back. Jongin rolled his eyes back in his head and cursed his luck.

“Okay, so now every group can pick among the persones I have written on the whiteboard. I want you to hand in the assignment by next Thursday at 4 pm. I want at least four written papers, and I hope that all of you know how to write an assignment,” the teacher instructed.  

“We want Kim Dae-jung,” Kyungsoo said as fast as the teacher finished. Jongin looked at the innocent Kyungsoo who was sitting behind him, and gave him a look that said; really?!
Kyungsoo shrugged his shoulders and flashed him a smile. Okay, now he could really just give up. The only thing he knew about Kim Dae-jung was that he was a politician and had been a president of some sort. Great, another thing I have to do.

Then he spotted Yixing, who leaned back in his chair, having no problem with neither the group he was in, or the persons they were to work with. Of course he had no problem with that, because he knew that Jongin and Kyungsoo would do almost all the work; he would get a good grade and he could chat with Jongdae the whole time. He could not have wished for a better group to get in. Jongin sighed and lay his head down on the table again. Why me?

“I take dips on the library,” Kyungsoo said getting looks from Yixing and Jongdae. “The library Soo, are you serious? That is one of the most boring places to be in. I say we go to Cafe Lamour,” Yixing said and smiled. His favorite cafe. It was always so much juicy gossip to pick up there.
“Yeah, but Cafe Lamour is not the place. We can go to Dromade, that’s a nice place to study at,” Jongdae argued, knowing that there would be a lot of girls at that cafe.
Jongin sat there, and just watched his friends. He just wanted to ditch them all, but he needed a good grade in history for the studies he was planning to take later in his life.

“I agree with Kyungsoo. No way we are going to get something done at some of the Cafes.”

Jongdae and Yixing was about to argue when Jongin cut them off.

“Two votes for the library, so if not one of you would change your destinations, then library it is.”

Jongdae and Yixing looked at each other, both trying to make the other one take their party; but neither of them did. They had no plans of backing down.

“Then library it is,” Jongin stated and looked at the smiling Kyungsoo. Well, at least Kyungsoo would help him with the assignment.

“Yeah, I have seen him around.”

“It is said that he and the librarian have a thing.”

“No, you got to be kidding.”

“I am definitely not,” Yixing argued.

Jongin wanted to shout at them, telling them to shut the up. He and Kyungsoo had almost got the whole assignment done, while the other two had been chatting non-stop.

“And he is around our age, so the age difference is like 7 years or something.”

“No, you are kidding me! I thought he was much younger than us.”

“No he is not, my source said that...”

“Can the two of you shut up and help us with this damn assignment?!” Jongin shouted. His patience had run out, and with the talking of the two males (more like teenage girls) he could not concentrate.

They looked at Jongin for a moment, before they continued with their talking as nothing happened. Jongin slammed his head down onto the table and sighed heavily.

“Ehm, this is a library. You should not shout when you’re here,” a soft boy’s voice called out. Jongin lifted his head and looked at the angel-like person. Wait, I have seen him before.

“You are the one that hit me to the ground in the park for a few days ago!” Jongin said, suddenly realising that it was the exact same guy. Suddenly both Jongdae and Yixing were interested in what was going on.
The blond male opened his mouth, but shut it quickly and started to fiddle with his hands.

“Ahh, yes that’s right,” the boy mumbled, feeling uncomfortable in the situation.

That guy, hit you to the ground?” Jongdae asked and started to laugh heartily.

“AH, oh, my stomach, can’t breath! Jongin you are not strong at all if that,” he paused and pointed at the angel boy, “hit you to the ground.”

Yixing seemed to be just as amused, and laughed almost as much as Jongdae.

“He did not hit me, his plastic bag did and... What the heck.” Jongin stood up from his place ready to leave the scene. Seeing there was no point in trying to explain to the others what really happened.

“Shhh, this is a library, can you boys keep quiet. Or I have to throw you out of here!” the librarian said, suddenly standing in front of them. They looked at her, then at the blond boy, and then at each other. The result of all the looking was them laughing even more, remembering what Yixing had just told them. It was unbelievable that that little one and that woman was even eating together.

“Okay, that’s it. You two, out,” the woman said and pointed to the door. But the males was not able to stand on their own two feet anymore, they just rolled around on the floor.

“Okay, you asked for it,” she said and picked both boys by their earlobes.

“Ow, ow, ow, you’re hurting me.”
“Let go, please let go, we will be kind.”

The voices faded as they got further away from where the rest were. The ones who was left looked after them until they could not see them anymore. Jongin sighed in relief.

Finally peace.

But he had to smile at the sight, Jongdae and Yixing getting dragged out by a little round woman, by their ears of all things. It was hysterical. He sat down at his place beside Kyungsoo, and saw that the blond one was still standing there, same expression as he had in the park.

“Can I help you?” Jongin asked just as annoyed as the last time he had asked the question to him.

“Eh, no. Mhm, I think that it is me that should ask you if I can help you with something,” the boy said and smiled.

Jongin rolled his eyes. Great, now we got rid of two, instead we got a new distraction.

“What are you doing?” the boy asked and took a step closer.

Nothing of your consern.

“We are working with a historic person. Kim Dae-jung,” Kyungsoo answered.

“Ahh, the president that got killed.”

“Yeah, know anything about him?”

“Yes. He got Nobel’s peace prize and was president in, was it five days?, before Park Chun-hee did a military coup on the country and appointed himself as the president, if I remember it correctly,” the blond boy said getting a look of amazement from Kyungsoo. Jongin snorted and lay his hands across his chest, not impressed by the information they got.
He did not want to have that kid there for a second longer than he had to.

It was three days.

“Maybe you can help us then? I am Kyungsoo by the way, and that is Jongin!” Kyungsoo introduced.

“Ahh, yes of course I can. I am Lee Taemin, nice to meet you.”

“What do you mean you don’t like Christmas?” Taemin asked with big surprised eyes.

They had finished their assignment, and was now sitting at Nevermore Cafe. Taemin and Kyungsoo had become friends in a matter seconds, and were now chatting and laughing with each other. Since Taemin wanted to make up for the garbage bag incident, he promised Jongin to buy him coffee - and Jongin love Coffee, so that’s why they were now sitting where they were.

“It means I don’t like it,” Jongin said annoyed. They had, as almost everyone have during this month, started to chat about Christmas. When Kyungsoo saw how uncomfortable Jongin got after a while, he told Taemin to drop the subject. But Taemin was a curious person, and wanted to know why - and that is when Kyungsoo told him that; “Jongin doesn’t like Christmas.” Whispering it, while looking at Jongin like he was scared of him.

“That’s not possible. I love Christmas. It’s the nicest holiday of all holidays. Christmas is a time for joy and peace. It’s a time for people not to worry,” Taemin said and smiled cheekily.
Jongin pff’ed and rolled his eyes.

It’s a disease, a disease. And I am the only one that is immune to it!

“Yeah right.”

Taemin looked at the older one, then he smiled up.

“I can show you. Please meet me at the library in the morning on Sunday, I’ll show you,” he said happily about his idea.

Like I am going to meet you there early in the morning, Jongin though, but said nothing.

After a while they both left, leaving Jongin behind. It was Thursday and he was, like always, waiting for Sehun.
Having nothing left to do, he started on the London article. It was only a few days until it was to be finished, and he started to feel a little nervous. He still got fresh in mind the rage of Mr. Lee Jinki, and as he didn’t want it to catch fire again, he started to put the article together.

London, English, UK, Big Ben, Themsen, London eye.

After an hour he was pleased with what he had written, and found out he could finish it later today, or tomorrow. Jongin glanced at the antique clock on the wall and almost choked.
Ten minutes until volleyball practice!

He gathered his things and ran out of the cafe, heading for the sports hall.

The coach is going to kill me!

“ -oud of all of you. And see who has finally made his decision to turn up,” Donghae finished when Jongin came stumbling into the room. Jongin bowed and apologised as he walked up to the rest of his team and sat down on the floor with them.

“Just because you had a bad day last time, does not mean you can come in here as a star or something Kim Jongin,” the coach said getting the boys to laugh. Jongin blushed and looked down at the floor.

“So since you think you are so much better than the rest of us, I will give you special treatment,” the coach said and bowed. The boys laughing even more.

“You can start to run around the field, until we're ready,” he said and continued with his speech, expecting Jongin to do as he was told.
Jongin sighed and stood up. He did not need any more punishment this week, not even more people to be mad at him; so he started to run around the field, controlling his breath as he did.

He overheard the coach say that he canceled today’s training, and that he bought a cake. Playfully he shouted to Jongin that his highness didn’t need the calories, and needed his work out sooooo he would have a training while the others celebrated.

They had a upcoming match soon, and the coach always said that it was no use in using all the energy just before the match. 

Great, this day is just getting better and better, he thought ironically, then suddenly Luhan came busting through the door.

“Sorry I’m late, I just...”

“Joining Jongin,” the coach said and pointed at Jongin that was running his fifth round. Luhan nodded and ran up to Jongin, who had started to jog.

“Ehm, what’s going on?” Luhan asked, wondering why they were the only ones jogging.

“We’re late and getting special treatment. So the others celebrate with cake, while we have a normal work out,” Jongin answered in envy. He really wanted cake right now.

“Oh, but that’s great, I like special... Hey, we don’t get any cake?” Luhan pouted suddenly taking in what Jongin said. Jongin nodded and Luhan snorted.

“Not fair.”

After the unfair training and sneaking out a small piece of cake, Jongin was again sitting at Nevermore, waiting for Sehun to finish so he could read this week’s Thought, Life and Other.

Not waiting for too long, Sehun finally came walking with two cups of coffee in his hand and the newspaper under his arm.

“There you go,” he said and gave Jongin one of the cups.

He sat himself down in the chair and made himself comfortable before he laid the paper on the table. He was just about to open it, when he seemed to remember something. He lifted a hand to Jongin telling him to wait, before he started to yank something out of his pocket. He took the item up and placed them on its rightful place and Jongin was at first shocked then he burst out laughing.

Sehun looked over his glasses and eyed his friend.

“What is it that is so funny, if I may ask you Mr. know-it-all?” he said with a perfect british accent, puckering his lips, not helping Jongin to stop laughing at all. He understood only partly what Sehun said, but the sight was unbearable.

“Where, did, you, get, those,” he stuttered through his laughing.

“My dad lend me this ones. And must I ask you to stop laughing at me sir,” he said damn serious, lifting his eyebrows like they do in old british movies.

Jongin laughed even harder, he felt like he was going to die.

Sehun only managed to hold his face for so long, and started to laugh with him.
After laughing together a while they started to get their control back, and Sehun took off his glasses and placed them on the table.

“What. Was. That?” Jongin asked, as soon he was able to speak again. Sehun just shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

“You haven’t been in a good mood for a while, and I wanted to cheer you up.”

Jongin looked at his friend and returned the smile. He had the best friend in the world, he was one hundred percent sure.

“Now read that damn paper of yours, I am still tired,” Jongin said, faking he was annoyed with his friend. Sehun stuck his tongue out and opened the paper and started reading.  


i want to tell you something. something important.
and if you think about the Words i will tell you right now,
you Can easily understand that i am right.
i don’t want to Hurt! you, but for you to get what i am telling you, i maybe have to.

ready? okay, lets see if you can find my message!



Sehun looked at the column and furrowed his brows.

“I don’t underst.... oh!” he said, Jongin looking at him excited to see if his friend saw the message.
Sehun nodded and looked up from the paper.
“Your right. They can!”














a/n: hello everyone (waves)

this is queen almighty speaking.

as you already may have noticed, jongin

is referring to a message in his last column, and we

are excited to see if anyone of you clever readers can find it!

don’t worry though, we are going to tell you first thing in the next

chapter, but until then we are excited to see what meaning you can find in

the column. we hope you are having a great time together with us, and hope you

enjoy reading. love from the authors <3


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I'm back for a new Christmas calander. This is so stupid, but I'm still pretty proud of it. Many years will come and I will probably keep coming back ^^
Chapter 6: Ahh, I remember writing this. Good times, good times... It was one of my Favorite Chapters that I wrote ^^ Just LOVE Jongdae in this story. He IS AMAZING <3 (Now I want him to have an own story, goofy and fun) (maybe turning into reality one time :P) Oh well, we are slowly moving toward Christmas. Sigh. Weird Christmas. (Uhm, I'm gonna take a look at TLO for this one. It needs my attention.) Lot's of love, from me ~ QA
Chapter 3: Ser du holder på å rette på dette kapitellet enda. Det er noen dobbel skrivinger her å der, sånn hvis du ikke var klar over det. Hvis du vil kan æ rett dem mens æ les herre, siden herre e julekalenderen min iår ;)
Chapter 1: OMG, I love this. I miss it soooo much. It was so funny to read it again :) I'm going to read this as my Chalander this year, since - I don't have a proper one :P I also see that JR have fixed some errors and made the story better since last I read it. Good job sweaty <3 Can't wait to read tomorrows Chapter ^^ :P
Chapter 25: Aw I'm gonna miss this story, I loved the way it was written. ^^ Loved the ending, and sorry for commenting so much hahaha.
Chapter 18: 2min omg this is too much for my fangirl heart. XD
Chapter 8: Taemin the little child lol. XD
Chapter 6: This last chapter is soo cute... Can't wait for the next ;D
Chapter 3: Isn't Taetae supposed to join in sometime? When?
sammy357 #10
Chapter 1: im really curious! how did you make that photo collage?? lol