10 December - Monday

(under construction) a christmas tale

When Kris first had suggested they should have weekly gatherings with the volleyball-team in order to strengthen the bond, not only as a team, but also as friends, everybody had been ecstatic - especially Joonmyun. It was a wonderful idea, really, to gather the boys to watch a movie in the theatre, eat at the local restaurant or playing video games, just like normal teenage boys. A perfect idea to strengthen the bond between the guys! That is, until Kris one day comes up with an idea out of the ordinary and --

“Paintball?” Joonmyun screeched. “Are you crazy? That’s scary! What if somebody gets hurt? What if somebody dies? Think about the scandal! Oh my god, no!”

“Joonmyun. Nobody dies while playing paintball. It’s perfectly harmless. You’ll only get a few bruises, it’s fine, really. It’s perfect for team bonding. Trust me on this!”

The glare Joonmyun sent his way made Kris lift his hands up in defense. “Okay, maybe not harmless - but!” he said just as Joonmyun was going to interrupt, “we’re going to go through with this whether you like it or not. Besides, I’ve already told the boys that we’re going to do it, so I can’t call it off now. I’ve planned everything out and yeah, do you really want to disappoint your team mates?”

“But,” Joonmyun protested weakly.

“No buts. I’m the leader slash captain of this team. I decide. Paintball it is!”

Joonmyun wailed as the rest of the team erupted in loud cheers and whoops, feeling like he was the only one on the team that understood the great dangers about paintball. He didn’t stop wailing until Jongdae put a reassuring hand on his back and said, “It’s all right, princess,  I’ll take care of you.”

He responded with pushing Jongdae off his chair - but agreed to the paintball nevertheless. (He had no other choice, really.)

And that’s the story about how Jongin and his team decided to play paintball as a group-bonding exercise.

Very clever.

Jongin sniffed as he plumped down in his designated chair. The team had agreed to meet in one of the conference rooms that belonged to the hall where they were supposed to have their paintball-match - because, Kris decided, it was too cold to play it outside. Someone booed at that, though (Luhan), but Kris’ words are the final words, so inside it is.

They were waiting for some of the slowpokes (also known as Luhan and Chanyeol) to arrive, and Jongin is not known to have the biggest patience, so instead of sitting calmly like everybody else, he started swiveling around in his chair. He was anxious to get the game started - not to mention to finally execute his long awaited revenge. It was a perfect plan, really - bulletproof, foolproof, fireproof, all the proofs. He grinned at himself as he thought about it.

Just you wait, Kim Jongdae.

Just then, the door to the conference room flew open, and in came both Chanyeol and Luhan, rosy cheeks and breathless - but grinning nevertheless. “Sorry we’re late! We got, hm, lost,” Luhan chirped happily, oblivious to the others’ glares, before he sat down in the chair besides Jongin. He discreetly nudged Jongin in the ribs, before he leaned over to whisper, “Have you got the equipment?” and looked at Jongin with a stupidly big grin in place. Jongin glanced over at him, before he grinned, and nodded.

“Super,” Luhan whispered. Jongin swore he could see real stars in his eyes.

“Okay, guys, calm down,” Kris said as he stood up from his chair. He did a quick headcount to make sure everybody was there, before he walked over to the whiteboard that was in the room and picked up two markers.

“To do this the simple way, we’re going to split up in two teams - team red and team blue. I will be team red’s leader, while Joonmyun here will be team blue’s.”

To this, Joonmyun only huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m not-” but he quickly changed his mind upon seeing Kris’ glare, “okay okay I’m team blue’s leader.” He huffed, before he quietly mumbled, “But don’t blame me if we lose.”

Kris, obviously pleased with his answer, pretended that he didn’t hear Joonmyun’s last comment as turned to the whiteboard again, and wrote down two words:

RED          BLUE

He turned to the guys again, pointing at them with his markers. “It’s your responsibility to remember who you’re teaming with, so remember it! Also, keep in mind that if you shoot one of your team members, you lose ten points. Get it? It’s very important to remember that if you want to stand a chance to win.” When the other boys nodded eagerly at him, he turned around again and wrote down the teams he had decided upon.

RED           BLUE
Kris            Joonmyun
Chanyeol   Luhan
Jongdae    Jongin

“Noo, why did you put me in the same team as Joonmyun, he’s just an old man, this is unfaaaair, Krissssssss,” Luhan whined upon seeing which team he was placed in.

“Shush. Joonmyun is a great player (“But I’m not,” Joonmyun protested - something that went unnoticed by Kris) so you should be happy. Now.” Kris said, clapping his hands together. “I suppose you all know the rules of paintball?”

Dead silence was all that met him, until a small voice spoke up.


Kris pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. Of course Joonmyun wouldn’t know. Of course.

“Okay, fine. Well. I’ll just go through the basic stuff that you all need to know.”

He turned to the whiteboard again and erased what he had written, before he scribbled down

Elimination game.
If you’re hit, you’re out.
You’re hit if a paintball leaves a solid, nickel-sized mark anywhere on your body.
If you’re hit, hold the gun over your head and shout “I’m hit”, and then you walk over to the dead zone.
Time estimate: 30 m - 1 hr.
Remember - use common sense!”

and then he turned back to the others again, big grin in place. He looked like a tall, overgrown baby. “As you can see, the rules are quite simple. Any questions?”

A hand shot up in the air.

Kris sighed again.

“Yes, Joonmyun?”

“...what’s the dead zone?”

“It’s kind of like the area where people go to when they’re shot! It’s so that they can change without risking getting shot! Oh, and I think it’s also where you can leave extra paintball gear?”

“Yeah, thanks, Luhan. Any more questions, Joonmyun?” Kris asked, exasperated, but Joonmyun only shook his head, smiling in glee. “Nope! I think I get it now!” he chirped. Kris nodded, before he looked at every single one of them, nodding. “What about you, guys? Are you ready!”

“Yes, Captain!” everybody said gleefully, nerves prickling at their skin.

“Okay? Game on!”

Jongin crouched down on the ground in an attempt to hide himself as he scanned his surroundings for enemies. Twenty minutes into the game, and no one had been shot yet - not even Joonmyun. There had been a few shots every now and then, but nobody had actually been shot. He was surprised, to say the least, but it made him even more anxious as the clock ticked by. No chance in hell he was going to be the first to get shot - he had too much pride in himself to allow to do so. Therefore, he was playing it safe. So far, it had worked though.

They had settled on a fair and simple game, but added some extra rules to keep it interesting - if you shoot someone, your team gets five points. However, if you shoot someone that’s on your own team, accidentally or not, you lose ten points. That means it doesn’t necessarily mean that the last team out there is the one that’s the winning team. It only made the game much more exciting - and Jongin much more on edge. He just prayed to every god there is that Joonmyun and Luhan had the common sense not to shoot each other - or Jongin, for that matter.

He glanced around himself, but could see no one. Not even his own team did he see, but that was quite understandable; they’d decided to split up in order to make things more “difficult”. They’d all been equipped with walkie-talkies, but no one dared to say a word, too afraid to be caught. He looked down at the device, and bit his lip in thought. They would get nowhere if they kept beating around the bush like this. It was a waste of time. Should he...

Then, out of nowhere, a shout could be heard from somewhere near the center of the field, followed by a loud shout of anger. Jongin freezed. Did someone just get shot? If so.. who?

He poked his tongue out as he crawled out from his hiding spot in order to get a better view over the field. He glanced around, but could see nothing, until -

“I’m out, blehrg,” Jongdae shouted, and reluctantly lifted his gun up in the air. Jongin quickly retreated to his hiding spot, seeing as he was only a couple of metres away from Jongdae’s current position - meaning he was only a few metres away from the one who shot him, and probably the others too. He heard giggling to his left, and not long after he heard another three shots, and the giggling stopped.

“,” the person hissed, before he stood up to reveal himself - Luhan. He lifted the gun in the air, and pouted as he announced, “I’m out.”

Jongin looked up at the roof as he mentally counted the members left.

Okay... So both Luhan and Jongdae are shot, and that leaves Kris and Chanyeol, plus me and Joonmyun..

His train of thought was interrupted by another shot, probably a warning shot to scare the remaining members, followed by some rustling sounds not far away from where he was hiding.

it we’re screwed. We’re so screwed. We’re going to die. ugh I’m too young and beautiful to die.

He silently rolled over to a fake bush that was set up, and sat up in a crouching position. He needed to figure out how to get across the field without getting noticed. He bit his lip. He had no idea where the others would hide, and the opportunities were endless. He puffed out his cheeks as he scanned the field. In the far left corner, a fort was set up (someone’s there, guaranteed); a lot of bushes were randomly placed around; tall (but also fake) trees towered over him, and he knew from experience that he was dealing with monkeys, so there was a big possibility that someone could hide up there as well.

Jongin wrinkled his nose. This was getting far more difficult than what he thought. Just as he was about to retreat further back into the fake-forest, a movement caught his eye. For a moment, he stopped breathing, as he laid down on the ground as silently as he could. There was definitely someone there, but Jongin had no chance to see who it was. It couldn’t be Joonmyun, though, because the person looked tall - or, that was Jongin hoped for as he aimed for what he hoped was his , and, biting his lip in concentration as he pulled the trigger -

“Ow! it!”

Yup. Definitely Chanyeol. He sniggered for himself as he slowly crept back to his hiding spot, as silently he could. He watched as the crouched down Chanyeol got up, lifted up his gun and said, dejectedly, “I’m out.”

Okay Jongin. Two out. One to go. So far, so good.

He blew out a puff of air as he watched Chanyeol walk over to the designated dead zone, muttering curses under his breath. He had a huge, yellow mark on his , and Jongin, momentarily forgetting that he was still in the game, couldn’t help but laugh.

He really shouldn’t have, though.

Because as soon as he laughed, something hard hit him in the back - something that was undoubtedly a paintball. He blinked in surprise, before he groaned in displeasure over the fact that he just got shot, and rolled over just in time to hear multiple other shots, and complete silence, before he heard someone hissing,

“....what the actual ?”

Jongin stood up abruptly, and saw Kris sitting on his knees not far away from where Jongin had been hiding - a big, yellow mark on his chest, and many missed shots everywhere else on his body. Jongin blinked in surprise as he slowly lifted his gun. If he was shot, then who..

“...I won? HAHAHAHHA I WON! Guys! I won! I’m the last man standing!” Joonmyun hollered as he ran out to the middle of the field, holding up his gun in victory. “Yaaaay! I won!”

Kris glared at Jongin, before he, too, got up, and walked to where Joonmyun was celebrating by himself. Jongin followed soon after, seeing as the game was over and all.

“How did you see me?” Kris growled as he took of his mask, throwing it on the ground in annoyance. Apparently, he did not like to lose either. He glared at Joonmyun, but he didn’t even flinch. He was too busy celebrating to notice.

“I’m just that good?” Joonmyun said, grinning.

“So,” Kris summed up as the boys again gathered in the conference room after a well played match, “Team Blue, thanks to Joonmyun, won today’s match. Good job.

“Ugh, can I go shower now? I stink,” Jongdae complained, earning himself a glare from both Chanyeol and Kris.

“You didn’t do anything but lie around you lazy er. Then, out of nowhere, you walk out in the middle of the field so that everybody can see you because woo hoo nobody’s been shot yet. Then you get shot. By Luhan. Who accidentally pulled his trigger. Do you really expect me to let you in the shower first?” Kris deadpanned.

“Uh.. yes?” Jongdae shrugged, “I mean, I did give you instructions as to where Jongin was hiding.”

Jongin swiveled around in his chair to look at Jongdae, disbelief written all over his face. “You what??”

Kris groaned as he hissed under his breath, “ing big mouthed Kim Jongdae,” while Jongdae only grinned. “There were CCTV’s at the dead zone that we could watch? And, uh, I may or may not have known your position? Aaaand I may or may not have used the walkie-talkie to give your position to Kris so that he could shoot you? Maybe? Possibly? I don’t know?”

“Jongdae, you’ve said enough. Go shower.”

From: Princess Lulu

Received: 5:46 pm
Elvis has left the building (*~▽~)

To: Princess Lulu
Sent: 5:47 pm
….elvis? wtf since when did jongdae become elvis

From: Princess Lulu
Received: 5:47 pm
Oh you know what I mean you asstwat. It’s a ~phrase~.
Jongdae is in the shower so bring the items before it’s too late, damn it Jongin!!

Looking both directions, Jongin quickly stepped into the changing-area, where he could hear the water running, and Jongdae’s loud singing. He smiled for himself. The louder the noises were, the less likely it was for him to get caught.

He quickly scooped together all of Jongdae’s belongings and put it where it belonged in his bag, before he threw the bag over his shoulder, before replacing it with a new bag, one that looked exactly the same. He quickly jumped out from his crouching position and was out from the room in a time span of five seconds when he heard the water turning off.

Once outside, he ran to the end of the hallway where his evil companion was waiting.

“Now?” Luhan whispered. “How’d it go?”

Jongin grinned, before he showed him the bag where all of Jongdae’s clothes was. “Superb. Any minute now, and Hell will break loose, I swear.”

What they’d done was probably mean. It was probably not something you should do to someone you consider as your friends. But, it was the perfect revenge. It needed to be done. Without it, Jongdae might never learn his lesson. Maybe he’s going to learn that you never mess with Kim Jongin, master of evil plans. Never ever. Nu-uh.

Just then, a very womanly shriek echoed through the entire hall, before -

“Argh... KIM JONGIN! I swear I am going to kill you, you er! Just wait until I get you! I’ll kill you dead!”

And, Jongin thought as he ran away from the scene, laughing and breathless, it was totally worth it.




Kris looked up from his phone just in time to see a stomping Jongdae coming out from the male wardrobe. He was furious, more furious than Kris had ever seen him; the dark aura that surrounded him almost made him shrink back in his chair. He couldn’t possibly understand what could have made him that mad - until he noticed what he was wearing. It was nothing less than a a mini skirt, a dark, tight-fitting top with a grey cardigan on top and oh, he’s even wearing high heels. He struggled to keep a straight mask as he came over.

“Uhhh.. What happened, Jongdae?” he asked, blinking dumbly.

“That er Kim Jongin,” Jongdae hissed. He was about to yell more at him, when the door of the conference room opened, and Joonmyun came out. “Hey Kris?” he asked absentmindedly, looking down at his phone as he walked out, “do you think....”

And that’s when he looked up and noticed Jongdae, wearing only female clothes.

Joonmyun took one look at him before he doubled over in laughter, clutching his phone to his  chest as he struggled to breathe properly.

“Hyungggg,” Jongdae whined, stomping his foot, “I’m in the middle of a crisis here!”

This only made Joonmyun laugh even more, before he shook his head and waved Jongdae over. He reluctantly made his way over, pouting adorably, before Joonmyun hugged him tightly, patting his back.


“It’s okay, Jongdae. Oppa will help you.”








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I'm back for a new Christmas calander. This is so stupid, but I'm still pretty proud of it. Many years will come and I will probably keep coming back ^^
Chapter 6: Ahh, I remember writing this. Good times, good times... It was one of my Favorite Chapters that I wrote ^^ Just LOVE Jongdae in this story. He IS AMAZING <3 (Now I want him to have an own story, goofy and fun) (maybe turning into reality one time :P) Oh well, we are slowly moving toward Christmas. Sigh. Weird Christmas. (Uhm, I'm gonna take a look at TLO for this one. It needs my attention.) Lot's of love, from me ~ QA
Chapter 3: Ser du holder på å rette på dette kapitellet enda. Det er noen dobbel skrivinger her å der, sånn hvis du ikke var klar over det. Hvis du vil kan æ rett dem mens æ les herre, siden herre e julekalenderen min iår ;)
Chapter 1: OMG, I love this. I miss it soooo much. It was so funny to read it again :) I'm going to read this as my Chalander this year, since - I don't have a proper one :P I also see that JR have fixed some errors and made the story better since last I read it. Good job sweaty <3 Can't wait to read tomorrows Chapter ^^ :P
Chapter 25: Aw I'm gonna miss this story, I loved the way it was written. ^^ Loved the ending, and sorry for commenting so much hahaha.
Chapter 18: 2min omg this is too much for my fangirl heart. XD
Chapter 8: Taemin the little child lol. XD
Chapter 6: This last chapter is soo cute... Can't wait for the next ;D
Chapter 3: Isn't Taetae supposed to join in sometime? When?
sammy357 #10
Chapter 1: im really curious! how did you make that photo collage?? lol