Chapter 2

Hidden Self

"Nichkhun, where are you gonna eat? The tables here in the cafeteria is full already. So stay here, or else someone will be lonely" Nichkhun was wondering who could be sad if he would leave, so he asked.
"Who could that someone be, could it be you Victoria?"Nichkhun said, assuming it was her 'cause he really thought it was her, but at the same time teasing her too.
"Babo, It's Minho. You're bestfriend. Stop making jokes. He will really be lonely since he'll be surrounded by girls you know."
"Ahh that's right."
"Nichkhun stay here. Faster sit." Then Nichkhun sat down, last time he sat beside Victoria but then now he sat beside Minho so that Victoria will not be bothered by him.

"10 minutes left for lunch. I will go first." Jessica said.
"Victoria, Tiffany come with me or else you'll be late and still you need to fix yourselves up."Jessica continued. So first they went to the restroom to fix themselves up before stepping in the classroom. Jessica and Tiffany put on make-up, while Victoria just brushed her long beautiful hair which was tied up as a pony tail. Then next she took of her thick glasses, to wipe it off. Her beautiful face was seen. But Tiffany and Jessica already knew about it so no worry. After they fixed themselves up, they went in the classroom. They were only 3 minutes early. During class they had a surprise test. The others were having a hard time, except for Victoria and Uee. They were answering it carefully. Since Victoria's rival is Uee in studying while, Uee's rival is Victoria. Then Victoria passed out the test paper first before Uee without checking if her answers are right. Uee was checking her testpapers twice then she passed out her testpaper. The quiz was finally over.
"The results will be given tomorrow."the teacher said. Then class continued, there were a lot of quizzes that day. Then finally!! They were finally dismissed.

Victoria was going home with Jessica and Krystal since they're house are near. But she left an important book, they need that book since they are gonna have a test tomorrow. That's why she need to go back and get it.
"Shall I go with you unnie?" Krystal suggested.
"No need. I got this, you go with Jessica. She'll be alone."
She ran towards the school without waiting for Krystal to say something. When she was on her way to get her book she saw a poor old man begging for money so she did gave her a little money. But then that old man was actually a theft.
"Oh no, my bag."
"I'll help you."A man said from behind, it was Nichkhun. She didn't need his help since she thinks she can handle it on her own.
"No need." 
Nichkhun was a little disappointed because of her answer. Then she ran after the theft, then Nichkhun ran after her too, to make sure she will be alright. He never knew Victoria was really fast in running, then her glasses fell while she was running, but she didn't notice it. Then finally Victoria caught the theft and got her bag, and Nichkun grabbed the glasses, then came to Victoria who finally noticed her glasses was gone. He was about to look in Victoria's face but then she ran to her home. 

"Oh no. I forgot about my book. What am I gonna do now?"
"You can just study tomorrow right?"her mother said, since she knew her daughter was smart.
"Why didn't I think of that."
"Anyways why didn't you wear your glasses." She doesn't want them to misunderstood like "you finally wanted to show your beautiful face." or something like that, so she told her the story. After telling them the story. Somebody knocked the door. Her mother opened the door.

It was Nichkhun he was bringing the glasses that Victoria owns. "Is Victoria here?" he asked. "Yes, she is wanna see her?"she answered.
"No Thanks she might not face me but please give this glasses to her, It fell when she was chasing the theft. And Thank You Miss Song." Then he smiled and left Victoria's house. The mother of Victoria gave her, her glasses. And then kept talking about Nichkhun saying he was cute and he should marry Victoria, how he was a gentlemen and such things. Victoria was annoyed and at the same time she blushed. She then told her mother to stop, then her mother stopped too. Then Victoria went upstairs to study some of her subjects then slept. She dreamed if...if...when will she be able to take of her glasses and what would happen if she did. Well it was a nightmare. Then she finally woke up. It was 6:00 in the morning and then she took a bath, then finally went to school.

The first person she met was Nichkhun he was early that time. They sat in their seat and Nichkhun started talking to Victoria, asking her to help him in his studies. But Victoria didn't mind him, she rather studied her book that she left yesterday. Victoria suddenly burst out anger because of how annoying he is, then he apologized and did not talk to her for about 15 minutes but after 15minutes he talked again, she told him to stop but now he won't stop. She just ignored him. All Nichkhun wants to do is to be close with her and know the reason why she hates him. Then silence came within Nichkhun since Victoria doesn't listen to a word he is saying. Victoria then said, "You're a good boy."in aegyo version. She was embarrassed her aegyo just popped out. Nichkhun was surprised how could someone as mean and cold as her has an aegyo that could burst out anyones heart.

His heart was beating real fast. He then covered his face which was blushing, he covered his ears with headphones which was also real red. His ears are always red whenever he blushes. Victoria was still studying, so she let her be. He also studied but fell asleep for just only 5minutes. Then when he was sleeping, Victoria was brushing her hair, and wiping her glasses which was becoming blurry. Then Nichkhun woke up and saw her untied hair which she was combing. Then she noticed him waking up so she directly wore her glasses and tied her hair in ponytails.

Then Tiffany and Jessica came. Victoria, Tiffany and Jessica was talking. But Nichkhun couldn't hear it since he is using headphones. The thing they were talking about is that Tiffany likes Kim Hyun Joong because yesterday when she was running in the wet halls to look for Victoria since she forgot her book, she slept and Hyun Joong helped her get up. Nobody has ever been like that with her, he was the first one. So she liked him and he was her first love. 

Then after talking more and more students came and class started. The discussion was really hard to understand for everyone but Victoria understood it directly, without having the teacher talk about it twice. It was easy for her. Many students were amazed with her intelligence. Especially Uee, how can she not understand something that Victoria understands easily so she tried to listen more to the teacher.

Then the teacher suggested that the whole class are gonna be playing a game. A quiz game, during quiz games Victoria and Uee are usually paired in different groups because that will be very interesting. Another information about them, they are the most hardest to defeat during quiz games, they were the strongest. But the one who always wins is none, it's always a tie. Then the game started, the teacher was asking them all sorts of questions, there were some questions that were hard to understand but Victoria and Uee overcame it. 

They were always winning until the last game came, it was like the finals of a world quizball. Many people was really surprised that the game ended so long. Many people were cheering, and it kind of made Victoria lose confidence but she still concentrated on the questions. The last question was being asked, Uee doesn't know the answer. And she tried to remember real hard. Then times up, Victoria's team got the right answer while Uee's team got wrong. So Victoria's team won. Uee cannot take defeat so she went behind Victoria and secretly tripped her. When she fell her glasses fell too. But she didn't realize it fell.

What could be the reaction of the students and the teacher?


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alfike #1
Chapter 17: hoping for an update please!! :)
nandoo #2
update update :)
yeppeuntohgi #3
update soon... =]
Ner reader xP<br />
f(shinee) + khuntoria + super generation = EPICKNESS xP<br />
update sooon
kyuteukdonghyuk #5
khuntoria shipper here!!!!!!!!<br />
update ASAP!!!!!!!<br />
I saw a Taelli...<br />
I LOVE THEM!<br />
And KhunToria!<br />
Update SOON!
i really love your fanfic. it's really interesting and original. but just that sometimes you have gender issues ><
Lyeara #8
minstal moments start now?? <br />
please make more misunderstanding like this..i like it ^^<br />
update soon~