We met again.

[Pink= Shin Ah's Message. Blue= Chen's]

Shin Ah woke up in the middle of the night when she felt her phone vibrate. Annoyed, she moved her hand around, trying to find where her phone was in the darkness. Who on the right mind will text me in the middle of the night? Curses. Shin Ah managed to unlock her phone. A pop-up appeared at her screen. 

1 new message. 



Shin Ah immediately rubbed her eyes and opened them wide. It's Chen Oppa yeah! Why would he text me? Shin Ah immediately opened the message. 

Hey. Still awake? I can't sleep. :(

Shin Ah smiled. She quickly replied him. 

Yepp! ^^ Oh and hey. Sorry bout what happened earlier... :(

Shin Ah was afraid that he would be mad at her and Baekhyun. She didn't want to spoil their relationship. Speaking of relationship, Shin Ah felt that she and Chen had a strong bond together. She didn't really feel it at first, but when she thought of how both of them interacted with each other made her happy and not awkward, which was surprising. She remembered the time when she first met Baekhyun. They were extremely quiet and uncomfortable with each other. Only after weeks of long interaction then they started to become friends. 

Oh great :) Nah. I don't mind :) Understand him. He's just jealous that I'm close to a pretty girl! XD

Shin Ah blushed upon reading the last sentence. Her heart started beating furiously. A million of thoughts ran through her mind. 

Really? HAHA. You're just joking right? I'm not prettier than Miss Universe. hehe... C:

Shin Ah hit the sent button and softly giggled at her comment. 

I'm not joking! Let's play Riddles. ^^ You'll start! :D

Okay! Hmm. What makes a sound but have no mouth, a woooo sound, can move but have no legs?

Are you seriously asking me this question from a movie?! It's wind. I remember this clearly as me and my girlfriend watched our first movie togethEr and this was it! Hehe. 

Shin Ah was shocked. She also watched the same movie with her 'dead' boyfriend. But nevertheless she just shrugged thinking it was just a coincidence. 

Oh really? Same here... :) It's your turn now! :)

Okayy. What grows more beautiful than a flower, have a slender body shape? I bet you can't guess that!

Shin Ah racked her brains. Yes indeed. She didn't know the answer. Which made her angry to lose. 

Haha. But no matter what I still won't tell you the answer! I'll tell you in the future~ Gonna sleep now. Nice talking to you! >< Jalja! ^^

Shin Ah pouted. She didn't want her chatting session with Chen to end. She sighed, before replying him a goodnight message. 

What is the answer to the riddle? Chen is one weird, confusing yet cute guy. Hehe. 

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Chapter 1: Omg update soon!! I wanna see what happens next Dx Cheenn when will you come in </3