Chapter 5

So What?
She couldn’t believe it. Why would he, out of anyone, date her?
Based on her first impression of Chaerin, or CL whatever her name was, she was vile. 
She treated Hyunji like trash, not even welcoming her as the new kid. It was a good thing Jongdae stepped in and protected her or else she would’ve most likely gotten suspended on her first day. 
While Hyunji was walking down the halls, someone grabbed her arm and slightly turned her around.
“Hyunji! Where were you going? The lunchroom is this way.” It was Jongdae. She pulled herself out of her thoughts and bluntly asked.
“Why did you date Chaerin?” 
Jongdae froze for a second, and looked back into the lunchroom, finding Chanyeol and Luhan gesturing for them to sit down, but he takes Hyunji’s hand and quickly rushes to find an empty room.
“JONGDAE! OVER HERE!” Luhan yells but watches him walk away with Hyunji.
“Something must have came up. But hey! Did you hear? She almost got into a fight with.. CL.” Chanyeol pulled Luhan down and whispered into Luhan’s ear.
“No way! What happened?” Luhan was shaking Chanyeol’s arm. 
“Okay! Okay! I’ll tell you what happened!” Chanyeol shook off Luhan’s arm and turned towards him.
Chanyeol told Luhan everything. Well, almost everything. Tao and Jongin sat down at the table and overheard the middle of the story and asked Chanyeol to start over, so he did. But in the midst of that storytelling, Baekhyun, Suho and Kris walked in and once again he had to start over. So, Chanyeol stopped the story and waited for everyone to get to the table before starting once again.
“So Jongdae stepped in? But she was his-” Jongin was cut off by a finger waving in front of his lips.
“I know! We all know, but yeah, apparently Jongdae stepped in right before Chaerin had the chance to hit her.” Chanyeol continued on. All while the storytelling of how, “Chen Saves New Girl From Ex!” story, the actual two were having a conversation in the empty choir room.
“How do you know that I dated Chaerin?” Once the two were inside the room, Jongdae stood rigid in front of Hyunji.
It was hard for her to answer because she always had a hard time talking when people would confront her, just like how Jongdae was doing now.
“I-I was in the hall, and I overheard her talking with her friends.”
“So what do you know?” Jongdae crossed his arms, waiting for her to answer.
“That you dated her, but she only used you to get her to another guy.”
“You’re right. She did.” He walked closer to Hyunji and took her hand, motioning for her to take the seat behind her.
“Look, I didn’t plan on having you find out this way, but I guess I have to tell you now.” Jongdae looks at his hands while he tells the story of his first love.
Flashback to Junior year.
Around the beginning of Junior year, Jongdae and Chaerin dated. Jongdae was a bit of a nerd and Chaerin was a quiet girl. She approached him first. They quickly became friends, sharing interests. It wasn’t long until Jongdae asked her to be his girlfriend. After that they were inseparable. They would talk every morning before school, and after. Every chance they got, they would be together. After awhile, he introduced her to the rest of the guys. She was really close with the oldest in the group. Constantly joking around and teasing them. Over time the two grew closer and closer. Though, one day, Chaerin texted Jongdae after school to meet her on the top floor of the school. Jongdae thought it was a surprise present. It was his birthday.
Jongdae quickly shuffled up the stairs to the top and heard a voice and a thud. Jongdae stopped and listened to the conversation.
“I know you want me. Why can’t you just admit it?”
It was Chaerin’s voice.
“You’re dating Jongdae. He’s one of my best friends, and I would never date you.”
Kris’s voice.
Jongdae was hurt. Their whole entire relationship was just a way for her to get to Kris?
“Oh, come on baby. Let’s get out of this place before he gets here. I texted him to meet up with me here, but I found you instead.”
At this point Jongdae climbed two steps and could see the two.
Chaerin had herself pressed up against Kris who was looking away from her, disgusted.
“Get. Off of me. Now.” Kris was on his last thread of patience. He shoves her off of his chest and she stumbles back. She turns to her right and sees Jongdae. She gives him a look, though Jongdae couldn’t decipher it.
She lunges towards Kris and plants her lips onto his. Kris pushes her off of him and wipes his lips vigorously as he looks at her on the ground.
“Are you crazy? Didn’t you say Jongdae was coming up here? He’ll be here any moment.” Kris leans against the wall.
“I already am." Jongdae is now standing at the top of the stairs, looking back and forth from Chaerin and Kris.
"Jongdae, I swear it's not what you think." Kris stands up straight and pleads for his friend to understand, but does not need to.
"It's alright Kris, I saw everything." As he says this, he looks at Chaerin with a look of disgust. He turns on his side, getting ready to go downstairs to leave. "Come on, let's go."
Chaerin then get's up from the floor and walks toward Jongdae.
"What are you doing?" Jongdae finally looks her in the eye. "I was calling Kris, and obviously you don't want me anymore so we're done. Kris, let's go." 
Kris was hesitant to leave his spot on the wall but quickly made his way to Jongdae's side.
Chaerin is shocked, from her anticipation, she thought he would've have fought for her, and leave Kris for good.
"Wait, Chen!" Before she could catch him, Kris and he were gone.
"Hey, Jongdae, I'm sorry, she was trying to kiss me. And I wasn't gonna let her, she just forced herself onto me." Kris's voice changed from his usual deep voice to a higher apologetic one.
"Nah, it's alright. I, I actually already kind of new. I overheard her little posse talking about when she was gonna break up with me and get with you. I guess it just slipped my mind when she texted me today."
Kris felt bad. Him and Chaerin really liked each other. Even before, it didn't look like she was faking her relationship with him. She really did care for him. 
I guess she's just a really good actor.
Back to Present
"And after that, we went to his house, where he and the guys threw me a birthday party. It was really fun, and it helped me get my mind off of her." 
Hyunji was surprised. She thought Jongdae was the type to become depressed, but she can't judge him. For it is only her first day still.
"So you and Kris and all good now, right? No hard feelings?" 
"Oh yeah, we are all good. Me and Kris are actually even closer now that that happened." Jongdae gave her a heart warming smile and got up, "Enough of the sad chit-chat. Let's get to lunch before the guys start a fight and I'm not there to fix it."
Hyunji smiles and stands up walking side to side with Jongdae.
As they walk, they can hear the loud chatter coming the lunch room. A group of kids walk by them and closely brush by Jongdae. He tries to avoid being hit, so he walks a little closer to Hyunji. Their hands brush against one another.
Most people just brush it off, but Hyunji starts to feel her stomach twist when this happens.
Jongdae can see Chaerin at the very end of the hall. 
It's a risky move but he can't stand to see her with her head high and his low. He grabs Hyunji's hand and they continue to walk.
"Jongdae, w-what are you doing?" She's surprised, but she doesn't let go. She looks up at him with wide eyes. He just smiles back at her and nudges his head to the girls in front of them.
It's that CL chick. 
She gets what he's aiming for and plays along. Plus she likes holding his hand. It's warm.
She can see Chaerin's friends nudge her and discreetly point in Jongdae and Hyunji's direction. So she leans her head on his shoulder as they walk and she mumbles to him, "They're looking at us now. What do we do?"
"You could kiss me, you know."
A smug smile on his face, he looks down at her and chuckles a little.
"Oh my god no!" She jokingly slaps him on his chest.
They both laugh and finally make it into the lunch room.
"Well not yet at least." 
"W-what?!" Now it was his turn to be wide-eyed. Hyunji didn't say anything and just turned her head and snickered to herself. 
Jongdae then let go for a few seconds and Hyunji immediately noticed. "Why'd you let go? She's still looking at us." She didn't want him to let go, honestly.
"I want this time to be me actually me holding your hand, no acting." Jongdae doesn't look at Hyunji when he says this. Rather, he waves his free hand at the group a few tables ahead of them. He grips her hand tighter makes a beeline for the table.
"Hey guys!" Jongdae pushes Yixing and Kyungsoo out of his way to make room for him and Hyunji.
"Well geeez, you could have asked nicely instead of knocking me off the seat."
"Sorry Kyungsoo." Hyunji apologizes for Jongdae who just sits there, stealing food from everyone.
"Jongdae! Get your own!"
"Sorry! Too lazy" He continues to munch on Kris, Yixing, Kyungsoo and Minseok's food, but the boy is quick to hide his dumpling from the hungry kid.
"This is so weird."
"What?" Hyunji heard Kyungsoo mumble to himself.
"Well, he's not usually this happy. Or hungry."
Minseok overheard the conversation and butted in, "The only other time he acted like this was when- KIM JONGDAE WHO ARE YOU DATING."
"WHAT!" Jongdae dropped Lays chips and bored his eyes into Minseok's own.
"Look, the only other time you acted like this was when you dated, her. And seeing that you came in running hold hands with Hyunji, it looks like-"
"Wait, you guys were holding hands? Why? Are you seriously dating?" Chanyeol cut Minseok short and waited for one of the two to answer him.
"Well. No, um. You see-" Hyunji wanted to tell them but didn't know exactly how to say it, but thankfully Jongdae finished for her.
"I'm just tired of CL okay? She's been walking around this school like I never existed and I wanted to show her that I still have a life after I dumped her sorry ." Everyone stopped and gave Jongdae their undivided attention. 
"But I may have technically asked-slash-used Hyunji to make her think we're dating. That's why I came running in with Hyunji like that." 
Everyone was at a loss. Jongdae wasn't one to lie to someone like that. He usually just confronted the person and straight up told them what was on his mind.
Baekhyun was the first one to speak up, "So now you guys are, fake dating?" 
"I guess so..?" Jongdae looked at Hyunji, "I mean if that's okay, with you.."
Hyunji was trying to think about it. But the whole table was focused on her and her imminent answer.
"Yeah, that's fine." She gave a weak smile and looked up at Jongdae.
"WOOO YOU GUYS ARE DATING NOW!!! CONGRATS!!" Tao jumped up and flailed his hands and bounded up and down grabbing everyone's attention in the lunch room. Especially CL's table.
Everyone started to whisper. Tao was still standing with his arms still awkwardly hanging in the air.
Luhan was and has always had a temper. Regularly, he can hold it in like it was nobody's business, but when it came to Tao, sometimes he would just snap. He half stood up and pulled him down. After he got Tao to sit down he looked around and slammed his hands on the table, knocking over a couple of the guys drinks, and unintentionally scaring Hyunji.
"Mind your own business, will ya?"
Instantaneously, the murmurs and hums stopped and the room went into complete silence before everyone strayed back to their original conversations. All except one table.
"Is he serious?" 
"They're not dating are they?"
"That ! She's literally only been here for a day! And she's already on th-"
"Yunhui." CL snapped at her, glowering at her to shut .
"Sorry, I forget sometimes." Yunhui sat straight in her seat, shoulders hunched while counting the specks on the table.
Yunhui was CL's closest friend out of the group it was her, CL, Sohee, and a few other girls that were just posers but CL had "let them in" because she thought it would make her look cool. Sohee and Yunhui both ignored the others because they were annoying most of the time. But CL acted like they were her best friends.
The bells ring, signaling for everyone to go to their next class. Everyone at Hyunji's table hesitated to get up. It always got awkward when Luhan would get mad. 
The silence was killing everyone, especially Kyungsoo. Looking to break it he glanced down at Hyunji's schedule in her hands.
Hey, you've got music next with Suho-hyung and Tao. You should go before you guys get there late." He points at the paper and gently smiled at her. She caught on and motioned at Tao and Suho to get up.
"Oh yeah, wouldn't want to be late. Come on guys lets go." She looked in Tao's direction, finding his head hanging off his shoulders. Baekhyun was sitting next to him craned his neck in Tao's direction, gesturing for Hyunji to get him up.
She walked around the table and snuck up behind him. She took both her hands and poked his sides, making him yelp and jump out of his seat. He turned around and looked up at her with sad eyes. She felt bad. Luhan probably didn't mean to upset Tao, but that was just him.
She smiled as sweetly as possible to him and nodded her head at Suho. The two made eye contact and Tao got up instantly. That was a pretty quick mood change. Tao got up and quickly collected his things. He gave a quick goodbye to the group while grabbing Hyunji's hand and rushing over to Suho.
Hyunji was in the middle of the two, looking back and forth from a smiling Tao, to a grinning Suho.
"Why'd he bounce back so fast?" She leaned her head towards Suho.
"He loooves, orchestra." They approached the orchestra room, the faint sound of students already tuning their instruments, energizing both Tao and Hyunji. 
Because her old school had to go through finalizing whether to keep their music programs, all electives were at a standstill for months. Even though kids were aloud to play out in the courtyard, they didn't have proper chairs or stands to read their music with. It just felt wrong to Hyunji.
Now after what felt like a lifetime, she would finally get to play. 
"So what do you play?" Suho reeled her out of her thoughts and into actuality.
"Hm? Oh, cello." Suddenly the other two stopped walking and suddenly high fived. She was lost. "Why are you so happy?"
"Are you kidding me? Mr. Seo will be so happy! Finally, we've got a girl cello!!" Tao shouted.
Just as they entered the room, Tao's hands were once again raised up in the air, grabbing the attention of everyone, including the teacher, Mr. Seo.
 "So you must be our first girl cellist. My name's Mr. Seo and it is a pleasure to have you." The young teacher extends his hand out to her and she gladly takes it, but as she's just about to let go, he holds onto her. 
"Uh, M-Mr. Seo.." Shes taken off guard as he studies her eyes.
"You truly are a cello player. Your grip is soft, but firm." He was studying her. So she in return, did the same. She held onto his hand for some seconds. She smiled and looked at him.
"Bass Player." She huffs. 
"Oh really now?" He seems to second guess her. 
"Yes. But though your hands are rough, they seem gentle. And you seem to grip loosely. Viola I'm assuming, I guess."
"Correct. You really are something. Well enough of the chit chat. If you don't mind, could you play a little something for us?" He finally lets go and motions to the rack of cellos against the wall. As expected most of them were the lighter type. 
Since all cello players were boys, she couldn't find the smaller sizes.
"I think this one will suit you well." In Suho's left hand is a dark, varnished, almost matte cello. It was nearly perfect for her.
Mr. Seo steps up to examine the instrument. "Funny actually. I ordered this one a while back in hopes of getting a girl cellist, now here you are." He hands her the cello and bow. She sits down and takes the end peg out from the bottom. She tightens the bow then quickly tunes the instrument before playing.
She played the part almost to perfection. It wasn't a slow song, but it wasn't fast paced either. It was a sweet tune.
Near the end she was so immersed into playing, she took no notice to the entire class listening and watching her play. When she stopped she wasn't expecting a full out applause to erupt her hearing. Some people were cheering, clapping, and Tao was screaming his lungs off. 
"OH MY GOD HYUNJI THAT WAS SO GOOD!" Tao straightened up from his spot behind Suho and jumped up to Hyunji.
"I deem myself impressed. That was fantastic. Who was that any way?"
"It was Momentum, by Robert-" 
"I don't mean to interrupt, but Mr. Seo really?" Tao once again took the attention of everyone.
"What's wrong Tao?" Mr. Seo was puzzled.
"Fantastic? That. Was. MARVELOUS." Tao stood behind Hyunji, unaware that he managed a blush to form on her cheeks.
Everyone settled down in their seats and continued to practice for the future concert while Hyunji sat down with Suho and Tao to talk with Mr. Seo.
"Though I think I already know the answer to my question, is there anywhere you would like to sit?" Mr. Seo grabbed her attention and she smiled.
"Would it be an inconvenience to sit next to Tao?" She pointed to the first three chairs. The cello rows were in set of threes, so it was perfect.
"Of course! You two can and will learn a lot from each other." Mr. Seo got up from the chair he sat in and went over to his desk to rearrange the seating chart.
"Yes! I get to sit next to you, Hyunji! This is gonna be so fun! I can't wait for the play offs next week!" Tao bounced up and down madly in his seat.
"Play offs? What's that, some sort of competition?" 
Suho stopped playing and explained, "All of the music kids get together and the end of each month and play against each other. We all sit in a massive circle and play. It's quite fun."
"It does sound like it." 
"Come on, let's practice! Every class is supposed to play one song together, so you need to start practicing!" Tao took out three pages and spread them out across the music stand.
"Symphony No. 5 in C Minor?" Her eyes grew larger in size as she focused her eyes on all the tempo changes and the different musical volumes sprawled across the papers. Of course she knew most everything when it came to music, but Ludwig van freaking Beethoven! One of the most respected musicians of all time.
"Yup! We didn't do well last month and now we really wanted to pick up." Tao shrugged his shoulders and brushed off the sad aura. "Let's practice!" 
For the first ten measures or so, it was just the three of them playing, it sounded very splendid, but what they needed was the whole orchestra. With a silent answer, other students started to join in. First it was the basses, and in little groups everyone caught on. These moments, when the orchestra plays on their own like this, was a feeling Hyunji loved. It showed that young students such as her were independent enough to play alone, without the accompaniment of a conductor.
They finally reached the end of the song and played it off with a bang. Everyone stayed still and let the last note ring before everyone cheered and clapped. Right as the classes applause ended, the bell for the last period of the day interrupted them.
"Alright kids! Today was great! You can all pack up and head on to your last class. See you all next Monday!"
"Bye Mr. Seo!" Goodbyes to the teacher were scattered everywhere in the air.
Just as Hyunji, Tao, and Suho were about to leave and meet up with Kyungsoo, Mr. Seo called after her, "Hyunji!"
She turned around and look at Mr. Seo, "Yes?"
"Have a good weekend." He then winked and returned to his desk.
Caught off guard by the teacher's gesture, she slowly walked back to Suho and Tao.
"Hey guys, is Mr. Seo usually always close with his students?"
"No, not really, I mean he's a good teacher and all, but he's not one of those sure-you-can-ditch-and-come-to-my-class kind of teachers. He's usually really reserved." Suho looked over at Hyunji who was on the other side of Tao.
"Really? Because he just winked at me, and it's kind of weird."
"Are you serious? That's so nasty. I know he's a teacher and all, but stay away from him. That's just down right creepy!" Tao shudders and shakes his head in disgust.
A short silence washes over the three until a hyper Sehun hastily grabs Hyunji away from Suho and Tao.
"Hyunji, come on! We gotta get to P.E. and quick, before Mr. Jung gets mad." Sehun pulls her quickly towards the direction of the locker rooms. They are met but two double door entrances. Sehun pushes Hyunji in front of the girls locker room.
"You've bought your uniform already right?" He lets go of Hyunji's arm and slowly walks backwards towards the boys locker room where Kai's already waiting for him.
"Yeah, of course." She holds the handle of the door waiting for Sehun to finally leave.
"Good, so get dressed as soon as you get your locker and meet us in the gym right after that okay! I don't want you to get hurt."  Sehun's smile tones down a little.
"Why would I get hurt?" She looks at Sehun and Kai looks towards the chattering group coming towards them.
It's CL's friends. But no CL. Does she not have this class?
"Oh. Okay. See you in a few!" Hyunji quickly says goodbye and rushes into the locker room. She takes out her information packet and finds her P.E. form. Her locker's is in the back left of the locker room. She sets her backpack down on the bench and opens her locker. She takes out her uniform and undresses and puts it on in less than two minutes. She quickly folds her school uniform, packs up and locks her locker. She walks out to find a few girls also ready and walking through another set of double doors that lead out to the gym. She shuffles to follow them with her head down, hoping she doesn't get noticed.
She walks in and sees almost half of the other boys also in the gym. She searches the gym for a sign of the dark boy or the light skinned blond anywhere, but Kai had already waited by the doors, sneaking up on her.
"Boo." He silently whispers in her ear, making her turn around and jump.
"Geez! Jongin, you scared me!" She used his real name in hopes of him feeling some sort of guilt.
"Sorry. And you should call me Jongin instead of Kai, I like it." He leaned closer to her, winking at her.
She pushed him away making him giggle. Even though he was cocky, she had to admit he was pretty handsome. But she already had her eyes on someone else.
"But seriously though, you can call me Jongin. I only use Kai when I perform, and for people who aren't really my friends.
Jongin used the word "perform" which made her ears perk up. "Perform?"
Jongin looked down at his feet and ruffled his hair, "Yeah I do ballet." 
She was confused, he was acting shy.
I guess he's ashamed of people knowing.
"Jongin, look at me."  Hyunji's voice softens and she waits for him to look at him.
"The fact that you know how to dance, ballet, may I add, I already have major respect for you. For all ballet dancers, boy or girl. When I see someone dance ballet it blows my mind. I own no ability to dance at all. And I have a feeling you're pretty good. So don't worry what others say. If they don't accept you for what you do, forget them. They're not worth it. So lighten up. To me, you're probably one of the most interesting people I've met in my life."
Her hands slip off of his shoulders, but the contact between them reconnects as Jongin takes a step forward and hugs her tightly. The two just stay there before Jongin breaks the silence with a response that almost breaks Hyunji's heart.
"You're the first person ever, to say something like that. Not even the guys. They all laughed, even my parents chuckled when I said I'd wanted to do ballet when I was young." He squeezes her a little tighter before letting go.
"Thank you." He looks at her with the most sincere eyes, combined with a look of happiness and heartbreak.
"Well since you've told me, you will have to perform for me. No excuses." The two softly laugh and Jongin nods his head.
"Of course. I won't break this promise. I swear it."
"Cool. Now lets go find Sehun."  She turns around and finds a displeased look Sehun whose eyes look back and forth from the other two.
"Uh. Why were you two all, huggy-huggy, emotional earlier?" His arms are crossed, foot tapping, like a father catching his kid coming home late.
"Nothing Sehun, I just told her I did ballet and she said it was cool." He smiled and looked at Hyunji who had returned the gesture.
"HAHAHAHA. AHH HYUNG I ALMOST FORGHAHAT-" Sehun abruptly stops laughing and looks at them again.
"Wait, you said it was cool?"
"Of course! I love dance. Especially ballet. So you can just stop laughing." This time Hyunji crossed her arms and looked at Sehun.
"Well fine then."
"Hey there's Mr. Jung. Let's go!" Jongin took Hyunji lightly by her wrist and jogged in the teachers direction.
Sehun was a little jealous. "H-hey, wait for me!" Hyunji was once again caught in the middle of two boys as they rushed off to greet their teacher.
"Good afternoon kids!" The gym teacher's voice boomed and the students greeted him back.
"Alright, today is soccer day!"
The students cheered and jumped.
"Jung Style."
Everyone stopped jumping. Even the bubbly Sehun had his shoulders slumped.
Even though everyone was sad, Jongin was the the only one actually excited to play.
"What's Jung Style?" Hyunji leans over to mutter to Jongin.
"It just like soccer. But you can pick up the ball and tackle. So soccer and football in one, vigorous, deathly game." 
Oh, she was ready for this. Football was one of her favorite sports. Soccer too. This is going to be a walk in a park. But her spirit broke at the coaches next announcement.
"Girls on the first half of the field, boys on the other."
No. She doesn't know anyone at this school besides the boys, but she knows most girls are not willing to play a game like this with enthusiasm.
Everyone made it outside to the field. She started walking in her designated direction but she turned to her side when she saw one of CL's friends walk towards the boys. Sohee, was it?
She overheard her little chat with coach.
"Thanks for letting me play with the guys coach. You know how the other girls can get."
He lets her play with the guys? 
Hyunji went on a wing and walked up to the coach.
"Uhh, coach? Is it okay if I also play with the guys? I don't think I can handle the easy version of this game."
Coach Jung turns around to see an unfamiliar face, but allows her to play. "Of course! But who are you? Oh wait, you're the new student, right? Uhh, let me see... Hyunji?"
"Yeah, I'm the new kid. Sorry I didn't say anything earlier."
"Ah, no it's alright, just make sure you see me out in the gym to sign your paper. Good luck on the field Hyunji." He gave her a quick pat on the back and walked over to the girls field, yelling encouraging words trying to get them to actually play.
"Hey Jongin. Guess who's playing on your team. I am!" 
Jongin was surprised. "You can play this game?"
"Uh, yeah. I played on a team when I was younger."
"Okay, just don't get hurt okay? Sehun can get pretty competitive. Come one our teams gonna kick off." He lead her to their end field and waited for kick off.
Taemin and Hyunji walked home. After a tiring, drama-filled, exciting day, the two already sunk into the couch, Taemin reaching for the remote. A variety show was on. 
P.E. was hands down the most tiring. "Jung Ball" was a lot more fun than the other kids had made it out to be. Even though Sehun loathed the game, once he figured out from the crowd of girls cheering was for Hyunji, his game face was on. Every time he tried to tackle her, she'd slip right out of his arms. Though there was one time when he did catch her. But he caught her in an awkward position. He was running right towards her and she ran straight into his arms. She hugged him and looked up at him. Her eyes as innocent as could be. She leaned in. A pinky's width away, Sehun let his grip slip, his lips drawing near to hers. She slipped away once again, making yet another touchdown and cheering while watching Sehun pound his fists on the ground as he lay there, yelling to himself. After Hyunji and Jongin's teams anticipated win, Sehun made no attempt to talk to them. After they walked out of the locker rooms the bratty boy fast walked and was nowhere to be seen after that. 
Jongin walked with her half way and they waited for Kyungsoo to lead her to the last class of the day. Before he left he gave Hyunji a hug she did not expect. She recalled her little speech to him and let him envelop her in his arms a few moments longer. He finally left and she went with him to her last and thankful class, Culinary. Hyunji loved cooking, and it came as a surprise to her when she realized that Kyungsoo was in the class also. 
Once again she gave another heartwarming speech to another insecure boy with a secret. How many of them were actually in the whole group? First Minseok, Jongdae, Jongin, then Kyungsoo? Some first day she had.
She also found out another surprising fact. 
Hyunji's attention snapped away from the TV to her phone. A text coming from an unsaved number.
Hey Hyunji! It's me, Sohee.

A/N: Yo! Finally made an update of some kind! I didn't realize how long this chapter was gonna be. So here you go! I'm gonna work on AFDV next. I've already got half of the plot line for the next chapter so hopefully I won't be lazy and get it done fast! 
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i didnt update, i just changed the chapter names sorry for the false hope if i gave you any..


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Chapter 5: :P u better update soon~ :)
Coconutzie #2
Chapter 4: Awww, did CL use Chen to get to one of the other boys? :(
No wonder he didn't tell her...
Update soon!