Chapter 4

So What?

"-re CL gets here.." Jongdae starts to sink into his seat as CL, one of the populars, stands next to Hyunji, with a hand on her hip, and taps her foot impatiently.

Shocked, Hyunji looks up, with a defensive look, putting up a barrier between Jongdae and herself against CL.

"I'm sorry, but I don't see your name on it, which means, that I have every right to sit here." Hyunji then turns back to Jongdae hoping that CL would go away, but to her dismay, she decides to put in her two cents.

"I've sat in this seat for two years, and you are not going to be the one to ruin it." Suddenly, Hyunji is pushed off of the chair as CL looks down at her and laughs.

For Jongdae it was all in slow motion. He quickly got up to stand in front of Hyunji sending glares towards CL.

"Why don't you sit somewhere else?" He firms his voice, changing from the usual quiet Jongdae, to his defensive side. He helps Hyunji up to sit her back in the seat when CL speaks up again.

"You don't get it do you? Why you little-" CL lifts her hand into the air to continue to make contact with Hyunji's face when suddenly a hand grips tight onto CL's wrist. Later, Jongdae's voice fills the room.

"I said. Go. Sit. Somewhere. Else." He looks up at her and shoves her hand away.

Startled by Jongdae's sudden force, CL walks to the back of the room with her friend.

"Why was Chen with that new girl? I haven't even heard him speak ever since y-" 

"Sohee." CL stops her while simultaneously staring at the two from across the room. She sees Jongdae grab her wrist and feels something burns inside of her.

"You're alright, right?" Jongdae looks at her with concern and grabs her wrist when she pauses too long to reply, "I'm fine, really." She smiles at him proving to him that she really is alright.

They sit in silence for a few minutes when the bell rings. Everyone gets up except for CL, with Sohee waiting for her to get up.

"Come on CL, we're gonna be late." Sohee catches her attention and CL gets up, thinking to herself as she sees the two walk out. She really doesn't remember?

Walking out of the classroom next to each other, Hyunji breaks the silence, "So what was that all about? You know, you and that CL chick.." she timidly asks Jongdae, waiting for a reply.

"Not much. Just a lot of drama. Nothing worth being told again." He looks at the ground with a saddening, regretful look.

"The way you look right now says it is something worth being told. It's okay, tell me." She sweetly replies wanting to know what's on Jongdae's mind to hopefully release the tension between the two.

Should I tell her? I feel like she'll judge me if I do. I hate myself.

Jongdae was torn deciding whether to tell Hyunji one of his biggest mistakes, or not.

"I'll tell you at lunch kay? I don't feel like saying right this moment. Sorry Hyunji." He apologetically looks down to her really wishing he could tell her this moment, but he doesn't like to open up old wounds.

Hyunji wondered why he suddenly became glum. Had she said something? Whatever happens, he said he'd tell her at lunch right? She can wait until then.

"I understand, I'll give you time. I'll see you at lunch. Bye Jongdae."

"I'll see you at lunch." He speaks up a little before walking away in the other direction. 

Hyunji thinks to herself before someone sneaks up behind her. 

She feels a presence behind her and turns to her left to see if anyone was walking behind her.

No one.

She checks her right side before-

"HYUNJI!" A voice booms in her left ear, also making her jump and turn around completely to catch sight of the culprit.

"CHANYEOL YOU SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME!" Relieved to have found who it was she slaps him on his arm.

"Chanyeol, I think you over did it. Look at her eyes! They're so wide. They're as big as Kyungsoo's." Pointing them out, Luhan smiles at Hyunji.

"Sorry Hyunji, I didn't mean to scare you that much.." He looks down at the ground but secretly smiles, glad that he reached his goal.

"Just, don't do it again! You really did scare me!" She looks up at the two and grins at them"So where's our next class?"

"It's right around the corner, come one, we're gonna be late!" Luhan grabs both Chanyeol and Hyunji's wrist as they dash into the class right as the bell rings.

"I told you guys, if I hadn't made you run we would have been late." Luhan shakes his head.

"Mrs.Choi! We have a new student! Her name's Hyunji!" Chanyeol pushes her to the front of the class and turns her around to face everyone.

"Um, hi everyone! As you know thanks to Chanyeol," she looks at Chanyeol and back at the students, "My name is Hyunji, I hope to have fun in this class, and to get to know all of you well." Hyunji bows and turns around to the teacher to give her schedule to be signed.

"Oh, Hyunji, you forgot to get your 3rd period teacher to sign this." She finishes signing the paper and hands it back to Hyunji, "You can go after this period since lunch is after this." 

"Okay thank you." Hyunji goes to sit with Chanyeol and Luhan and gets out a new notebook for the class.

During the class, Hyunji finds that she gets along really well with the two. Chanyeol and Hyunji both like to be outside, while Luhan and Hyunji both enjoy sports, so in a way, they all get along quite well.

After jotting down few notes, the bell rings and they were off to lunch.

Hyunji remembered that she had to get her paper signed so she told the two to tell the others she'd be there in a few minutes.

She walked upstairs to Mrs. Lee's class and gets the paper signed. Right before she walks out she hears CL's voice from a distance, talking to one of her friends.

"I still can't believe you dated him. He's not even that cute." The other girl said.

"I chose him because he was quiet and weak. Using one of the others would have been harder to get to him." CL says.

Right before the two girls turn the corner she faintly hears the other girl speak.

"But why Chen?"



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i didnt update, i just changed the chapter names sorry for the false hope if i gave you any..


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Chapter 5: :P u better update soon~ :)
Coconutzie #2
Chapter 4: Awww, did CL use Chen to get to one of the other boys? :(
No wonder he didn't tell her...
Update soon!