Chapter 7

Breaking Bonds, Forming Ties


{A/N: I know it will be past Christmas by the time the next chapter is posted about when they turn in their paper mâché statues, so I apologize for ruining the Christmas feel. >x< Oh, and Merry Christmas!}



Chapter 7


All eight of them went to a club-like bar. The lights around them flashed into many colors, and swirled throughout the wave of men and women. Jisu and Chaerim clung on to each other, while Kai took the lead dancing to the music. Suho directed D.O., Sehun, and the two girls to the bar, while the others grinded against the other dancers, although it looked as if Baekhyun was forced along. The bartender spotted them and sashayed over. She wore a shirt that barely covered her melon sized s, and stopped at her waist. All of the men sitting around the bar had their eyes glued on her, more for her s than her face. She looked average, and had a tad bit too much makeup.


Can I help you?” the bartender purred.


Yeah baby, you sure can. Eight bottles of soju for my friends,” Kai said appearing next to them. There were small beads of sweat glittering on his bridge and temples, accentuating his handsome features. Chaerim stared at him for a moment, admiring him, before Kai noticed and winked. Chaerim turned away and joined the conversation between Chanyeol and Baekhyun.


They were bickering about some small things before Chaerim steered the conversation a different direction.


So how do you guys know each other?” she questioned.


We are one! We are this little group called EXO, but Suho, Sehun, D.O., Kai, and us are part of EXO-K. There is EXO-M, but they are almost always travelig, mainly to China.” Chanyeol stated.




Yeah! EXO is comprised the 12 most handsome and richest heirs in the Pacific Asia region. All of our parents are pretty rich, and all of us want to get away from that life, so we got into the college. Most of us met in Primary School. But I've known Chanyeol since birth.”


Chanyeol grinned and gave Baekhyun a one armed hug.


When was the last time you saw EXO-M?”


Well, let me see,” Baekhyun said scratching his head. “I think in fall. The weather in South Korea makes it hard to fly over here.”


Chaerim nodded, and glanced at Jisu. Kai was trying to get Jisu and Suho to drink a shot. D.O. was really red faced, and his eyes kept going out of focus. Sehun was hiccuping and kept drinking to try stopping them. Kai was still going strong, taking shots of Soju between each sentence.


Chanyeol and Baekhyun noticed their situation and pushed past the crowd to get to Kai. Chaerim followed close and laughed as she easily walked behind the tall Chanyeol.


Yo wassup guys?” Kai greeted.


He refilled his cup and handed it to Baekhyun. Baekhyun looked puzzled and Kai aided him by raising his cup to his mouth. Baekhyun made a look of distaste, and Kai cackled. He filled the cup again and gave it to Chanyeol. Chanyeol glanced at Chaerim who was looking up at them, and threw his head back, swallowing the Soju.


My alcohol tolerence isn't very good. Shouldn't of done that.


Kai continued to make Chanyeol and Baekhyun drink, taking sips of the overly filled glasses. Suho accidently drank some Soju, mistakening it for club soda. Jisu chatted away with the bartender, and Charim disappeared into the crowd. She appeared on the other side and was about to walk into the bathroom when she was pulled back into the crowd. She was face to face with a young man, who was grabbing her hips, and swayed her to the rhythm of the song that played.


Hey baby, what's your name?” he questioned.


Chaerim was spun around so her back was facing him. He drew closer to her and Chaerim's eyes widened. Chaerim tried to free herself, but the man gripped her wrists, and had his cheek pressed against hers. He spun her back around and danced some more.


I'm Kwon Jiyong, call me GD.”


Chaerim pulled away and straightened her clothes, rubbing her cheek to remove the 'cooties'.


Do I know you?” she asked demandingly.


Yeah, babe. I'm in your Computer Science class. I saw you sleeping in that class and found you cute. Wanna go out sometime?”


Chaerim was about to answer when a tall figure appeared next to her. Chanyeol looked slightly blurry eyed, and he protectively hugged her.

Chaerim looked up and Chanyeol gave a toothy smile. Chanyeol glared at GD, and Chaerim was struggling to escape.


Oh, I didn't know.”


Oh no, I'm not dating him. To answer your question, no,” Chaerim said. She slipped out of his grip, and grabbed him towards EXO-K and Jisu. Baekhyun was still drinking by control of Kai. D.O. And Sehun were leaning next to each other, both of them very drunk. Kai started to look like he was going to collapse, while Baekhyun's face was very red, and he was hiccuping, AND looked like he was going to vomit. Suho had a small rash on his face, and Jisu was panicking about it.


Chaerim finally made eye contact with Jisu, giving her a look that said 'We should get everyone out of here'. Jisu nodded in rely, and slung Suho's arm over her neck. Chanyeol started laughing as Chaerim ran through the crowd to get to Baekhyun and Kai. Kai was about to take a shot, when she pulled it out of his hand and collected all of the Soju bottles. There were ten empty ones, Kai working on the eleventh. Chaerim placed some money on the counter and, pulled Baekhyun and Kai after her towards the exit. Jisu was waiting outside, Suho scratching at his rash, with a dazed look on his face from the small amount of alcohol he had. D.O. and Sehun having a slap fight, making wierd noises. Kai finally collapsed on the concrete steps, and sat lazily. He looked at his hands and got wide eyed.




He looked at his palms, and he pouted.


Where *gasp* is *gasp* my *gasp* SOJU????!!!!!”


He started bawling, and stopped himself by sticking his thumb in his mouth, on it. The two sober girls struggled to get the drunk boys moving. Only Chanyeol and Baekhyun seemed the most 'obedient'. They were leaning next to each other, head to head, and were walking in sync.


They walked down an walkway, with trees decorated with lights and ornaments. They rested at a bench, and D.O. ran to puke at the base of a nearby tree. Suho looked up and saw a mistle toe.


Jisu! Looky~~” Suho yelled pointing up.


Jisu glanced up and smiled. She gave Suho a small peck on the lips, and then held her nose afterwards.


Your breath stinks...


Chanyeol watched the couple and looked up. He glanced at Chaerim and tapped her shoulder. She faced him and he puckered his lips. He grew closer and closer, Chaerim looking very puzzled by his action. Chanyeol was centimeters (or inches, your preference) away from Chaerim's lips.


As they were about to kiss, Chanyeol doubled over and vomited. He kept leaning forward, and fell to the ground, like the other members of EXO-K. He sprawled out, making 'angels'. He giggled and fell asleep within seconds. And the rest of EXO-K were following Chanyeol, puking, collapsing to the ground, and falling asleep.

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omgomg1221 #1
Chapter 6: Omg this is so interesting!!! Cant wait until your next update.
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOOON PLEASE!!!!!!!
smiley95 #3
Chapter 2: Getting super good! Keep up the good work!!!!!
Chapter 2: awww...omg update!
BangHimShipper #5
Chapter 2: I like it,
please keep writing, neh? ^^
-Kawaii_Panda #6
Chapter 2: Update more please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Nice start, please update it. Fighting :D ♡ !!!!
2NE1minzyforever #8
Chapter 1: interesting...